this or like this which is simple folder,like this,and so on that's a lot of features right,but how come this price lower than the,shopify premium themes on the shopify,theme store,let the customers say first,hi welcome back to the shopify theme,review series by pagefly team,i'm joon and in today's video we are,going to bring a fresh win,with our review of a theme that is,outside of the shopify theme store,which is the ella shopify theme ella,theme is,designed by the health themes team who,is the power elite author,in the envato marketplace the theme is,one of the top three,best sellers in the theme forest,marketplace it's probably not as high as,the premium themes on the shopify theme,store,which often cost you 140 to 180 dollars,it's just 79 for regular horizons so,it's quite an affordable price and good,news for you,is after today's video we are gonna have,the ella theme giveaway,soon so if you want to be the lucky,winner to get the theme for free,make sure to subscribe to our pitchfor,youtube channel to get the latest update,about the giveaway event,now let's look at the theme here,with the price of 79 dollars what can,ella offer you,the loading speed is 3.3 seconds for,full load,time they offer you 17 plus,stunning home page layouts and skins,more than seven layouts option for,category page,more than nice layouts option for,product page,seven collection page layouts six block,page layouts,multiple headers and footer sticky art,card ajax card pop-up ajax cyborg card,and etc,that's a lot of features right but how,come is price lower than the shopify,premium themes on the shopify theme,store,well you can find out the answers in our,detailed review article of the ayla,theme below,i'll put the link in the description box,so you can check out there,okay so now without further ado let's,get started,before we start with the general,features if you're watching this video,and haven't created a shopify store yet,you can check out the 14 day free trial,link in the description box below,to build a demo store now get back here,ella does give you multiple options to,set up your store,it gives you more than 15 child themes,to choose,and they are in the editing package when,you buy it they're like the theme,styles that fit specific industries,when you install one of them because you,have the features of ella theme and you,can freely customize it,and down here are the layouts for the,home page,product page collection page etc,let me open the demo,the first features i want to mention is,the header and footer,i said it before right ella gives you a,plenty of layout options,with the header you can select overlay,header,solid and complete header or header with,horizontal menu bar under,etc and for the footer you can have,footer with quick links set up and,columns like this,or like this which is simple folder like,this,and so on so how to set up header and,footer in the back end settings with the,l theme,let's see here we are this is the,shopify editor board,after you set up the theme for your,store,this is my demo store that i built with,a theme,and if you look at the theme settings,here,the multiple layout you can choose so,many layouts that suit your taste,the header layout collection,or product page layouts food layouts and,other pages,and let's see what else you can do with,theme settings,you can choose mobile header style,the general setting here is for your,layout product and images etc,uh the product and card here i will talk,about more details later,in the relevant parts and you can change,colors check out social media down here,and the bunch of add-on settings here,what are they,i'll call it the sections to add some,spices to your store,they are like the settings for the,language and currency selectors,newsletters pop up before you leave,pop-up,recently viewed section and many others,this is just personal choice you can,enable or disable these features freely,if you want to,but if you have a retail stores or,selling a lot of products and want your,site look more,busy to the eyes you know create a rush,vibe that encourage,people to buy a product quickly like the,flash sales events for example you can,choose these options but i know many,stores that are using a theme would just,keep their source simple,and it's fine it's personal choice as i,said before,you can set up a cookies pop up here,someone purchase messages here,and for the header and footer you can,customize it with more option,the navigation is where you can add your,drop down or make a menu,if you have a large menu this is good,because you don't have to find any,shopify makeup menu app for your store,which can help save more money and avoid,slowing down your site with too many,apps,and again with navigation you can choose,many styles to decorate your menu bar in,a more attractive way,you can have a normal drop down menu set,up in columns,but you can also add featured products,there,or many with banners or collection,images,this can create a cool browsing,experience for visitors,however one thing that makes me feel,uncomfortable,sometimes and and you will see it when,editing your store,is in the back end settings when you see,features,or options that have the same function,the other theme will list,them all out like in the footer for,example,the display payment icon they list a lot,of payment options and even,image selection for each icon and it,looks very lengthy you know,i think they can show one or two,examples of the icon and create a drop,down,with the payment types for people to,select or,the ad sections to make it collapse,and the back end interface will be much,cleaner and,lighter but all in all with the first,glance at the general features i think,ella is,a very promising theme,so now let's go to the home page,for home page ella is a feature-rich,theme that can support diverse demands,let's take a look at one of the demo,layouts here,you can have big and full width,slideshow,with headings and cda buttons,brand blocks or custom blocks,featured collections and cool they have,quick view,and quick shot option which can help,visitors click on the autocad button,and buy the product easily,and where you can set up these features,in the editor board remember the theme,settings,you will go to the theme settings and,then,product and then this is where you can,enable quick view and auto cart button,and if your products images are not in,the same high,you can choose to crop them,simultaneously which is pretty cool,there are many other customization,options as well so you can play around,with them,until you get some that match your style,and what else do you have on the home,page okay,custom sub banners custom blog again,featured product