hello everyone and welcome to another,feed army video in this video i will,explain to you how to exclude products,in google ads or in google merchant,center however before you do that make,sure that you've exhausted every,opportunity that you can implement for,example improve the data feed quality by,changing the title the description the,image etc,also add extra attributes to ensure that,you have maximized the data feed quality,as that will increase the ranking of the,product,change also the for example the website,content that you have if you think that,you can improve,improve it and make sure that the,checkout workflow,is sufficient also consider for example,changing the price to be more,competitive because a more competitive,pricing will allow you to get more,impressions on google shopping,for example uh change the sale price or,add a promotion all of these should be,done before you consider removing a,product so that you don't lose out on,any potential sales,what you can also do if you have a lot,of products is set up a script to send,the data to exclude a product based on,specific criteria to a spreadsheet and,from the spreadsheet you can then use a,data feed mechanic where you can then,exclude based on the spreadsheet info,not all data feed solutions offer this,solution however i do have a,solution on how to do that so you can,contact me on how to implement,a more advanced,exclusion rules,so for now i will teach you how to,exclude a product in google ads or in,google merchant center including,performance max,so let's get into it,okay so now that we have our google ads,account open let's go into your shopping,campaign so this one is the standard,shopping campaign let's simply click on,it,and then we are in the ad group section,click on your specific ad group that you,want or sometimes it will say all,products or all,groups,let's click on that,and then to,show the individual products what we,want to do is hover over the,product group and then you will see the,plus icon and it says add subdivisions,so let's click on that,now change your subdivide by to item id,and then if you want to,either select just one specific one but,i recommend you do all of them and then,select save without editing bits,this will then show all the products,make sure that you also,check the,everything else that it is enabled,sometimes this will set to excluded and,we don't want that to happen because,otherwise everything will be excluded if,you're adding a new product and if you,don't if you forget for example to,manually add a product then it will fall,into this section and if you have that,excluded then of course that is not,being advertised so enable that to,ensure you avoid that issue,now let's say we have a very bad,performing product and we have improved,everything that we can all you have to,do is just go hover over here and then,click on exclude,so now that will exclude that specific,product,here it is,so if we want to re-include that simply,go to include,selection and there we go everything is,included the same we can do with,performance max so all we do is select,our performance max campaign,then go to asset groups and if you have,encountered that sometimes it's loading,constantly without showing the asset,groups all you have to do is click on,right click on the browser and then,select reload and then it will show up a,lot quicker i've noticed that it,sometimes just hangs not sure for what,reason,but it does,improve the speed and showing that if it,constantly cycles like it is a little,bit doing now,i would say after 10 seconds if it,doesn't load reload,so now,we go to listings groups,and we do the same so if we have a,subdivision this is already subdivided,but you can subdivide into item,ids all the time regardless of how,you've set it up so for example if we,want to choose scarves click on the plus,icon,change the subdivide by to item id,select all of them,and then save,drop down everything as you can see,everything else here is set to exclude,so make sure that you include that to,avoid accidentally,excluding new products as well so let's,assume this is a bad performing product,down here for example and then just,click on exclude and that will stop it,the benefit of doing it within google,ads is that it's a lot quicker for you,to exclude a product so you don't have,to wait until for example the data feed,is processed or,when the data feed app has been,reprocessed so that can sometimes take,up to 24 hours so if you have,an emergency and you need to do it,immediately then this is the best method,that you do,now let's go to google merchant center,and there are two methods that you can,do it here as well the first one is,using a supplement feed so let's assume,we,already know which item id we want to,exclude so i will just copy a random id,here,let's copy that there we go and now go,to feeds,and we want to add a supplement feed,we can call this exclude,and then google sheets,it will pop up with your account if you,have multiple accounts,and then i use generate a new google,spreadsheet from my template click on,continue let's apply that to the uk feed,now that,has been added you can go and open the,google sheet,and what we want to do is add an id,column then underneath it we will paste,our id,and then in the second,column we will type in excluded,destinations,destination,with an underscore and then what we want,to type in is shopping ads with also an,underscore,now that you have saved wait till that,says saving saved then go back to google,merchant center open your google sheet,feed supplement feed,and what we want to do is fetch now or,you can click in the top right corner,fetch now and that will then apply the,excluded rule within,half an hour you can also do that with,the feed rules so let's go to the,primary feed and let's select this one,that's the uk feed,and select feed rules,let's click on the plus icon and then,type begin typing excluded and there we,go we can select process attributes,and what we want to do is if id,equals,the id that we've just copied,then we set it to exclude shopping ads,you can also if you want to exclude from,three listings select multiple and then,you can actually add both of them,there we go then we want to click on ok,save as draft,and then click on apply,this will not apply straight away,because the feed needs to be reprocessed,so what you can do is either click on,fetch now in the top right corner or you,can click on reprocess feed,as mentioned earlier there is also a,more advanced method that you can create,a script within google ads that says for,example if impressions above 10 000,and the ctr is below 0.2 percent then,add this id to the feed to a spreadsheet,and then with the data feed rule that,depends of course on which data feed,solution you're using but you can then,set it to exclude if the id is present,in the spreadsheet this will then,automate uh the heavy lifting if you,have a lot of products this will be very,useful to exclude products this way,so that's pretty much how you exclude a,product in google as or in google,merchant center both will work but there,are benefits and negatives in both,platforms so if you have any questions,feel free to ask i'm happy to help thank,you for watching
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