shopify how to select "product.size" javascript

Size charts - Is this the right size for you? hey everyone thomas here from archetype,themes here to

Archetype Themes

Updated on Mar 17,2023

Size charts - Is this the right size for you?

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Size charts - Is this the right size for you?

hey everyone thomas here from archetype,themes here to introduce a new feature,that we're rolling out on all of our,themes as of april 2022 and that is the,size chart block now what is a size,chart you might ask well when you're,shopping and you select a small medium,or extra extra extra extra extra large,you need to know how big that size,actually is because you know it depends,on what you're buying what brand,now size charts are really important,because ultimately it increases buyer,confidence in in the selection that,they're making you want them to feel,like yeah this is actually what i want,also on the other end it reduces the,chance that they buy something and maybe,it's not the right size and they have to,return it that's not good for business,that's just increased costs not good for,shipping not good for,anybody,and finally it ultimately,having it on the product page keeps the,buyer immersed in that purchasing,experience they don't need to jump to,another page they don't need to look,around your online store and try to find,out what the size is what these sizes,mean so without further ado let's jump,in and see how we can get this set up on,our online store,okay so here we are on our product page,we're looking at impulse right now,and as you can see we've got everything,set up everything's looking really nice,um here we have our size selector so you,can see we can select between what's in,stock here what's sold out but we don't,really know what these sizes actually,translate to in terms of dimensions,now some of you who are familiar with,impulse might know that we have this tab,block feature down below here and that's,where we've been keeping our size chart,lets you know all the information about,this product,but it's kind of out of the way you know,like when i land on this page i don't,really see it right now am i going to,see that when i'm selecting the options,maybe not this is why we introduce the,new size chart pop-up,so let's get it set up,let's go to add block,we're going to add the new size chart,block,here's our settings for the new size,chart block,and we will,select our size chart page that we,already have created,this is the content that we see in the,tab already here we already had this,made but this is just a page that uh,when you're in your admin in online,store,uh there's the pages that you can create,here as you can see it's the same way,that you create your about page your,contact page,and all your other kind of custom,content pages so here we select size,chart,i'm gonna hit save,and here is our size chart tool tip down,here now you can see click it there we,get our size chart now it's still kind,of out of the way so let's bring this up,uh,up here where the rest of our buy,section is so that looks a little bit,better you know we've got size and then,we've got size chart,but you know this is a little bit,repetitive,so,one thing that we're introducing here a,new feature on our themes we haven't,really tried this out but i think,there's some promising uh some promising,features some promising things we're,gonna be exploring some more of this in,the future is we're we're calling it,fusion blocks so,in this case if the size chart goes just,above the variant picker,you're gonna see here,that,they,combine,now these combine based on,if the if we're showing a size label,here and ultimately by the order of,blocks so size chart is above your,variant picker block we combine them for,you automatically so we get this really,nice visually concise everything's put,together layout that just gives,everything that you need in one spot,looks really nice,as you can see you can click here we've,got our size chart everything works,great,now,with that we have our size chart exactly,where it needs to be we can go and hide,our old size chart,let's see let's get rid of that there we,go just shipping information and save,and we are set we have our new size,start pop-up,now one thing to keep in mind when,you're getting your product set up is,you might have multiple size charts so,here we have our size chart that is,showing something more for shirts what,if you need a size chart that's more for,pants,now to do that you would just go into,right up here,into your template selector,hit products and you can create a new,template here this will allow you to,create a whole new template type and you,can assign products to that template,that way you could have like a pants,template you could have a coat template,a shoes template this allows you to,create as many different,configurations for products different,types of products as you need,so finally some helpful tips for getting,your size chart set up and working,exactly in tip top condition uh one,thing you want to look at is make sure,that the size chart is always as close,to the size selector as possible you,want the buyer to stay in that,experience you don't want them branching,off and looking around the page when,they don't need to if they want to know,what these sizes are they should see,them next up include international,sizing in your size chart wherever,possible wherever it applies you know,shoes uh sure i mean all these different,products come in different sizes,different people from different places,associate sizes to different numbers,helpful to include them all,and then finally uh include instructions,wherever applicable for getting the,right size so here we're trying to,measure a bra so wrap the measuring tape,around the fullest part of your chest,and measure from there that just helps,make sure that the buyer knows exactly,what these dimensions are referring to,and helps them make sure that they buy,the right thing,and that's about it we have our size,chart set up and ready to go in our,store,now just to recap we talked about what,the new size chart feature is how to get,it set up why size charts are important,and ultimately what things you can,include in your size chart to make sure,that it's giving the buyer everything,that they need,hope you found this helpful let us know,what you think in the comments below,until the next time,happy theming see you around

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