hello everybody and welcome,to our uh used to be monthly webinars,in the month of december it's going to,be our weekly webinar series uh this one,is with,about shopify and zoho it's part of our,overview and best practices series,and a little different usually i've got,tyler colt,with us but today we're going to have,tavern,boynton and he is going to basically he,is our,head consultant who works with us on all,of our web,and e-commerce things so together we're,going to be presenting this,webinar i'm going to be doing this a,little differently tavin's driving so,tavern go to the next slide,so here we go we'll get this thing going,there we go so basically,we've had a lot of really interesting,things that have come,up over the last several years as it,relates to e-commerce,and tavin joined us around i guess five,or six months ago and has really helped,us kind of blow out this,this division and as we've kind of gone,through it we've vetted virtually every,e-commerce platform that there,is and we as a team have settled on,shopify and we're going to talk to you,about,why that is so here's what we're going,to talk about today,so on the agenda we're basically going,to talk about why we chose,shopify and zoho why we think it's a,great combination,and then taven is really the bulk of,this he's going to go ahead and give you,a front end too or a back end future,tour go through all the key features and,really go,through some really interesting,deployment solutions uh,whether it's standalone or doing it with,your content management,system so whether it's wordpress or any,of those is going to take you through,there,and then i'm going to kind of dive in,and talk about all of the various zoho,and shopify integrations how they work,and what they do for you and then we're,going to open up for questions at the,end,if you do have questions please don't,put them in the chat box there's,actually a q a box and if you drop them,in the q a box it allows us to kind of,filter through them and make sure that,we get to everybody's question at the,end of the webinar so with that let's,talk about uh why,shopify and zoho so,basically it's just a great great,combination,and we've looked at a lot of these and,you know woocommerce is interesting and,that it's free,and it's actually a very good solution,itself but,there's only some really kind of,third-party integrations out there they,don't necessarily work there's all sorts,of problems that happen with them at the,end of the day,and we've kind of gone through just,dozens of these different,iterations there's zoho commerce and,people ask us about that and zoho,commerce is very good if you've got,maybe just one or two products that,you're going to want to do,but then there's some integration issues,and it just it it's really really really,getting close i think it's,in our maybe category or yes no maybe is,whether or not you should use something,and so it's uh it's something to look at,but at the end of the day i think for,most companies that are doing some,serious e-commerce,we're really going to talk we're going,to recommend shopify,it is really that 800-pound gorilla in,the room,it is the biggest by far they're a,publicly traded company,their growth has been exponential and,it's one of those things where they're,getting a clear,leadership position in this space and as,they've done that,they're kind of extending their lead and,feature and functionality over everyone,else so,uh and their integrations with zoho are,really really excellent and we're gonna,we're gonna go through there,so with that we'll uh do a shopify,overview and i will turn it over to,taven,all right yeah welcome everybody um yeah,i'm excited to be doing my first webinar,with sonata here,so yeah i wanted to walk you through,shopify both the front end and the back,end with all the settings and let you,know some of my,favorite and my recommendations for,different settings,to take advantage of for your businesses,so,today we'll be showing our site it's,called crm zen,and it's a new site we launched on,shopify to showcase our crm,zen show which is a youtube show that we,record every week so on the site we have,the show,as well as a blog which is something you,could do with wordpress as well,and then the magic is the store where,we've added some,fun merchandise and then another thing i,wanted to,tell everybody is up here we've added,all of our social icons,and this is more than the social icon,that,the theme came with,so one of my favorite features of,shopify is its ability to,have all of the source code editable so,with this we went into the source code,and we were able to add,our custom nav bar which is something,that the other,systems like wordpress and squarespace,don't let you do,nearly as much um so that's just,something i wanted to say,um so now let's dive into the store,so from the store it looks like your,standard e-commerce layout,of course if we had more items we could,show off,um different filters so we could filter,by price,or product category or we could even,have a drop down,for different product categories so it's,pretty,pretty modular let's go into the t-shirt,here,so it looks like a standard e-commerce,layout you've got