and check this out using this free,website you can see that in the past,year I have made over 367,000 New Zealand Dollars which is over,237,000 US Dollars hey everyone and welcome,back and welcome to a New Year yay so I,was inspired to make this video today,because I wanted to show how if you,wanted to launch a new business you,could do so 100 for free yes for free,and I think this is very important right,now because this year entrepreneurs have,a big Challenge and that's inflation yep,stuff has gotten really expensive and so,spending money on stuff like apps,websites and advertising well that can,add up real fast which is why I really,wanted to share this video with you to,show you that if you want to change your,life and start a new business you can do,so even if you have a low startup budget,because using these Epson websites you,can start a business even if you have no,money yes so I'm going to be breaking,this video into different types of sites,and apps so let's start with the best,current free apps and websites to do,traffic and marketing yep I wanted to,start with this one because if you think,about it it's kind of the lifeblood of a,business because after all what's the,point in creating an awesome t-shirt or,promoting an affiliate offer or starting,an agency if no one is there to click on,it or buy it and so I wanted to share,with you the best three apps and,websites right now for driving traffic,to any type of business that you want to,start and these three apps are the,Facebook and Instagram mobile video app,reels and the YouTube mobile video app,YouTube shorts and of course Tick Tock,yep it's true mobile video views are,exploding more and more people are using,these apps which means that these video,platforms need a huge amount of videos,just to sustain this demand and so they,will give everybody's videos a chance to,succeed not just established creators,but new creators as well take this,YouTube channel Anna which focuses on,YouTube shorts Grizzly well if we check,out their social blade you'll see two,things number one they started super,recently and number two they gave nearly,a hundred thousand subscribers within,their first month despite the fact that,there are nobody so as you can see with,mobile videos new creators can have,success very fast and this can be a huge,opportunity then for new businesses,starting on a budget for example if you,want to sell print-on-demand products,this year you can create viral Tick Tock,videos that showcase your products like,this one here did that got over 2,million views and then you can link to,your store and your bio or if you're,Drop Shipping you could create a fun,showcase viral video like this one here,and then in the comments section you can,create a pinned comment with a link to,your store or you could be like this,Creator here she sells digital courses,which show how to use Excel so she,creates educational Instagram reels,videos showing how to use Excel and then,she links to her digital horses and her,bio or you could be like this Creator,here she creates viral restocking,organization home Instagram reels videos,and then in her bio she links to her,Amazon storefront that is an affiliate,link if you head on over to Amazon,through it and then purchase anything,she will earn an affiliate Commission on,the sale or maybe you want to be a,freelancer or start an agency if so you,can be like this Fiverr seller here she,films her stuff doing her Fiverr drawing,commissions and then puts them up on,Tech talk and then links to her Fiverr,account in her bio and of course if you,want to scale this you can upload your,video to all three apps for example do,you remember that slushy cup video I,showed you earlier that went viral on,YouTube shorts well that video was,actually uploaded to all three apps and,it went viral on all three apps which,means that they're getting free traffic,from all three apps and making mobile,videos yourself for free is super easy,using just your phone and this free app,cap cart or if you'd rather edit your,videos on your computer I highly,recommend this free app click champ and,as a bonus I also share my tips and,tricks for generating free traffic,inside my free ebook the six tips at six,figure online stores followed to make,over ten thousand dollars a month if,you'd like to learn how I and others use,this to earn passive income every day I,have a link to my free ebook in the,video description below and actually,here's something that can help you,create videos and that's free pictures,videos musics and sound effects that you,can use and even resell yep knowing,where to get free pictures videos music,and sound effects can really help you,with your new business for example one,obvious way is a part of marketing you,can use stock videos to create videos,that advertise your new business but,there are less obvious ways too for,example finding free pictures online,that you then turn into products that,you can resell for a profit legally nice,and so one of my favorite websites to,find these has to be pixabay you could,think of pixabay like a big online,digital Content Library on here you're,going to find lots of free stunning,photos and your find free illustrations,and vector graphics and you'll find lots,of free stunning stock videos and b-roll,that you're allowed to use and they even,have lots of free music that you're,allowed to use plus a bunch of free,sound effects too and the really cool,thing is that everything