so with that i'm going to,start us off with quickbooks commerce we,announced quickbooks commerce a few,weeks ago,uh it's brand new it's only available to,new customers and it's still around the,beta level of functionality,we've received a lot of interest and,questions from accountants as we've,introduced quickbooks commerce,so this is a little bit premature for,like the broad offering bringing it to,you guys but we wanted to keep the theme,of,in the know and make sure that this is,something that you guys have,time to answer questions about ask,questions about find out more,functionality,ahead of this going out to a full-scale,launch,to talk about quickbooks commerce i have,mayhem with me welcome mayhah,thanks jessica awesome,so thank you everyone for joining i've,been with intuit about,six years i'm in the small business,segment and i will be talking to you,about quickbooks commerce,quickbooks commerce is our single,platform for online,businesses to manage uh their business,across all the different channels they,may have,so to get us started i wanted to ask you,guys a poll question,which is what percentage of omnichannel,product based businesses,reconcile inventory using pen and paper,or spreadsheets,i'll give you guys a minute to get,through that,i love that we're kicking off with,something that helps everyone engage and,see where we're at,uh we usually give about a minute for,these polls and it's really just a,baseline for us,uh is it something that we need to tell,you like the in-depth background of,or is it something that like y'all are,already doing today and we can keep it,super high level,sometimes we'll also ask these for,help prioritizing uh we know that,there's a million things that you'd love,our products to do and we try to,prioritize like what's the most critical,and key for,the most of our customers we can solve,those really really well,and those are all the ways we use these,pull data throughout this,so it looks like we've got some good,responses coming in but we'll give you,guys,a little bit more time um you know i'm,going to take the opportunity while you,have well we have you because there's a,lot of questions coming in about omni,channel just,can you give us like a 10 second like,what is omnichannel product,commerce sure so omni channel is,basically selling on more than one,channel it could be an online and an,offline channel like,a a marketplace like an amazon,versus your retail store or your website,um so it's a combination of more than,two channels,either online or offline,awesome all right,here we go looks like we have a pretty,even split,uh on what our customers are using,so you've gotta yeah this is a really,shocking one because the one that has,the lowest responses is actually the,right answer so it's,84 which is very shocking because as you,start selling on more than one channel,it becomes really complicated if you,don't have a software that automatically,updates and keeping track of inventory,across different channels can become a,nightmare,oops let me go into what we heard from,our customers so we know that 87,of small businesses want to be omni,channel in the next 12 months and with,covet this has only accelerated,as i mentioned a huge portion of these,are still using,uh spreadsheets or pen and paper to,manage their inventory which makes it,super complicated as you start scaling,on multiple channels,50 of them are afraid of the complexity,that this adds,um in terms of adding new channels and,76,of them want a one-stop shop one,software solution to help manage,all of their business finances so what,we did was launch,quickbooks commerce what quickbooks,commerce is is that single source,of truth for product based businesses,who are selling their,goods online to manage their business,we are really early on in our journey as,jessica mentioned but we wanted to bring,you along,uh because you are our biggest,supporters and you will provide us the,most valuable feedback,as we start to grow our features and,start serving more and more customers,our current launch includes,multi-channel management,which is a single place to manage all,your product listings so for example if,a customer,updates their product description,or pricing it would automatically update,all the channels,that they sell on next is order,management so this is that single,place to see all the orders that they,may have coming in from all their,different channels,inventory management is that ability to,sync your inventory across different,channels so you,you're never kind of over selling and,you're never being hit by penalties and,fees from these marketplaces,b2b store online storefront so this is a,really interesting feature as part of,quickbooks commerce,we know that a lot of wholesalers or,manufacturers who are selling to other,businesses are still,using very archaic processes such as,phone orders email so this is,our attempt at taking all of that to the,2020,and that would be through a website,where you can have your product catalog,and have a checkout,functionality and lastly but of course,not least is accounting integration so,um all the invoices and inventory data,gets synced into qbo automatically,as i mentioned it's a small beta right,now so it's only available to