why does it give customers the option for 1 or 2 day shipping when it comes from china? shopify

How To Get SUPER FAST 3 Day Shipping From China | Shopify Dropshipping if you drop from aliexpress l

The Laptop Legend

Updated on Mar 07,2023

How To Get SUPER FAST 3 Day Shipping From China | Shopify Dropshipping

The above is a brief introduction to why does it give customers the option for 1 or 2 day shipping when it comes from china? shopify

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why does it give customers the option for 1 or 2 day shipping when it comes from china? shopify catalogs

How To Get SUPER FAST 3 Day Shipping From China | Shopify Dropshipping

if you drop from aliexpress like i,do you've probably experienced the,absolute frustration that comes from,when you,order something for your customer and it,takes a month to arrive,two months to arrive and then they,charge back and you have to refund them,and then the package arrives,right after that that is a horrible,feeling and,if you clicked on this video it's pretty,likely that you need a solution to that,and here's the good news i've been drop,shipping and doing e-commerce for a long,time and i've,finally found a good solution i don't,know why i haven't heard a lot of other,people talking about this but,it's really killer and it's gonna help,you guys out a lot so,keep watching and hopefully you find it,helpful and can implement in your own,business and it can save you from a lot,of chargebacks,have your customers be happier and,ultimately let you scale your business,to the moon now the shipping method that,i use is called,ups expedited saving and yeah this,sounds kind of like,it's contradictory just because you know,if you're expediting something normally,you spend more money,to get it somewhere faster but for,whatever reason this exists as an option,to ship from china,to the us and i literally just received,a package that i ordered for my supplier,as a test,i got it in three days it was shipped,out on october 19th,and it delivered today which is october,22nd which is,absolutely crazy guys epacket has,recovered a lot since the start of,you know the whole virus situation but,it's still not nearly as fast as it,needs to be to be able to run a business,professionally and have a lot of happy,customers who are going to come back and,keep purchasing from you and allow you,to have,that return on investment that return on,ad spend that you're really looking for,just to prove to you guys how crazy this,is uh here's my calendar today,you can see october 22nd,and then one sec let me grab the package,here is the package and you can see it,was shipped,october 19 2020. so yeah it only took,three days guys and the fact that it,delivers this quickly from china is,absolutely mind-boggling to me because i,literally,have had letters that have taken longer,than three days to deliver for me to my,grandma's house,which is in the same city so that's like,it's pretty impressive honestly but yeah,let me dive into my computer and i can,show you guys exactly how i was able to,get this,from my supplier where you can see it as,a shipping option and,how you can make it affordable so that,you don't have to charge too much for,your products,so that you don't have a profitable,company so let's dive into that right,now,all right so here you guys can see the,different shipping options that my,supplier has for this particular product,and this product costs about sixty,dollars just to give you guys an idea,so it's pretty high perceived value i'm,able to sell it for many times that,but you can see here that they offer a,couple free shipping methods,and i'll just go through them step by,step so you guys know what to use and,what not to use so in this case they,have free shipping via the sheller,shell shellers that she shelves she,sells seashells at the seashore,at the seller's shipping method and this,does not even have tracking so you,definitely don't want to use this guys,your customers are going to charge back,100 with this,it takes way too long to deliver and,they don't even have a tracking number,so,this is out of the question eat packet,this is probably what you guys are,trained to use and,while it used to be a good option it's,just it doesn't take the cake anymore,it's not worth trying to use,um unless you you sold like one of a,product and you're really not trying to,spend so i don't know,i wouldn't personally use this but you,know i guess there's there's a case,where,you might want to use it and that's up,to your own judgment but i personally,would not recommend using this,because it's too slow here you have,aliexpress standard shipping which was a,better option,during the verus situation,but still it's not as good of an option,and that tends to have issues tracking,on,outside pages so you don't want to use,that,currently and again it's too slow so,here you can see,the actual ups expedited and this,is only 16 to get it from china,to the us china china,to the u.s in three days which is again,so crazy and you want to use this option,and you want to use it as much as you,can um so this is