what if my dropshipper isn't on shopify

Top 10 Mistakes Beginner Dropshippers Make (Shopify) what's going on guys today i'm going to,be goin

Tan Choudhury

Updated on Mar 11,2023

Top 10 Mistakes Beginner Dropshippers Make (Shopify)

The above is a brief introduction to what if my dropshipper isn't on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what if my dropshipper isn't on shopify

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Top 10 Mistakes Beginner Dropshippers Make (Shopify)

what's going on guys today i'm going to,be going over the top 10 mistakes that,you need to know before you start drop,shipping,literally all of these mistakes are so,crucial because if you just make one of,them,then your entire drop shipping business,could be completely destroyed,everything that i'm going to share with,you today are actionable tips that,you're going to thank me later for,and if this video does reach 4 000 likes,i'm going to release a document of 10,viral winning products,that are making thousands of dollars per,day right now,so make sure to smash the like button,and subscribe,but without further ado let's get into,the value,all right guys so the first and one of,the most common mistakes that i see,newbie drop shippers make,is not checking the shipping times for,countries that they're trying to,advertise,to if you go on aliexpress and you check,the shipping drop down,you're gonna see there's tons of,different options and it's very specific,on each country that you're actually,shipping to,so if you're wanting to advertise the,united kingdom make sure you actually,check out those specific,shipping times and a lot of the times,you might have to find a different,supplier for one country than another,country,and the reason why it's so important,that you actually check these shipping,times is sometimes united states will,have 14 to 17 days shipping,and then you'll check out the shipping,to canada and it will take up to two,months and you guys,don't want to be sending products out,with two month shipping because if you,actually run into that scenario,then you're gonna have tons of unhappy,customers and trust me,that's not how you're successful in drop,shipping you're gonna have a ton of,refund requests,a ton of chargebacks and overall that's,just bad business so definitely make,sure you do this one,now mistake number two is setting,realistic goals,i get tons of dms every single day with,people reaching out to me thinking that,this is a get rich quick scheme,and telling me that they want to make 50,000 or 100 000,in the next few months now i hate to,break it to you but this business model,does take time and it does take effort,so if you're a beginner getting into,this expect not to make money right off,the bat,your primary goal should be coming into,this learning absolutely as much as you,can,because in my opinion the hardest part,of this business model is,actually going over that initial hump to,where you actually get,sales once your store's actually getting,sales then you can turn up the knob,with advertising bring more traffic in,and it's relatively,simple to scale but trust me don't,expect to make hoards of money in the,next few months because you're gonna be,very unhappy,when the money doesn't come in instantly,and you're gonna quit,much faster you guys see me on this,channel,sharing some insane numbers but keep in,mind i've been at this since,2017 so it definitely didn't happen,overnight,you guys aren't seeing the sleepless,nights the times i've almost went in,debt,and all the trials and tribulations that,actually came with my success,now number three is to actually start,out with a realistic budget,and i think this is one of the biggest,achilles heels of newbies getting into,drop shipping,they see this business model and they,want to start out with a hundred or two,hundred dollars,and while that might be sufficient to,get your first store off the ground,if that's actually the only money you,have you're gonna lose it relatively,quickly and you're gonna think that this,business model doesn't work,i suggest that you start with a two or,three thousand dollar budget,completely dedicated to actually testing,products out,because this will give you a high,likelihood of finding a winner,now if you don't have two or three,thousand dollars yet,i wouldn't really start out trying to,build a business i would try to get a,job,because the thing is to take a hundred,dollars and turn it into a thousand,dollars you're gonna need to 10x your,money,which is pretty difficult but it would,be much easier if you just spent about,30 or 40 hours,working at a job taking that money,putting a thousand dollars in,and 10xing it and turning it into 10,000.,now mistake number four that i see tons,of newbies actually make,is not focusing on viral products that,solve,problems a lot of you guys dm me your,stores,and i see these odd little trinkets you,guys are trying to sell,and different jewelry and fashion,products and while these,do sell these are some of the most,competitive niches,and it can actually be harder to,convince someone to buy a fashion,product,than something that actually solves a,problem the method that,i teach in drop shipping is actually,finding products that fill a gap,in the marketplace so for example not,too long ago i shared a video,showing one of my 100k products and what,this product is,is a knee brace that actually helps you,walk better and it takes off weight,from your upper body which solves a,massive problem for anyone who has knee,problems or trouble walking,in general now the reason this products,much easier to sell than random trinkets,is because it solves a real world,problem and when you actually go on,facebook,and you advertise this to people with,knee problems,they're gonna be much more likely to buy,this as an impulse purchase,than your random trinket now mistake,number five that i see tons of newbies,making is starting out with the general,store approach,if you don't know what that is basically,it's a store like amazon,focused on selling any product under the,sun,and the reason why i don't advise of,this method is because right off the bat,if you add tons of products and you're,still completely new to this business,model,you're not gonna spend enough time,merchandising the products you do have,and you're gonna think it's quantity,over quality but in reality,that's actually flipped around i like,focusing on fewer products that we,merchandise much better,because it gives us a much higher chance,of actually getting sales on our stores,so if you're starting out i recommend,you start off with a niche store,or a one product store a niche store is,focused on,one market so for example workout gear,and a one,product store is