what is a1 on shopify

One Product Store Vs General store (Dropshipping 2022) what's up beautiful people it's nas here,than


Updated on Jan 27,2023

One Product Store Vs General store (Dropshipping 2022)

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One Product Store Vs General store (Dropshipping 2022)

what's up beautiful people it's nas here,thank you so much for coming back to my,youtube channel in this video we're,gonna talk about one product store or,general store the amount of time that i,get asked should i should i start a,general store should i start at one,product store how about my store how,about this how about that how about this,i'm gonna clarify all that stuff today,before we get started i'm gonna be,giving away a 20-minute consultation,call uh you know to someone uh today is,sunday when i'm posting this video so,i'm gonna be announcing the person,by,wednesday whenever you win the,consultation call i'm gonna tag you so,this is what you gotta do um in order to,win a consultation call with me we can,cover anything you need you need to,review your store your products your ads,or whatever uh all you gotta do is make,sure you go and follow me on instagram,then comment on my last uh post that i,have what type of videos you want me to,make on youtube also make sure you,like this video and last thing you need,to do is dm me the word consultation,call and just wait till,wednesday and on wednesday i'm gonna go,ahead and tag you on a post on my story,uh whenever you win the consultation,caller make sure you do that and let's,get into this video first of all just to,make it clear in this video i'm gonna be,convincing you why you should be,starting a general store if you're just,getting started with drop shipping,there's a lot of people reaching out to,me asking me hey should i do a general,store but general stores are dead or,this or this i personally actually scale,a lot of my products on general store i,recently started a niche store not just,because,i'm i you know it's better or the,conversion is better it's just because i,was bored with my general store there's,no reason i was just bored with the,general stores that i've had so i,decided i'm just going to niche store,although i'm on product store again but,the reason i did it it was because i was,bored with my general store not because,it was not converting not because it was,not um,you know it was profitable or any of,that and let me tell you if you're just,getting started and you don't have crazy,amount of time to just build these one,product store buy domain build one,product store buy domain it doesn't work,the first product most likely won't work,there's all these people out there on,youtube telling you that you need to,start at one product store when they,don't necessarily work on a first try or,a second try or third try or any of that,especially if you're getting started,that could be very very frustrating the,chances are the first 20 products that,you've ever test is not going to be a,winning product if you're just getting,started this is just a reality of the,game i'm here to keep it real with you,guys okay in the beginning you're,learning you're learning i look at all,these as a learning process you know,you're going to learn to make better,creatives you're going to learn how to,put better product pages together and,all that stuff so that can be very time,consuming and that's one number one,reason why i would not start with a one,product store if you're just getting,started with drop shipping here's some,pros and cons that are put together,about one product store and general,store i'm gonna go through them and i'm,gonna get get to explaining why you,should not start at one product store,and why you should be starting and,general store one of the things that,people talk about is that one product,store the chances of becoming a winning,product is higher and they have higher,conversion rate now i gotta disagree,with the with the fact that the higher,chances of becoming a winning product,the reason is the products that the,products that we're selling are for,impulse buyers i personally teach low,ticket drop shipping which means the,products we're selling are under 60,bucks now that means that,people don't vendor around my store i've,downloaded hajjar if you don't know what,that is it's an app that you can,download on your shopify store it shows,you exactly what people do when they,click on your ads from the time they,click on your ads and then get they go,into your store what do they do when i,have a winning product i just kind of,like just watch people what they do,maybe about,two three percent of people actually get,out of my product page and click on,other web like other pages of my store,why would i worry about the three,percent but 97,of people that are already decided that,are gonna buy they would go to my store,buy and leave people don't think about,it that much when is it when the product,is 30 40,they're just like,buy leave is not something that makes,them think a little bit more i notice,when you go over when the price goes,over 60 70 that's when people actually,start thinking okay i got to think about,it let me see if this website is legit,let me see let me see their refund,policy let me see this but when you're,selling products that are 30 40 nobody,really cares about going to your other,pages of your store and think too much,or over or question the store okay so,that's number one reason why really the,conversion rate,is not that different i've tested one,product store and the same product in,one product and in a general store the,conversion was like barely any,difference and honestly even if it's,different i don't think it's because of,the one product so it's just the lock,number two uh that i hear about the pros,is that oh you grab data for this,product so you can scale it longer not,necessarily uh and also a lot of people,think that they could make it a niche,store or sell related products again,here's another thing with tick tock,facebook instagram the platform is so,smart these days that you don't really,ever have to worry about the data even,though they talk about not tracking,people and all that stuff they still,track people they still,know exactly what you like that's what,you're still getting targeted with the,things that you even,barely ever thought about like two days,ago at your,grandpa's house you know,um,so that's that's one thing that data,doesn't really it doesn't exist i,actually noticed that brand new ad,accounts do much much much much much,better for me compared to the ad,accounts that i already like you know,had a lot of sales on uh that being said,though uh one thing about if you,consistently find a winning product on,on an account the chance of you finding,and winning products on that account is,higher but i also noticed that,brand new accounts,do much better than all the counter,didn't perform,if that makes sense so data doesn't,really matter so i don't really see any,benefit with starting in one product,store just because of that either now,these are the things that really really,stop me from wanting to do at one,product store if i'm doing one