your different sizes,here we also have the option to add,different variants,which is shopify's way of saying if you,have another color or,long sleeve versus a short sleeve you,could have the different variant options,so let's say,it's a blue shirt you click the blue,shirt and then the blue photo appears,so it um it seems like a more,high-end ecommerce look now if we go to,add a cart,and check out it brings up the shopify,payment page we're able to select,which payment providers we want to use,so we have paypal but if you want to use,stripe or,some other ones you can enable that on,the back end,and then we're able to also,specify which bits of information we,want to collect from the customers,so we have it pre-selected we want them,to,be auto enrolled for our mailing list,you can select on the back end if you,want this to be automatically checked or,unchecked,so it's very granular with what they let,you do and then another thing i wanted,to bring up,is they let you customize the look and,feel of it we have the green,buttons here and we have our logo up top,so it lets,you make it feel like your payment page,and not just shopify's,so now to the back end this is what,shopify's backend looks like of course,you have,the menu on the left you've got,um ability to edit um the,the online store and the different page,pages on the left,as well as your settings up here,so now i will go into order so in order,this lets you see your different orders,um and let's say a customer had multiple,orders you could see that here as well,you can see a timeline of your different,interactions with that customer,and then at the top you'll be able to,print shipping labels and that sort of,thing,so it's all pretty pretty simple,and pretty well organized,next under products um you're able to,see all of your products so i wanted to,show you,um when you're adding a product what,that looks like,so here you're able to add a description,and you're also able to add,the html code if you wanted to like,really,dial in that page you can do that here,as well,media if you want to add multiple shots,of that product,here under organization if you want to,have different categories or,maybe you have different vendors this,lets you,organize that info of course pricing,if you want to charge tax tracking,inventory for each item,you know pretty standard stuff and then,this is what i was talking about with,the variance,you could have size or color or long,sleeve or short sleeve and add that in,here you can have different sizes,different inventory,different photos for those different,variants,next i wanted to show you collections so,collections are shopify's way of,organizing different,products and you can send them to be,manual or,what i've done is set conditions,so that based on the product type that,we specified before,we can auto create this collection so,it's pretty nice if you're adding a lot,of products,you can have this be kind of a modular,solution,and then here you can sort the items,that it generates,so based on what we saw here we're able,to,see what products that actually came up,with,next is customers it's like a simple crm,system to track different orders um for,each customer,and you can also trigger email marketing,through this as well,and we can also integrate this with zoho,or if you use something like mailchimp,you can integrate it so upon creation of,a new customer,it will add it to your database or your,mailchimp,list analytics you're able to see some,pretty cool analytics,um you know this is the free free,service included with shopify,um next is marketing so,i haven't personally leveraged any of,these but,shopify has its own email service and,you can also trigger,paid facebook ads and snapchat ads and,different,things like that through shopify so if,you wanted it to be your hub,for your business it could be it could,be that,discount so i mean christmas is coming,up you might want to do,like a christmas deal something else,that i have helped clients with,is automatic discounts so let's say if,someone purchases a hundred dollars of,items you want to,give them free shipping that's something,you do with automatic discounts,or if they purchase five items you want,to give them,a free freebie included so these are all,done,under automatic discount so that's,pretty nice um and it's unique feature,of shopify,and then of course apps so shopify has,an app store just like wordpress,one thing that's nice is a lot of,shopify's are native to shopify,built by shopify whereas wordpress has a,lot of,low-quality third-party apps shopify,seem to be a lot higher quality so,that's been something nice,next under the online store if you click,it it will open up this drop down,which is similar to wordpress so if you,go to the theme,option you'll see customize which lets,you edit,a lot of the components of the home page,just like wordpress,but then if you go under actions and you,say edit code,it will let you edit everything which is,really handy,and i've also discovered shopify has a,really good support staff,and if you are having trouble editing,the code and you want it to do something,you can let them know and they will do,it for you,and it's really really nice so if