today i have another business tip for,you last video i talked about how i use,the shopify platform for my e-commerce,my website my business,and today i'm going to be talking about,how i use my own website through, and connected my shopify,store to,now shopify has instructions on how to,integrate a pre-existing domain address,to your shopify store and it works,really well if you have something from,google from godaddy from one and one,from ions but if you have what they,consider to be a third-party,domain source like you have,to input things manually today i'm going,to share with you how you do that on, and how to get it to sync,with shopify,all right guys let's just jump right on,in there are a few different ways in,which shopify can integrate your domain,address into their platform they suggest,that you go through google domains or,godaddy or one on one or ions so that,they can automatically just pull it in,it's super easy they have contracts,and it just works out best for them,i personally have always used,to buy my domain addresses that's just,the platform that i've chosen to use and,so you have to add in the settings,manually in order to connect your domain,address to your shopify store and today,i'm going to show you how to do that,i'm going to link this page in the,description but there is a page with,instructions on how to connect the,third-party domain to your shopify,manually now there are many things in,this,page that,may seem daunting or confusing but i'm,going to walk you through and it,shouldn't be too scary,so the first step is before you begin go,ahead and go to your third party,domain host and you need to change some,dns records now this may seem like,complete jibber-jabber and you have no,idea what a dns record is that's okay,let me just say that if you need to,contact them directly they were very,helpful to me both and,shopify to help me get the instructions,that i need and they were able to help,me with this task,if you want to do it completely manually,you can do that as well so let's do it,manually and then you can call if you,need extra help but this is how you do,it really fast,the first thing they ask you to do is,change the dns record in your,third-party domain provider the first,record that we're going to change is the,a record i'm going to go over here to,,and on on the left hand,side there is a place called dns and,name servers click on that,and you will have three different tabs,we're only going to be dealing with the,first two tabs the first one you want to,look at is your name servers these,should be auto populated in your,,name servers but just to check to see if,they exist,pause the video if you need to add them,but there should be the ns2 and the ns1, and if you need to add them,just click on add name servers and then,you can add them here,where we are going to spend most of our,time is in the dns records so this page,may look completely daunting but,just bear with me it's not that scary,there are three records in which we need,to add we need to add these three,records right here this is the a record,the at the a record at www and the a,record at astrix and what we're going to,be doing is we're going to be filling,them in with shopify's web platforms ipa,which is,the way in which you do that is you,would click on add dns record,and then you would click on the name the,type let's say it's an egg record we're,going to type in the ip address,this is what your first a record should,look like you got your a record which is,here you got your at symbol and then,your ip address,you do not need to add anything to time,to live that will just happen,automatically and then priority is in a,because my record already exists i can't,add it but this is where you just had,add dns so you would do that for the a,record do it for the www record and do,it for the asterix record so you want to,make sure that you have all three,records once you have those three,records the next thing you want to do is,go to the second one which is the cname,record,now according to shopify you want to,just make this you have a single record,to input you want to be www at,,let's back over to again you,just click on add dns record put cname,,click save,and everything else is happy now this,will take a couple of hours to propagate,but once it does propagate here's what,we do,come over to your shopify store and in,the settings tab there is on the left a,place called domains this is where you,would connect an existing domain,so we would type in tennessee,,click next,mine is already connected so it would,just go through this process where it,says checking verify,mine took about 18 hours for it to,propagate but after it did it verified,the address and then when i actually,click on, it brings me to my,real website and it says, and not like,shopify.shops.tennessee,because this is my ip address if you,have any trouble getting your records in,place or just seems daunting call, they do this all the time,they will happily help you get your,records in place but i found it a little,daunting a little confusing to start off,with because the instructions,weren't super clear on how to actually,get everything connected and it wasn't,propagating properly but like i said you,got four records to input it's not that,scary if you have any trouble just pause,the video go back call and,they'll be able to get you fixed up,well there you have it my friends,hopefully that was helpful on how to,connect web address to,your shopify store so that you can have,your custom domain there connected,present and ready for more business,again i just want to say don't be,concerned if it doesn't happen right,away it took mine about 18 hours to,propagate fully in order for the sync to,happen if it takes more than 24 hours i,would give a call make sure,that all of your records that you,inputted are correct and just check,everything over once again if this makes,sense to you and you're able to get your,domain address to connect with your,shopify store congratulations you are,just one step closer to creating your,online business i'm proud of you and,link your website down in the,description i would love to see what you,guys have come up with your web,addresses your web platforms and see,what you come up with but thank you so,much for joining in today and hopefully,it was helpful i'll have to catch you,next time
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