hey everybody today I'll be showing you,how to add keywords for your product,pages the title says Shopify but really,this can be applied to any e-commerce,website which includes Etsy Amazon eBay,whatever you sell online the SEO for it,will still apply as Google is ultimately,the one who decides what's gets placed,in the first page and what doesn't,without taking up too much time let's,get started,first thing what we see here is a,keyword research report I just made for,one of my clients and they sell humorous,tees its categorized by keyword keyword,group keyword type search volume per,month so on and so forth if you're,interested in a customized report for,your business visit my website at rich,SEO guy comm and shoot me a message,there alright a lot my clients ask me,hey I've got a keyword research report,but what's next how do I and put them,onto my page and I go sure that makes,sense,after all what's the point of purchasing,a car if you can't drive it right and,going through my list here you're gonna,see a combination of keywords some are,plural like funny t-shirts and some are,more descriptive like uncle Rico meme in,this essay I will meme just to give you,a couple of examples and right off the,bat the ones that are plural should be,for category pages and then you have,descriptive long tail type of keywords,that are going to be great for your,product pages essentially we're looking,at two functions these keywords would,serve you may want to write this down or,take a screenshot for product pages what,you want to look for are long,descriptive keywords someone is typing,into Google because the search is,transactional it's specific enough that,they're ready to make a purchase,for example cat memes shirt or uncle,Rico meme plus you would add the product,key word which is shirt,I'll show you in a little bit how that,works for category pages look for the,plural vague keywords generally the,plural vague ones they're going to be,good because this implies the searcher,is looking for information and want to,see what's out there if they type funny,t-shirts into google your website pops,up on the first page the title in the,Meta Description it just resonates with,them they're gonna click on your website,is it gonna take them to your funny,t-shirts category page and if they find,a product or a t-shirt that they really,really like they're gonna make a,purchase it's as simple as that I'll,show you a real life example going back,to my report the yellow tabs down here,are my clients competitors and let's,look at look human since they do a,pretty good job with their SEO this is a,report of look humans top performing,keywords this column here the position,column it tells us what keywords they're,currently positioned for and another,column that I like to pay attention to,is the traffic column which tells us how,much traffic they're able to bring in,according to the URL columns URL down,here let's go to one of their pages to,show you how they're adding in the,keywords I like this one here mess with,the honk you get the bonk even though it,is even though it doesn't say t-shirt or,a shirt in the keyword phrase itself but,what's amazing is that they're still,able to rank number one and that keyword,itself yes it is difficult at 87 but you,know they're getting 893 visitors just,from that keyword how they did it let's,go let's check out their product page,very first thing I see is the keyword,itself in the slug right here mess with,the honk you get the ball it's pretty,fun to say it to be honest it's in the,title it's also in the product,description right here I also want to is,worth mentioning that these reviews most,likely someone's mentioned it a few,times in the reviews so that is,obviously going to help I understand,that they are user generated so you may,be out of control you can't control that,but you know that's something to take,note over time it's going to add into,your domain your page Authority let's,check out the Meta Description view page,source search meta name equals boat,description just right here alright so,there meta description is here in,content our t-shirts are made from,pretty strong carbs and cotton and blah,blah blah right over here mess with the,honk you get the bonk,the thing is though if I were them I,would put their keyword at the very,beginning of their meta description but,don't tell them that they don't need,more SEO advice going back to the,product page see this image I'm curious,I'm actually surprised that they don't,have more images of their shirt and you,can't really magnify it but what's key,here is the ability to customize it into,a tee sweatshirt hoodie tank top,racerback tank I don't really know the,difference between a tank and a,racerback tank but sure let's see if,they use their keyword in the alt,attribute and actually you know just hub,hovering over it I just saw it appear,okay it's not showing up so another way,to check it is to go to inspect element,and it highlights the actual element,here and all you have to do is go to the,very second to last line you'll see alt,equals that's the alt tag and here we go,the keyword again mess with the holic,you get the box he earlier I mentioned,about the category pages so for this,particular website look human calm what,they did was they added it into their,collections so for example they have,lgbtq+ plants introvert animal puns,fitness let's see all of them science,lovers trash will miss March meme Queen,so that's what I would do right take the,take the keywords that are vague you,know put them in here in the categories,page so what they did was let's see for,example women's March let's say wellness,March is their keywords which I'm pretty,sure it is as you can see it's in the,slug right here and then these are all,their their shirts that's that has the,women's March theme to it women's March,in the title let's see their Meta,Description view page source find meta,name script right here,on Ted and there it is well miss March,like I said you know what you want to do,is move the the target keyword as to the,beginning as or as close to it as,possible,all right we've come to the end of the,video I think I answered the question on,how to choose keywords for your,e-commerce and you may want to take a,screenshot of this or make a note of it,somewhere but you know these are the,steps step one is to differentiate,between what's a good what's a good,keyword for a product page and a keyword,for the category page and then secondly,after that you want to select your,targeted keyword remember that it's one,targeted keyword per page and then you,know after a month check back on that,page to see how it's doing how is,ranking and make improvements that way,you want to add the targeted keyword to,the title h1 tag Meta Description any,file name images your alt tags and your,product description if you found my,video to be very very helpful please,please please just make sure you hit the,subscribe button there's gonna be more,videos like this and by liking and also,subscribing it tells me also commenting,to please it tells me you know what I'm,doing right or maybe when I'm doing,wrong,and it gives me ideas for new videos in,the future so I'm trying to get 200 subs,that way I can finally customize my own,channels link and I can start making,longer videos because right now the cap,is at 15 minutes so I want to thank you,for watching and take care guys peace,it's been real
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