shopify how to customize login

How to Add Shopify Login hi this video is on how to add login to,your shopify website my name is ada

Paid Members App

Updated on Mar 21,2023

How to Add Shopify Login

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to customize login

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How to Add Shopify Login

hi this video is on how to add login to,your shopify website my name is adam i'm,the founder of paid members app or,stripe we're a stripe verified partner,and we work on shopify so by login i,mean a login form that looks like this,and if your customers came to your,website they'd see in the navigation,menu that there's a log in link and if,your customers click on that they get,something like this the login form and,they'd also get forms like the forget,password form,we also allow you to create a signup,link so if your customers clicked on,sign up they would get the sign up form,and you'll see name email password and,you can also ask ask,custom questions which gets saved on the,customer's profile okay and so let's say,you do have members only content i have,an example of members online content,this members only link if someone clicks,on that they get gated off and they get,the login form unless they've paid and,have access to it,so let me show you what this looks like,for a customer that has already become a,member so we have a pricing page here,i'm going to cover payments in another,video but we just have a strike payment,link is a as a button and a strike,payment link just as link text and then,some custom stripe checkout code and if,a customer clicks on any of those they,go to stripe checkout but i already did,that for a customer and i'm going to log,in as that person okay so we have adam,and and i've entered the,password okay and so now they're logged,in and i've given this person access to,that members only page so when i click,on that i get access to the page and so,i have direct access i don't get that,login form anymore and also we have a,direct integration with stripe customer,portal so your logged in customers can,click on billing portal and when they,click that usually you need to have a,developer code this and you have to have,a server set up for customer portal but,we include that in paid members app so,if your customer clicks that and you,have customer portal set up in your,stripe account they can go to a page,like this and this allows you to not,field requests for things like receipts,the customer can see their invoice,history and just view a receipt by,clicking there,and also they can update a payment,method for example if your customers,have a credit card that's failing they,can just add an updated payment method,without sending an email they can just,self-serve do it themselves also they,could update their plans so you can see,my customers on a 99 a month,subscription box and let's say they want,to upgrade to my other product called,the ultimate subscription box they can,easily do that through stripe customer,portal so here i am just consenting to,that charge to upgrade so it's that easy,to allow your customers to upgrade to a,higher plan you can also allow your,customers to cancel plans and even do,things like pause subscriptions what you,put into your stripe custom portal it's,all up to you and you can set that,in stripe in your standard stripe,account in the custom portal section so,let me go back to the website,so we've looked at all of this and so,let me log out as this customer go to my,account and log out and you can see that,if you're logged out and you try to go,to that members only section you again,get that login form so how do you set,this all up well i'm going to link to,the tutorials on our website below the,youtube video so just click on that link,and we just walk you through with,screenshots and let me show you since,we're on youtube how to do that so,you'll just go to online store and click,on navigation and you can see that under,main menu i have a login and sign up,link so if i click on edit you can see,you can customize the name so you could,call it login or member login or,whatever you want and then we just give,you one link inside the app that you,just paste here and then save you can,also see the same thing for sign up and,it's customizable if you're on the side,of the fence that like sign up is one,word you can bat or you can do it as two,words and we just give you a separate,link for that if you'd like to use our,optional sign up and then the only other,step is to go to theme,and actions and edit code and we give,you one little snippet of code that you,embed into your theme.liquid file so let,me show you where that is you just click,on theme liquid theme.liquid and scroll,down until you see the closing head tag,and you paste our code right above just,like this okay and so that is how you,add a login form to your shopify website,if you have any questions or concerns,just go to and we,have a little chat bot in the bottom and,you can send us an email with any,questions or concerns and if you like,this video please hit subscribe there's,lots of new updates by stripe lately and,we're gonna release some new cool videos,on stripe payment links and stripe,checkout for shopify users

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