what is the best way import amazon products to shopify

How To Import Products From Amazon To Shopify hello hello and I am Nevermore I'm being,ever more cal

Nevar Moore

Updated on Jan 24,2023

How To Import Products From Amazon To Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to what is the best way import amazon products to shopify

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How To Import Products From Amazon To Shopify

hello hello and I am Nevermore I'm being,ever more calm coming to you to show you,how do you add products from one of our,amazing apps called amazone drop shipper,how do you add products using Amazon,drop shipper and Amazon and Shopify,really quick tutorial okay my client,sent me ahead this is a really cute hat,so I just click this link it opens up,the head okay and she wants this hat,with all these different colors so what,do we do we're gonna copy the link we're,gonna go back to the home page and this,is the behind-the-scenes of her Shopify,we're going to click on apps wanna click,on amazon drop shipping,okay the menu is now loaded to add,products you're going to click on add,product okay now we are going to paste,this link looks like a copy go back to,chocolate lab thanks cries now we are,waiting what is happening it is loading,up the images the title all the,information and reference to this,product we are now going to take over it,edit the information and import it into,the store as soon as it loads you can,use Walmart as well as Amazon using this,application Amazon drop shipper and,import any product you like into your,store they have subscriptions different,levels for free is up to nine products,and they have someone and someone it's,here that my client is on she gets to,sell a hundred products a month for,$9.99 subscription and we put this is,tops accessories right now we're going,to just put it in the homepage and we go,on the other side we can add a,collection called accessories so you see,how all the hats are coming over,pictures and stuff so here we are we,don't want to say show more so we're,gonna delete that synthetic import it,don't leave that buckle closure into,this material adjustable nothing's wrong,with that,you bring it down take those commas off,for the easy way scroll down right now,is telling us the price is 16 and 45 so,we can double this the doors are very,popular so we can do a lease $29.99 and,you click anywhere and as you can see it,will update and so let's just double,check stuff with a brown 116 a purple,one is a little more so we can increase,the outwards a little more same here,just to make sure you're getting your,profit so it's a color some of them a,little more matter of fact let's make,the entire collection will do thirty,nine nine that way all of them update,look at that you're getting all of these,colors and you click Save and add,product,now it is living and what are we doing,or just waiting for the import now we,want to edit product in Shopify ok you,want to edit product in shock your vibe,and here's why we need to make sure the,colors match with the description when,the person selects so we need to scroll,on down okay and if you don't like some,of these pictures just click on them do,you like this if not you just click,delete in the elite media so now we only,have these pictures this is the main,picture right now you can swap it out,and make the rail of the main picture,sure more media you'll see all the,colors okay so two things we want to do,more options is number one,edit boxes we want to update this,changes to just color you then click,Save because we do not one of those our,changes okay so now we need to pair the,names with the colors so for example,coffee come to Amazon and locate coffee,that's the coffee one go back to the,page click the picture and locate coffee,easy purple,and so once all black and camel smoothly,nut Shore this is the black and caramel,okay so you just pair the colors with,the picture read it and if you're not,sure you just go back to Amazon and find,the color I'm really easy really simple,you see I'm just picking a politician,when I start wearing when I Square this,is soccer,just put in the colors like white garden,and cocktail okay and then hit save this,is to ensure that part of colors pops up,once I like there okay now we hear you,now black cause that Rose pops up,see you never easy,gray,all them pop go bring it in purple just,check in see really easy hope this helps

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