All everyone Christian here.,Did you know,you can create a back in,stock flow,natively with Klaviyo,without the need,of any additional apps,,and it just,works beautifully.,And this video,,I'm going to show you,how to set up the flow,in Klaviyo,and how to set up,the custom code on Shopify.,Follow along,Now, word of caution,,the installation of back,in stock is not supported,for having five stories,using custom themes.,So for that,and then before you begin,,if you haven't already,checked out,our video on,how to set up,Klaviyo and Shopify,first, make sure to,watch that here,and I will teach you,how to connect them,initially.,And I will show you,a couple of things,that you need,for this video, actually.,So first thing we want to do,is set up,the actual flow in Klaviyo.,So basically,when someone subscribes to it,back in stock alert,,a subscribe to Back in stock,event will be tracked,on their Klaviyo profile.,And this is the event,that you will use,to trigger your back,and stock flow,shoppers will enter the flow,when they,subscribe to a product,and they will be contacted,when their item of interest,is restocked. Pretty simple.,So let's go into,our Klaviyo account.,So we have our dashboard,right here.,We're going to go to Flows.,And then in here,when you click,on that blue button,to create a flow,and we're going to search,for back in stock,,the back end stock,is going to show you the back,and stock flow standard.,So we want,then right along here,you'll see,you can change the name,if you want to,,and then you can add tags,if you want to.,And then the trigger,is already selected for you,,which is subscribed to,back in stock.,Now, there is a prerequisite,that you will need,to install that code,,a snippet of code,inside of Shopify,,and we'll take,care of that,here in a second.,But we want to make sure,that we have this flow,set up first,and then the flow is,very simple.,It just has that,those three steps,to the trigger,when someone has subscribe,to that back in stock,category,,then the back,and stock delay.,So they have to wait,until the recipient's item,is back in stock,and then the email for,whenever they actually,have the item back in stock.,So we can create flow,and there you have,it, very simple.,One, two, three, flow.,Now, before we move,on, I just want to say,bienvenidos.,My name is Christian Pinion,,one of the co-founders,here at the branding.,We're an ecommerce,growth engine,that specializes in helping,clothing stores,grow and scale,profitably online.,We drop new videos,every week,,so make sure that,you hit that.,Subscribe button,and turn on notifications,so you don't miss out.,Now, a couple of things,that we can do here is,you can add more steps,if you want to.,You can make it,a little bit more complex,if you'd like to.,We're going to keep it,very simple,,but what we do want to do,is customize the actual,email a little bit,,maybe add a logo,,maybe add a little,footer in there.,So let's go into,this right here.,So we could enter,the three little dots,and click edit,that.,In here,,obviously,you have the sender name,,the email address,,the actual subject line,preview, take all that stuff,you can change right with it,here.,We're going to keep those,the same, but this right here,that we want to do edit,,which is the actual content,to edit content.,And as you can see,,we have the wait is over,and then good news.,I wouldn't change any of this,because this is,the actual code,that the email needs in order,to populate,the right information.,So this information,is going to be changing,,right, depending,on the customer,and depending on what product,they actually signed up for,to get notifications.,So we're going to,keep everything the same.,Now, what we do want to do,is probably add the logo,at the very top so let's do,an image,image.,Let's go,look for our image here.,That,you,OK,,and then we're going,to have a little separator,in there as well.,Horizontal or,horizontal line,,scraped knees,the way it is or.,OK, perfect.,And now we have,the social media,icons there at the bottom.,I'm good with that.,That looks good.,We're going to save content.,All right.,Now let's go back to Shopify,and install,the snippet of code,that we have already,saved up.,So this snippet of code,is all this right here.,When you click copy of this,control copier training copy.,And then we're going to go,to Shopify,and then we're,gonna go to the online store,and then actions,edit the code,and we're going to find,the theme dot liquid file,that in here,you want to scroll basically,all the way to the bottom.,And then let me just,make sure it's good.,We want to paste this right,before the closing body tag.,So the closing body tag,is going to be the one,that has the four slash,right there and body.,And then I'm going,to click that,right there and enter.,And for one more time,,I want to paste that in here.,And you can see,we have the script,,the JavaScript file,right there.,And then we have sort of,like what,we can,potentially manipulate right,within here.,Now, one thing that we do,want to make sure,that you change,is this one right here.,So accounts,public API key,,the public API key is,what's going to tell Klaviyo,this is your store, right?,So it's going to be,a unique code just for you.,So it's going to be different,from store to store.,Now, in order to get that,,we're going to go back,to click,click done on this.,And for right now,,this whole flow,is set to manual,because I don't want to,necessarily publish it,just yet.,As you can see, as I yellow,now to find that public,API key, when I click on that,or click on account,,it's probably,going to be a little bit,blurred for you,,but trust me, it's in here,so you go to settings,and then API keys,should be the second one,and you'll see company name,and then public API key.,We want to make sure,that we copy that,and then we go to our code,and we paste it right there,and we click save on that,now let's go back to the flow,hey Christian here.,If you like what you see,,consider clicking,that like button,and maybe subscribing.,Hey, I,would definitely hope so.,All right.,So after you have this,snippet of code