awesome alright guys so we are live this,is 10 arson along with my business,partner Matthew Stafford doing another,live Shopify deep dive store audit on a,popular Shopify store if this is your,first time seeing one of our audits some,people call them roasts but what we,basically do is you take a popular,Shopify store and into what go through,and do a heuristic analysis assignment,which is a visual optimization of things,that we see that aren't clear yep so,what we're doing in a nutshell is taking,the buyers journey on a Shopify store,which is from what happens after the,click when the visitor lands on your,site to the time they leave by bookmark,or whatever right there's a huge process,like Matt was talking about it in the,last video we did about how when you,have an ad there's one click involved,there they see the ad they click now on,your site you're so focused on that one,click but once they land on your site,there's between five and seven at the,minimum clicks if they do nothing but,what you want them to do before they,actually get to a purpose or a purchase,so the question that we have for you and,why building gross scale does what it,does is why aren't you focusing on the,seven clicks versus the one right,because you just say the seven are more,important yeah that's where the that's,we actually make money you know so the,way we're gonna do that is we are going,to take you on a journey as we in this,case we are going to do an audit on the,Deathwish coffee coffee Shopify store,which is obviously a popular brand on,Amazon people seem to like it a lot and,we're gonna show you kind of the good,the bad the ugly of what this store is,doing now this store is successful this,brand is successful and so we're gonna,show you good stuff we're gonna show you,bad stuff we're gonna show you some,stuff they're just completely missing,the point on and the thing here is,everything we're doing is what we,consider a best practice than build grow,scale it's backed up by massive massive,amounts of data collected off over 20,different million dollar or more a month,Shopify stores and tens of millions of,dollars of ad spending hundreds of,dollars product sales lots and lots of,data our team which Matt runs and set up,is about 40 people strong right now it's,actually a bit more than that these team,members do nothing but analyze ecommerce,store data collected interpreted run,tests on it collate the answers and then,figure out the winds based on,all these stores and when we have a win,on one store we roll it up to the entire,network of stores now to be honest but,that one win that happened over here may,not win on every other 20 other stores,the cool thing is though now we know hey,this specific optimization does great on,a parallel doesn't do so well on you,know consumables or doesn't do well with,this audience but does well with this,audience we have such a massive amount,of data when you I mean I don't think,anybody can collect the amount of data,that we do right yeah so what we're,gonna do is we're gonna use that as our,best practices as our benchmark to tell,you what we see on these stores okay so,know that before we actually change,anything on a store like this which we,don't have access identifiers we don't,work with death wish,we're just saying that we if these are,the things that we would be fixing if we,did work with them all over had control,of their site and it'd be the first,thing that we will collect data on and,you know make sure it's actually helped,versus a hindrance to conversions all,right so enough yakking about that I'm,gonna go ahead and share my screen and,we're gonna dive into the death wish,coffee site all right so we're going to,use an incognito yeah so yeah we are a,lot of hang on guys I'm just making sure,you should see an incognito window and,we're gonna load it this way that way it,loads like a fresh load nothing changes,and there's no uh caching or cookies in,the bulb so here we go alrighty okay,what do you see Matthew well first off I,would wonder if they saw outside the US,because of the web site cookies I'm,that's typically something that's done,to Berlin gdpr,it's not required that you do that in,the US so and if you're not some in the,US then it's an extra thing that's just,a cognitive loan we let you talk about,cognitive below because we're going to,be talking about that a lot yeah the,point of cognitive load is you're trying,to reduce it because the more things,that they have to think about or read,through to understand the last time that,they'll spend actually shopping and,browsing your site so what you're trying,to do is get rid of as much distraction,as possible,all right so looking at oh I think I,hovered oh yeah all right so won't you,just take a walk through the navigation,and above the fold all right so the one,the shop now button typically we don't,use the word shop now because we want,them to start browsing and the other,thing that we don't want to do is,interrupt the buyers journey so we would,never use a pop-up like this except for,accident 10 which I didn't try to exit,I'm actually hovering over the shop now,button if you can't see that yeah so,this is probably a timed load and I'm,not sure why they would want to offer,10% off for further person even really,had a chance to look at a trial,and that's explain what we do what that,usually does in the consumers mind and,typically a road to trust one why are,you just counting your price before I've,actually even seen your product or is it,not worth by your ass yeah so you're,basically - I haven't seen your coffee I,haven't looked at your pricing but,you're immediately telling you 10% off,before I've seen any of that which makes,me feel like hey your price your product,is overpriced at the very least and,you're trying to you know alleviate that,or why do I want to join the list 15,seconds after being on your site and I,don't even it was actually less than,that maybe 10 seconds on your site and I,don't even know if you have anything,that I want so at this point you have a,more of a chance of people accessing out,of it than you do entering it to make,sure that we actually have a recording,going okay we are just I had to double,check on that guys so go