you,want to edit the header if you want to,add,um you know different code bits if you,want to add a chat window like for,zoho sales iq you can do that all here,and it's really easy,next is a blog post which is similar to,wordpress you add blog posts you could,have,two different blogs and specify which,posts get um,you know split to those different blog,pages,and then pages are your normal website,pages,maybe it's not tied to a blog maybe it's,not tied to a product page,maybe you want like an about us page or,something and going into this you'll be,able to edit the html,if you want to do that next i wanted to,show you,the the real back end all these settings,let's say you want to edit,your payment providers you want to edit,the checkout experience,you want to edit how your store,handles taxes maybe it's different,based on their the country they're,ordering from or,their location um let's say you have,multiple locations or you do farmers,markets and you,want to specify between in-person,transactions and online transactions,you know that with the locations here,notifications um so this is something i,wanted to dive into a little so,shopify lets you be very granular with,notifications that get sent to your,customers,and are able to really edit um,everything that they are getting sent,so here i wanted to go to abandon,checkout which,is pretty unique um and it's,a way to just generate more,more sales so from abandoned checkouts,shopify has it automatically,pre-selected,send to anyone who abandons checked out,and send after 10 hours,um and this lets you,send emails to customers that maybe,forgot that they were,in the process of ordering whatever you,are selling,so that's my general overview,of shopify and feel free to ask,questions in the q a,if you have more questions one more,thing i wanted to talk about,is deployment so maybe you,already have a website and you want to,add an e-commerce functionality to it,maybe making a new shopify website isn't,isn't in the books or it would just be,too complicated well,shopify is something called the buy,button which lets you integrate,shopify into your existing website and,maybe it's wordpress maybe it's,something you've hand coded,um the shopify buy button lets you do,that,so this is their promotional page for,the buy button and you'll see it allows,you to have,these floating buttons on your site,that kind of embeds shopify in your,website,um so how to add this so from the,dashboard you go to settings,you go to sales channels add,sales channel and then down here the,fourth option,is buy button,so now once you click that the buy,button will appear,on the left here and then it'll walk you,through,creating the spy button so if you want,to be a product or a collection so we'll,probably say,product yep and we'll do it for the,t-shirt,here we're able to kind of customize,what this will look like um so that the,um the code embed will,be what we want and then once you have,it,customized you go to next up here,and it creates this embedded code,and let's see we got a q a from wayne,i have a zoho one subscription i was,considering using zoho sites to build,out my site,how do we usually do this brett yeah so,basically what wayne's out let me read,this question out so,um uh,wayne is saying he's got a zoho one,subscription and he was going to use,zoho sites to build out a site but he,doesn't sell products he doesn't need,inventory basically he's for lead,collection and a blog presence,would i recommend using shopify for zoho,sites no,i would not uh wayne you're going to be,absolutely perfectly set,with zoho sites and since you have zoho,one you also have zoho forms,and that will all integrate directly,into the crm so it's going to do all,your lead collection,and it's going to be great and even if,you were down the road you built,everything out on zoho sites,and you got everything all done and you,decided boy i just want a really small,shopping cart,you could look at zoho commerce and,that'll plug in rather nicely or,what tavern's showing you right now this,will actually you could say hey i want,to use shopify for whatever reason you,could even just do this process to add,that directly,to that so,yeah yeah though scientist has been,getting a lot better as well,i would say only build out a shopify,site on,shopify if you think that,ecommerce will be core to your business,um,if it's not going to be core to your,business then um,that's when these other systems are,probably a little better and i will tell,you that,even you know this is all about shopify,and zoho but,zoho commerce is absolutely great,if you're just running one or two,products um,because shopify is expensive shopify,really,you're going to want to have a bigger,store you're going to want to be doing,you know it's,it's handling shipping it's handling,taxation it's handling all of these kind,of things so,as you as you look at it it's,one of those options you can say okay,i'm really going to do a lot of things,here i want to make sure it's all done,properly i've got a whole bunch of,products i want to track,inventory i have all of these things um,then you'll look at shopify but you know,we're going to talk to you a little bit,about your needs