what it looks like,again,i could click on it here um and this is,what i want to use every time i check,out and you can set this,as the default within dropified which is,what i teach,in my ecommerce course and you always,want to do that so you can set up on the,back end under variant mapping and,you'll never have to think about it,you press one button and the order,automatically places itself,don't listen these estimated delivery,dates because they're just not accurate,at all,and you don't want to listen to them,because they're not accurate pretty,simple,i don't know why this is so expensive,ems and dhl those are also really fast,um i've had these deliver in as little,as two days,uh but obviously the extra hundred,dollars to do that is not worth it,at all so i definitely recommend,sticking with ups,expedited and uh yeah that's going to be,your best option guys in this case,my supplier had it already listed but it,was a lot more expensive,and i had to talk to them and explain,you know why it was so important and,they were able,to get the price down for me so some of,your sellers might have a,default price that aliexpress,automatically uploads and,they could lower it and adjust it as,they need to so once you're selling a,lot of a product feel free to reach out,to your supplier whether it's over the,aliexpress messages,whether it's over whatsapp whether it's,over wechat and just,explain their situation them and let's,explain your situation to them and let,them know that,you'll be able to sell a lot more if you,could get quality,affordable you know fast shipping so,uh yeah i'm gonna look around now and,see if i can find,a good example of where there's,expensive ups,expedited shipping on another seller's,platform that i don't use just a random,one i'm gonna go through in case it can,be helpful for you guys so let's get,into that now,all right so here i am within aliexpress,in incognito mode and i did that just to,make sure that it doesn't show any,recommendations from me,so i can make sure that it looks you,know more similar to what you guys are,seeing,uh so yeah let's just go through i think,i'll just click on this product,um let's see seems like it's around the,same price,it's a lot easier to price in,these extra amounts for shipping if you,sell a high perceived,value product and this is something that,i always talk about but you really want,to sell products,that are good products that people are,going to be happy with not like a 20,crappy product so just keep that in mind,as you're looking for this because if,you sell 20,product you're not gonna be able to,price in sixteen dollars shipping but if,you sell,a hundred fifty dollar product it's very,easy to price that in,and then your customer can receive it,quickly and they'll be happy so,in this case let's see ships from china,china china i need to learn how to do,that accent better,uh called us plug let's see what types,of shipping they have,available all right in this case they,don't have ups expedited so,if you are selling a ton of an item you,can reach out to the supplier and see if,they can add it as an option,um i've had this happen before and,they're generally pretty willing to do,it but,if you're just starting off and you want,to test products and make sure that,you're going to have that shipping,that fast shipping um definitely look,around before you start selling a bunch,of our product because it's probably,safer that way,let's just look around check this 80,watch see,if uh they can have it here still,nothing,um i might edit to when i find one,maybe this will be it,yeah so some have cheaper dhl as you can,see so if you can price dhl that's great,dhl would be an even better option,but normally dhl is a lot more expensive,for your suppliers so,they're going to have to you know,increase the price of whether it's what,they sell or the dhl,um yeah so honestly guys the easiest,solution might just be to ask your,supplier if they can,add it that might be why no one's,talking about it just because most,suppliers don't have it there,uh let me try this it's a 40 product,let's see if we have it,fedex ip premium yeah so i'm not seeing,it anywhere on here guys so,definitely reach out and ask your,supplier if they can add it because that,will make your life a,whole lot easier all right guys that's,pretty much it for ups,expedited saver make sure to ask your,supplier to add it because it's,seriously a game changer,i don't know why nobody else is talking,about this probably just because,suppliers don't have it listed on their,page but,again three days the united states from,china absolutely,business changing you'll be able to ramp,your stuff up customers will be happy,especially during black friday when,stuff becomes more backlogged with,e-packets so,just make sure that you do this and,hopefully it helps,if you enjoyed this if you found this,helpful please subscribe it means a lot,to me,show some support for this video share,with a friend if they might find it,useful,and i think that's it so until the next,video let's,grow better together

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