ahead and exit,off that the other thing is your home,page is really designed for to let them,know that they landed on the right place,which this is obviously the coffee site,and then easy navigation to what they're,looking for so you can shop which I,would think that you would want to put,the different types of coffee that you,have about contact and FAQ and a login,button already cost those are that's,your main navigation that you're giving,people access to go look at the other,thing is are we use a term called,hierarchy of focus,and to me we see three big red areas so,what do you want me to focus on the shop,now button the strongest coffee or the,DWS - which we don't even know what that,is now soon it's another discount yeah,or a loyalty program or something like,that now back up on the navigation,dropdowns are okay but one thing that is,so shop they're not really shopping it,they don't even know really what you got,so they need to browse I'm going to look,around,it'd be better to have like coffee merch,bundles or whatever along the top this,explore this basically is blog podcast,contest reward unless your blog is,actually monetized to drive sales the,last thing you want to do once you get,them on there under your store is give,them an opportunity to get off your,store so if you want to have a blog and,your podcast your contents you're worth,all that stuff great put it in the,footer not in the header that means I'll,get your backlinks and SEO from it but,the last thing I want to do is distract,them the whole point of your store is to,collect money yep and then over here,we've got login so again this is,something we would first want to look at,stats on in most Shopify stores less,than 1% of stores actually need maybe,not I shouldn't say that less than a few,percent of stores actually need the,login function because most customers,don't even want to or have a login so,it's extra load it's extra stuff there,that if they don't need it you can put,it in the footer and they can still log,in now in some of our stores that we,work with that is a big function and it,actually caused problems when we did put,it in the footer so it's something we,test it's not something we just assume,is automatic the other thing is search,search is a big deal okay especially,when it comes to some products people,are used to being able to search for,what they want on Amazon and things like,that the thing that you need to,understand is that it sounds crazy but,many many people do not know what a,magnifying glass icon represents on a,site so they don't necessarily know that,it's a search the other thing is I,didn't even search I think that I did I,clicked it but it's bringing up chuckle,I didn't search for that,I didn't I didn't search I'm so anyway,that's kind of weird I want to type,where do I type it in,I can't even scroll oh that's a trend in,searches yeah but I can't okay so so,something's going on with their search,yeah and so just to to make a point of,it I'm your search is actually your most,valuable traffic on your store typically,one of the first changes we do is we,make the search more prevalent at least,we label it at the very least but then,we actually try to drop the menu down,and put a search bar through the center,because the higher that you can get the,usage of search you have a couple,different benefits from it,one those people convert about three,times higher they're worth about four,times as much as a regular customer and,people will search in terms of what,they're looking for so you'll actually,know what's the most searches on your,site and then you can reorder priorities,based off of that so a big prominent,search bar is very beneficial even if,you only have a few products we used to,think that oh you've got to have a bunch,of products we'll even do it on a one,product store now because people are so,used to searching for stuff and they,type in what their question is you don't,they don't search or if they have a,problem I'll type in what their problem,is and then you can change your language,Inc yeah to hit that so I want to make a,note on a point about this in this,search um you know work that we're doing,this that we're having the problem with,it now here's the thing Matt and I look,at thousands of Shopify stores over over,the years right thousands and thousands,of stores a year we're having we know,how almost everything that we ever come,in we know how these work and when,there's a glitch and what it confuses us,we know what we're doing so a regular,customer coming in is going to be more,confused now the point I really wanted,to make is that if the owners of,Deathwish coffee are watching this and,they're like oh well that's it did that,because tanner did this or that well,yeah you know that but your customer,doesn't know that I didn't know that so,just because you know it works a certain,way but I'm troubling I'm trying to use,it as a normal person and I don't you as,a store owner know where everything is,you know how your store words you know,all the little quirks and you think it's,normal that does not make it normal for,your consumer okay I still owe you have,confirmation bias or being their,blindness yep so I think we're RAC to,just kicked on,kill that so it doesn't mess up the,audio but we're also talking above the,fold okay above the fold is gold that we,always say that right and think about,above the fold and this is on any page,as matt said there needs to be one clear,call to action which there's kind of,three based on color load here you don't,know where your eyes to go but there's,also really not one clear call to action,now this is a seasonal thing it is,currently September 14th we're getting,into the Halloween season and they're,offering their pumpkin coffee that's,great but this is a very weak example of,how do you you know offer an use banner,space to try to pull someone into an,offer that you want to focus your,attention on there's no value,proposition there's no anything they,could use a pumpkin and you can have a,pumpkin coffee now available is like the,weakest call-to-action ever give them,some reason to check it you know our,most wished for our you know most,popular holiday seasonal coffee is back,the pumpkin