all right what's up guys i'm actually in,the middle of updating this store to,shopify 2.0 this is a real live store,,and we're going to be upgrading from the,old version of prestige to the newer one,that is compatible with shopify 2.0 and,i thought this was a great opportunity,to show you,exactly what new features they will be,getting,with this newer version of the same,theme right so i can show you a side by,side so it's really easy for you to,understand and i'm not going to cover,all of the features of shopify 2.0 just,the main ones the ones that really stand,out and that they'll be able to use,right away because you know i want to,keep this video short and to the point,okay so starting from the home page,there actually isn't much of a,difference on the home page between the,old theme and the new one we have all of,the same sections available and i've,already pretty much recreated the home,page exactly as it was on the old theme,so let's not hang around on the homepage,much longer and i want to talk about the,most exciting the biggest feature of,shopify 2.0 which is sections everywhere,so sections are,well these sections that we have on the,homepage you can drag them around,right,you can add new sections if you want and,you can make this page as long as you,want it to be so on the old theme we,obviously we don't have sections,everywhere this is how shopify always,worked you had sections on the home page,which you could drag around but on other,page types like the product page the,collection page,static pages or the blog,you did not have dynamic sections you,only had like two or three sections that,the theme developer has provided you,with,but you can't add your own right we just,have the product page which is like this,main section here,and then we have the,recommendations which is you may also,like,and then we have recently viewed,products that's it that's all we can do,with this uh product page template if we,want to add something else,below here to talk about the product,more,we can't,you would probably need to hire a web,developer to do that now let's take a,look at this same page the same product,page in the 2.0 theme,now,here we have the button that is add,section just the same as on the home,page and it gives us access,to all of the sections that are,available on the home page so now,this feature is called sections,everywhere and we can add any section we,want,on any page so let's say for example,that i have some extra images of these,shoes,that maybe i want to add a slideshow,with um with some models wearing these,shoes then i can add the slideshow,section i can drag it directly below,the,main product section so it doesn't have,to be below that you may also like or,anything,i can also reorder these if i want to,you know and i can add some images in,here if i had extra information about,the product that i wanted to talk about,then i could also,add something in like the rich text with,image section or maybe the testimonials,is another good example,directly under here,yeah that looks pretty good right,we have the product and then we have,like a few testimonials like that but,let's get rid of these for now the other,thing that i want to talk about that is,kind of related to sections everywhere,is the fact that we now have draggable,blocks inside the main product section,the main product information here,we can actually remove,things that we don't want so for example,if we don't want the description we can,shorten it like that i mean obviously,you would probably want the description,we have the share buttons here if you,want to disable those then that's very,easy you can just remove that block we,can also add various blocks that are,available to us here for example the,inventory count,if that's important for your store and,it tells you how many are in stock,right and we can drag this around we can,drag the name of the product around for,example a good example is when you want,the buy buttons above the description if,you have kind of a long description,you might want uh this kind of layout,where you have the size the quantity the,buy buttons and then the description,below so that it doesn't push all of,this down,right so just a few examples of how that,can be used and you know obviously we,don't have any of those options here,this is all quite static we can't,reorder this in any way on the old theme,another thing that i want to point out,is that sections everywhere is not,limited to just the product page here we,have a collection page and i'm using,some sections on it this was actually,one of the reasons why they wanted to,upgrade to shopify 2.0 was because they,wanted,some kind of landing page for the baby's,collection what they sent me was this,just as an example obviously this,doesn't really match our theme and we,don't have these kind of sections this,circle in the center is not really like,something you do in web design looks,like this was done by,a graphic designer that does something,for print but we're going to look at,this design and kind of see what we can,do within our theme with the sections,that are available to us,and um,and create something that serves a,similar purpose so as you can see i've,got the,rich text with image sections here as,kind of a banner for the babies,landing page then we have a featured,brand,with a little little quote about that,brand and then we just have some extra,information section here maybe another,brand and then finally a call to action,to shop the baby's collection