if you were to come to,us,and we would say okay well let's see if,zoho commerce is going to be good enough,for you because he has a whole one and,it's included and in many cases it may,be,so tavin carry on super um,so now i wanted to go into one of our,clients and how they have,added the buy buttons to their existing,wordpress website,so here's our case study um this one of,our clients we've been working with for,a while,he makes this unique rear end camera,for bicyclists to prevent,people getting hit by cars so,cycling designs um he recently,launched his product so he wanted to,offer a way for people to pre-order it,so from his website you go to,store and these are from shopify,they are the buy button embeds and we've,customized it to be,his brand color if you go into it,it'll open this pop-up which is all,included with the shopify buy button,and you see we have different variants,for his different product colors,when you go add to cart it'll actually,open up this little drawer on the right,which is still all within the shopify,embed so it's all right there pretty,easy,and then you go check out and it pops up,the payment page so without leaving his,site,leave this in to his existing wordpress,website,and it all works pretty pretty slick,so that is all i have um,now i'll hand it off to brett to talk,about shopify,and zoho yeah so um,shopify is really interesting and that,all of the integrations,that it has with zoho have been actually,written by zoho so if we go to the next,slide here to evan,um i'll go back one so if you go to the,zoho marketplace,and for those of you that don't know it,is really really growing we have over,500 applications just for crm right now,these are extensions that have been,written,that allow you to um,basically plug into various things so,i'm going to stop,right here because actually i had a,question earlier from,robert who's not going to be able to,listen so i want to give your answer,right now robert he's saying,uh am i basically able to,handle returns and you know,those kind of things it returns and,exchanges in shopify with zoho inventory,and yes robert it basically handles it,so,one of the things we're going to talk,about here it's the last one we're going,to talk about,but it is this shopify inventory,plug-in and that handles it,exceptionally well,so we'll kind of talk about that in a,little minute in a minute but,as you look at all of these once you go,here you basically can step through each,and every one just do a search for,shopify up in the corner it's going to,give you these five there really are,five the automite,i o if you're not familiar with it is,very similar to zapier,that's going to allow you to make these,connections but zoho has done some,really interesting things here and not,all of these extensions are as they seem,so let's kind of go through them,one by one here so the big one are,there's two big ones i think and it's,crm and inventory we're going to start,with crm we're going to end with,inventory,so the crm integration is really,straightforward you'll basically install,it it's going to ask you to authenticate,with shopify,shopify is going to come up and,basically ask you if you're going to,approve this extension,they're going to let you know it's not,one that they've built and,it's okay that you can customize it you,then authorize it,and basically you're going to get all of,your shopify once you've done this you,install it you authorize it then once,it's authorized,here's what you're going to see,basically it's going to go through and,it's going to start syncing,your contacts your products and your,sales orders these are the things,they're going to pull over,and then once the sync is done you'll,actually end up with a separate tab in,the crm,and it's going to go through all these,but in products now you'll have all,those products added into the crm,all those contacts will now be added to,the crm and,if you look under that contact you'll,see their orders,actually listed under them so it's a,fairly nice integration that way,you can easily go in the crm look up any,client,can kind of see all of the purchases,they've made from you,very very clean and it kind of handles,just the basics so,if you just have crm this is kind of,what you want to know what have people,purchased from me when did they buy the,products from me,and that's kind of it and it's going to,take those and go ahead and put them,with with the next record,with that with that person's record,now the campaign integration is really,interesting,and for a lot of shopify users if you're,just using shopify,you would say well why would i want,campaigns because,there's just so many great reports as,tavin just talked about inside shopify,itself,so if you're in shopify you can you can,do just a ton of various things you can,send out abandoned cart you can send out,follow-up emails you can do all those,kind of things,but one of the advantages of doing it,inside,of zoho campaigns is that again all of,that information then if you're using,crm,is going to be tracked back in the crm,as well so when you go look in the crm,not only will you see that complete,overall history,but now you'll also see all of the,emails back