where does the favicon show on shopify

How to Add Favicon to Shopify Store - Design Tab Icon or Website Icon for Shopify Website in this vi

Kashif Mahmood - KM

Updated on Mar 29,2023

How to Add Favicon to Shopify Store - Design Tab Icon or Website Icon for Shopify Website

The above is a brief introduction to where does the favicon show on shopify

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How to Add Favicon to Shopify Store - Design Tab Icon or Website Icon for Shopify Website

in this video we will add a fabric on,icon or a fab icon,on the shopify,store so here you can see we currently,don't have any pav icon,so for this we have to go to,themes in the online store we have to go,to themes and click on customize,here under theme settings,we have to go to,the fab icon,and here we have to upload the image,which should be of 32 cross 32 size,so we can we have two ways to create a,fav icon first of all,first way is to search for the,fab icon generator,you can open any website and here we can,choose any,so here we can choose any emoji we can,add any text,or we can add,or we can convert an image into python,so we have three ways here in this first,way,and the second is to create our own,fab icon which for which we can use,canva click on create a design,custom size and here we will type,40 crores,put and we will click on create new,design,and here we can add any elements over,here and create a fab icon of our choice,as my website is related to golf,i will search for goals here,and i can add any of the element over,here maybe i want to use this one,so i think it's more better so i can use,this one,you can use the ng-related one i will,click on download,and transparent background,now we have to convert this image into,fab icon,so for that we have to go to this,website and we will click on image,and here we have to upload the image,here we have to upload the image,so i will choose this image,and download,showing folder,extract the file,and here you can see the different size,different fab icons,we can choose any one that we think is,more suitable so i think this one will,be better,maybe this one so let's check which one,looks,more better on the website,go back to the website,select image upload,to the folder and here we can choose any,so let's use this one,select,and save,now go to website and refresh,so here you can see,the icon over here,so that's how we can add a fab icon on,the shopify website,thank you for watching don't forget to,like this video and,comment on this video and subscribe this,channel for more related videos,and also if you want to buy a web,hosting don't forget to check out the,link provided in the description i will,provide this link in the description,and you can see we have some premium web,hosting and you can save dollar 95 per,month on cloud base it's the fast,posting,that is vps server based,and here we have liquid web,and here we have two budgeted hosting,that are very affordable and you can,with this link you can save 80 percent,on hostinger and with this link you can,actually save 50 to 70 percent on,namecheap,so don't forget to check out the link,provided in the description if you want,to buy a web hosting

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