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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads results

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I SPENT $250 BUDGET on TikTok Ads (Realistic Results) | Jandy Cerezo

I SPENT $250 BUDGET on TikTok Ads (Realistic Results) | Jandy Cerezo

so i was scrolling through my phone on,facebook the other day and i saw this,eye-catching ad so i thought hey this is,a cool product i went on it and had a,look it was a pretty simple drop,shipping website and i thought hey why,don't i test this product i've been,testing products since 2018 and if you,haven't watched my videos i suggest you,go ahead and do that but anyway i've,always done facebook ads whenever i test,my product so this time i set a,challenge for myself first of all i'm,gonna be testing this on tech talk ads,and using only 250 dollars i'm going to,be sharing my realistic results by,spending 250 on tech talk ads so i,always do little research on products,such as the competition and also the,feedbacks and reviews from customers,this will gauge me if it's a product,that i can test to the market and the,consumers would love it at the same time,i'm gonna be showing you guys how i,tested this product how i sourced the ad,and my campaign setup on tech talk as,well this is gonna be a pretty,interesting challenge i've never scaled,the product on tech talk as before but,this time you know i'm gonna show you,guys step by step on how i would test a,product on tech talk with a 250 dollar,budget if you don't know who i am my,name is jandy serezo i'm a full-time,e-commerce owner an investor and most,importantly a dad i drop weekly videos,on online investing finance and also,e-commerce and drop shipping let's get,started now let's start with how and why,i chose this product so here on the,screen you can see that when i clicked,on the website it's a pretty subpar,website and you can tell from the get-go,that this is a hundred percent a,dropshipper from china most likely an,aliexpress supplier the reason being is,i've been doing this for a few years now,and i can tell straight away if someone,has put some efforts in it most of these,chinese dropshippers have the same,layout and it's pretty messy hence why i,wanted to create something that is,simplified and also clean website so the,product is the elf ear cuff and,this is a more generalized product hence,why it might work really well on on tech,talk that was my first initial thought,of,testing this product with tiktok ads,it's obviously targeting mainly a woman,which we're gonna go ahead and expand on,that once we start setting up our,campaign and also it's on the lower aov,side again most of the winning products,that i see on tech talk are generally,lower prices because the demographics,are a lot younger and obviously they,don't have as much spending power as,people that you would see on facebook so,i went ahead and went to aliexpress,searched the the product i saw the,product and surprisingly it's really,cheap it's only three dollars and added,1.50 to ship that product out so it,comes about five dollars for the single,product to be shipped out to a customer,which is pretty awesome as well i saw,the feedback as well on aliexpress it's,pretty decent so i thought hey this is a,product that is definitely worth testing,and i'm gonna be creating a content,about it which is this video so the same,day i designed the store the first thing,that i always do is pick a domain name,and then create a logo about it i came,up with boho chains as the brand name,and the reason for that is i wanted to,create a niche store so in the future i,can test other products as well this is,obviously in the jewelry,niche so i added a few other products in,there as well as this,elf ear cuff that we're going to be,testing on tiktok obviously using,shopify and using the dawn theme and it,came out pretty nicely as you can see on,the screen it's a simple website and i,didn't want to put too much fluff in it,i just really wanted to test this,product but at the same time just adding,some key elements in there for a higher,conversion rate such as adding reviews,as well so that's what i did added some,review app added some reviews from,aliexpress and then i went ahead and,published the store so again i wanted to,create something simplified in a clean,website compared to the other drop,shipping store that we just saw and the,outcome was pretty pretty nice it took,me about three hours to create the logo,to publish the store and also do all of,the product description and stuff all,right so this is it,bungholechains.com i simply created a,website using the dawn theme on shopify,and it took about three hours to publish,the whole store that's from creating the,logo uh attaching the domains in there,updating the product description and,stuff and this is what we came up with,it's pretty simple and simplified,compared to the drop shipping store that,we saw earlier so let's have a look at,the product that we're going to be,testing on textile pads this is a niche,store and i wanted to do this because i,want to test other products on the same,niche which is jewelry or accessories,hence why it's a more generalized brand,name so this is it here we got the,product in here hd photo which we like,we priced it at 2

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I Tried TikTok Dropshipping For 14 Days (From Scratch)

