hey mike here and in this video uh what,we're gonna do is create a subdomain for,your main domain name and then point,that sub domain to,uh your shopify store okay so,we're doing this through cname records,and um,it sounds intimidating but here's it's,very simple right so my main website my,primary domain is zermellomusic.com,okay that has websites associated with,it and a bunch of other things okay but,um what i want to do is i want to create,a shopify store but i but my zarmelo,music.com is already hosted and all that,stuff so what i want to do is i want to,create a website,shop.zermellamusic.com and that's going,to be my shopify store so i need to add,shop to the beginning of my domain,to create the domain that i want for my,shopify store so if you already have a,domain and you want to create like a,little sub domain in my case shop,then this is how you do it okay,so um,if you google uh cname shopify subdomain,you can get to these directions right,here and i just kind of signed up for,shopify so this is the first time that,i'm doing this but i've done i've,created c names for,all the time okay so i'm just going to,walk you through exactly how to do it so,again this is the page now,what we need to do is follow these steps,right here so,before you begin to complete this you,need to have the following information,your login information for your,third-party domain provider so if you,bought your domain through host uh or,through um,oh my god daddy what's the name of that,oh my gosh,godaddy good lord or whatever you know,there's tons of places where you can buy,a domain you got to have your so uh sub,domain available so in my case that's,going to be shop but whatever you're,using and then the c name that you're,going to use for a record for your sub,domain and so this is what shopify,requires you to to use and we'll get,into this in a second so on your domain,provider's website mine is a2 that's,where i buy my domains i also use i,think uh dream,something dream host or something,there's there's tons of them okay but on,your domain provider's website log into,your account and find the dns settings,so here in this is my um,host right a2 hosting and then uh this,is my main domain zermellamusic.com and,what we need to do is we need to get to,the domain settings for this so i'm,gonna go to cpanel here,and this is pretty much where,we're all gonna overlap because i think,most domain providers will use cpanel,and so,once we get into here this is pretty,much going to be the same for you so,what we're going to do is we're going to,come down we need to come down to the,domain area right this is i feel like,the background back end on websites is,intimidating but it's really not right,we're trying to do something with our,domain so we just got to come to the,domain section all right so in my case,what i'm going to do is i'm going to,come to the zone editor okay so we're,going to click on dns zone editor,and,here what we need to do is i want to,create a subdomain or a cname record for,zermellomusic.com that's my primary,domain but again i want to make a,shop.zermellomusic.com,and then point that to shopify all right,so,what we need to do is i'm going to come,over here to click on manage,and then i'm going to add a record as,you can see right here okay so we're,going to add a record and we need to put,in a valid zone name this is just your,subdomain right so i'm going to do shop,okay and then we're going to choose a,type and that's going to be a cname and,then we have to put in the fully,qualified domain name as it says right,there but that's just going to be this,right here okay the,shop.myshopify.com again this might look,a little bit different for you because,you're probably not using a2 uh you,might be using something else but then,we would just click add record and that,would basically create a new record now,i actually uh did this already,and it took a little bit longer than,expected to um,update so i had to scrap that first,video so now i'm just redoing it,but before i just hit add record,but now i'm going to hit cancel make,sure you hit add record and i'm just,going to show you i'm just going to,um,reorder the names here i'm just going to,show you right here you can see,shop.zarmelomusic.com,okay it's a cname record and it's,pointing to,shops.myshopify.com okay just as it says,to do right here we added our little,subdomain which is shop we created a,cname record and then we're pointing it,here and as you can see it has these,steps right here so on your domain,provider's website a2 for me to find the,dns settings we already did that,and and do the following in the host or,alias enter the sub domain and again,that is,the shop part so we did that,and then it says,choose the record type we did that it's,a cname and then make sure the cname,points to there and so that's exactly,what we did we chose shop we chose,cname and then we pointed it to,shops.myshopify.com,okay and so let's come back over here,and then you gotta save your changes and,step two is now that we've created our,cname record our sub domain we need to,verify that domain with shopify okay so,from your shopify studies how do you do,that verify your sub domain is connected,so from your shopify admin go to,settings domain okay so let's do that,just going to click on domains,and,if i open this tab right now,then it's actually going to have the,live,site so i don't want to do that i want,to show you what it looks like if you,hadn't had this set up yet okay so how,do we verify your subdom and subdomain,is connected to shopify well let's go to,this other page that i uh added right,here,so this is what it would look like,had i not yet connected,my um,subdomain see on this page you can see,there's nothing here,related to,shop.zermellomusic.com it only has my,default uh shopify account okay so what,we you would need to do is you need to,come to connect existing domain okay,because that's what you want to do you,don't want to buy a new domain you,already have a domain you don't want to,transfer the domain,no reason to do that you just want to,connect an existing domain so go to,connect existing domain,and you need to type in the exact domain,so what we need in basically your,subdomain so,okay so,shop.zarmelomusic.com that's what i,would need to do okay now if i hit now,the last time i shot this video it took,me to an error page but that's because,uh i,it i didn't give it enough time to,update properly okay uh so i had to,scrap that video and now i'm in the,exact same spot right now,but i uh this is a little bit later so i,hit next now if i come over here this is,if i hit next now i'm gonna come over to,this page right here your domains or,mellowmusic.com was successfully,connected your domain is now pointing to,your online store it can take 24 hours,to the changes to propagate,and you can see,the primary domain,we have the domain name and we have,shop.zarmelomusic.com it is connected,the ssl is pending and the ssl just,basically means that when someone goes,to shop.jarmellamusic.com,there's going to be this little,lock icon okay if that lock icon wasn't,there,then if we try to go to,shop.mellowmusic.com,then it will a lot of browsers will say,this website is not safe you know what,let's try doing that right now let's see,what happens shop.mellow,okay and so the ssl has already been,created okay so i wonder if i go back,and if i refresh right now it might tell,me that the ssl has been successfully,updated let's try it,okay so there we go so we see now it is,fully connected the ssl is loading and,we verified that in the incognito window,shop.zarmellomusic.com,and so we're not getting any kind of,weird error message we can see the lock,icon so the ssl certificate is working,and the subdomain is now working all,right and so that is pretty cool and,that's how you do it alright so real,quick again all we needed to do is just,go to your domain host,and you got to,edit your,domain so you just got to go to the,domain section,assuming of course you have domain,you've got to have a domain so then you,just need to create a record for the,specific domain domain that you want to,create a subdomain for so again we go to,manage and we gotta add a record this is,gonna be a cname record so we gotta,choose cname you choose the subdomain,name that you want here you put in um,the shopify,right there the my the,shop.myshopify.com that way your sub,domain,the val,sub domain is now pointing to your,shopify store you hit add record you,wait a little while and you just uh,verified that domain on shopify so i,hope that helped if you have any,questions leave them down below thanks,for watching this video and i'll see you,in the next one peace
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