what is best free shopify theme for general merchandise

I Turned a FREE Shopify Theme into a General Dropshipping Store! in today's video we are turning,sho

Ecom Geeks

Updated on Mar 11,2023

I Turned a FREE Shopify Theme into a General Dropshipping Store!

The above is a brief introduction to what is best free shopify theme for general merchandise

Let's move on to the first section of what is best free shopify theme for general merchandise

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what is best free shopify theme for general merchandise catalogs

I Turned a FREE Shopify Theme into a General Dropshipping Store!

in today's video we are turning,shopify's free theme refresh into a,general drop shipping store a big reason,why general stores lose conversions is,that customers coming from social media,such as tick tock can't find the product,that they saw in a video they get,overwhelmed by the disorganization and,the number of products they see and they,leave this redesign is going to take the,overwhelm out and drive conversions by,focusing on organizing and highlighting,the products they are looking for this,redesign is very intentional about the,customer experience on both desktop and,mobile,before we get into the video if you like,videos about winning products drop,shipping shopify themes apps and,tutorials do us a favor and hit that,subscribe button and turn notifications,on now let's get into the video the,products are the star of the theme so,that is where we're going to start even,if you already have all of your products,added don't skip this part of the video,because what i show you now is a vital,part in how i set up the rest of the,store,for my products i have these lists that,i created for our channel all i have to,do is copy and paste the aliexpress link,to the import app it's really simple,if you want these lists as well click,the join button to become a channel,member you'll get access to all of our,past list and also get early access to,ones for future videos that haven't been,posted yet,when your products have been added we,need to organize them into categories,this is absolutely essential for how we,set up the rest of the theme and also,not having things organized could cost,you conversions,someone who sees the product on tick,tock for example is going to go to your,store and check the home page check your,categories and or use the search to find,the product they saw if it can't be,found you will lose that sale so it's,super important to keep things organized,so go through each one of your products,and under product organization select a,type for each one,shopify has already come up with all the,categories so all you need to do is,select the correct one,copy that text then what you're going to,do is go to collections,create a new collection,and paste it in the title,then set the collection type to,automated with the settings as product,type is equal to,and then paste that same title in the,box,if that doesn't work for you meaning no,products are appearing underneath the,category,go back to your product and paste that,same text under tags then go back to,your category and set it as product tag,is equal to and paste the text in the,box,i experienced this issue myself so i,created a test product to troubleshoot,and the product type setting worked when,i manually created the product so that,tells me it may have something to do,with the app and shopify not,communicating properly when the products,are imported the next thing you need to,do is go through and rename your product,titles and edit your descriptions and,variants,i know i know but if you don't again it,could cost you a sale,the imported product titles look spammy,and it looks like an aliexpress product,so people are either going to recognize,that and go order it for themselves from,aliexpress or they won't order it at all,because it looks spammy and,untrustworthy,i know going through and renaming all of,your products editing the descriptions,variants and categorizing everything is,a pain it takes a lot of time it's,tedious but you don't want to spend all,that time making videos and generating,traffic to your store only to lose that,lead because someone couldn't find the,product they were looking for or because,it looks spammy and untrustworthy to,them,before we move on we're going to create,one more special category and that is a,viral category,this category is going to have products,in there that are currently going viral,on social media with this category you,want to set it as product tag is equal,to and then type viral anytime you,notice a product is going viral this,could be on your own account or someone,else's make sure to tag that product as,viral you will see later when we work on,the homepage why i'm asking you to do,this next we're going to create a menu,click online store,navigation,add menu,and start adding in your collection,links,make sure to add a home link as well,and then click save,that's it for the back end of things,let's get to the fun part of customizing,our theme if you haven't already go,ahead and install the free shopify theme,refresh,all right the first thing we're going to,do is adjust the colors so go to theme,settings,colors and follow along with me,i went with a red orange theme for mine,but you can change up the gradient and,accent colors however you like i,recommend matching it to your logo but,if you're starting from scratch,feel free to choose whatever you want,and then create a logo to match,afterwards now let's adjust our checkout,colors,the last thing we're going to change for,the overall design is the font i'm going,to change this to match the same font,that i used in my logo,you don't have to choose this font i,actually encourage you to choose one,that best matches your logo instead,all right now let's get into setting up,the home page,starting with the announcement bar if,you guys have something really important,you want to advertise such as a discount,code or a sale feel free to keep this,here for me i want people to sign up for,my email newsletter to get their,discount so for me this would just take,up space so i'm going to remove it,next we have our header i'm going to,upload my logo,and change the width to 250 px,for menu select the one that you made,with all the categories i'm not a fan of,how the links spill over into the second,line but we are a bit limited with our,choices for this theme so we will go,with it it's not a huge deal on mobile,anyhow because everything is tucked away,in the mobile menu,the other thing we want to do here is,select the mega menu option next we have,the slideshow i want you guys to think,really critically about every section,you have in your stores just because,it's there doesn't mean you need to keep,it if it doesn't serve a purpose get rid,of it the purpose of a slideshow is to,draw attention to certain products i,feel like giving one product that much,space in a general store would be a,mistake i can do this in a better way,and show more products by using a,featured collection block so i'm going,to go ahead and delete this,for the rest of the sections if it's not,a featured collection the email,newsletter sign up or the footer you can,go ahead and delete it,here's what we are left with,let's get into the featured collection,settings,with a general store we want to make it,as simple as possible for our customers,to find exactly what they are looking,for and also to get as many products as,we can in front of their eyes,as i mentioned in the beginning i was,really intentional about these choices,so that whether you're on mobile or,desktop everything is organized and,you're seeing as many products as,possible,for this first section name it viral,products,the heading size should be set as small,change your collection to the viral,category,set the maximum number of products to 5,and the number of columns on desktop to,5.,click enable view all this is going to,give your customer a button to view all,the products in that category,click enable carousel on desktop,and then for this category only we're,going to change the color scheme to,accent one,for the image ratio select square,you can see how much space you end up,saving just by setting this to square,instead of portrait,select show second image on hover,show product rating,and enable quick add button,the number of columns on mobile should,be set to 2,and select enable swipe on mobile,this is going to save vertical space and,allow your visitors to swipe,horizontally to see more products for,the section padding change the top and,bottom padding to 32px,this removed the large gap between the,sections which is using up valuable,space,for our next featured collection choose,any category you like,write in your title,and change the heading to small,we're going to do all the same settings,as before the only thing that's,different is the color scheme and that,will be set as background one,you can add in as many feature,collections as you like for any ones,that follow the setup and settings will,be exactly the same the only thing that,will be different for any featured,collections below this one is that the,top padding will be zero instead of 32,and that goes for any more you add for,the email section,the color scheme should be set to accent,one,change the bottom padding to 60px,and change the offer text,for the footer add in your store,policies a way to contact you and your,social media links,that's it for the home page now let's,edit our collection page,remove the slideshow again it's taking,up unnecessary space,change the image ratio to square,show product rating,enable quick add button,number of columns on mobile 2. anything,below this section except the email,newsletter and the footer go ahead and,delete it,for the email newsletter edit it to,match the home page,you'll want to do the same thing for,your products page just go ahead and,delete any unnecessary sections,alright that's it let's take a look,if you like this video do me a favor and,give it a thumbs up or leave me a,comment down below and if you haven't,already make sure to subscribe we post a,lot of time sensitive content such as,winning products on this channel so make,sure you have notifications turn on so,that you can be one of the first to,market when we post those videos

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