product,store i can't test any other products um,i have general store i can test 10,products if i want to and i can put it,in one store,put them all in one ad account and test,all of them at the same time and no it,does not affect your data i know a lot,of people ask me this question does it,affect my data no pixel is this,like people talk about seasoning their,pixel and all that stuff but it doesn't,really matter it's this little code and,even tic tac on instagram facebook all,of them they said that most of your data,is kept inside the campaign so it,doesn't really affect the other campaign,consistently even if you have completely,different niches i've literally scaled,three products completely different,niches and like i'm talking about the,opposite like in the same store with no,problem like is it does not they don't,affect each other so don't worry about,all that stuff if they are going to,affect the pixel if they're going to mix,up to mess up the pixel it does not,happen it doesn't work that way another,issue that i have in one product store,is,not being able to bundle with any,products no like you can't test upsell,so once you have a winning product um if,you're familiar you can do upsell post,purchase upsells which is one of my,favorite thing it really really,increases your,aov with average order value um but what,happens when one product store is let's,say if you have one product and maybe,you have another product that you want,to use as an upsell but you can't really,test multiple products to see what,people actually buy,with upsells the same as drop shipping,you have to actually test multiple,products to see what product people are,most into if that makes sense so that's,another thing it's just not my thing,because i can't,do that upsell so that's another thing,to keep in mind now let's talk about why,i think you should start your own,general store and test all products,together now not all general store need,to be tacky or look ugly or any other,you can make it super clean super nice,super nice product page you can do that,they don't have to look bad they don't,have to you know be questionable don't,worry about that now number one reason,that i really like general store is you,can test a lot of products at the same,time you want to test 10 products at the,same time no problem all you got to do,is focus on the creatives and get,someone to do your product pages for,five six seven dollars a product page,actually i pay ten eight eight dollars i,think um number two is that you can,scale many products at the same time,you're not limited to one product and,you have to test you know you have you,got to have another store with another,product and then another ad account and,everything you have to technically get,to support people you have to hire more,people to manage the other store why,would i do that you know like it's just,so much work it's so much like back and,forth i would have one store that i can,you know consistently scale multiple,products in it just doesn't make sense,when it comes to drop shipping to low to,low you know ticket drop shipping with,high ticket i kind of understand because,uh people in that question more so it's,a whole different story another thing,not only that you can scale a lot of,products together as a higher aov,because now you can bundle our product,with other products so what i like to do,not only i have my main product i'd like,to have better offer so let's say if i'm,selling something skin related i like to,bundle it with the diff on a product,page i like to bundle it with a,different skincare product or hair,product or something and then come up,with a new price that could basically,increase the aov which you're still,paying for to get one sale but you're,selling more product the same person,which helps you uh bring your profit,margin a little bit higher that's,another thing i'm my favorite i like to,do a lot of uh bundling a lot of you,know up different upsells different kind,of uh things that can advertise the same,person uh we do sms bump which again we,send out this like different kind of,product like offers of the same niche,to the same person just you know these,are the things that we do we do a lot of,email marketing and stuff again with one,product store you can't really go as,deep and,advertise different products that are,related to that product but,it's just like something that i don't,find as beneficial i get it if someone,wants to start a brand and someone wants,to consistently like focus on one,product but i personally think when,you're starting a drop shipping store is,not necessarily at all to start at one,product store honestly such a waste to,me i just it's just not my thing i mean,it works it's just a lot of work and a,lot of frustration of testing so many,different domains more money more time,and all that stuff some people believe,that when you have a general store the,product can die off a little bit faster,i don't believe that,i don't think if there's any difference,like i said i've i've been scaling,testing products since 2016. i know,exactly the difference you know,if there's a difference between the one,product or general store we've done all,of it we've done niche we've done,general we've done one product store,they're all work it's just the fact of,how can you be efficient how can you,optimize your time how can you do more,uh without doing more so that's like my,um,me convincing you to start a general,store instead of doing at one product,store uh just in my personal opinion,again nothing against people that do one,product store it's just less work in my,opinion,and hope this video was helpful if you,guys like these kind of videos uh let me,know in a comment down below that uh,what kind of questions you have what are,you what are you working on right now,what do you want me to help you with on,the next videos that i'm making i also,have a mastermind um i just launched the,new one we're going to have two calls a,week i'm going to give out 150 influence,or less to whoever that signs up you can,literally contact them try to get,creatives done for your tick tock these,are all tick tock influencers,and couple other bonuses just if you're,interested in my mastermind uh make sure,you go and dm me mastermind on my,instagram right here a lot of people ask,about budget and how much they need to,start dropshipping i would say at least,two three thousand dollars to get,started ads you know and mostly it's,gonna be for your own ads you know like,it's not like you can't start dropping,with no money if you that's something i,tell people don't start a business if,you don't have money saved that you,could put aside and um think hey this is,the money that is my for my business,that i'm gonna start don't start it you,would want to have the money that you,don't really care about you know,spending as of right now because that's,a business after all drop shipping is a,business just because it's online it,doesn't mean that it's not a real,business thank you again for watching,and make sure to like and,subscribe and i'll see you guys on the,next video bye bye,you

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