blah blah blah click here or,you know on sale now or something to,make them actually want to click through,this doesn't do that it's actually it be,better off just not being here and they,could still sell it ok so now we're,moving down and you know coffee is what,they sell and they're actually selling,directly on the homepage which is,actually not a good practice either,currents the home page is designed to,develop trust and then go easy,navigation to what they're looking for,so this is it basically it looks like,there is some selections right here so,what it would say yes what happens we,just select your grind but like that,does this like to coffee type so I I do,like the style like you got ground whole,bean death cups of the imagery that's,cool the whole um we found that us,center align and everything typically,does not work it actually hurts,conversions especially the fact that,like your radio buttons are all goofy,here the delivery a mrs. Stanner for,subscription and stuff but the other,thing is typically not all the times,read as a action button has an opposite,effect because red in our subconscious,is a- has a negative connotation and,actually tells our brain to stop when we,see where they actually even use the red,for the warning highly addictive so yeah,yeah so now you're you got a warning,here telling people hey back up which,and then a funny way like i know it's,not a bad idea to give you a prop but,i'm not saying that they're using red as,a warning because that's so we typically,don't do that and yet the idea here is,prototypic a linear right you want your,site to be prototypical meaning what,they're expecting to see the other thing,is you want the next most important,action on the page to be the highlighted,thing and when you look right here you,have three things that are the same,color when really the by now or actually,add to cart',is what the text should say correct,because they're not ready to buy yet,they're actually they're a browser until,they add something to the cart then,they're in their shop if you're gonna,bold these different variant option type,things this should be bolded too so they,can actually really easily see this if,Matt and I were working on the site of,our RO team was were kind of this would,be the first thing that we would we,would test and take out yeah because,it's this is not the best place to sell,trying to sell your coffee the different,font stuff I mean this isn't bad um we,would probably test some different,layouts so maybe not having this big,giant block of text here cuz even though,it's big it's based out and easier to,read it's still considered a wall of,text,the bullets are nice but it'd be nice to,have icons next to them if they're,actually that important and it's just,not really helping okay from the blog,okay well so this ginormous image,supports this black sentence and then,and then they have their categories,underneath them underneath the blog lot,of stuff and then enter the email and,the footer so again this is a Shopify,store wouldn't go down to the very,bottom there's a PayPal button - oh yeah,so they're here this is a Shopify store,the point of a Shopify store is to sell,not go to your blog so not only at the,new top navigation above the fold you,try to get me to go to the blog now on,the home page again you're doing that,before,even showing me your other categories,your merchandise and your death cuffs,okay again we wouldn't use the word shop,it should be browse or something less,committal because they're not actually,ready this is like saying kiss me and I,don't know your name right they're not,ready for that step and then never miss,a mug Hunter the coffee newsletter again,this this can be utilized in a very this,takes up a lot of space and nobody wants,to sign up for your newsletter you,you're not giving them any benefit for,signing up for it nobody wants you to,spam them so we typically offer a,discount right here this is where that,10% could go yeah yeah and would be much,more beneficial they'd get a lot more,emails no they are doing good with their,social down here they're keeping it in,the footer away from everything else,they're not mixing it up in the middle,of site well let's go ahead and jump,into a category because you done enough,time on the homepage let's take a look,at a category page so Matt what,I go straight you'll probably so maybe,these aren't categories let's go back so,I assumed it was a category well let's,go to merge because merge should be a,category right,all right so Matt what's the main,purpose of a category page it's a filter,system so really all the categories page,is supposed to do is to narrow down,their choice again so they find the home,page they said hey I want to go look at,apparel or merge then together yeah the,way that menu works oh he's a police he,takes up the whole page so you can't see,what you're doing and then so this is,actually segmented I think it would work,better if they actually had some human,just with it but it looks like layman,desert down below they just jumped into,the product yeah so they have everything,showing here so let's see if I go let's,see what happens,I clicked apparel so at least it is,sorting um but you stay on the same page,you stay on the same page okay so these,are going to be these are actually just,filters yeah so if these are filters um,think about all the sites that you,actually frequent that have filters,which are the things that allow you to,select down to find what you want the,filters are not set up like this I've,never seen on my festival they're always,either you know on the side and their,hierarchy focused and in lab it's okay,so I want apparel boom I want honestly I,mean every day are gonna do this see how,those filters should go down the left,side so that when you actually click one,you can see the products change so click,on the mugs,you can see it but barely it needs to be,much more mine yeah it would be much,more effective to have these things that,like he said on the left and then,everything else moved up because again,they're in a category page to see,product not to have to select right off,the bat they see the product in the name,select the other thing is typically we,don't have