a packet delivery used to be fast now,it's a thing of the past is this the end,of a packet delivery from China you,don't want to miss this one we got a,whole lot to talk about,it's your boy call if you're new to the,channel welcome to the family aka the,winner's circle,you can ready part of the family I thank,you for continuing to tune in and,support this channel I greatly,appreciate it now let's go right into,the topic of discussion is this the end,of a packet delivery from China now I,must say I'm not a prophet and I don't,have any inside information but I do,know when one door shuts another door,opens and I do feel that due to the,pandemic outbreak and mind event stuff,the unfortunate events that's taking,place this year a packet is on its way,out but there are some alternative,methods for alternative solutions I'm,gonna ask you to stay to the end of the,video where I provide you with three,alternative methods that you could use,right now and one method I'm gonna plug,you in with a source that I'm using,directly for the first few action tables,because it's not gonna be around that,much longer all right let's go right,into the steps on the first quarter of,arrival time for packages from China,this year so this is an article it says,tracking system from China Post register,mail,EMS FD packet we're not gonna go through,the whole article just gonna highlight,some key points so it says the fire is,spent I'm not gonna say this word right,here don't want to get into the issues,with you too so let's start right here,pandemic cancer most international,airlines from China which greatly and,greatly I should say affected the,delivery time China Post parcels all its,wrote this article goes on to say that,basically a packet or China Post and EMS,they've suffered the worst delay in,history and they also state that many,packages have been canceled and returned,to the sellers from packages going back,from January January all the way to,early April,now this is this chart or this graph,shows us a minimum arrival time an,average arrival time and a maximum I'm,just gonna touch on the four countries,that I advertise the most to which are,Australia Canada United Kingdom and USA,Australia,it says minimum average time 19 days,average average time 42 max 83 I'm being,honest the 19 is not very accurate these,packed is these packages have been,coming really around 42 to 83 if you're,using a packet china pulse or EMS let's,go down to Canada minimum six average 61,max 98 let's go down to the UK 12,minimum average 52 max 123 and USA 12,average 49 max 115 no business can,survive with these type of shipping,times you lose your merchant account,from chargebacks or you lose your,advertising account because of poor,feedback on facebook and a whole bunch,of complaints so we know we need some,alternative solutions in order to,continue to run a profitable ecommerce a,drop shipping business,let's look at some reviews from drop,shippers and even customers that have,been using a packet or receiving their,packages through a packet delivery look,at this a packet reviews from 149 this,is taken from 149 reviews I see two,stars out of five and these are from,2020 look at look at the reviews,horrible one-star look at the dates six,for 20 just want you to know this is,fresh information takes too long for,your package super slow very slow races,from all right here are more flagrant,language right here,and it goes on and on and on and on even,if you go on Facebook and Facebook,groups everyone's talking about if you,go on ready people are talking about it,over there as well one thing I would do,before I take care of how before I talk,about how you could kind of be proactive,and communicate the right way with your,customers first thing I would do is go,and take care of my advertising account,and for most of us or let me say for me,most of my advertising dollars are,pushed towards our Facebook's,advertising platform so I will go here,on facebook.com slash and slash customer,feedback and I would select my fan page,or fan pages and I would go to the,section right here that says set,delivery speed I'm gonna put it to the,max max is nine weeks and then I would,add my countries that are delivery to,deliver to part of me and then I will,hit save that's gonna help you out with,all not getting into too many issues,with Facebook because you set the,expectations on when the customers,should get their packages as of now when,you're able to provide faster delivery,times make sure you go ahead and change,that also what you're gonna want to do,is talk to the customers and be,proactive with your delivery times I'm,gonna put that later on I'm gonna,actually show you how to do that and,where to do that now let's talk about,some solutions let's go to solution,number one this is an alternative method,right now that you could use and it's,right here,Alibaba so on Alibaba you're gonna have,the option to buy your winning product,in bulk and then ship it to a 3pl um,company three party logistics company