hey guys i wanted to make this quick,video discussing,uh if your domain name really matters,for the success of your shopify store,um there's been a conversation of dot,net versus dot com,people are using dot store now uh dot,org,um and i'm here to have this,conversation because i had uh somebody,asked a question,within a facebook group that i'm part of,which i usually don't even check,facebook groups,because they're all filled with like,amateurs and beginners but i figured i'd,make this video,um because if if somebody has these,questions then,i'll be answering them um and i'll i'm,gonna try to help somebody out because,i'm assuming,if somebody has these questions there's,gonna be more people out there so,there's clearly a lot of questions about,this dot com versus dot store you can,see somebody,asked it here shopify forum,so let me just say straight up the,answer is it doesn't matter,that's a very amateur question and i,actually wrote the answer here and i,said at the end of the day that,comma dot store is a dumb conversation,it has everything to do,with how your marketing okay is and,the post got some thumbs up and and some,likes,and some one guy asked how is this real,how is marketing related to this,and i said sales don't just show up in,your inbox right you have to do,marketing behind them and he said well,how is marketing related to the domain,name,and then you know people are answering,back and saying he never said any,you know he never said marketing is,related etc um,basically i i want to make it very clear,guys your,your domain name whether it's dot com,dot store your logo,your your um your domain you know the,domain name the part before the dot com,or the dot store right,all of that is irrelevant okay and i'll,give you a short example,uh my very first business i sold,clothing right and,as you guys know i'm a terrible speller,well guess what it just so happened that,when i,bought the donut main name like,facebook.com or google.com,the domain name of my store i'm not,going to say it out loud because i have,legal obligations but i spelled the,domain name wrong,i spelled the word like there was the,word official within the domain name,and i spelled the word official wrong,can you believe,how dumb of a mistake that was and,instead of allowing it to me,okay and say oh my god i messed up the,domain i got to start all over,guess what i kept it going and i,actually didn't use shopify at the time,it was a completely different platform,um,and this was my first business okay and,i didn't have the extra funds to buy,another domain name,i didn't have these kind of abilities,okay to be very clear,now the reason why i'm saying this is is,people are getting hung up on the wrong,things,whether you're con you're worried about,how your logo looks or you're worried,about,what the name of your brand is all that,does not matter,okay the only thing that matters is how,you market your brand,and i've talked about this before but,marketing has two pillars,two main pillars okay the first one is,the traffic that comes in the quality,and what you're presenting to the,traffic is the second pillar right,and so when i talk about shopify theme,for example i use the wolf of shopify,theme,okay and you guys have seen me use it,right this theme,is because it promotes success from a,conversion standpoint from a marketing,standpoint remember,quality of traffic and what the traffic,is exposed to,okay and that has to do with theme what,the what the traffic is exposed to,quality of traffic,has to do with your advertising your,your seo all these different factors,so to askthequestion.com.store.org.net,is the wrong question to ask okay i know,some people say,oh there's no such thing as the wrong,question or there's no such thing as,wrong questions,that's not true okay because it tells,everybody in the room,at what level you're thinking at okay i,could see that this person is probably a,very beginner probably never built a,store in their life,okay and the person who who's,communicating with me this santy guy,how's marketing related to this um it's,it's,marketing takes out the aspect of it,right,and so so when i told him that you know,your marketing matters and,and dot com or net or whatever really,doesn't matter,um do you think that customers and i use,this example do you think that customers,are gonna come to your store,right have interest in a product and,then say all of a sudden nope,i'm not interested in buying the product,because it the the website domain says,dot store on,right we live in 2020 this is not you,know your 2006,okay people don't have these kind of,worries about a certain website,the way it was in the past okay and so i,told him no,i said basically why i'm saying,marketing matters is because you should,be concerned,and you should really be uh nitpicking,when it comes down to your marketing,that should be the focus,it shouldn't be what your domain name is,or what your logo is or how,your logo looks like all that is,irrelevant you should focus on the,design of your website,when it comes to getting a good shopify,theme you don't have to use this theme,use whatever theme you like i've talked,about themes on my youtube channel i've,actually dissected themes and i built,websites using certain themes so you,guys can check that out,i've talked about conversion rates i've,talked about uh consumer psychology,those are the things that you should be,focusing on not really the domain name,or or the branding the only reason logo,and domain name,is there so that it's you know memorable,so that people can remember what it is,so they can type in the name of your,website when they want to check on their,order,or when they want to see your website,they want to know who you are at the end,of the day,if you if you named your brand like for,example,um there's a there's a website called,pixels and i'll give you an example,pixels,right pixels what does that even mean,imagine if there was no such,pixels is essentially a place where you,get free photos imagine pixels,um you didn't know that it was that and,i said pixels,people are gonna be like what do you,mean pixels or or and i'll be like no,pixels,what does that word even mean or,apple.com one of the greatest companies,of all time right apple you name your,brand,that has to do with technology over a,fruit like an apple,like my point here is is that it has,nothing to do with the domain name the,naming,domain name you know design logo it has,is irrelevant it is irrelevant to the,success of your business,okay and hopefully this video can help,you guys out um,just give you some kind of approach uh,just,just remember what's really important,when it comes to building your business,all right peace
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