hey guys welcome back to my channel and,in today's tutorial i am going to be,showing you guys,how to give an access to someone else in,your shopify store so basically you are,going to give someone an access in your,store um and this will be either,a shopify developer,or someone whom you want them to,customize your store like maybe adding,products description or you want to fix,your settings section,but basically you're going to add an,extra person who is going to have an,access in your shopify store,so i am going to show you,how you can do that and,so you first you ready to log in in your,shopify store and here i am,on the background of my shopify admin,page and what i am going to do i am,going to click settings down here,so lets click settings and then after,that we are going to click users and,permission,so here we are so um you can see here on,the users and permission this is where,you're going to,give a permission to someone so,basically you're going to add a staff,um so far uh you can see here the stone,owner is anthony jason,um and uh this is the store owner and,they have permission that can be,assigned to um a staff so this this,person have the full ownership um if for,example if you want to transfer,ownership this will be like a different,shopify's tutorial if you want me to do,that leave me a comment down below,so um now let's go and add stuff so,we're going to customize what my staff,members or what your staff members can,edit and have an access in your store,and basically shopify will let you have,up to two staff members on this plan um,you can also,if you want to add more than two staff,you can compare the plans so now let's,click add stuff so let's say as i said,before if you want to hire maybe a,graphic designer or a web developer to,edit or redesign your website you can do,that so the only thing you're going to,need to give them access on your shopify,store is only on the specific section so,it has like so many sections here so,you're gonna pick like specific sections,so,um first of all you're gonna have to,fill in the informations about this,person so if this person's name was um,jeffrey so you're gonna put jeffrey so,we're going to put the last name and,we're going to add the email so,jeffreyjohn,gmail.com so this is the,stuff that we're going to give um an,access so,shopify will give you the selection here,like so this stuff will have permission,on the following things so you're going,to pick sections so let's say if you,want this person to walk on your online,store then maybe they want to fix to,your theme you can do that or like,navigation or domains blog posts and,stuff like that,or it's just like a general thing um you,can also select that so let's say um if,you want to give this person like,permission everything you can click,select all and they can have access on,everything but sometimes you really,don't want to give access to everybody,because uh you really can't trust anyone,to have like permission or for example,like on your shopify payment section or,like to view your billing and receive,billing emails like stuff like that some,of the things they're like really really,sensitive,so um let's say i am going to give,jeffrey um an access to maybe like my,home,section like on in orders,oh i don't want the person to see my,orders or,i want this person to work on my product,so i'm just going to give jeffrey in my,home section product,um my themes um,and different navigation as well as blog,posts and pages so once you've picked,all the,uh,the section that you want this person to,have like a permission then you can,click here send invite and also there is,another section if you want this person,to manage and install apps on your,channel like maybe add delete or access,any installed app or channel you can do,that as well,or if you also if you want this person,to approve application charges you can,also do that but again,um what i like about adding stuff,section on shopify is because you can,give limited access to,that person that you want them to have,an access and and they won't have,control on your entire store that's what,i like so,every of your sensitive information if,you don't want them to,know about it they won't be able to see,that so,after that you can click here send,invite and shopify will say john jeffrey,john has been invited and they will,receive the invitation and you can see,here on your staff section um you can,see jeffrey john has been added and they,have unlimited permission and the,invitation has been sent so this is how,you can add stuff and give permission to,the person so once the person receive an,email they will be able to click it and,get in,inside your shopify store so basically,shopify will make sure this link is very,safe and secured and they can get in and,confirm if they are the real person like,jeffrey john and they can get in your,store so that was only for adding stuff,you can also add different collaborators,so let's say if you want to give um,designer so basically this will give,designers developers and marketer access,to your shopify admin they really don't,um they really don't count toward your,staff limits and if you want to learn,more about this you can just click learn,more about collaborators and you will,learn more information about it so,basically anyone can send a,collaborative request and,you can select that if you want anyone,to do that or if you want only a person,with a collaborative request called can,send a collaborative request you can,also do that so this is how you can do,it so this is how you can,send invitation to different stuff i,hope you like today's tutorial and if so,if you did please leave me a comment,down below like this video,and for more tutorials like this and,leave me a comment down below to let me,know what do you think about today's,tutorial and if you have any question,leave me a comment as well down below,and i will get back to you,thank you guys for watching my video and,i'll see you guys on the next tutorial
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