new,quickbooks online customers,through our marketing page customers,have to go through uh,a survey which helps us determine if the,product currently is a good fit for them,and if if they are a good fit then our,care agents would call them up and,uh get has to get them set up in order,purchasing commerce as well as setting,them up on commerce,i have a few screenshots here as you,guys take this away for your handout so,you can take a look but i will actually,be,demoing all of this so this is the,multi-channel product management,order management which is your one place,to see all your orders across,different channels inventory management,which is the ability to manage your,inventory from a single place,and the accounting integration so this,shows you the frequency,as well as the ledger mapping and the,chart of account mapping between,commerce and quickbooks,so let me move over to a live demo now,so as you guys can see i'm in quickbooks,and,this is a company that has commerce,enabled it is currently an,add-on and it is priced at twenty,dollars,uh that is the introductory price for,the next twelve months,with the price then jumping to two,hundred fifty dollars post that,you can see commerce on the left nav,here click on it,and it is going to take me to commerce,i'll give you a quick tour of commerce,before i dive into some of the,really powerful functionality i would,like to showcase so this is the,dashboard,customers can see how they're doing from,a revenue at cost perspective profit as,well as,the units sold they can see which orders,they need to ship,on as well as they can see how they're,performing on each of the channels that,they sell on,right here next is inventory,and i will go to one of these variants,here,so you can see you can quickly create,variants uh,from this so it could be things like if,you're selling t-shirts small,medium size if you're selling bikes it,could be different wheel sizes,you can quickly create them in commerce,as well as,you can publish them to different sales,channels from this one spot,in commerce,moving on to sales order so this is your,one place to see all the orders coming,in,from all the different channels as you,can see orders that come in from,shopify et cetera they come in as,finalized orders which are invoiced and,paid and then you know you need to,work on packing and fulfilling them here,stock control is the place where,customers can do periodic inventory,accounts to make sure that,what they have in their warehouse aligns,with what is reflected,in commerce and this is our b2b,storefront i'll show you,what that looks like so as you can see,it looks like a,kind of a website where you can see all,the products and be able to order it as,well as it has a checkout tool,this can be invite only so you can,give all your uh b2b customers a,login and a password so it's not,available to the general public so for,example,customer is selling both on uh retail as,well as wholesale their wholesale prices,are protected,all right now moving on to some of the,functionality that i wanted to show you,i'm going to walk you through,a sales order coming in from shopify,that then gets synced over to,commerce and then goes over to,quickbooks and uh your transact your,journal entries are created for you,automatically,so this is the bicycle company store,that is linked to my commerce,store i'm going to create a new order,here,i'm going to select a customer,and a product,all right and then i mark it as paint,and this automatically creates a sales,order which is then synced over to,quickbooks commerce,i'm gonna have to refresh it,there you can see that's the order that,i just created one 1007,that came in from shopify as you can see,here,i can click on that sales order,and since it's already paid it's already,created an invoice,and you can see here that it's already,linked to quickbooks online,so if i click on this link here it'll,automatically take me to,qbo and the invoice within qbo,so you can see the same data here will,smith the,87 and 20 cents and,sorry this is blocking my ability to see,okay,if i hit on more like any other invoice,you can go to the transactional journal,and you can see that journal entry that,was created there,right,so i have one more poll question for you,before we turn it over to q a,what are your biggest challenges in,serving e-commerce clients,thank you for the demo how the questions,are going rapid fire so we'll give,everyone a minute to finish,uh selecting before i start taking,because i don't want to distract anyone,while they're trying to fill out the,questions,but it looks like we have a ton of good,things for you guys uh,to look at with both future future,options to add as well as just some,clarity and,lots of excitement from people who want,to demo it for their clients as well,um so keep the questions coming in once,you've got your,survey answer to the poll question,answered we'll give you about,30 more seconds or so to get those,answers in,um some excitement in here for sure and,lots of people with questions about,existing so that's,yeah what this means for existing,clients will be what we start with,as soon as this poll is wrapped up,all right most of our answers in,okay so about half our folks don't,currently support