shopify wholesale pricing discount

Setting up Discount Group Percentage off discounts with Wholesale Pricing Discount hi everyone welco

Wholesale Helper Support Team

Updated on Feb 20,2023

Setting up Discount Group Percentage off discounts with Wholesale Pricing Discount

The above is a brief introduction to shopify wholesale pricing discount

Let's move on to the first section of shopify wholesale pricing discount

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Setting up Discount Group Percentage off discounts with Wholesale Pricing Discount

hi everyone welcome to wholesale pricing,discount today we're going to show you,how to set up a discount group so a,percentage off discount so for example,let's say an item is $50 and you wanted,to sell it for 25 percent off or 33,percent off you'd use this discount,group right here the percentage off,discounts if you wanted to set a,specific price so let's say the item was,$50 and you wanted to sell it for 1572,you'd use the individual pricing feature,so I suggest you watch the demo video on,how to set those up and if you wanted to,offer bigger discounts the more the,customer buys I suggest watching the,volume in tiered discount the wholesale,discount code that's for if you want to,offer a additional discount code that,someone can enter in but these the,customers will all see once they logged,in based on the tags that you assigned,to them and I'll walk you through that,in terms of how do you put tags on,customers and just one last thing to,note is please make sure to have the app,integrated with your theme if it's not,integrated yet it might not show,everywhere on your product page in cart,page collection page etc and we can do,that for you just just here steps in,terms of how to send developer access so,we can get you set up and also we have a,live chat over here hours are typically,9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. est but you can,also reach us email themes at wholesale,helper dial now let's get into the,discount group right here so here here,will be a list view where you can enable,or disable or edit them delete them,now I'm gonna create my discount we're,gonna call it wholesale because this is,for wholesale customers you could of,course you'll call it whatever you want,gold distributor silver VIP please make,sure the tag is case-sensitive because,what we're going to do is we're going to,assign this tag to the customer to,receive this discount right here so this,way once they log in will know that it's,them and to give them the correct,discount,so we're going to make this discount,right here 50% off and you can do the,entire store you can do specific,products right here and or specific,collections right here,easiest for you or whichever makes the,most sense for the discount that you,want to use we're gonna pull all this,data from your store so don't worry so,I've selected this product here we see,the blazar be four four four three eight,zero n as you can see it's fifty seven,dollars there's no discount I'm actually,already logged in right here and then I,have another window where I'm not logged,in you can see same product and this is,fifty seven dollars so let's take this,right here,I'm gonna search for this product okay,we found it and so basically what we're,gonna do is any customer who has this,tagged wholesale it's gonna get 50% off,this product right here remember you,could do the entire store you can do,more products less products more,collections etc and then we have some,minimum requirements if you want to you,know put like you know customer must,spend $200 or must buy 10 items and also,shipping different shipping options we,if you have any questions on that we,also have a demo video on advanced,shipping you can also always email us,themes at wholesale help or Die Oh,so I've created this discount 50% right,here for anyone tagged wholesale now,this customer that I'm logged in there's,no tags so they're still going to see,this 57 right here,but once I put that tag on them,wholesale and please remember to do,case-sensitive,let's go wholesale let's make sure it's,added there and then let's click Save,so now this 57 this should be 50% off,percent off because we know once that,customer logs in give them that 50% off,discount right here that we set up,right here you know no one's logged in,so they don't have that tag and this is,this is to show you that your regular,customers they're not going to see that,discount you know this is still 57 right,here but for customers you want it you,want to see once they log in because,you've assigned that tag they'll see the,discount that you want to see if you,have any questions email us themes at,wholesale helper we're happy to help and,hope you have a great rest of your day,thank you

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