I Tried TikTok Dropshipping For 14 Days (From Scratch)

I've made millions of dollars in the,past few years Drop Shipping on both,Shopify and Amazon from working out of a,room at my parents house five years ago,with absolutely no money to buy my dream,cars opening my own warehouse and living,life on my terms Drop Shipping has given,me everything but what if I had to start,from scratch with just my computer a,phone and 500 let's find out the rules,of this challenge are simple I have two,weeks to get a store to five thousand,dollars the store has to be profitable I,can only use five hundred dollars and I,can't use any of my old winning products,or stores it has to be from absolute,scratch now if the store fails and it's,not profitable I'm gonna be giving a,random subscriber five hundred dollars,if the store is profitable then I'm,gonna give it to one of you now let's go,ahead and dive in the first thing that I,need to do is I need to find a product,so to find the item I'm gonna use tick,tock I'm gonna be looking up Amazon,fines unboxing Tick Tock made me buy it,stuff like that and I'm just gonna be,going through the different items now,this might take a little bit so we'll,just time lapse this until I find one,so part of my plan here is that how I,want to use some of the 500 that I have,is to order the product and make some,organic hosts with it on Tick Tock but,to do that I need to find something,where I can easily make ads with it so,for example I'm not going to get like a,shaving razor I'm not gonna get like a,dog product because I don't have a dog,foreign,it's been about an hour and a half and I,found a ton of unprofitable products and,I think that we need a little bit of,inspiration,okay so I just found the item after a,couple of hours of going through Tick,Tock and looking through all the,different posts that are in there the,different accounts the links and,everything and I'm actually pretty,excited because I think there's a lot of,potential with this item and the angle,that I'm going to take to advertise it,and try and make five thousand dollars,and only two weeks so I've already,bought the item on Amazon it gets here,tomorrow this is the item a Wi-Fi door,sensor so really when I'm looking for an,item to sell I'm looking for four things,the first thing is that it has to be,something that has advertising potential,the ability to create an advertisement,with the item is simple because I don't,want to have to Outsource that,especially when I'm on such a strict,time frame the second thing is,profitability right your margin you want,to make sure that you have a margin on,these items because there's a lot of,different items that I found before but,the margins were too tight and basically,what that means is that what the,competitors were selling it at was so,low that if I were to sell it at that,number I would make almost nothing now,usually I wouldn't use AliExpress but in,this case again since we're on a strict,time frame and AliExpress does offer,12-day delivery for this item at a,really good cost I am going to be using,AliExpress for this item and you also,want to look for something that's,Evergreen right something that you could,sell year round and then finally of,course you want something that has a,cool Factor right so I think that this,is super cool because the ideas that I,have for advertising this are going to,make this seem like a cool product,here's the first account that I found,that sells this product so it's this,account on Tick Tock called HomeSense,and you know their advertisements were,pretty crappy but I saw a lot of,potential as soon as I saw it and then,when I clicked on their website absolute,trash and you can see that they're,selling it for sixty dollars right 57,and look at their variants I mean what,does this even mean DS1 DS2 DS3 right a,lesson here is you want to make sure,that your variants are things that,people understand this just doesn't look,good what we're gonna create here,together is going to be a thousand times,better than this I'm gonna go ahead and,start on the website right now I'm gonna,choose a domain so let's go ahead and,get started on the website,all right guys so I am finally done with,the store it has literally taken me the,entire day but I have finished,everything that I wanted to do on day,one so let's go into my computer so that,I could show you exactly how it looks,this is the store right here you can see,that I'm calling the product the lock,sensor I created this logo on canva in,literally like 10 minutes you could see,it right here I literally looked up logo,on canva change the colors and put in,lock sensor and I created the favicon,here as well so yeah I mean I think it,looks really really good I imported a,bunch of reviews from AliExpress this is,what I'm pricing the product at which is,about five times the actual cost on,AliExpress and something that I love,about this product is that I get to,introduce bundles immediately some,people are going to want to order one,two three four five hopefully everyone,wants

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I Tried Dropshipping on TikTok with $300 (realistic results)