on pixabay is,free to use even for commercial purposes,some of the content is in the public,domain which means that it has no,copyright protections at all which means,you can use it for any legal purpose,including reselling it as is whereas,some of the content has their custom,pixabay license but this is still very,flexible the main restriction that you,need to be aware of was the custom picks,of a license is that you can't just,re-upload the content as is so for,example if I wanted to make a mobile,video to advertise my new business,instead of just taking a single pixabay,video and uploading it as is I could,combine multiple pixabay videos together,to create a montage and pixels is,another website that's very similar to,pixabay on here you're going to find,lots of stunning free photos and some,incredible stock that videos that you're,allowed to use for commercial purposes,and is the biggest,website for finding free public domain,pictures online you just type in what,you want to find a picture of and select,what type of picture that you want and,do a search for it so for example let's,say that you wanted to download Van,Gogh's paintings because they're now in,the public domain where you just come,here and you do a search for Van Gogh,and select a search for Fine Art and,then you would be able to download Van,Gogh's pictures in high quality and then,you could resell the paintings onto,products like this Etsy seller has done,here by turning them into a t-shirt,design the Etsy researcher Laura,estimates that this t-shirt has made,over 52,000 which is pretty cool so now let's,discuss the best websites and apps to,sell physical and digital products,online for free so eBay is a free,website that you can use to start a,store every month every user gets at,least 250 free item listings so it's,great for those of you out there that,want to start up an online store with no,startup money money because while eBay,does have selling fees these get removed,from the money after the customer has,already paid it which means that there,is no upfront cost to sell on here so on,eBay you can sell two types of products,the first is of course physical products,for example this store here sells,physical products and print-on-demand,products and has had over a hundred and,twenty two thousand sales and actually,if you want to sell print-on-demand,products on eBay the two fix,print-on-demand apps printify and,printful both have your own Integrations,making it super simple but something,else that a lot of people don't realize,is that you can sell a second type of,product on eBay you can sell digital,downloads for example this is a,successful eBay store with over 59 000,sales and they sell downloadable clipart,files but eBay isn't the only website,Etsy is another and you can earn a lot,of money on Etsy for example this is a,store that specializes in selling,digital downloadable products well the,Etsy researcher for Laura estimates in,the last year the store has made over,350,000 US Dollars and this here is another,example of a store it specializes in,selling physical print-on-demand,products it was started just over two,years ago and in that short time a Laura,estimates that it's made over 1.7,million dollars,wow there is just one problem though,with Etsy Etsy isn't free,no it's not it costs 20 cents to list an,item now admittedly that's pretty cheap,but let's be honest 20 cents that ain't,free y'all and this video is all about,getting stuff for free am I right it's,not about getting stuff for 20 cents,luckily though Etsy runs a promotion,where they will give a new store 40 free,item listings if they register by using,a referral link so here is my,step-by-step trick to finding an Etsy,referral link step one come to Etsy and,do a search for 40 free item listings,step two click on one the dummy product,listings that somebody has created and,then go to the item description in there,you will find an Etsy referral link,click it and then step three you'll be,taken to that store's referral page,where you can create a new Etsy store,with 40 free item listings etsy's,referral program will give you 40 free,item listings and it will give the store,that referred you 40 free item listings,so it's a win-win and by the way if,you'd like to learn how to set up an,Etsy store I have a step-by-step,tutorial inside my e-commerce training,program the econ Clubhouse if you'd like,to see if it's right for you I'll have a,link to it in the video description so,then let's now discuss how to sell a,different type of product for free,digital courses yes the digital,education Market is a huge opportunity,for new business owners it's currently,predicted that by 2026 the education,Market will have quadrupled which is,pretty insane that's why educational,content creators like Miss Excel who I,showed off earlier who makes educational,Tick Tock videos and Instagram reels,videos showing how to use Excel are,crushing it so she makes those videos,and then she links to her digital,courses in her bio well she has shared,in interviews that she makes up to and,over a hundred thousand dollars a day,from selling her digital courses wow so,then if you also want to get involved in,this opportunity you can set up a free,digital course over on think effect,their free plan lets you set up one,course 100 for free and sell it and if,you want to set up a seeking course for,free you can create another one over on,teachable get free plan also lets you,create one