what does it mean when you archive an order on shopify

Archive and Unarchive Shopify Orders right so I'll quickly show you how to,archive and arc unarchive

Archive and Unarchive Shopify Orders

The above is a brief introduction to what does it mean when you archive an order on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what does it mean when you archive an order on shopify

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what does it mean when you archive an order on shopify catalogs

Archive and Unarchive Shopify Orders

right so I'll quickly show you how to,archive and arc unarchive your orders in,Shopify in bulk so I have here some,orders prepared already three orders for,a sake of the sample,none of them are archived yet and let's,start by archiving them so with Excel if,I app I'm going to just export the,orders just the orders without any,detail columns because we don't need,them for that so I will export,okay now I'm downloading the file and so,we basically need need to change the,command let me make this bigger change,the command column to update because we,want to just update those three orders,and then there is this column that says,closed at so we can basically delete any,other columns because we don't need them,we want to just update is closed at,column and we can write actually we can,write here whatever date because Shopify,allows us to just archive the orders,with any date but when when we will,export them we will see here today's,date anyway let's just say the file as,our hive and of course if we just want,to archive not all orders but some of,them we can for example remove this row,so we will only archive at the first and,a third order let's try that so we are,uploading the file,I did analyze and press import okay so,and it's done it shows that it updated,two orders and now when we go back to,the to our orders list like I click,refresh and you see the thirst and the,third or archived and the second is not,archived and so now the opposite right,let's see you see all right and now if,we want to on archive we can do exactly,the opposite we just clear out the,clothes that for example let's say we,want to on archive just a third order,and save again I'll upload the file this,time we will update just one order and,make it on archived import and we are,done one order is updated and now I,refresh which one should be updated the,third right yep third is on our tribe,now so it's a great alternative if,Shopify doesn't allow you to delete,orders in bulk which are brokered by,Shopify which is a new feature that,Shopify doesn't basically allow to,delete any paid orders so archiving is,the next best thing to it so this is a,way how you can archive yep and if you,have any questions find us on through,our support will help you

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