and forth that you've done,and you can also set up then you know,complete follow-ups,you can set up journeys so maybe when a,customer buys this product,you've got this little five email drip,that you'd like to send them potentially,to get,them to buy some other products you've,got a lot you can do with it,and i'll kind of take you through some,of the some of the screens here that you,get with campaigns it's pretty,interesting,so you know you'll get they already out,of the,gate will give you you know all the,products the customers the promotion all,the automated emails so the abandoned,cart,and the purchase follow-up those are,just done for you and very simple and,they've also got a bunch of great,templates to choose from,now this is kind of a duplicate so if,you're using shopify,and you're using campaigns you want to,turn all this stuff off in shopify,otherwise you're going to be hitting,your customers with a lot of the same,things,again the advantage is it's native,inside zoho here and it's going to write,it all back,and then it gives you some really really,really excellent reports,so you can,get you know the number of orders the,average revenue the total store revenue,all of those kind of things it's,basically going to look at them and you,can,do it by store products customers all of,those kind of things so it's going to,kind of give you some nice detail,directly inside campaigns again this is,the kind of stuff you'll also see,inside of shopify but it's kind of a,nice integration,if you're living in the zoho universe,which most of us here do,all right and now this is interesting so,what zoho has done here with the desk,integration,is something completely different than,most integrations that you see inside,the zoho marketplace,so most of the time this is it's pretty,much,writing some code creating a few custom,modules,in your specific application whether,it's in campaigns or whether it's in crm,in this case what zoho has done for desk,is they've created an,entire series of flows so for those of,you that aren't familiar,zoho flow is pretty much,zoho's version of,zapier it allowed except on a much much,deeper,level so it's basically allows you to,kind of go,to each look at a record see,search that record find the email,address retrieve the record,and then do other things with,third-party outside applications,so whereas you really can't do that with,automate i o you can't really do that,with zapier zoho really kind of takes,this to the next level,if you're using this specific zoho,products so what they've done here is,they built a series of,a few basic flows we'll see this on the,next page,they've got one that for zoho desk,ordering,customer other ordering will kind of,take you through what these look like so,they give you these four flows you turn,them on one at a time,and as you turn them on this is what,you're going to see and if you haven't,worked with zoho flow before,if you haven't worked with zoho flow,before it's basically something where,you're,building out various elements so you're,doing this all drag and drop,if this happens then this happens do,this so this is the,simplest of all which is you know let's,say you're just living in zoho desk,if you want to go back one if you're,just living inside zoho desk,and a lot of people do that that's the,crazy thing with zoho is you'll find,some people don't have crm they just,have desk and they manage everything out,of here so,maybe you would want to have just a,simple flow that once a customer is,created inside shopify,we're going to go ahead and create that,contact in zoho desk now you wouldn't,really use this,if you were using crm because if you,would probably do the crm,integration which is going to create the,customer so there's a lot of circular,things here that can lead to a lot of,dupes so it's,kind of important that as you go through,these shut all of the applications in,the marketplace for shopify,you might not need them all or you might,just need bits and pieces of them as,we'll see kind of on the next one so,on the next screen there's a little bit,more complicated flow and,on this one it's an order cancellation,so,this you wouldn't handle inside the crm,this is a flow you would want,so an order is cancelled it's going to,go ahead and grab the ticket,it the ticket exists then it's going to,have it it's going to update the ticket,if not it's going to make,a ticket so you basically have this,ability to hey an order's cancelled over,in shopify let's alert my help desk so,that they can get on it,and maybe it's a return maybe we want to,stop the shipping all of those kind of,things,and then another flow that zoho built,out which is pretty powerful,is all around order creation so an order,is created get the customer get the,contact and create a ticket saying,here's a new order,so again doing this to maybe that then,goes to your order desk inside of,zoho desk and they're going ahead and,doing all the order fulfillment so,there's a lot of different things you,can do here but,this is not necessarily your kind of,standard basic integration so this is,one in zoho flow a little more,complicated,and something that you might want to you,might want to play with a