swell referral shopify how-to

Create a Referral Program with Swell in this video we'll walk through in,detail how to use swells re

Assya Yukht

Updated on Mar 23,2023

Create a Referral Program with Swell

The above is a brief introduction to swell referral shopify how-to

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Create a Referral Program with Swell

in this video we'll walk through in,detail how to use swells referral,program first you'll notice that,everything related to the referral,program happens in the referral program,section of your swell account to,customize the parameters of the referral,program I'm going to scroll down here,and click on the customize referral,program button,here I can change all the fields related,to the program so you can set a minimum,spend amount that the refered customer,has to spend in order for the refer to,earn an award you can choose the award,that'd be refer earns once the referred,customer has made a purchase and you can,choose the reward that the refered,customer gets as soon as they land on,the page so you'll notice here that for,the referred customer we typically,recommend giving a coupon and for the,referrer we typically recommend giving,points when it comes to giving the,refered customer a coupon it's important,to note that the only coupons which will,appear in this drop-down menu here are,the ones that I've set up in the coupon,section of my swell account,so just remember that when you want to,control all the ways that customers can,earn rewards whether those rewards,happen in the rewards pop up itself or,directly for the customer as in the case,of the referred customer here that all,happens in the coupon section and so to,get a coupon to show up in this screen,you want to go to the coupons tab,and you want to make sure that you mark,the coupon as can be rewarded directly,instead of points to the customer after,campaign completion so just going back,to the referral program screen here and,clicking on the customize referral,program button I'm going to click this,show Advanced Options button here one,thing that's really important to note is,that if you change any of the default,parameters related to the referral,program it's also really important to,change the Associated text swell does,not automatically update that text when,you change the parameters of the program,if I scroll down here I can also change,the text that the referrer is able to,see by default when they click on the,share their referral link button either,via Twitter Facebook or email,as you can see here this is the message,that appears for both Facebook and,Twitter this is some header text that,appears for the Facebook share message,in particular and these two fields,control what a customer sees by default,when they're sharing their referral link,via email just makes sure to save all of,your changes and then I'm also going to,customize the pop up which the refered,customer sees when they click on a,referral link it's important to note,that one this must be enabled in order,for it to show and two that this screen,will only show if you are giving a,coupon to the refered customer and if,the appropriate coupons have been,created in the coupon section of your,swell account by clicking the customize,pop-up button I can customize virtually,every element of this pop-up of the,customer sees to make it reflect my,site's unique brand I can change the,size background color,border and more of the pop up itself and,I can click on individual text items,themselves to edit those,before we wrap up the will point out to,other fields that you should customize,so that when the refer is sharing their,link on Facebook your images and your,text appear in that default message,first in the email notifications section,we use the header image which you've,uploaded here as the default image for,your refers Facebook share and we also,use the description of your business,which you've entered in the store,information section of your account as,the default store description in a,Facebook share with that you should be,up and running with a highly customized,referral program remember to check out,some of our other videos for help,setting up other important pieces of,your Swallow account Thanks and we can't,wait to help you grow

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