hey everyone welcome to the video this,video is just to compliment our Shopify,pages article where we basically,provided all the information you need to,know about the stock Shopify page,templates that come with each theme so,basically what we've gone through in the,article is that you have themes that you,can apply to your store and within each,theme are these stock pages such as the,home page collection pages product pages,blog everything like this but the,limitation is that in themes in the,theme editor as Shopify calls it the,home page is really the only page that,you can have any kind of flexibility or,or get creative with designing it so,I'll show you I'll quickly demonstrate,that I'll show you - it's in the article,but just so you know how to access,themes and pages,I met my Shopify admin right now and,when I go to online store pages is where,I'll see the pages that I currently have,as you can see some are hidden some are,active I can add a page here but what,I'm focused on right now is themes so,right now I have the Brooklyn theme,which is a free Shopify theme I have,some others that I could apply but for,now this is the one that has the most,design done on it and then I'm going to,hit customize,you can see we're automatically on the,home page anytime we enter the theme,editor and you can see I have all these,sections which is okay right I mean I,can add video featured collection things,like this let's see the options for,adding sections I can add blog post,collections images reviews so it's,pretty good for the the home page right,I can get quite flexible I mean this has,been built with just the just the,Brooklyn theme and it's got it looks,great it's got nice information on it,but if I switch to a different page if I,go to a product page oh oh what happened,right this is all I have all I can do,all I have is a header which is up here,footer down here and the product here so,these are all the options I have for the,entire product page for the native,Brooklyn theme I have looks reviews,installed that's why you see this but I,have no way to adjust that from here,okay so really limited this is what I,want to stress so if we take a look at,this product page I can't add anything,or do anything else on this page because,it's just what you see is what you get,with these themes okay,but when using page fly also addressed,in the article this is an application,that allows you to build pages using a,lot of different elements Shopify,elements these work with the real,product in your Shopify admin and,basically so this is a product page that,was built with page five so this,placeholder right here is essentially,what you would see here okay but page,five has allowed me to add a promotion,video Buy Now button a sizing chart link,to about us show off the product more,cross-sell email signup right and I can,go on even further than that I can add,anything I'd like around,this Shopify product so it just shows,you the restrictions in the Shopify,themes like I said the home pages are,great each theme has its own benefits in,how you can customize the homepage but,at the end of the day it is still,limited and especially all the other,pages very little you can do as far as,customization we can take a quick look,at this page I don't think it's the same,product product but you'll get the gist,of it as you can see same layout as this,product here we have the title the price,size images da-da-da-da-da all right but,I have all this other information right,I've added all this using page fly if we,go ahead and preview this one sorry let,me move this if we view the Brooklyn,theme by itself I'm gonna go to the,product page see these have these have,been but these collection pages have,been built with page fly not with,Shopify that's why you can add the video,and everything like that so this is the,product page for Shopify like that's,really all you can see a little bit of,information if there is a sizing chart,but it's a little bit wonky versus all,of this great information right so I,just so I hope this video has kind of,reiterated the need for being able to,customize your store further and the,fact that unfortunately at this point,the Shopify themes just don't deliver,the capability to do that so check out,page five for sure if you want to learn,how to use page five we have a udemy,course that basically teaches you how to,build every type of page we take a,well-known brand and we recreate a page,by them using page five as closely as is,humanly possible but definitely check,that out it's a free course and thanks,for watching if you're new to Shopify,good luck and I hope this information is,valuable to you okay,take care thanks a lot
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