which,would open up all of the like the actual,collection with all of the products and,at this point i just have to mention,that i'm not very happy with this like,i'm not very happy with the amount of,settings that are available in prestige,theme like i would have liked for this,to be,much larger maybe like a heading maybe,we can turn this into a button but,unfortunately there really isn't like,enough settings to do something like,that in prestige theme i think the,intent is that it's quite a minimalist,theme,and so they keep it really simple in,other themes and themes like turbo for,example in themes like,broadcast,they have a lot more options for,customizing the look of each section and,you're able to build a much more complex,layout it's much more flexible as well,now you may have been wondering am i,really making this uh baby content right,for the default collection is this being,applied across all collections or am i,somehow applying this only to the baby,collection and the answer is that,i'm going to be using templates for this,currently it is done on the default,collection as you can see but,luckily in shopify 2.0 we can create,custom templates for every different,type of page or collection or product or,anything let me show you what i mean so,templates are here alright when you open,this up it's like this and,we can go into collections and see all,our collection templates now we have,this create template button as you can,see and we don't have this in the old,theme in the old theme when we go into,collections for example,we see a couple of templates that we had,this one was from an app this is just,one i created that did not have an image,but all these templates had to be,created in code you might have seen,under pages almost everybody has the,contact template and this adds a page,with a contact form right so you would,create a page through your regular you,know through online store and then pages,and then inside those,pages you can,select the template right so for the,contact us you would select the contact,template now this particular theme also,came with the faq template for example,and that creates an accordion type drop,down thing,uh for you know faqs but generally in,the old shopify you had templates right,but these were the templates that the,theme developer provides you with you,could not create your own templates you,are limited to this list of templates,that you had and if you wanted more,templates you had to hire a developer to,make them for you,now we can easily create templates,ourselves,so i'm going to click create template,here and what i'm actually going to do,is create a new template called baby,collection and it's going to be based on,the default collection so it's going to,duplicate what i've done just now,we're going to create that template,and then what we can do is we switch,back to the default collection template,and we would delete all of those things,that we just added okay so we would,remove this section we would remove this,section and turn it back into like a,regular collection page right,and let's save that and now we would,have two templates we have our default,collection template and we have our baby,collection template,with our baby content,and then,inside of collections when we go into,products collections,then we will be able to go into baby and,actually apply the baby collection,template instead of the default,collection template here,now when i open this right now it's not,going to show the baby collection,because that theme is unpublished but as,soon as we publish the theme that temp,that template is going to become,available here,so that's just a quick overview of,templates now i have actually made an,entire video on templates in shopify 2.0,and in that video i show you a lot of,examples,using,the website all birds if you're familiar,with it they make wool sneakers very,popular and large e-commerce store and,they're actually built on shopify,so yeah if you're interested in,how to use templates effectively then i,recommend watching this video,on my channel one last thing i want to,talk about is app embeds or how easy it,is to add apps to your store in shopify,2.0 so,previously,we had to,often install code directly into the,theme so you may be familiar with this,kind of thing where you install an app,and then it gives you some instructions,it tells you that you need to copy and,paste this snippet inside of your,theme.liquid at the bottom right above,the and body tag,this is another app right this is a,filtering app if you installed a reviews,app like judge me then you may have had,to add judge me,this is that filtering app again,various apps would be installed directly,into your themes code and that's not,ideal right even if,okay some apps recently they've been,doing this automatically right you click,a button and it automatically will add,this by itself into your theme that's,still not very safe that's still not,very clean,because,you know you don't want apps adding,random scripts into your theme files and,then you uninstall the app and you're,not sure if it automatically cleans up,all of these scripts or if they're left,over,after you uninstall the app um and i'm,not talking about these apps in,particular these apps are pretty good,actually pretty like quality apps i'm,talking about the concept in general of,the fact that apps write certain,includes directly into your theme files,whereas now all you have to do is toggle,this on right so underneath theme,settings when you go to