in,your country for me would be us where,they're gonna be able to now ship those,packages out to your customers for you,right they're providing you know three,to four days or five days max local,shipping,we do custom packaging all that good,stuff Brandon so you would go here and,Alibaba you notice this supplier you,could buy 10 to 99 pieces for seven,dollars and 20 cents and anything over,99 pieces you're gonna pay seven dollars,for this is negotiable it shows you the,lead time it's gonna take three days to,get to the United States I'm sorry lead,time slides gonna take three days to get,your order together and it's gonna take,three to seven days for your bulk,inventory to reach the warehouse or,whatever you send it to in the US now,here are some fulfillment centers and,some 3pl companies in the US - I highly,recommend one is fulfillment another's,dollar fulfillment and another is Kane,is Abel so you're gonna want to reach,out to these companies let them know you,know everything the product wait if you,want to do branding and custom packaging,all that good stuff,they'll take care of now you might say,hey I don't have that much capital to,buy product in bulk and then paint just,pay for it to be shipped to these 3pl,companies okay well guess what you can,do you can actually get the money from,the customers first and then take that,money go here buy it in bulk and then,once it gets to the warehouse it's gonna,ship to those customers if you want to,get to the 3pl company how are you gonna,do that without getting any issues with,customers filing for charge bags and,complaints due to the delays you're,actually going to put a pre-order,sign on your website in your title right,here your product title you're gonna put,something like this pre-orders shipping,June 15th for Cena I would take it a,step further and right hand set up Add,to Cart I would probably say something,like check availability and right here,where it says buy it now I would say,pre-order now maybe in the header you,could also say something like this,product is only available for pre-order,order now to secure your shipping date,this is the verbage I would user I'm,just going off the top of this you know,so this is one option that you can use,this is this is an alternative method I,told you I'm gonna mention three this is,one of those alternative methods the,second method is using a sourcing agent,like a service call our company called,CJ drop shipping now I do have a product,highlighted so what they do is ensure,just a condensed version they source the,product for you,they have warehouses and Thailand you'll,say China all across the globe and,they're able to provide fast shipping,terms because they're they're not using,anything they're not using a packet or,anything that you would normally use,when you go to Aliexpress they actually,really provide fast shipping terms,especially to mainland countries so,let's look a prop let's look at a,product that I selected for today's,video so just so that we could see an,example this product the neck massage,it's been very popular the product price,is $20 you see this one they're only,offering shipping from the China,warehouse sometimes when you press the,drop down you better see us a warehouse,tile any warehouse UK but for this one,is only China warehouse you can see the,shipping cost is gonna be 11 19 so this,is gonna bring the total drop shipping,price to 31 23 you gonna say wow that's,kind of high here's what you can do,you could take half or a little bit more,than half of this shipping cost and add,that to your drop shipping shipping,price when the customers check out so,for an example you could say let's add,$5.99 to the shipping checkout and you,could take the upper $5 and add it to,the product price that's that's,something you could do and it kind of,looks like this right here so right here,you can see I have a free and I'm beam,I'm being very transparent I say free,shipping 20 to 40 days delivery covin 19,delays that's free they have that option,then you have the option protected fast,coded 19 shipping 5 to 14 days delivery,tracking with insurance that's five,ninety five so that five ninety five is,gonna cover that a part of that 11:19,shipping cost and you're gonna put the,other five dollars to the actual product,price then you could also do and only do,this last option if you could call if,you could offer this to the customers,rush delivery with secured shipping USPS,four to seven days we will let you skip,the line they love this this converts,like crazy therefore you will avoid look,at the verbage Kovan nineteen delays,this 997 one converts like crazy but you,only want to offer this if let's say for,example CJ Cyrus Alibaba where's CJ,right here CJ drop shipping they had the,option to buy it from us warehouse and,then you could put some of that shipping,cost is gonna be more expensive to ship,from the US you could put some of that,more to the UH to the shipping price at,your checkout and then put the other,half of that to all