literally only selling,one product so for example this massage,gun,and by doing this we'll be able to,dedicate the time needed to properly,merchandise our product,and create good product descriptions,work on good graphics and get good,facebook ads plus when customers,actually visit our website they're gonna,look at our website as a very reputable,brand,because we're very focused on their,problem that we're trying to solve,now mistake number six is to avoid,selling any copyright or trademarked,products,now this could be a little bit difficult,to understand if you're a beginner,but one big piece of advice that i,recommend to you,is don't sell any products with any,characters or,any references to any other company so,for example a spiderman costume,an mba jersey or something related to,pokemon,now this should be common sense but i,see far too many people get into this,business model,and get their store shut down because,the thing is that company could actually,come,file a report on you and shopify will,take your website down,immediately and on top of that you could,also face some legal implications,if you actually did become very,successful selling that product,all right guys so mistake number seven,should seem like common sense,but i see far too many people get into,this business model,start scaling their products and they,don't actually truly,understand the profit that they're,taking home each day,now this is pretty simple to figure out,there's a couple apps that you could,download on your store,like life timely or order metrics where,it actually tracks real time your profit,every single second so you can integrate,your facebook ads your google ads your,product cost,and your shipping costs and any fees,that you're actually paying with shopify,or any external apps so every single day,you're able to look at real sales,numbers,and you don't have to add it up or,create any spreadsheet so it's going to,take a lot of time off your hands,and one really beneficial thing of,knowing your exact profit,is you can know when to scale if you,know you have a 30,profit margin you know you can spend a,little bit more money on ads and this is,going to give you a higher chance of,scaling quicker,keeping more profit and actually being,successful in your drop shipping,business,all right guys so mistake number eight,that i see tons of drop shippers,actually make,is they're spending tons of money on,their debit card or they're paying with,their ads through their bank,or paypal now it's completely fine if,you're doing this but if you're actually,spending quite a bit of money,you're going to want to think of a,couple different credit cards you can,use to leverage points for your,ecommerce business,now of course if you do this you're,going to want to be paying your credit,cards off every,single month but the benefit of actually,using credit cards,is you're able to bank out off these,reward offers,over the last few years i've managed to,make over twenty thousand dollars from,rewards from these companies,because specific credit cards like the,chase business inc,and the american express business coal,card will give you,three to four percent cash back on,marketing,up to a limited amount every single year,so potentially you could be walking home,with an extra,ten or twelve thousand dollars every,year just by capitalizing on these,rewards,and with these rewards you can do tons,of things like book airbnbs book flights,literally almost anything you can do,with these cards so if you're scaling,definitely check this out,alright guys so mistake number nine that,i see beginners make is not,actually setting up a legal business,entity and this is really important once,you actually have some revenue coming in,that you decide what type of business,you actually want to create,when you first get started you could,start a sole proprietorship,but as your business starts to scale up,it's going to be more tax advantageous,to run something like an,s corp but i definitely recommend,talking to your local cpas,because the information that i'm sharing,with you is only relevant in the united,states,and of course i'm not a legal or,certified tax professional,but you definitely want to think about,this once sales are coming in,because this is going to help you out in,the long run and if you do have a,corporation,then you can take some of the liability,off yourself in case,anything happens to your business now,mistake number 10 is staying,up to date on your books and making sure,that you're actually properly paying,taxes so i remember when i first got,started with e-commerce and drop,shipping,i was making quite a bit of revenue but,i wasn't focusing on taxes or anything,like that,and at the end of the year i talked with,a tax professional,and they let me know all this different,stuff that i had to do,in order to file taxes and i only had a,few days to get all of it together,and it took me hours and hours and it,was one of the most stressful processes,so in order to combat this once you,actually start getting sales,talk to a certified tax professional let,them know about your business model and,they're gonna help structure your taxes,so you're actually doing this correctly,and you're gonna wanna make sure you're,keeping your books up to date until you,meet with your tax professional,so you can actually download something,like quickbooks where you can import,your bank transactions,every single day and all you need to do,is click a couple buttons,and they're going to import into,quickbooks and this way you're going to,be able to stay,up to date on all your books so at the,end of the year,you can just submit this profit and loss,statement to your accountant,and they're going to be able to do,everything super simply,because your accountant's not gonna go,through your books or your bank,statement,and look through everything and give you,this pretty number,that's not how most accountants work,unless you're paying a bookkeeper so i,just recommend you do it yourself and,save yourself,a lot of trouble alright guys so there,we go i just went over the 10 most,costly mistakes you could make as a,beginner,literally all of these mistakes are some,of the biggest hurdles that i see,beginners make,and i truly believe that if you do take,this advice,implement it into your drop shipping,store you're gonna be much more likely,to have a successful drop shipping,business,anyways i really hope you guys did enjoy,this video and got a ton of value,if you did make sure to smash the like,button and subscribe to the video,if you guys want to see some tutorials,on how to start a drop shipping store,i'll leave them right here but that's,all i have for you guys today,peace

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