installed,,there's a couple of things,you can change.,I was in there,and we can customize the way,the actual pop up,and the buttons look,a little bit.,So we can see that,essentially,we have,a couple of things in here.,So the actual trigger.,So the trigger is going to be,that notify me.,So the actual,tax rate, notify,me when available.,We can change that,right here.,And also,we can change,the actual modal.,So the modal stands out,for the actual pop, right?,So in the pop up,,obviously the product name,will run,the product name,to be displayed in there.,Then you can,change the text in here.,So this has registered,to receive,a notification on this item.,So if we want,to change that verbiage,,you can buy,just like Max phasing,and changing this.,And then there's,a couple of other things,you can change in here,in colors, right?,So we had colors,of the background,color to the text.,Obviously these are just,hex code colors.,So just want to make sure,that you match your branding.,Now, I do want to see how,this looks right now.,So I believe this. Yeah.,So this is a sold out,,high waisted,airlift leggings.,Let me click on Refresh,to see if,it installed correctly,and you can kind of see,it, but right now it's,just like a little link.,So notify me when available,and it looks like high,waisted leggings,and then,put the email in there.,And then I found,so that's working correctly.,Now what I do,want to make sure to change,is the color of that button,right there.,So from that blue,,I just want it to be black,,just plain black.,So let's do,let's go back to the code,editor here and then,we just need to look,for the button,background color essentially.,So we,we have a right here.,So button background color,right now is set to that blue,and let's do,a zero, let's save,and then let's refresh,this page again,nice and as black.,I like it.,And like I said,,you can definitely manipulate,and change the colors,of all the things in there,that you have available.,So the actual text color,the background color,,the full background,of the whole model,,you can change,from right with them.,Now, before we move,on, I just want to let you in,a little secret.,We're using a tool,called Prep a,well for all of our clients,and group coaching members,,and this is,a powerhouse of a tool,that allows us to see,the lifetime,value of a customer,at 30, 60 in 90 days.,But what we're most,excited about,is the estimated action,of customers.,Imagine being able,to send out emails,or run ads to customers,who are likely to buy,from you,a second or third time,and knowing,when to actually send,these marketing messages.,It's so, so powerful.,Make sure to,check out the link,in the description below.,Now, the last thing,we want to do is,I think it looks kind of,weird right?,That notify me one available,at up,there, maybe,a little bit out of place.,So we want to make sure,that we put that maybe right,underneath the sold,out button,so that it's more,apparent that, hey,,this item is sold out,,you can still,get notification,when this comes available.,So let's go to believe.,Nope, not there.,This right here.,So I already have,the customize,the thing customizer open,we're going to click refresh,refresh on this,and let me just scroll here,OK.,So it's not showing me,right off the gate.,I mean, just refresh it,one more time.,Maybe it will and it won't,but if it doesn't,go so what we can do,is let's let's just try this.,Let's add a block,and let's do custom liquid,and then with this custom,liquid,,we're going to copy this,snippet of code right here.,By the way,,all these snippet of codes,will be available in a link,in the description below.,So I click copy and,paste it right here.,And then we want this right,underneath the by now buttons,and let's click save.,All this code is doing,is I'm forcing,the Klaviyo code,to actually,put the actual link,or the button,right underneath,that sold out button.,So let's,go back to the product page,here.,Refresh this,,but there it is.,So now we,have this sold out button,and now we have the link,right underneath it.,Says, Notify me whenever,I click on it.,You see that pop up,or the modal show up,,you insert your email,and click Notify me when?,Now let's go ahead,,go back to the flows here,and let's make this,automatic, right.,So we click on that,and from manual,,let's do live,and then by the way,,you also have,analytics in here for,how many times,this email has been sent,,et cetera.,When I click Save and Exit,OK, so we have,that turned on and live.,Now let's,see if this actually works.,Let's add in,first,when co,notify me when available now.,So your end,,it will let you know,when it's back in stock.,Awesome goes out of that.,Go back to the flows,,refresh this,,let's click on this.,OK, so now as,you can see here in the flow,,we click on the way,into the recipients item is,interest is back in stock.,We see that waiting,we have one person,so that's me,but I just subscribe,now let's,try to make this product,available once more,and see what happens,in Klaviyo.,So let's go back to,the products over here,let's find those leggings,and then let's do,available,add five new ones.,Quantity has been updated.,Let's just make sure,that it's showing up,at the cart,shows up right here.,Now let's just refresh,this right here.,OK, so it doesn't happen,necessarily automatically.,But let's click say on that,as you can see,,I just opened my email,and it took,maybe about four or 5 minutes,but you can see,totally nice kid.,The wait is over.,Click on that boom.,There,we have the actual product.,And then,if I click on view product,,we can see,that is now available,for me to add to Cart.,All right.,So if you enjoy this video,,please let me know,if you would like,to see anything else,regarding Klaviyo,and Shopify.,Right.,There's a,ton of different things,a ton of different flows,that we can create.,So if you're interested in,any of those, please,let us know,in the comments below,and if you have any questions,about what,we just created today.,Also,,listen on the,description below,and if you're ready,,then watch the next video.,So.
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