little bit,and then that brings us to,analytics so you've got great reports,inside shopify and by using some of,these connectors that we've talked about,up until now you'll get great reports,but if you've never played with,analytics then,you might want to take a look at it,because this allows you to do some,really really really fantastic things,and zoho has built,a great analytics connector and they've,got,just a bunch of custom reports that,they've made for shopify that are really,beautiful and give you kind of really,really deep look,so all this is doing is analytics is,connecting to shopify and it's basically,pulling in a raw dump,of all of your data directly into soho,analytics and from there you can do some,nice things with it,so an example of some of the reports,that you can get by pulling it together,just a really nice dashboard you know,where your sales month over month what,are your average orders what are your,refund how long is it taking,you know you can look at your you know,monthly sales versus orders you can just,build some nice reports,additionally they're going to give you,these kind of reports we can say where,are my sales coming from what are our,monthly sales trends,you can see this one is kind of going up,and up and up where do we get our most,sales from what parts of the country are,buying our products,all of these kind of things and it's,just because analytics has this really,nice,these nice visualization tools and you,can build these these super nice,dashboards,and then you can look at your overall,order dashboards you can do some,forecasting,based upon your trends uh the value of,your orders all sorts of things so how,many orders did you have and what was,the value of those orders,so a lot of really really nice things,that you could do,inside of analytics if you make that,connector so,boy more than anything i think a lot of,people just want to pull in,shopify into analytics just to kind of,get this kind of,these kind of details especially if,you're running a really large ecommerce,platform or on e-commerce store and that,kind of brings us to our big one,which is the integration with inventory,um now this is the most powerful,integration i think that,zoho has built for shopify because it's,going to manage all of your inventory,you can have your various warehouses,it's going to track your reorders,and yes it's going to also take care of,if you've got returns or any of those,kind of things so it's it's it's a,really powerful integration,one thing though that i want to let,everybody know,is if you go to the next slide tab uh,before you,set up uh,zoho inventory and shopify integration,you need to do everything,from shopify first it is really not,a great and the integration just breaks,if you have a bunch of stuff,inside zoho inventory and you've got,some stuff in shopify and you do this,it's just not going to work,so if you're doing this you kind of want,to clean out zoho inventory,wipe it out build all your inventory out,in shopify,to start then go ahead and run the,integration,and then you're going to be fine,everything will work everything will,work very very well from there,so let's talk a little bit about what,this integration looks like so,again you're basically just going to go,ahead and connect it,and verify it and once you've got it go,ahead to the next one you've got the,whole integration set up and done,you're going to go through in zoho,inventory choose the shopify,and then just go ahead and do your sync,and once it's synced you basically,choose what you want to do you want to,take all the shopify products they're,going to be items in zoho inventory all,the orders,in shopify are going to be sales orders,and you really want to make sure,again is you can kind of see how this is,laying out you're starting with shopify,going to zoho inventory,it's really uh it's really the only way,to go,and once that's done it's all going to,pull in and you basically,will have all of your inventory and,inventory and as everything changes in,shopify it's going to change in,inventory and vice versa,it's uh it's a very good integration,that way for managing those things,alrighty so let's before this let's do a,little quick poll and then we will get,to,everybody's questions let me throw this,one out here so this is kind of a simple,one,we'd really like to know what you're,using um zoecommerce shopify wu,bigcommerce magento squarepace ecwid or,any other,or i should have said none that would,have been a good one to put in,you know since i didn't put none just go,and drop that other in there i guess,so we've got a lot of shopify users,already,excellent all right well from this very,small sampling,um it looks like most of you are using,shopify with a few of you using others,so two-thirds of using shopify,all right so with that let us go to our,kind of our q and a session here so a,couple of uh,go to that next slide tab,ah i guess before q and a we'll talk,about this is a webinar palooza this,month guys,uh we basically are trying we're doing,one webinar every week next week we'll,be on google ads,how to integrate that with zoho and how,to do that the next week is going to be,on ring central and zoho,uh we feel that's