I Tried Dropshipping on TikTok with $300 (realistic results)

so in this video I have a 300 budget to,spend on Tick Tock ads and we are going,to be starting a Shopify dropping,business the plan is to First find a,winning product second build a Shopify,store third create some ads and launch,them on Tick Tock and of course try to,get some sales in the process,the difficult part is going to be,starting with only three hundred dollars,because that is not a lot of money to,start a new e-commerce store but we are,on the budget here and this video,probably is going to help a lot of,people who want to get started in,e-commerce and their first Shopify store,with a low budget 300 is better than,zero dollars so let's try to make,something happen it is what it is so,first thing we need to do is find a,product that we are going to sell there,are a ton of websites out there that you,can use to find profitable winning Drop,Shipping products but for this video in,this example we are going to be using,Tick Tock which is free and the research,method is pretty fun as well okay doing,this on Tick Tock actually takes a bit,more time than automatically skimming,through the top selling products but in,the result you are gonna get products,that may not be saturated yet and that,could be untapped and potential seven,six figure winners but if you are,interested in checking out some websites,that can do it automatically for you,then you can check out Ecom hunt Niche,scraper and websites like that where you,can just go ahead see all the products,that they have sourced and pick one and,go so let's jump into my phone and go,through Tick Tock and try to find some,potential seven figure products okay so,once you open up Tick Tock the first,thing you gotta do is scroll down and,smash that like button to secure the bag,so once you've done that you can go over,to tick tock and search these keywords,and hashtags first one is hashtag tiktok,made me buy it and the second one is,hashtag Amazon fines so once you want to,do when you go into these hashtags is,scroll through the videos try to find,which products do you find interesting,you can watch the videos and check in,the comments section if there are people,saying in the comments that they need it,or they are searching where to buy it,that is a great indicator that this,product is in demand and you could go,ahead find additional Express and then,sell it or find it on CJ dropspin or,other supplier sites,so after out an hour of going through,videos on Tick Tock and seeing some,random I think we finally got the winner,so the product that I found is a,portable blender which you can take,anywhere with you and you can make,smoothies juices milkshakes on the go I,saw a couple of videos on Tick Tock,doing really really well with this,product and also in the comment sections,there was people asking where you can,get the product and where you can buy it,so that indicates that it could be a,potential winner this product is really,cool also solves a problem so now we can,go ahead and build a beautiful store to,match it so for this video we are not,going to be building a brand new store,because it's not necessary to do so as,most people watching your ads are just,gonna go ahead and visit your product,page so it's best to put most of your,efforts into building that one I'm gonna,be using one of my client stores and,putting that product onto their store,for this video and I actually found this,product on CJ drops pink so we also,don't have to worry about suppliers if,you are starting out in dropshipping I,really really really recommend you to,use CJ dropshipping or S pocket because,these tools are available for anyone and,they are way better than trying to use,AliExpress and drop shipping from China,and the products oftentimes are bad,quality and it takes months to ship so,right now I'm gonna go ahead and build,the product page and get back to you,guys once it's done and show you the,result button I would later alright guys,so I built a quick product page for this,portable blender and I think it looks,pretty okay so here is a brief look on,how the product page looks I think it's,pretty okay,right now probably one of the most,important parts of having a successful,drawstring store is making the ads so,usually when creating the ads I just use,my own eCommerce agency vanity Ecom,where you can go ahead and create some,video ads for tick tock Facebook,Instagram whatever quick plug if you are,interested in starting a Drop Shipping,Store and would like some help or you,maybe already have a drawstring store,and need some help getting sales you can,check out our agency vanity.com link is,going to be in the description or you,can contact me on Instagram at,vanityecom and we can go ahead build the,store for you run the ads for you and,fully manage it so check out more,information on our website anyways back,to the video today we are going to be,using a third-party ads provider bands,of ads you can also check out viral,e-commads so they generally provide,pretty good quality video

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I Tried Dropshipping On TikTok With $250 (realistic results)

