what is shopify checkout page url

Shopify Tutorial: How to Manually Create Checkout Links hi in this tutorial i will show you how,to c

Ecommerce TV by Nick

Updated on Mar 03,2023

Shopify Tutorial: How to Manually Create Checkout Links

The above is a brief introduction to what is shopify checkout page url

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Shopify Tutorial: How to Manually Create Checkout Links

hi in this tutorial i will show you how,to create custom checkout links in,shopify,and essentially it allows you as a,shopify store owner to,pre-add products,add quantities apply discounts and share,those custom links with your customers,through social media email campaigns or,personalized messaging,so that whenever they follow the link,the products and merchandise will be,pre-added to check out,and in this tutorial i will show you two,methods how you can do how you can,achieve it number one i'll uh i will be,using a single product as an example and,then as a second example i'll show you,how to create custom links with,mo products which have multiple variants,and add multiple products to check out,so,let's go ahead to,go to admin panel,and go to product section,and let's use this product brown throw,pillows it's a single product,and,once i'm here let's,look for view inventory history,and once you're here you have to,basically analyze the actual link so,here we are we see the my shopify domain,followed by admin products,product number variance,and variant id this is this is the,number which you need not the first one,but the second one which follows the,variance,so,what you have to do is simply just copy,it,ctrl c on,windows,then go to your website homepage in my,case it's uh it's my shopify domain but,if you have a custom domain that they,should also work,and just simply,once your homepage type in slash cart,slash,paste the variant id colon and you right,now you have to add,how many quantities let's say quantity,of three,so let's copy this link,enter,as you can see the product has been,pre-added to the checkout in fact i can,do it once again or i can share this,link and whoever would follow it would,get this sort of check out,this essentially becomes very,straightforward and convenient if you,want to pre-out products and,streamline the whole checkout,experience for your customers,now as a second example i will show you,how to add how to how to approach a,situation we have a product with,multiple variants like multiple sizes or,if you want to add,multiple,products to your checkout,so let's go to,products,and we'll be working with this one clay,plant pot,there are two variants here,regular and large,so you have to just click on one of them,let's click on the first one,and again we have to analyze the the,link itself,and just look at the last number here,once it's on regular uh variance regular,variant it ends with 11 the large,ends with 79.,so what we have to do is just copy this,variant id for the regular size,go to check uh go to admin panel,sorry on the home page,uh,seven slash,cart,slash,paste,the variant id,let's put how many sides,let's do five,five,and,let's say we also want to add a large,variant,so we click on the large one,and then select variant id,copy,so and right now you have to add a comma,it's very important to separate by a,comma,then,paste it,and colon,let's add quantities of 10.,so here we are,so this is a rag regular size quantity 5,large size quantity 10.,copy it,copy this link,and,enter,here we are,the clay plant pod regular size has been,added so it's a large one of quantity,10.,uh right now i can easily just go ahead,and share this thing with,with my customers and they'll be able to,reach this checkout,with products pre-filled,so that's this is that simple i hope you,found this video useful and if you want,to learn more about shopify please,ensure to subscribe my channel thank you

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