a mass category we don't we,don't it's better to niche your,categories out and not throw everything,into one category apparel should be its,own category not merged and then,everything within that alright so we,talked about category page let's go,ahead and see how they're doing,information wise they got great reviews,I think about reviews they're not,prototypical right so you everybody,shops at Amazon you know that every,dollar on the internet about 53 cents,are spent on Amazon so the things there,are some things over there that you can,mimic so that you can basically borrow,their trust people trust in Amazon they,know that they're gonna get what they're,ordering and so here with the reviews,which is a it's a very good thing making,it wise yeah you definitely want to make,them look similar to Amazon's the yellow,it's a subconscious thing but they will,automatically try some but you are it,just they're trained to trust Amazon,reviews and if it looks like an Amazon,review you're a little bit of a half a,step or two steps forward yeah it,reminds them of Amazon reviews which,they trust absolutely so we're going to,look at one of these products we'll also,look at a subscription product to,because they're handled differently on,product pages a little bit so which one,these mugs you like Matt 190 weird,five-star reviews okay so one thing,about reviews ninety five star reviews,probably there are some three star four,star reviews that maybe aren't getting,published and it's actually to your,benefit to not have perfection people,know that no products perfect they also,know that no customer is always a,hundred percent satisfied so showing,some what do you what do you call that,word um yeah,showing that your that you are real yeah,and by doing that you publish the,reviews that are not they're less than,perfect and then what people want to see,in those reviews that you consider poor,is how you respond to them how what's,your rebuttal to a customer saying oh,you know that the mug cracked was,cracked when I got it or not even over,about over how did you handle it yeah in,this the thing that struck me here is if,you go back a paper River red now here,they're black and are the same color as,a title so you know Blinn mom it's,definitely better to be that orangish,red color than it is to be black but,they it would be much better is if your,site was congruent from front to back so,that's are going to be one color on one,page they should be the same color on,all and we definitely recommend that you,use the amazon yellow color so i don't,have use any option for quantity no what,if I want to mugs have to go to the cart,to add it but my first call that's if,there's another way no okay so the,quantity it's like there's missing yeah,which is a big deal the other thing is,we know again the higher you focus that,stash cash is definitely distracting,yeah so another thing about that um we,have a client of ours from the past,client we actually don't work through,anymore because they recently sold their,company but they were in love with their,own homemade loyalty program and they,had to have it on every page and it was,what the one was a big point of,contention with our RO team because our,data showed that nobody clicked on it,and they but they wanted it because it,was so important to them to push their,loyalty program but data showed that,nobody clicked on it it didn't result in,conversions and it was just a waste of,focus and we always saw people in the,scrim the recordings that we were,getting from the session recordings from,users on the site them hovering over it,looking at it but not it just,distracting them so this would be a big,thing that we would test now in some,cases it may be critical or it may win,if a huge percentage of your customers,are repeat and that's really the big,thing then cool but it has to actually,win by a landslide not,just you're not doing it just for an,edge case or because the site owner,thinks it's important to do the price,should stand out too much to not be the,same color and this little divider bar,horizontal rules up the call and serves,no purpose,it just looks out of place so we scroll,down the social icon down the page,should be gone yeah what's your go once,your once you have them on this page the,last thing that you do want to do is,remind them to think about Twitter,Pinterest Facebook and Google+ so I,don't anything Google+ exists no I'm,pretty sure that kills oh I think their,plug-in should certainly be updated but,I mean that just gives you an idea,obviously it has no shares it has no,tweets people aren't using that it's a,cognitive load it's something that you,want to remove from the site um you,don't want to distract them and have,them go oh that's right Facebook I,wonder what my buddy's posting about,right now and then leave your site to go,check their Facebook's their newsfeed so,two things that that well not two yeah,two things one thing is this image is,rather rather large but I didn't know I,saw it said pin set but I didn't make,the connection that this little thing,was the pin I had to actually think that,through was like I was thinking what is,that,and what type of and what type of pin,and there's no image that shows it um,honestly if you want you can show them,together cool but maybe there should be,another image that shows like the back,of the pin or two of the pins one facing,you and one laying on its side so you,can see it again you need to make the,give the customer the information they,need what if it's a magnetic pin and,they don't want the magnet they want an,actual stabbed you in the chest push pin,or what if it's the opposite and what a,magnetic and it's not and then you come,over here and you got a pretty heavy,wallet tax in there,people on the Internet are number one,they're lazy number two they have,attention spans of I don't even know,what really short ones and they don't,want to read they want to stand eyebrows,think about how you use your cell phone,you do this you never stop and you read,what you can you take it snippets and,that's how you scroll at the feet at the,speed of your,ability to take snippets of what you're,seeing and again I'm you're forcing them,for them to figure out what