kind of the best,telephony integration and then you're,probably not going to want to miss it if,you haven't got your ballot yet check,your newsletter,uh we are doing the uh zenmes this year,tyler and i we're going to do a whole,year in review and zoho and man did a,lot happen this year,and then our first annual zen me awards,where uh we're basically gonna,talk about various product categories,and uh see what you guys think,are the very best apps and with that,let's get to some questions,all right so yes daniel,we did the various options for the,shopify stores connect with zoho,one of the things that i would say,daniel on these customizations if you,didn't see a customization that works,uh shopify's api is great,and you can do a lot with it with zoho,crm and other applications so it's,it's pretty uh pretty straightforward,for us to pull those kind of things,um you're also saying that crm,integration only covers the past 60 days,for b2b,uh that is true so you have to do a,complete export,and then you have to do an imports if,you do a full export of all of your,shopify stuff for crm you can import it,that way,once you get the integration setup so,you do the integration get 60 days go,back get the rest and do the import,that's the only way to do that but again,get the integration done all the modules,will be created,everything will be done get the old,stuff then all the fields will be there,and you can integrate it,properly um,if you had one more than one shopify,store how would that work with zoho it's,going to see it all as,one it's going to see it as one store so,am i correct on that tab um,i don't have experience with that one,yeah it is so i'm sorry,so basically if you had more than one,shopify,store it's going to see all of that,because it all rolls into one shopify,dashboard it's going to pull all of that,information directly in,and so that's going to give you the,integration that way it's very similar,to,if you look at sales iq and on sales iq,with zoho,you can have all of these various,websites you put all of the snippet of,code in the various websites and when,you go into sales iq dashboard,if especially if you look at that,concentric circle view all of this,information it's all your website so,you're seeing all the visitors from all,of your various,websites um all right and then we got a,question from robert,okay so i'm not able to pull returns at,all nor does zoho shopify sync prices,etc quick,thoughts on why not it should be doing,that robert i think it may have been are,we talking is this,inventory i'm assuming you're talking,inventory,and uh pulling it in if you,it was super important like i talked,about that you basically,make sure that the inventory that you,did shopify first,and then into zoho inventory so you did,it that way,because if you did the sync with stuff,already in inventory it's not going to,work,so you know if uh that didn't answer,your question,i create new products in shopify not,sure robert i'll tell you what let's,take that offline if you just want to,uh go over to sonata.com brett,just go ahead and book a quick little,15-minute uh meeting with me we kind of,go through it and figure it out for you,be uh happy to do that see if we can't,solve your problem,alrighty any other questions,all right guys hey thanks so much uh for,joining us,this is kind of new for us doing kind of,product central external products,uh i think that we're trying to pick the,best and breed that work with zoho,and this was a great place to start if,you have any questions or comments you,can go to,info sonata.com or you can give us a,call,you can also find us on all the social,media accounts we're on twitter we're on,linkedin we're on facebook,never miss on anything go to sonata.com,newsletter and you will,get our weekly newsletter which tells,you everything that happened in zoho,last week,some of the cool stuff we did all of the,upcoming webinars all of those kind of,things you can also go over to,youtube.com,sonata and uh over there all of our,latest videos they're also on sonata.com,one thing we don't have up here that i,want to mention is,tab and talk briefly about crmzen.com,and crmzen.com is basically our new,resource where we are putting,everything and one of the cool things,we've actually done over there,is we've our team is constantly looking,at all the zoho stuff and one of the,things we're finding is,all the zoho events that are out there,and,by other parties not just by us but by,zoho and other partners and other people,are they're all putting on some pretty,cool webinars,the problem is they're scattered all,over the place and we're basically,just trying to collect all of those and,put them all in one spot,so you can go look at them sometimes,they don't drop until like a day before,the actual webinar um,but we're trying to do our best to get,them over there for us so tavin just,brought that up,so if you get a chance head over to,crmzen.com i think there's some pretty,cool stuff,there as well and with that we're going,to call it a day,hey everybody thanks so much for joining,us and we will see you next week for our,webinar on google ads thanks a lot
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