e-commerce clients,hopefully this makes it easier for you,guys to get into that niche we know the,world's going online especially in these,crazy times we live in,um any surprises for you may have these,answers,no this makes sense the reconciliation,of the,fees that come in from these sales,channels we've heard time and time and,again that this is a huge pain point and,there is no inventory management,solution on the platform that,uh like around in the market that solves,for this as well so this would be,kind of something that we definitely,want to provide and could be something,that we could uh you know really excel,in in terms of providing a great,customer experience there,wonderful all right so let us move on,and take some questions from,you guys uh so number one uh we called,out at the beginning that this is for,new,qbo customers and we have a lot of folks,in the audience who have some existing,customers who they think would be a good,fit,or you know who are trying to get into,this area,is there an option in the future that,we're exploring to bring this to,existing customers,yeah so early in 2021 we're going to,start opening it up to existing qbo,customers we want to start with,quickbooks customers who don't have,uh already they're not using the product,and inventory functionality in,quickbooks because there is,data mapping and all those challenges,that we still need to work through so we,would start off,with existing qpo customers who are not,using inventory functionality already in,quickbooks okay perfect and then,i'm sure mayhem once we figure out the,integrations we'll have you back here to,update these guys on,what it looks like um lots of questions,about like,how they can see this how do they talk,to new clients who are potentially,coming on about this,is there a place where they can see,demos or they can access more,information or even,potentially play around with like a test,environment for this,yeah we don't have a test environment uh,currently unfortunately,the way to sign up is we have a,marketing page that,allows customers as i mentioned new,customers to,go through a survey and if customers,qualify then we would,uh set them up we would have a care,agent call them up and walk them through,the,purchase process we don't have a demo,unfortunately at this moment,but we're working through a trial sku,soon so we should have that,awesome because we also have a lot of,questions about how pro advisors can get,training,to support those better so all all good,call-outs for us to look,at um we've got a lot of questions about,like the specific,customer types that this is a fit for uh,and a lot of interest around like if,you're a manufacturing business,manufacturing products in inventory,is this a good fit for maybe the,manufacturing specific group,yeah so currently uh we're not,supporting manufacturing on our,uh on commerce um uh this is kind of,part of the functionality that we got,from an acquisition that we made,recently which was trade gecko trade,gecko has some basic,uh manufacturing functionality but it's,not as robust as we would like it,which is why we took it off from the,product and we want to expand on it,first before we open it up to,um customers who have manufacturing,needs,okay awesome um a couple other quick,questions,um some excitement that we showed bikes,we've got some avid cyclists,in the group uh lots of questions around,like the pricing and stuff,like and i think all that's in the,handout but we'll double check that all,that information on the websites where,we can find it,um is this a functionality that's,available in the us or can,our canadian friends access this as well,currently it's us-based only but we do,have plans to go global and,trade gecko actually was a global,product and was able to support,customers all over,so okay awesome this uh,group for this webinar usually is us,only um for the bulk of our audience but,we do have some of our friends in canada,that join us as well,and then last question just getting a,lot of questions about like the qbo,integrations on this,is this something that they have to be,using a specific version of quickbooks,online for,or is it kind of open season yeah so,currently it's on essentials plus and,advanced,we do want to enable a simple start but,because simple start doesn't have,build base and build functionality uh,the experience is not as great so we,which is why we've limited that usage,currently,awesome thank you for that uh last lots,of questions still coming in about like,the number of orders number of channels,number of inventory items so we'll make,sure that those are built in the q a,i also see some really specific uh like,this is my use case for my customer type,of feedback that's actually super,helpful for us so,neha will take all of these examples,that you're giving we appreciate that,you guys are taking the time to like,write that out i saw,one just come in that's like a paragraph,and a half long so those are things that,we pressure test when we look at our,road map and may i'll take that back to,the team and figure out what we can do,i do want to get to our next one but,thank you so much for joining us today,reha,thank you jessica
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