theme settings,and then you see the general theme,settings the global settings then you go,to app embeds and you can simply turn on,the core snippet for these apps so for,example judgement product reviews we're,just going to turn on the core snippet,and that's all we really need to do when,we uninstall the app this will just be,gone there will be nothing left in your,theme,and you obviously you also don't have to,mess around with your theme files which,is not very safe you could accidentally,make a typo delete something you know so,we toggle this core snippet on right and,then the next part of adding an app is,that we can add things as blocks so,previously if you wanted stars like here,like review stars for judge me,you would have to go into your theme,find the h1,the code that is outputting your hitting,and your price and you know actually,find that code and paste in the snippet,underneath that code right the snippet,that outputs the stars and that was also,kind of not very easy to do if you are,not familiar with html,so now all we need to do is we can add,those stars as a block,so here under the theme blocks,we also have app blocks which are,dynamically pulled in from any app that,you have installed so here we're going,to use the preview badge stars,and we have it as a block,and there the stars appear and we can,actually drag them into any position we,want so we want them right under the,title and the price so we can drag them,here the next thing that you might also,want to add uh if you're installing a,review app like judge me is a section,for the larger for the actual like where,someone can leave a review right and we,also have,um,app sections available,and uh,here we're going to add in the actual,review widget in judgement that's what,it's called this is the main one review,widget in different apps there will be,called different names,but here we go we get this section,that's simply called apps and we can see,that inside that we have,the judgement review widget and of,course,like with anything else we can,reposition that so that you know we have,we have it above the product,recommendations for example so that,people notice it more or we can have it,instead of this testimonial section,that's built into the theme we can just,have the,reviews coming from the app directly,under the product like that that makes,sense to me i think and you know there's,no limit for how many,um app blocks you can add you can for,example add an instagram feed right from,from another app that i have installed,which is called,covet pics which loads in instagram but,i think there's some extra install to do,for that okay and the last thing i want,to talk about just because it's quite,important and you might be in this,situation as well is the things that we,actually lost that were custom coded,into this theme now if you haven't had a,developer work on your store and your,theme is completely stock standard,then you won't have this problem but we,actually have this problem that i made,code changes to the old theme right and,some of these i made these changes a,couple years ago or maybe maybe one year,ago but i've been working with this,store for a while and um we even forgot,that these things are custom coded,and not part of the theme so for example,in this theme there's only a color a,solid color background on this,announcement bar,i'm i made the setting for there to be a,background image the next thing the most,important one is that i built this,custom section for them the image,carousel,the theme actually does not come with,this,and i'm going to have to,get the code for that,and,hopefully it's just a simple copy and,paste,into the new theme sometimes sometimes,it is sometimes it isn't you know uh,depending on how much they've rebuilt,the theme,in the updated version this image grid,section is also something that i built,like my point here is just that,if you've had,a developer work on your theme just be,conscious of the fact that if you,upgrade to,a newer theme you could lose those,changes and you might have even forgot,about changes that,they did for you that wasn't actually,part of the theme usually if the theme,hasn't really changed dramatically like,if the sections haven't been fully,rebuilt redesigned then,it's often just a copy and paste of the,code belonging to this section you know,into the new theme but sometimes if the,theme's been significantly rebuilt then,it's almost like building a section from,scratch which is obviously extra,time extra hours and money,so just take that into account when,updating to shopify 2.0 so that's it for,today guys i hope you found value in,this video it wasn't supposed to be like,a full tutorial it was just an example,of some things that have changed on a,particular store i thought it might be,useful to show you a real store rather,than the theoretical you know,hypothetical stuff i show you on my,development store anyway if you're,interested in shopify 2.0 you should,check out this video for filters you,should check out this video for,how to use templates,this one for everything about,collections and it's kind of related to,templates as well and yeah this video,about meta fields if you're going to be,using metal fields kind of old there's,going to be a full shopify 2.0 summary,video coming up soon if you haven't,subscribed of course,subscribe,leave a like on this video,and let me know what else you want a,video on that's it for today see you,next time
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