you're,talking about and then you're forcing,them to read that so they have to read,through all of your tags to find what,they're looking for especially about,putting it up above the product details,having the details is good it's ceramic,made in the USA,these should actually be separate made,in the USA is actually a value,proposition and is not emphasized here,on the site at all right there's,actually no value propositions on the,excitement what's actually surprising me,two about they had the DPP are non,compliance rules that if they're mainly,I say they're probably shipping them you,see I say to ya the holds 14 ounces of,coffee that's good dishwasher safe there,talks about the pen because a metal bad,flashback good how many of you know what,a butterfly clutch blanket well because,I can say in there that's back yeah I,don't I can guess that it's like the,long pin but I don't know if that's,right because that doesn't seem like a,butterfly I don't even know what it is,yeah so how about you show me what it is,so that I might want to buy it items are,not sold separately okay sign up for an,account to receive free shipping on all,domestic orders that make sense that's a,good way to get them to say no but and,these details are good yeah right there,that's telling you why you would want an,account so all those make sense log in,or create an account a lot of good times,we do that with zero explanation this is,actually telling you that you create a,counter you get free shipping on all,that which is it honestly it's very,strong incentive to do it yeah so you,know now they have to have their own,reason for what like if you're gonna,have them sign it from account but,you're not actually leveraging that to,make more money then there's no no,benefit to it but if they have a good,strategy for how to leverage accounts to,make more money make more sales or,recurring revenue all that kind of stuff,or recurring sales then it makes total,sense but don't do it just for the sake,of having accounts created because,that's useless,it's called bonds yeah this is good we,got products yeah they do a lot of,review yeah so we have a couple I bet I,think they can publish a I'm sure they,have more they just need to publish a,few more of those but again make the,reviews look amazoness that'll make a,big deal yeah,makes it very easy to do that yep so you,know not a terrible product page but,still a bunch of stuff on here that were,simple simple fixes that would make a,very big impact for the customer okay,all right so let's go ahead and add a,product here,Add to Cart,interesting yeah no there's another bad,card it shouldn't be black but the,reason why is white text on black is,harder to read and I saw you'll actually,see the it will reduce conversions I do,like to check out we use the word to,proceed to checkout because you're,basically telling them what to do and,it's a subconscious trigger the arrow is,good again free domestic shipping was,account and see if that's a link that's,underlined mmm-hmm yeah so you can,actually be blue again sign up for an,account which I would make it a little,bit more obvious the shipping intact is,calculated at checkout is extra text it,doesn't need to be on there the shipping,in Texas should be handled at the proper,time which is when you're dealing with,shipping and Texas making him think,about it before they're ready to think,about it makes no sense right they're,gonna go okay so this isn't actually,$24.99 and why would the shipping be,calculated at the checkout if I've,already got an account today it's free,yeah so shouldn't be on your car by,default no the other thing is this is,the first time they've actually used a,value proposition icon or any kind of,visible value proposition saying I'm BBB,accredited business now ideally if,you're going to use this one you know,we've actually not ever tested the BBB,because a lot of people's world BBB is,not a great thing people know it's kind,of hoax and but the other thing is if,you are a BBB one of the best things you,can do is to actually show the icon that,shows your rating Triple A plus rate in,or whatever I do like they're saying hey,free gift that's fast so that is a,basically it's an incentive to go ahead,and complete the order we're giving you,something for you today so I honestly,this cart probably out of a hundred I'd,say it's about 80 85 some simple things,that could really dial it in yeah there,and there check out buttons and there,Add to Cart button so proceed to,checkout all those buttons are the same,okay okay we're doing now we're gonna,pop up in the car before I can see the,cart,trying to get me to sign up at free,shipping that says no I already have an,accountant love free shipping so it,should know this already at this point,it would just take us,so this pop-up is forcing every single,person to go through it and actually,click I'll guarantee this is costing,them some sales yeah it's it's this X,this this no I already have to account,easily confused one there's a much,better way this could be phrased if they,need to do it this way,it's this is saying that the customer,hasn't logged yet,what I would like to know does this,still pop up if the customer is already,logged in yeah I don't know because that,would be a problem if it does then why,would it even say no I just don't know,how smart because it's probably so this,could be also done differently this,could be done in cart with a you know a,blurb or a little box above the cart or,something not if we're not really,typically huge fans of pop ups that,because that distract me from seeing the,cart and the most important thing to get,me to do in the cart matters what spend,my money click the button complete a no,this is another thing this cart I can't,see the cart because there's so much,white space which there shouldn't be,navigation on a car either oh and that's,the navigation it's still functional -,cousin your puppy over the shop and,those big colors are card up so in your,cart you should keep your logo remove on,navigation this white space should be,removed on both top and bottom to move,the entire cart up the page so it all,shows above the fold so here we got the,actual cart that's not let's see if yeah,so it's