more custom blocks and,banners,about us section and ooh instagram,galilee,okay in the editor board you can find,more features like custom blog for blog,posts,product reviews homepage lookbook etc,and what i really like about ella theme,is that when you edit a section,that has images involved they will give,you the image,size info so that you can prepare your,image beforehand,to keep the pictures in high quality and,more responsive,the text size as well you can freely add,a number for the size,also other theme developers they care,about mobile version of your store a lot,you can see customization options for,mobile like the bottom margin settings,for mobile,or in the slideshow here for example you,can choose,image separately for mobile and desktop,versions,oh and and they support slideshows with,lookbook here,which is a cool feature is like a touch,point,when people touch it it can show,featured product and,select it directly on your banners,however one minus point of the yellow,theme is the minor bugs,i think that hello theme's team should,work on that more because sometimes when,you edit your store,it takes time to adapt or the changes,don't reflect on the editor board,and you can only see the changes on the,live view once you save it,so this is pretty inconvenient,but if you look at the features,availability and,customizability i think that ella can,assist you,create a stunning home page as many,shopify premium themes do,with the collection page you can have,multiple layouts as well,people can choose to view product with,grid view,or listings like this the themes also,supports the color swatches,and i have to say that i really like the,sidebar featuring here,you can sort out products of a,collection by tags,or select menus and you can see down,here,you can add featured product and app,image banner custom blocks to promote,your brand or events,and in the backend settings it's easy to,set up options for collection page as,well,the sidebar the collection default here,you can choose to show collection image,set the number of product displayed,limited view or,infinite scroll all in all the,collection page of the other theme is,pretty responsive,and we kind of like it,alright let's move to the product page,the ella theme can give you many layout,options for your product page,as you can see here but what are the key,features,that merchants can utilize with the,theme for their product pages,let's take a look at the demo okay you,can see the sidebar here,with promotion features as the previous,one,in the collection page here is product,image with zoom in effect,color swatches and here we can have a,countdown timer,and a size chart you know having these,features,available is a great advantage of their,theme and it shows that,ella can help you get rid of the,concerning thoughts about,adding to measure profile apps you don't,have to,add a countdown or size chart apps,anymore since you already have them,in the backend settings with this theme,and down here we can add just badges,and the product custom tab i love it,this can help organize your product info,better and still making the product page,look clean,even when you have many content you can,have,one tab for product description one for,customer review,and others for shipping info etc,and you can set up all these features in,the editor boards,product page then product default,now about the app to cart features you,can have sticky art,card right here and can easily edit the,product quantity,sizes and color options,and the pop-up ajax auto card this,can improve user experience a lot,because they don't have to refresh the,page,or go to the cart page when browsing,your store,and you can directly edit the product,options in the cart,also there is an upsell section over,here,which can help with your marketing,strategies and boost more sales,so to set up this card option in the,backend settings,you can go to the theme settings then,cart then choose the pop-up card type,that you want,all right i don't want to talk about it,again again,but with multiple features for the,product page like this,ella is truly a feature-rich theme for,the shopify store,with ela themes you can have more space,for customization,not which is fundamental pages but other,types of pages,here you can see blog page layouts,landing page instagram lookbook,faq about us pages etc,so how to edit these kinds of pages in,the shopify editor board,you go to the online store pages,and then create a page i will go with,landing page for example and in the,template suffix here,i choose page dot landing for other page,types,you should choose the relevant template,suffix for it,and then save it now come back to the,themes and customize it,you will see the landing page which is,created,and then you can add content sections to,finish,editing the page easily,when having many size page options like,this you may think that,i don't have to add a page builder app,anymore because i already have these,options with a theme,yes israel is personal choice but if you,want more advanced modification,and flexible editing interface you can,use a page builder app,and once you publish your store with a,theme page flag can work fine with it,so if you are interested you can try the,app,okay but now if you look at the big,pictures and see,the theme package as a whole i,understand,why is a bestseller in the theme forest,marketplace,before sharing our thoughts i want to,let the customers say,first ella has 4.82 average score,and 90 percent of five star reviews on,the theme for us,mostly people love it for its design,quality,features availability and customer,support,and yes i have to say that we really,like the l,theme because of its diverse features,and customizability the customer support,they do have great customer support,documentation,and email support however because they,don't have the chat,support there are some complaints about,led replies,and also they just have six to 12 months,support,so that's the minus point for this theme,and another thing is other theme,developers should,improve the box issues and the backend,interface,to make it look cleaner and lighter,but all in all ella is still our,recommendation,to those who want to buy shopify theme,on themeforest,with an affordable price and is worth,the price,so that's it that's our review of ela,shopify theme,if you like the video you can leave a,thumbs up and please tell us which,theme you want us to review in the next,video,remember to subscribe to our page for,our youtube channel tap on the bell icon,to get a notification of our latest,review videos,in the future thank you for watching,see you next time
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