I Tried Dropshipping On TikTok With $250 (realistic results)

this video is sponsored by gsr drop,shipping so this week i have a 250,budget to start up a new shopify drop,shipping business my plan so far is to,first find a product second design a,store three create ads around that,product and then fourth market my,product on tick tock using tiktok ads to,hopefully make some sales and turn a,profit the difficult part with this,challenge is going to be working with,only 250,that is not a lot of money to start up a,new drop shipping store although it's,definitely a lot better than zero,dollars that said we're gonna have to be,pretty careful about how we spend that,money a lot of it's gonna be going,towards the ads so we wanna make sure we,don't spend too much on other stuff with,that said let's start looking for this,product,to find my product i just started,scrolling through gsr's website they,genuinely have a really good collection,of winning products and i actually found,a lot here okay i think this one,actually has some potential this nano,spray moisturizer,i like it but i think we can do a bit,better so i'm going to keep looking but,i'm going to save this product so we can,come back to it later,oh,yeah okay i like this one,i think this one is,probably the one that we're gonna do,i i feel like this is a product that,could do really well on tick tock,um i think i could design some good ads,around it because it's one of those,problem solving products it really,solves the problem of static electricity,and everything,so i'm i think we're going to go with,this one,yeah let's go,i'm excited awesome all right let's go,ahead and start on this website before,we do that though i want to tell you,about today's sponsor gsr drop shipping,for one they help drop shippers just,like you and me you sell the items and,they help you fulfill them when working,with gsr they can help you lower your,shipping times which is a huge benefit,in the drop shipping space that leads us,into the next benefit which is packing,customization gsr drop shipping offers,custom packaging meaning you can choose,which bags or boxes you want your,products to come in doing this is a,great way to help your brand feel more,professional and leads to more repeat,buyers some of their customization tools,are different bags boxes stickers thank,you cards and labels normally suppliers,will require high moqs or minimum order,quantities for custom packaging however,gsr offers moqs of 100 to 200 for,products and 500 to 1000 for custom,packaging for stocked items they can get,them out as fast as 12 to 24 hours which,is pretty insane another great service,that gsr drop shipping offers is helping,you with promotional materials if you,want to check out gsr drop shipping then,click the link in my description thank,you so much gsr dropshipping for,sponsoring this video and let's get back,to it my goal for this website is to,have it be a niche store where the,entire website is focused on one niche,that way if this product doesn't work,out i can reuse the entire website to,test different products i feel like,having one really good broad store is a,lot better than having 10 average really,targeted stores doing this also lets me,focus so much more time on the other,aspects of drop shipping such as finding,the product or making ads around it i,can focus on those aspects a lot more,because i already know that i have a,really nice website behind me that's the,goal for this store i want to make a,really nice store centered around skin,care and beauty to test different,products in that niche i'll come back to,you guys when i'm all done,so here's the website my goal was to,keep it simple and clean i chose pink,and pastel blue as the colors because,they should resonate with female,audience for the product page i really,tried to focus on showing the product,off instead of just writing about it i,added some gifs as well and a whole,video that i found on youtube and,embedded into vimeo to put on the site,overall i'm really happy with how it,came out i also went ahead and created,all of the social media pages for the,life of me i cannot figure out how to,put a link in bio on tick tock maybe i'm,just like too old for it but,basically what i did to fix that i put a,call to action to go to my instagram in,the bio so instead of clicking directly,on the link on tick tock they can go to,my instagram and then click on the link,in bio there unfortunately i didn't have,any built up tick tock accounts so i had,to start one completely from scratch,which definitely is not the best for,brand credibility but it's much better,than not having a tick tock page,especially because we're advertising on,tick tock we need one for the instagram,page i just reused an old theme page,that's completely dead so i just,repurposed it for this brand account i,posted a couple photos i did a couple,highlights and then i also did the same,where i posted a couple videos on tiktok,just to give the account some content to,make it look more real the final content,elements that we

