what is shopify well i'm very excited to,be here today to talk about what shopify,is because this is a piece of software,that has completely changed my life and,that's no exaggeration my name is dan,and i'm a co-founder of unbound merino,an apparel brand built right here on,shopify and i'll never forget the first,days of building our company right here,on the shopify platform sitting in a,starbucks before work learning for the,very first time how easy it is to get,started but the best memory from the,early days is a moment no entrepreneur,would ever forget and that's the story,of our first sale and i'll get to that,but first let's drill into what shopify,even is for more simple actionable tips,to grow your online business make sure,you subscribe to learn with shopify,shopify is a subscription-based software,that allows anyone and i mean anyone to,easily get started on building an,ecommerce business,whether you're a complete beginner with,no technical expertise and you're just,getting started or a seasoned,entrepreneur who wants to build a robust,ecommerce empire the tool set is there,and it doesn't get better or easier than,building on shopify in our case as i,mentioned we started small with a dream,to build the brand that we can run from,our laptops whether we're home in,toronto or sipping from a coconut,somewhere in mexico and from the very,start shopify made the technical part of,building a functioning storefront so,user-friendly that even i can get our,store up and running with no coding,experience whatsoever,but what's cool about shopify is it's,not just software for newbie,entrepreneurs we've now grown to being a,global brand selling in over 100,countries we've expanded our product,line we've brought on developers to,highly customize our storefront and,shopify has continued to be the backbone,of it all,and we're not alone on top of the,countless new businesses that pop up,every single day on shopify some of the,world's biggest and fastest growing,brands have also made their home on the,platform brands such as gym shark,mixwear all birds bulletproof and even,kylie cosmetics they're all on shopify,this platform takes brands from humble,beginnings all the way to becoming,global empires,and everything in between,and if this is starting to sound like,it's a love letter to my favorite tech,company well it kind of is but let's get,into some of the details of what makes,shopify great for businesses looking to,start grow and manage the daily grind of,ecommerce entrepreneurship,one of the great challenges of a product,business it's managing inventory shopify,makes it a breeze and that's not to say,inventory won't be challenging it's the,hardest part of running a growing,ecommerce business,but the tool set makes managing,inventory as easy as possible,what's cool about inventory management,on shopify is it doesn't just manage,what's in stock on your website if you,have a physical location or you do,pop-up shops the inventory is,automatically synced between the,different channels so your stock is,updated in real time wherever you're,selling it,and once you start selling shopify has,incredibly useful reporting to help you,better understand at any moment the,current value of your inventory the sell,through rate average inventory sold per,day and the list goes on this kind of,information once took a whole team to be,able to generate reports and data on,now it's all available for you in real,time right on shopify,as i said shopify makes it easy to sell,on your own website and even easy to,sync up with a pop-up shop or a physical,store but it doesn't stop there with,shopify you'll easily be able to sell on,mobile facebook instagram and other,online marketplaces,shopify is ubiquitous with seemingly,endless integrations that will help you,sell not just on your own website but,wherever your customers may be,this is why it came to shopify and never,turned back the whole platform is in the,cloud meaning accessing your back end,and running your business it can be done,from literally anywhere as long as you,have an internet connection,personally i don't know what more i can,ask for i live up here in toronto canada,and sometimes it gets cold here and when,it gets cold it stays cold for nine,straight months so for me being able to,close my laptop board a plane fly,somewhere warm open that laptop back up,and run my business the same way i can,back home,this is the dream,payment processing,in a world before shopify this was,complicated stuff how do you process a,customer's payment using their credit,card or paypal and how do you do it,without issues and challenges well i've,never had this problem like everything,else shopify made this really easy you,can choose from over a hundred different,payment gateways or use shopify payments,like we do but whatever you decide,you'll easily be able to accept any,major payment method and sell in 133,different currencies,for the new startup founder themes make,it quick and easy to have a really,professional looking store without the,energy and cost associated with hiring a,designer to build something from scratch,the templates are beautiful and they,allow you to drag and drop photography,onto your page add copywriting input,headers and other info and what you're,left with is a store that looks,professional enough to instill,confidence in your customers,we started our business with a template,and i'll tell you if i could get a,professional looking site up with my,design skills,you can too,oh the wonderful world of apps where we,be without them on our smartphones right,well it's no different on shopify there,is an entire app store with apps built,by trusted partners these apps are tools,to help you grow your business analyze,data connect with customers you name it,we use apps like delighted to get,feedback from our customers lifetimely,to measure the lifetime value of our,customers so we have a better,understanding of how much we can afford,to spend on marketing,loop returns we use to make customer,returns and exchanges a great experience,for them and reconvert to help us easily,upsell and cross-sell and this is just,to name a few,the apps on shopify are incredible and,they just keep getting better and more,useful,i'm bringing this up just for fun but,whenever we have a big promotion i'm,addicted to watching the shopify live,view seeing site visitors in real time,from all over the globe knowing what,they're adding into the cart seeing what,products are selling the best that day,it's fun to watch on busy days it's fun,to watch on status quo days personally,i'd pick watching live view over any,netflix show any day of the week,as i mentioned shopify is not just for,starting a business from scratch,the support and infrastructure is,designed to help you scale if you can't,handle your fulfillment because it's,gotten too big,shopify has built its own fulfillment,network which allows you to warehouse,your product with shopify and let them,handle shipping and returns,or,if you're growing so rapidly and you,need access to money for more inventory,or maybe for marketing they even have,their own service called shopify capital,which quickly easily and without,paperwork gives you a capital loan that,you can pay back automatically by,remitting a small payment from your,daily sales for many startups who may,not have other options this is an,amazing opportunity for growth support,and this is just scraping the surface of,the type of support shopify provides the,merchants that they have as they grow,so as i mentioned at the beginning as,great as shopify has been every day in,my e-commerce journey,nothing compares to the magic of the,first sale we made,it was in december of 2016 and myself,and my two co-founders were meeting,early in the morning at a starbucks to,put some finishing touches on our,shopify store that we built using this,template that we loved,i was uploading pictures of the site and,tweaking some of the writing and we had,all sorts of ideas that were talked,about then about how we were actually,going to launch the website maybe we'd,have a little online event maybe we'd,try to get some local press we still,didn't figure that all out yet we were,just trying to get the website up and,running and looking good but the site,was technically already up and live at,unboundmarino.com,and i remember clicking to the back end,of our site and just seeing a few orders,sitting there,we didn't announce we were live we,didn't even have our site fully,completed but because some people knew,about us from a crowdfunding campaign we,did and because we had a template that,looked professional and worked,some people were able to just find us,before we could even have our big launch,we forgot about that launch plan so,quickly and we ran to the storage locker,where we were storing our product and we,packaged up those first ever orders and,that feeling,is unforgettable and we owe that moment,to the fact that we built our dream,business on shopify well it goes without,saying i love having built our business,on shopify and if you were thinking of,starting your own ecommerce business,you're gonna love it too ready to create,your online store getting started with,e-commerce has never been easier start,your free trial follow this shopify,store launch checklist and start selling,online today,if you want to try shopify you can sign,up with your 100 free 14-day trial no,credit card is required i'll leave those,links for you in the upper corner of,this video and the description below i,hope this was helpful as you start your,journey into entrepreneurship for more,simple actionable tips to grow your,online business make sure you subscribe,to learn with shopify thanks for,watching and i'll see you next time
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