in this video we're going to be,discussing the topic outgoing shopify,and if you don't know what that means,don't worry we'll get into it right now,okay clay so what does outgoing shopify,mean outgrowing shopify what does that,mean so what it means to outgrow shopify,is that a lot of e-commerce stores a lot,of e-commerce businesses they get to a,certain point they've started up shopify,super easy to start with learn you know,enter your products make your brand uh,but when it comes to doing the extra,stuff like if you for example want to,have like really great recipe pages if,you're a food business or you have maybe,like a lifestyle blog that you want to,add and the shopify blog it's limited,there's not really a lot of options for,customization and so you think okay i,want to grow my brand i want to grow,my authority how do i do more and so,that's where kind of looking away from,shopify the start of looking away from,shopify happens so okay so at what point,do you think you actually tip over that,point where shopify is not really usable,because you want so much more for your,store but it's just not in the,capabilities of shopify yeah it really,comes down to the customization shopify,as a platform is pretty fantastic uh the,feature set is,oh yeah shopify is awesome,it's it's better for e-commerce than,anything else you know there's nothing,like on the market like it as of right,now uh so,it's not really,great when you have to move because now,you have to think all right if we're,changing platforms to something else we,have to move all of our old content over,this brand new website which is that's a,hassle and for an e-commerce store,there's a lot of data to move over right,for sure i actually i have a client at,the moment that they have 400 recipes,wow 100 recipes and over 100 products,that we're currently moving at the,moment so that takes a lot of time and,obviously a lot of money to move over,yes so when it comes to outgoing shopify,if you need a solution and you're,starting to actually outgrow the,platform,one of the actual great alternatives,that we've discovered is combining,webflow with shopify and so what are,some of the benefits of combining,webflow and shopify in order to actually,grow more in your store,yes so shopify obviously is the king of,e-commerce you cannot touch it you,cannot move it and if you already have,an existing shopify store again you're,going to have that hassle of moving,everything over to another platform so,you can bring in web flow instead you're,actually able to create pages that are,identical and theming and style to the,shopify theme that you already have in,place and you're able to add content,like your recipes your blogs etc to this,custom website where you can add your,own filters and you can add maybe,there's a certain module that you really,like for showing video or something like,that you're able to do all of that on,the custom platform without actually,disturbing your shopify platform you've,already put all that effort into,creating this e-commerce solution you,have everything configured all your,products are there all the great images,why disturb that exactly when you just,make a really fantastic add-on through,webflow perfect so instead of moving,everything over to a completely new,website instead of doing a site,migration you can simply add on a,webflow website that is completely,custom and seamless and it makes the,experience feel like it's one website,but really you've just added more custom,content and it also allows you to add,more features to the actual,website because when it comes to shopify,like clay was saying there's no,customization options really it's just,block by block building pretty much and,so with webflow you're able to actually,make custom sections and you can add,features what are some unique features,that webflow has i mean obviously,there's a lot but name a few of your,favorite features on webflow but when it,comes down to webflow,versus what it can actually do versus,shopify is that for example,if you have there's certain sections,like on one of my clients they have uh,it's like recipe tips and this great,little box and it has a signature from,the owner it's really cute you know kind,of a cutesy thing but it adds a lot of,extra flair to them they were originally,going to be putting their recipes onto a,plugin through shopify that obviously,could not do that there's no,customizability being able to make those,little custom you know sweet things that,really add to a brand is probably my,favorite um,you can do anything it's a completely,open source you can embed a code from,from other,websites other plugins into the actual,webflow which,it takes a lot of knit and grit to work,through a shopify site that is one thing,uh you can custom code in shopify uh but,the thing is that then you have to pay,for a shopify developer which is very,expensive so yeah we've heard of some,very expensive boots when it comes to,that and so that's why this is an,alternative that's cheaper and it's way,more effective it's going to allow your,store to keep growing without the hassle,of a site migration yeah it's the same,results for a a fraction of the price,right yeah and so uh we can really,quickly talk about one example of this,and that is so this is a,store that was on wordpress beforehand,and we've talked a little bit about this,but the store was not having great,success because it kept running into,some of the errors that wordpress,commonly sees where the plugins are kind,of breaking there's updates and then the,website is kind of falling apart right,before your eyes and so we migrated this,over to a webflow and shopify,combination and you can go check out the,site to see what i'm talking about, but we basically made a,seamless integration between the webflow,and the shopify website and you'll,easily see that when you actually go to,start shopping for products yeah that's,right they actually were previously on a,shopify website,and they were convinced by another,company to make that change over and,guess what they didn't really like it,all that much you know all that you know,simplicity that they had in their lives,they had extra time to do just about,anything else than worry about the,technical side of their website was,completely thrown out the door and they,were stuck on this wordpress website,that they hated and they had one of,their employees would their marketing,director would spend pretty much their,entire day in most days trying to figure,out what's wrong with the website and so,that problem we've completely eliminated,that for them yeah and they were getting,she was also responding to emails all,day from people that were complaining,that the website's down or they couldn't,access certain pages they couldn't buy,things i mean come on you can't have an,e-commerce store that has products that,you're not able to purchase because that,defeats the purpose a little bit right,yeah yeah for sure another great thing,that brought me a lot of joy here was,that we actually were able to make it so,that the quality of orders on the,website was higher than previously,because people could actually find the,products things were loading they could,actually add what they want and discover,new products and add them to their cart,and so they actually were the value in,the orders had increased significantly,yeah it sounds like they were really,happy with the situation and i think,that in in almost any situation you're,going to actually find that the web flow,and shopify integration is the best way,to have an e-commerce store with a lot,of functionality and that's really,effective and affordable as well yes,awesome well thanks for coming on today,clay and i think that wraps up the video,thank you for having me
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