digital course for free and,sell it nice all right then now it's,time to showcase the best free websites,and apps for affiliate marketing so I'm,going to share with you my favorite free,website for finding High converting High,profit affiliate products such as canva,yes on this channel I have tutorial,videos which showcase how to use my,favorite Graphics app canva well in the,video description for that YouTube,shorts I included an affiliate link to,canva and the way that I got my,affiliate link was through my favorite,website impact yes I absolutely love,impact it's the biggest website for,finding affiliate programs for,established products you just create a,free account and then you can go through,their big directory and then choose a,product that you want to promote and,then submit an application to become an,affiliate for it the reason why I love,impact is because it has so many,products and websites and apps inside of,it that are already really popular such,as Crocs or namecheap or Walmart or of,course canva I personally find it much,easier as an affiliate to earn,commissions from brands that are already,well known and popular because it's very,easy to recommend something to someone,if they already like it and check this,out using this free website you can see,that in the past year I have made over,367,000 New Zealand Dollars which is over,237,000 US dollars so you can see why I like,it a lot and Amazon Associates is,another great free website for affiliate,marketers for example take this Tick,Tock Creator here she creates Amazon,favorites videos where she showcases her,favorite products from Amazon well in,her bio she has a link to her link tree,page which has different links of,different Amazon products that she,showcases in her videos if you click on,one of the affiliate links and then go,buy a product from Amazon she will earn,a commission on that sale physical,products definitely have smaller,commissions and digital products but you,can make very viral videos on them which,means that you can get a lot of clicks,and purchases which can add up fast,which is pretty cool so now let's go and,take a look at the best free websites,and apps if you want to start a,freelance agency this year so Fiverr is,easily the biggest Marketplace to list,your services that you want to sell,every four seconds somebody is buying a,freelance gig on here they charge a 5.5,service fee on each gig that you sell,but that money is only removed from the,money after the customer has paid so,there are no upfront costs or fees to,start selling on here and another really,great idea is to go ahead and list your,services on another free website upworks,project catalog it works just like,Fiverr you just come here and offer the,services that you're selling as either a,freelancer or an agency and then people,can come and purchase them as one-off,gigs and this website in my opinion is a,huge opportunity this year for new,Freelancers and agencies and that's for,two reasons number one uplook is already,a very popular website so there's lots,of customers on here already but the,project catalog is very new which means,that there's a lot of gigs that are not,on the project catalog website that are,already on Fiverr for example on Fiverr,there's a popular good style where you,create a music track for someone in a,form of a particular genre such as Neo,Soul well if we come to the project,catalog and do a search for a custom Neo,Soul music track we will find that there,is nobody offering this currently and,the only result that we get is for,somebody offering to do r b vocals and,so if you were to swoop in and be the,first person to list a gig for this then,it would be very easy for you to rank,and take advantage of all the traffic,that's already on app work because you'd,be the only person offering this gig,alright so now let's talk about,something that all businesses need to do,and that is how to create and design,graphics for free so there are lots of,reasons why you will need apps and,websites to create Graphics regardless,of whatever type of business that you're,starting for example you might need,these to create a business logo or you,might need them to create thumbnails for,a video or you might need them to create,graphics for a product that you're,selling such as a t-shirt well for,advanced graphic design photopia is a,great free app that I absolutely love it,is very similar actually to photoshop,I'm not an advanced graphic designer but,I have used some awesome free YouTube,tutorial videos to teach me how to use,photoper and so even if you ask an,advanced graphic designer I highly,recommend checking these out and,checking out photopia but of course as,I've already mentioned I genuinely love,canva and it's still my absolute,favorite graphic design app I love it,because it's really simple it has,hundreds of thousands of fonts shapes,pictures graphics and photos,pre-installed and it's free account you,just drag and drop them onto the blank,canvas to create any graphic that you,like they have two account types a free,and Pro Plan the free plan for many,people is great but if you do decide to,get a pro account you can still get it,for free by getting their free 30-day,trial yay so then did my video inspire,you if it did Please Subscribe for more,videos about earning money online and,click that little notification Bell so,that you don't miss out on any of my,uploads
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