it's not auto updating which is,really silly because all the,technologies there nowadays to do that,yeah at this point this person's got two,cups and pins think you know in their,cart and they're gonna go check out for,$24.99 hit the checkout button let's see,what happens okay see before you can,even wow so this isn't their fault this,is your stores fault not the customers,fault they added to to the cart they,shouldn't have to click this and even,that still then update it no now I have,to come back click update and then go,forward and then it reloads the page I,still can't see my cart and the pop-up,comes up again can you guys can see this,is a problem and you're watching you're,probably going,ooh that's not good but you know what I,bet if you take a look at your store,many of you are doing a lot of the same,things this is not unique to death which,that's what we're trying to point out,here these things happen like,as an example guys before we keep going,this right here is what we're showing,you is a high-level overview of a,heuristic analysis a store and audit,this is an actual store audit that we,that we did of revenue optimization,analysis this one happens to be I don't,know 18 pages they all vary in length,but these are this is a deep dive so we,basically go single-spaced down the page,bullet e now,evan is super deep analytical format,every single issue that's wrong on every,page of the site and both desktop and,both mobile and google analytics and all,that we're giving you the 30,000 foot,overview we're skipping over then we,also give them some examples of yeah we,there's a screenshot along with examples,of what to do what would work okay yeah,the thing here is everything we're,saying guys we're not making this,up this is the high-level overview of,basically a skinned version of what the,detailed version of a store audit for a,site like this would look like and you,know if you're interested guys we do,offer this as a service on a limited,basis if we have slack in our schedule,we do allow our our O's to do off this,as a service to public stores so if you,want to check this out and see what we,do it's called it's called the URL is,build gross forward slash,audit aud IT bill gross scale com,forward slash audit but the point is was,just guys what we're giving you is the,high-level overview this is what it,actually looks like we did turn this in,and before we do anything on a store,everything in the report like this would,get faced because then we're able to do,what America start collecting data from,and from a control and then try to,improve it,and that is where scale happens guys,this stuff you're still fixing stuff you,have to get all this crap done so that,you have the ability to scale without,fixing all the roadblocks and bump speed,bumps on your road in yours buyers,journey you'll never be able to scale,your store everything we're showing you,here are road bumps speed bumps that are,stopping the buyer from purchasing and,stopping Deathwish from making three and,four and five times more money from what,is a successful product and brand all,right so let's go ahead and look at the,check out real quick um wait a minute I,had to right and I clicked update total,it went up to what about a check out try,again,the one checkout oh happens okay,okay yup date again you took me back to,one yeah that's really rare so clearly,guys again I know again so they,definitely have a bug in there let's see,what happens when I go to checkout is it,got me 2 or 1 it has me with one yeah so,yeah we're trying to buy 2 and it's,actually clearing the car on us now,here's another thing this header looks,nothing like the header on their site,the number one page where people get the,most nervous on a store is this pin,right yeah that's where they enter their,information and then there came in so,the last thing you want to do here is,make it look different like they left,the site the other thing is this is a,very valuable real estate at this point,your logo really doesn't do much you,want to that black background right so,why wouldn't you let them have like your,customer service email or phone number,or something like that so that at this,point of the sale if they felt,uncomfortable and we're wondering they,would see that information go well I,need anything I can always get a hold of,them so it's basically a trust a trust,factor absolutely so next thing is the,Express Checkout obviously in most many,stores PayPal can account for roughly 20,to 30 percent or more you can on your,niche of your sales so PayPal is an,awesome thing to offer,we typically suppress this until the,payment information page because if they,click any of those three links that,takes them off your store which means,that haven't filled out any contact,information which means you have no,chance to do follow-up abandoned card,emails SMS anything so we want them to,fill those out which already suppress,those talk about Google pay Amazon pig,it's used a little bit not a lot but one,it's a it actually might encourage them,to leave and go check for your product,on Amazon so you've already paid for,them to come here you've been through,this whole process and then you're like,oh by the way we we offer this over in,the Amazon as well so and then Google,pay it just doesn't get used at all okay,it's less than 1% of 1% so this ability,it's just a cognitive lower than you,know distraction and what would you see,this tip,it's people say oh I have these options,I should accept it they think that,because their theme allows it or their,Shopify store allows it that the theme,developer or Shopify even knows what the,heck is best for an optimization,standpoint just because you have,features to us I mean you should use,them more is not that correct and what,now we have a thing here called paradox,of choice as well so paradox of choice,is critical because people think they,want choices until you give them too,many choices and then they can't make a,decision and when they start to feel,confused nobody likes to that feeling so,they shut down and they leave rather,than feel confused or get embarrassed or,not you have to think through something,they're just gonna leave so if I say do,you want vanilla or