how to edit quantity text in shopify

Bulk Edit Quantity | Shopify in this video we're going to cover,quantity take a look at the differen


Updated on Mar 04,2023

Bulk Edit Quantity | Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit quantity text in shopify

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how to edit quantity text in shopify catalogs

Bulk Edit Quantity | Shopify

in this video we're going to cover,quantity take a look at the different,ways to update your shopify quantities,both in bulk and individually,so to start when you come to the bulk,edit page you'll then go to the quantity,section you'll see all the things that,you've selected with their respective,quantities displayed,also the track inventory status,if you have chosen not to track,inventory for a particular,product then,any bulk updates performed will not,affect those listings,you can adjust that setting you can,choose to track quantity,on and off,for any product,directly within bella,you'll also see that for listings that,contain variations they will be,displayed as such you'll see an,individual quantity field for,each,option,for those that do not contain variations,it'll just be a single quantity field,for,that listing,if you go to the bulk controls you'll,see increase by decrease or change to,very simple just click into the box,let's say i was going to increase,the quantity of everything by 50.,you'll notice that it adds that,automatically,watch as i type goes from 90 to,140,it will run that calculation,automatically across all selected,listings,if that looks good simply click apply,and that update will be then saved in,vela,you'll still need to click sync updates,to send the changes to shopify but we'll,be able to make some,additional updates first,so for decrease if i wanted to just do,decrease by 10 you can see that takes,effect if there was a listing that for,whatever reason let's say i didn't want,to have included in the bulk update i,can simply deselect it you can see it,reverts back to,the previous quantity,click apply here,and then finally with change two it's,just essentially going to override all,existing quantities so,as i do 25 you can see that took effect,this listing was deselected but if i,reselect it it will be included,and now,all quantities across all selected,listings would then,change to 25,once i click apply,again for the ones that you've chosen,not to select track inventory then those,will be ignored,once everything is as you wish,simply click sync updates,you'll notice the indicator appear up,top,showing the progress as the update is,synced,to shopify,time it takes will depend on number of,listings selected,and the number of variations but as you,can see in this case,15 listings will just take a matter of,seconds,to process,as that's going on you're welcome to,close the page work in other sections,and once it's complete you'll see that,indicated,and everything will be reflected,directly on shopify

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