to the product price,so you only want to use this option if,you can really offer fast shipping with,now let's talk about things to implement,right now with your customers so you're,being proactive alright so first you,don't want to run ads the countries that,you know your supplier can't ship to you,with in a timely manner don't be greedy,and don't try to ship to a country if,you know your supply is offering,outrageous shipping times to that to the,Civic area or region to if you're going,to use like the slower shipping route,like something like twenty days plus,you're gonna want to make sure that you,inform your customers on your website so,you're gonna put on your product pages,you're gonna put the the delivery time,you're gonna make it right there in,their eyes in their face don't hide it,you're gonna put it on your shipping,policy you're gonna put it on your FAQ,page you're gonna put it in your order,confirmation email and you're also gonna,put it in your shipping confirmation,email so that you have been very upfront,with them these are the shipping times,this is what to expect so it's no doubt,about it,that if there is an issue with stripe or,your payment processor you could show,all this information and document that,the customer was aware of these shipping,terms prior to making a purchase on my,website so this will allow you to,windows chargeback in disputes I'm not,saying you're gonna mean all of them but,you will win because you were,transparent and you're upfront number,three is to offer faster shipping,options for customers to checkout and,already went through that right here,these are the fastest shipping options,and lastly like I've been stating,communication is key always address,those customer objections you wanna do,it before the customers thoughts,emailing you or spamming you on your fan,page because then they're gonna start to,question whether or not they trust it,buying from the website so you want to,retain those objections now,the third and final alternative method,is using your own private supplier and,my supplier just sent me a sample,product using a new ship in Korea,it's called 4px and look at the date she,sent the package on May 11th and I,received it on May 25th right here,Brooklyn that's why I had it said that's,why I had to send the package to and,actually the products right here you,know me I'm a man of zero fluff I'm a,man of abundance I don't gotta hide,anything,go ahead and test it if you want these,have been hot right now very popular,these aren't regular mass for the virus,these are actually exercise mass that,helps with breathing so like you can,have a better flow of oxygen so will,actually help you have better stamina,and you'll be able to get to get more,out of your workouts whether you're,running weight training crosscutting,cycling so the quality is very good it's,a English user manual,all in English easy steps to follow and,I'm very happy with this product and,that's what you get to do you have your,own private agent they get to go ahead,and check the product quality they get,to send you samples I get my samples for,free,I've been working with this private,supplier for about a year and a half now,and it's just a great relationship you,know I'm very happy and I'm thankful I,ran into a private supply private,supplier that could get me quality,products at a snap of a finger and for a,very good price,that's the benefits of using your own,private supplier,this is a major key and we should all be,using our own private supplier if we're,doing 20 to 30 plus orders daily hoof,just bust out 50 pushups I could,definitely feel the easy flow of oxygen,passing through my lungs alright but,anyway if you want access to a top,supplier that could provide top quality,products like the one you see here and,could provide fast shipping time to your,customers I'm gonna give that to about,the first 30 to 40 people that take,action right away because my supplier,could only work with a certain amount of,people but before I give you access,you're gonna need to meet the criteria,which is you need to be doing 2040s a,day minimum so that you don't waste her,time or even waste your time as well,next you're gonna need to do three,things first you're gonna need to like,this video,second subscribe to the channel and,third go on my Instagram account and,send me a DM with the word supply it,you're gonna need to do that and I'm,gonna bet out to make sure you're,actually doing 20 orders a day so I'm,gonna reach out to you gonna have to,show me your orders and then I'll go,ahead and send you my supplier Skype and,info so that you and her could start,working together thanks again for tuning,in,I always greatly appreciate it - the,next time peace
Congratulation! You bave finally finished reading when i buy through my shopify website epacket says 25 days but usps days 3 days and believe you bave enougb understending when i buy through my shopify website epacket says 25 days but usps days 3 days
Come on and read the rest of the article!