chocolate you can,make that decision if I take you to,baskin-robbins and say which of the 31,flavors do you want it takes you more,time a lot of times you may even wind up,going oh you know what I really don't,need ice cream there so we want them to,check out all right also let's see okay,well for you always want to try to,reduce the number of form fill to have,so to have the company name there is,really unnecessary you don't need the,company you can you turn that off you,don't need that to ship them their,product so shut that off in the email so,again we I say you know people don't,mind giving you information if they know,why you want it and so in the email you,can actually add text of these form,fields and give them a reason why you're,asking for the email they'll typically,get a much better email and a lot better,subscriber rate if when you put in the,email Tom required for order,confirmation so then they know okay that,makes sense if I enter my email here,this is a good as long is that you give,them a reason to pay oh yeah that makes,sense I want to get our companies,they'll give you a good email which,means you can market to them or,abandoned cart market to them yeah,somebody a good phone if this is,optional then turn it off yeah if you're,not doing SMS messaging which you should,be because that matt has sent in a lot,of our videos it's basically the number,one recovery money maker for us,it's a highest source of revenue from,the check out again and recovery but if,you're not doing that and turn it off,every single form field reduces errors,and now we're down to continue shopping,when everywhere else on their site their,button was read and now their button is,black so and then check out the very,last section where they're going to,start change actually money they've,changed things and so it doesn't look,like the same site anymore remember with,a store online you're getting asking,someone to pull the credit card out of,their pocket type it into the thing with,on an internet that's filled with fraud,and everything else the number one thing,your store has to do is convey the KLT,factor which is know like and trust,every little thing like the random weird,header their subconscious but wait,that's not the same side that was on or,the button who that button looks,different even if they're not,consciously thinking about it causes a,reduction in the ability for them to,complete the checkout they just don't,feel comfortable so this is why,everything we're showing you here is why,traffic really isn't your problem your,store is the problem now before we wrap,this one up I want to go ahead and look,at a subscription page okay so let's go,look at hopefully coffee and I can get,into a subscription page so let's go so,they do have categories right there is,really what they show yeah I mean you -,is a category they do it's just it's not,yeah and way wrong um well let's look at,the cup pumpkin since that's the new one,that we were seeing on the home page,it's got a lot of good reviews yeah so,clearly it's a popular product but it,did why aren't they making it like a,customer favorite or do something to,call out on the home page right yeah it,looks like this is the same as a regular,does another miss description box yeah,which I think I could have a couple of,selections right here yep so one one two,or five,oh there's I don't even have a,subscription option on this office as,suppose is this not a subscription no,they they're home to it nor the home,page had a subscription option yeah so,but I know back up and shop I saw it I,have to go to subscriptions separately,so they have separated subscriptions,which does work,do you have what does it is you it it,actually takes you to only subscriptions,here yes,now I got an I'm on a different site,yeah I'm not but I feel like it yeah and,all above-the-fold but it's here we get,normal society,okay so now they're trying to be cute,and not get clearly - okay I want a,subscription page tell me about the,subscription not in huge bullets that I,have to relieve make it visual make it,easy for me,people don't like signing up for,subscriptions it's one of the hardest,things to do recurring revenue is one of,the most lucrative things you can do if,you do it right subscription and if you,haven't read my book ecommerce evolved,where I have an entire like almost,hundred page section on recurring,revenue you should read it because this,has done very wrong and I want you guys,to benefit from subscription revenue,it's one of the most powerful things you,can have in a business but they're not,making it I have I have to read all this,stuff to understand a no-brainer value,yeah free bandanna and embroidered patch,like that's really not probably the,selling point of someone signing up for,a subscription know and I get freshly,roasted beans we of course they do I'm,subscribing right you know so this is,really the only true USP yeah I would,say though one click adjustments yeah,that's and then reward points for all,subscription oh yeah so that's really,those you could you know it's,tremendously be less than half of this,cognitive load and it's honestly the,fact that none of us bother there's no,nothing highlighted other than 20 and,then again I'm still looking down to,Pete any stash cash because it's the,only bright thing on the page right now,with a lot of touch on the strip,something real quick when it comes to,subscription products okay or if,anything actually any product you have,to display the USP the unique value not,selling unique value proposition really,what makes that product special why that,why this subscription the next thing you,need to do is overcome the common,objections I can't cancel oh it's one,click done those kind of things are your,focus not adding a bunch of other,fribble fluff okay if you do just that,you're gonna do better so now we're,scrolling and we're just now getting,down to the coffee,oh my they should have like a shadow box,it's it's on there but it's really,really lighter around the 7 days oh yeah,so that it's obvious that you can go in,there and adjust the days other than,that I do think it's fairly simple it,would be nice if they basically are,saying 20% off their for subscribing and,then