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Create Free Shipping Rate with Shopify show you today how do you Shopify to,create free shipping for

Astral Web Inc.

Updated on Mar 17,2023

Create Free Shipping Rate with Shopify

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Create Free Shipping Rate with Shopify

show you today how do you Shopify to,create free shipping for your customers,and everything I'm going to show you,today is the default Shopify it's not,using any special app it's what's,built-in and easy to set up and I'll,show you how to do it so in this case,what I want to do for today on my test,site is I want to create a free shipping,over $50.00 so for example if the amount,in the shopping cart is under $50 let's,say 30 for example I might want to,charge let's say $5 but anything above,that I'm going to charge 50 so I'm going,to show you the basic concepts of it,okay so what I do is I log into my,back-end right here and I'm gonna go to,my settings and I'm gonna go to the,shipping section right I'm managing the,shipping rates okay,and what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna,go to my setup so every store every,business has slightly different setup,but I'm gonna try to simplify it first,of all so if you have a very basic store,for example you only sell in the US or,only sell in the US and Canada typically,you're gonna have a general rates you're,gonna use the general rates to set up,your actual rates if you have more,complicated thing like custom shipping,for specific products or you have,multiple locations or other things like,that you might have some more here but,I'm gonna skip that for today because,it's a little more advanced and in the,future I will make videos for it so what,do we do right here what we're gonna do,is go to the general shipping rates,click on manage rates and now what I'm,going to do is this section is for,custom product so we're not going to do,this now we're gonna go here and look at,our actual zone okay so we have in this,case this under the shipping racer is a,zone so I have a domestic US only zone,and I have the rest of the world zone,okay but here I didn't enable it so,let's assume you only have one zone,which is shipping to a certain country,right so us in this case so inside when,I go here I have all of the shipping,rates that I actually set up and if you,notice I have a standard shipping rate,too to this zone and if it's above $50 I,have it for free this is exactly how I,set it up okay,so let's assume we don't have this I'm,gonna delete this for a second and now,rates are set up in default Shopify,based on two two,different things number one either you,can set up your own rates what we call,flat rates right for example if you're,if someone orders $20 then it's a flat,rate of five dollars or you can use the,carrier calculated race so if you,connect for example with let's say DHL,or USPS then you can have them actually,calculate the rates but the rates will,never be free right so if you wanted to,go free shipping you're gonna have to,set up your own rates and you're gonna,call this for example free free shipping,okay you're gonna name this and you're,gonna make it zero if you put zero zero,zero it'll tell you it's free right here,if I put one it's not free and then what,I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna specify,the condition now if you want the whole,site to be free which is not the case of,this because if it's under $50 free you,would basically have no condition that,always applies but if you want in this,case you would click on add conditions,and you have two different types either,based on the weight so for example if,the minimum weight is let's say 10 let's,say 100 pounds and the maximum you can,you don't have to put the maximum but,you can so I'm gonna say anything about,100 pounds is free or I can use the,price in this case anything that's above,$50 with no maximum is gonna be free so,if I click on that now I have my free,shipping and if I go ahead and I save it,now I have my free shipping okay so I'm,gonna go here and I'm gonna go and let's,find the product and some that's above,$50 ok let let's show you this first of,all so let's find a product that's below,$50 so if I add this to my cart and I,viewed it look at the cart okay and I,check out I'm gonna go to where I can,see the shipping rates okay so I'm gonna,just go here and proceed to the next,steps and obviously because of the zone,you know have to know which country I'm,in right so I'm gonna proceed to the,next step okay and this is my ship too,so now then knows my ship - it'll,calculate the shipping rates okay and,obviously there's standard and expedited,and why is there standard and expedited,because of these standard and expedited,right here,you'll be able to see 490,and 690 okay here it is here's a four,ninety and here is a six ninety okay,so now if I want to create the free,shipping let's go ahead here and right,here I have my fifty dollars let's go,ahead here and I'm gonna go back and I'm,going to let's say I'm going to add,twenty of these okay so now if I add 20,it's above fifty dollars right and if I,go back I'm gonna have a free shipping,that's it you see free shipping I can,continue shipping is free so hope this,makes sense it's really really simple if,you want more advanced things you'd have,to have more apps but the simple simple,summary of this is you can go to your,zone manage rates go to your zone and in,the actual shipping zone itself you can,create either base on a minimum amount,or a specific amount minimum to maximum,or on based on weight now if you do,select weight you need to make sure that,your products when you actually manage,them they actually have the weight field,that weight attribute right so let's go,here just one more thing before I finish,the video and I'm gonna go down right,here and this is an actual variant so,I'm actually going to edit this and,you'll be able to see right here that we,have our where is this right here our,weight so if I didn't fill it out no,one's gonna get free shipping right okay,hope you enjoyed the video let me know,if you have any questions looking,forward for you to watch our videos for,me to create more and if you have any,questions appreciate it thanks

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