shopify abandoned cart won't show

How To Setup Abandoned Cart In Shopify for Free | Shopify Marketing Automations when a potential cus

Stewart Gauld

Updated on Mar 06,2023

How To Setup Abandoned Cart In Shopify for Free | Shopify Marketing Automations

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How To Setup Abandoned Cart In Shopify for Free | Shopify Marketing Automations

when a potential customer adds your,products to their shopping cart on your,Shopify store but then they don't end up,completing the purchase this is called,an abandoned cart however did you know,that you can recover many of these,abandoned carts by simply sitting up an,abandoned card email and Shopify,hey guys Stuart here welcome along to,this channel I hope you're all having a,fantastic day now in this brief,abandoned cart tutorial for Shopify I'm,going to walk you through the simple,process of how you can set up an,automated abandoned cart email inside of,Shopify so that you can ultimately drive,more conversions okay so before we go,ahead and launch into this brief Shopify,tutorial consider subscribing if you,haven't done so already or if you're new,to this Channel and that way you'll stay,updated with actionable videos and,tutorials designed to equip you with the,skills knowledge and tools to help your,small business Thrive online and with,that quick note out the way let's go,ahead and set up your abandoned card,email inside of Shopify,foreign,into this Shopify email tutorial what,we're going to do is walk through two,different methods that you can use to,set up an abandoned cart email the first,method is by using the built-in email,function that Shopify offers to get,started and simply set up this abandoned,cart email what we want to do is simply,navigate down to the left hand side and,click on settings then under your,Shopify settings all you need to do is,locate checkout within checkout all we,need to do is navigate down the page,until you locate the abandoned checkout,emails then come down to enable this,feature by simply clicking send,abandoned checkout emails automatically,and if we scroll down we have a few,simple options down here we want to send,this abandoned cat email to anyone who,abandons their checkout and then down,under send after we want to make sure,that we have 10 hours which is the,recommended option selected and then,navigate up to the top right hand corner,and before we go ahead and customize,this email what we want to do is go,ahead and save these changes and then,come down and click on customize email,and this is where you have the option to,make slight customizations to your,abandoned card email for example if we,navigate up to email subject we can go,ahead and change the email subject text,if we like and I'm going to add don't,forget to complete your purchase and I'm,happy with my email subject now if we,navigate down to the body what we can do,is we can customize the text that's,displayed on this email now you don't,want to mess around with any of this,code within the brackets as you can see,down here and up here if you want to,make any changes I recommend just making,changes to the text so for example if we,navigate up to preview we can preview,the email that our potential customers,will see if they abandoned their card so,again like I mentioned you can make,slight changes to this text over here if,you like we can also navigate down to,send test email to preview what this,email will look like in our inbox okay,so I'm going to navigate over and click,close And then navigate up to save and,I'm going to exit out of this page and,congratulations by enabling this abandon,cart email within Shopify you're going,to ultimately enhance your conversions,and to preview your abandoned cart email,performance simply navigate over to,marketing over on the left hand side,then come down and select automations,and under automations you'll see our,banded checkout email is active we can,go ahead and click on this automation,and here you can preview basic,performance analytics okay so what we're,going to do is navigate back,and now what we want to do is briefly,explore the second method of setting up,an abandoned cart email sequence within,shopify's marketing automations to do,that simply navigate over to create,automations in the top right hand corner,then come down and click on abandoned,cart,and if we navigate up here this is the,abandoned cart email sequence that we,can create to do that simply come down,and click on turn on automation,and as you can see we now have two,automations that are active first what I,want to do is go ahead and turn off this,automation that we created at the start,so I'm going to navigate down and then,select this option up here to turn off,this email Automation and then click on,Save,and then exit the reason I turned off,this abandoned cart email is because we,just activated this new abander card,email automation okay so now if we go,ahead and click on this email automation,that we've just activated again this is,where we can see the performance of this,automation what we're going to do is,navigate up to edit workflow,okay so let's briefly explain this a,banner card workflow that we just,activated you can see that this is the,trigger over here which starts when a,customer left an online store then this,workflow is going to check if the,abandonment type is equal to the cart,Shopify is going to wait four hours and,then if we navigate over to this block,over here and then this condition over,here is check if customer hasn't added,another product to cart and hasn't,started checkout and hasn't completed an,order since starting the workflow then,you can see we have another condition,over here and another condition here,before the email is sent and all these,conditions need to be met in order for,this email to be sent and you can,customize all these conditions if you,like for example we can come down and,click otherwise so if this condition,isn't met we can create another flow,from this abandoned cart workflow but,what we're going to do is keep it simple,and click on this email and that's going,to show us what this email looks like we,can come down and click view email and,here we can preview what the email will,look like that our potential customers,will receive if they meet all those,conditions that I showed you earlier and,then if we navigate up here we have two,subject we can add a preview text and we,have the from address over here now we,can edit each of these items the reason,we have this little lock icon is because,this email workflow is currently active,however if we want to pause this email,flow and start customizing the email all,we need to do is navigate up to edit and,this email will revert back to a draft,however once you're done editing and,you've saved this email your email will,be ready to start sending again so what,we're going to do is come down and click,continue,and then if we navigate down here you'll,notice that we can further customize,this email campaign and there are two,main differences of creating an,abandoned card email between both those,methods that I've showed you remember,the first method is the built-in email,function this is a limited to the,overall customization of your email and,two you have limited control over the,conditions of that email being sent,however using shopify's marketing,automations and setting up an abandoned,cart workflow you can customize the,entire workflow and all the different,conditions as well as having more,control over the look and style of your,email campaign that is sent to your,potential customers if they have,abandoned their card for example if we,navigate up here,we can click and we have these basic,formatting options up here and then if,we navigate over to the right hand side,we have more expanded customization,options we can change the font the font,size again we have these formatting,options and we have the text color as,well as the link color and the section,alignment down here again we can click,on this block element up here and within,the header element if we navigate over,to the right hand side we can use either,the store name or we can upload the logo,of our business and again we have these,basic customization options down here,now if we come down and click on ADD,section we can add additional block,elements or sections to our abandoned,cart email for example we can add text,we can add a button image divider we can,also add a discount or a gift card to,entice this potential customer to follow,through with this purchase we can also,add a product an image with text,multi-column and then Express checkout,so what I'm going to do is essentially,exit out of that section and navigate,back up to the top and I'm happy with my,abandoned cart email now we can also,navigate up to the top right hand corner,and click on this computer icon and we,can preview what our email will look,like on mobile and desktop so I'm going,to go ahead and click on mobile and this,is what our abandon cart email will look,like if a potential customer is opening,up this email on their mobile now once,you've made any changes to your,abandoned cart workflow simply navigate,up to save and I'm going to navigate,over to exit on the far left hand side,and if we navigate down here you can see,that the abandoned cart email sequence,or workflow that we just created and,customized is active again once we made,those changes to the email and then the,abandoned cart email that we created,within Shopify has been deactivated so,those are the two methods that you can,use to set up your abandoned cart email,remember the built-in Shopify email,feature is very basic but simple to set,up in just a few clicks whereas the,abandoned cart email flow gives you more,customization options to the entire,workflow the entire email automation,and there we have it guys that is it for,this brief Shopify abandon cart tutorial,for beginners now if you have any,questions about this process make sure,to pop them down below and with that,said thank you so much for watching this,tutorial all the way through to the end,if you've got value make sure you leave,a like And subscribe to this Channel and,that way I'll see you in the next video,take care everyone,foreign

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