also that a car button should have,a little card I kind of don't get mark,and truthfully if you have all these,different death was coffee death cups,like having a list of subscription,products is not ideal no usually be able,to select from the top of the page but,you're like what yeah do I want a,one-pound coffee on five-pound coffee,do I want cups or go back to the top of,the page ya know so there's zero filter,so you're literally forcing them to,scroll through all of the all of your,products to find the one that they're,interested honestly I got two here I,didn't honestly think there was anything,below it because it's a there's no like,to draw my eye on I keep scrolling right,so that you know that's not a good ideal,thing either um so this could be done,better as well yeah so again guys we are,not knocking death wish they've built a,very successful brand they have great,customers people love their products,okay however three to five times more,people could really love their products,if they just simplify it and fix their,store according to some of the stuff,we're showing you now why do we should,do these things well number one we get a,kick out it over their fun and we get to,see a bunch of sites but number two is,we're trying to deliver value in this so,if you just did what you see on these,calls to your store you would have an,impact now the other thing though is so,many e-commerce stores that we come in,contact with like I said thousands of,them they're all monkey-see monkey-do,marketers they see a site like death,wish oh man death which is doing great,I'm gonna copy their site or I'm gonna,copy what they're doing if you don't,know it's working the worst thing you,can do is copy because you're you're,copying something but they don't,probably even know is what they don't,know why what is working is working they,might be really good at their media you,have some really good affiliates at five,traffic that likes their stuff it,doesn't mean that there starts early,correct,so again guys if you really like this,then you know throw a comment below the,video let us know what you think,well I want to touch on one of the,things I wanted to clarify this okay,this is a full in-depth store where our,team not matter I you don't trust me you,don't want us you want our team because,they're the best have them they do this,forty hours a week,each person all day every day that's all,they do if you would like one of our,teams to go through and basically on a,silver platter hand you a detailed,report complete with screenshots,suggestions issues everything where it,goes hey here's everything you need to,fix on your store that will make it work,better make your traffic easier to buy,make you more profitable and just end it,to you then go to Bill Gross scale com,forward slash audit and you can actually,hire our team to do this now there is,some scarcity on this it's nothing crazy,but I want to be clear about everything,transparency and that is that Matt works,with the team and he looks every month,at what the available slack time is in,their schedules when we have slack time,we want to keep our people busy so,they're maximizing what we're paying on,right that's just smart business so one,of the things we decided to do was when,Matt finds slack time you go hey we can,you know take on five or six store,audits this week so we'll make a page,live and allow people you'd like you,guys who have stores to purchase a store,on it and have our team do it for you,now this is not something we normally do,normally it's only for our clients or,our members but in this case weeks since,we have slack time and we really do want,to put our best foot forward you want to,tell them a sneaky part let me tell ya,okay so the sneaky dastardly secondary,plan behind this yes I want you to buy,one of these not because I'm gonna make,a lot of money on it cuz Matt and I,won't we don't charge for inputs for you,this is actually us demonstrating value,by putting our absolute best foot,forward in terms of what can we give you,aside from actually just doing the work,for you and running your business for,you how can we help you the most win the,biggest in your store it's this so we,deliver this to you want us or a planner,if you just implement it one piece at a,time your store will be leaps and bounds,from where it was if it's not selling at,all it will start selling if it's,selling but not great it'll sell more if,it is selling great it'll sell greater,and gooder,okay good is a big word now,the dastardly secret plan is that by,demonstrating our value and giving you,this and you getting a ridiculous,results with it like everybody else,who's ever had one of our audits has,didn't agency there's about two people,that abused that the idea is that you,will be so excited by that you'll be,like man what else can I do with Bill,Gross scale maybe I want to go to build,gross scale live our big conference and,annual event maybe I want to enjoy their,program or buy the book or do more stuff,with builders feel oh my god our desire,is that we deliver so much value that,you come back and become another a,repeat customer ours pretty sneaky right,yeah yeah that's our entire plane so the,best way for you to want to come back to,us though is by us actually getting you,results this will do it alright so again,all the details you need to know about,this I don't want to be any hard pitch,just want to be transparent about why,we're doing it all the details you need,aren't billed gross forward,slash audit a you di t go there there's,a whole page that has all the details to,break down if there is a Buy button,there that needs work we have room to,take audits if there's no Buy button,it'll be like a waiting list opt-in or,something like that so you can get on,the list and notify when we do have,availability if that's it cool if not no,worries hopefully you've got some,benefit on this video and if you liked,it let us know in the comments below,with that guys have a great day get your,store dialed in and remember there's,seven or eight or nine or ten clicks on,your store and only one on the ad which,one you're gonna focus on see you guys,see you guys
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