what happened to my facebook app in shopify

How to Fix Shopify and Facebook Pixel Issue hello and welcome my name is emily you,are watching two


Updated on Mar 19,2023

How to Fix Shopify and Facebook Pixel Issue

The above is a brief introduction to what happened to my facebook app in shopify

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How to Fix Shopify and Facebook Pixel Issue

hello and welcome my name is emily you,are watching two minute,in this video i'm going to show you how,you can troubleshoot and fix,your shopify,and facebook,pixel issue so if you're somehow trying,to connect your shopify store to face,page or shop or catalog,and or if trying to create some,ads,you want to promote your products on,facebook,but you're stuck at,pixel issues,or you're missing some micro data,but this video is basically just going,to be a walkthrough i would not be able,to show you everything,because,i will have to share lots of,informations i don't want to put,in the video for public,so this will be kind of a quick guide if,you have,any issue like this you can easily,contact me i will leave my email link,in the description,okay so,okay so make sure that you already have,the micro data installed for if,on your shopify store,you can go ahead and,use facebook ads,my credit debugging tool,so simply google,facebook,let me let me show you,i think i already have,bookmarked it,so,i think it's this one,how did i open a new tab,so this is where you need to go, adds my creditor,debug,copy the product link,and,so let me do that for you,what i'm going to do i'm going to close,this page and i'm going to,open right here,okay so that i can fish easily between,the,so go ahead and get the,what are you doing here,okay everything looks okay,so go ahead and get one product,url so alright,we'll get this,particular product here,copy the link,paste in here and check your micro,uh you have all the micro data installed,on your,shopify store if you haven't,i must be missing some data here,but if you're missing micro data on your,store you can contact me i can go ahead,and add your market,data to your store for all the products,all right so this is going to take some,time guys what i will do i will cover,the other stuff in the meanwhile,the other thing that you want to make,sure that your,your domain is verified on facebook,business page settings,under ground safety so click branch,safety and then go to domains,if you haven't added domain click on add,type in your domain name,get the verification code and put in,your,files theme dot liquid,under head section somewhere here,anyways right there,save it,and then you can go ahead and verify,your domain it takes time after 48 hours,so you'll have to wait,once that that that's done what you want,to do next is basically,under data sources,you can,you don't need to create a pixel you can,create pixel from anywhere,like,from here,uh,from this facebook sales channel,so okay so you can see this is basically,missing some of the data,so you should not be missing any of,the required,field for for the product,so basically this is open graph which is,supported,by facebook so you must have for each,product on your store,okay so once once that's added to your,store you should get something,congratulation,your store somehow is,you get some message right here,instead of warning,okay so make sure you have everything,all the required open graph metadata,once you have that,and you're still getting this error then,what you need to do,you need to remove this,facebook sales channel so go to apps,and then,delete it,and reinstall it so basically i'm going,to show you,i'm not going to show basically,everything,and this is the basically,way to fix your facebook page,pixel issue,so uninstall the facebook ad sales,channel app from your,store admin make sure your domain is,verified,also make sure you got all the mac,related tags on your store for each,products,and then click on the sales channel,just remove it and add it back to your,store,and follow this,setup,steps,so there are a few steps here,that you need to yeah so this is the,very first one,when you install it you need to,allow this app to make changes,whatever change is required,on your basically,facebook say that i want to read some,data from your store,okay,so these are what you get,what this is what you need to do now,start the setup,and,since i will have to share my account,info i'm not going to do that,so you'll have to follow this process,you'll have to select your page,first connector account connective,page domain verification must be done,then data sharing agreement then you,need to have commerce account,so commerce facebook commerce is not yet,fully supported worldwide,it's available in few select countries,so,if you have facebook account,commerce account you simply go ahead and,connect,and you are done so basically,connect your account,verify your,domain this is business setup basically,so data is going to coming from this,business,settings,it could be pixel,facebook pixel or domain verification,then you connect your facebook page,connect to your,commerce account and you're done,and then you'll have to wait and see,for at least 48 hours it,does not take long time but in some,cases it may take,so that's it for this video guys if,you're still,not able to fix the issue,i can go ahead and review your store and,let you know the issues,and hopefully you can fix so thank you,so much for watching if you have any,questions suggestion leave in the,comment,good bye for now,you

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