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in this video i'm going to raise the,stakes more than ever before and try,something completely different within,the next five days i'm going to try drop,shipping with tick tock ads and give,myself a 250 budget to see how many,sales i can make and if i do not finish,with a profit by the end of these five,days then i'll shave my head,yeah i'm i'm scared so come along with,me on this journey to see if i make a,profit to buy myself a nice chipotle,burrito or if i end up having to use,this,in my last video i tried facebook,advertisements for the first time ever,on my channel and it was subpar i mean i,didn't make a profit but at least i got,a few sales however after uploading that,video i sat in my room and began to,wonder about the next big thing when all,of a sudden i got a comment from one of,you saying i should try out something,called tick-tock advertisements i,figured this was either a message from,the universe or just from user,bendover69,anyways i thought this was a fantastic,idea because i've heard running,tick-tock ads nowadays is like running,facebook ads back in 2017 aka you're,basically printing money which is,something i'd say peaks my interest but,from that point forward i was hooked now,luckily for me finding the right product,was almost too easy all i had to do was,revive it from the grave that's right,the mushroom cleaner is back baby,for those who don't know this small,desktop vacuum made me more than sixteen,hundred dollars in revenue all,organically from tiktok however long,story short i chose to take down the,store and the product because i ran into,so many issues with tick-tock's,guidelines but,i'd say it's time to run it back meaning,i got to revive my old shopify website i,built for it as well and obviously upon,your first look you may notice some,changes around the store i happened to,spend a few hours updating a lot of the,old photos to higher quality ones and,even redid the formatting of the overall,website and don't worry because this,time around i did not forget to optimize,the mobile view but that's what our,store looks like now let's take a gander,at our profit margins the overall price,of this little bad boy right here when,you factor in costs taxes and shipping,comes out to be a little more than nine,dollars so i plan on selling it for,19.95 but make shipping 3.95 that way we,are looking at 15 profit for standard,shipping and 11 if they take advantage,of the email pop-up and to save you all,some time i went ahead and filmed the,ads already for my ads i figured i'd,make three different videos with some,changes and variations like the sound,and text in terms of cost i'm setting,the daily budget to 50,and i plan on running this for five days,but i went ahead and uploaded all of,them into the campaign that i will be,running on tick tock and just like,facebook i'm gonna have to wait until,these are approved so i will see you,guys then,okay so our ads just got approved,however it is the next day but i don't,really mind because as you can see here,our account balance is being spent we've,spent 15 cents so far for 56 impressions,which is not bad at all compared to,facebook 56 impressions would be like 20,bucks so i'll take that for sure but i,will make sure to keep you all updated,so fingers crossed on this one guys it's,the end of day one and as expected with,all my challenges on this channel the,first day went and we spent only 20,instead of the full fifty because the,ads didn't become active until around,nine am anyways we only got one add to,cart and one reach checkout but no sales,however looking at our ads we were,hitting less than four dollar cpms which,is borderline insane zuck's gonna be so,mad if he sees this at the end of the,day i'm just happy that the ads are,performing the way they're supposed to,be and we haven't ran into any issues,yet high anticipations for tomorrow,though let's get it for day two i just,let the ads do their thing and checked,in on them every once in a while to make,sure everything was still up and running,i did this all day to make minor tweaks,here and there to the ads and website,but nothing too drastic yet by the end,of day two it still wasn't looking too,good for day two we spent 54 dollars on,ads to pretty much get us two add to,carts and one reached checkout but no,sales again i mean there's a decent,amount of people who have clicked on my,site but i feel like i should have,converted at least a couple by now still,nothing though it's clear that,something's wrong in my process i just,can't put my finger on it though but i'm,nearing the middle of our challenge time,and the odds of me buzzing my hair are,looking more and more likely i'm just,hoping my luck turns around soon but it,didn't day three started just like day,two nothing was looking promising and,around midday i had had enough it's the,middle of day three i've decided to stop,everything and give myself some time to,reevaluate my strategy in hopes of,finding you know what i'm clearly not,se

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I Tried Dropshipping With TikTok Ads... (WITH RESULTS)

I Tried Dropshipping With TikTok Ads... (WITH RESULTS)

hey guys welcome back to my channel for,this drop shipping store it's a little,bit different but because this time,instead of going with facebook ads i,actually went with tick-tock ads now,first and foremost of course i got to,show you guys my product that i got so i,ended up using this product right here,basically what it does is it's a little,handheld thing which humidifies your,room or office but it also gives you the,illusion of a fire or flame on top of it,and i can show you guys the rest of the,page here as well but there's not much,to know about it's just humidifies your,room another selling point is you can,put any sort of scent or spray your,clones out of it and it's gonna spread,your clone into the room so that's,another thing you can use while,marketing your product but this was the,product that i chose now for my website,this is the home page that i came up,with not much on the home screen but,it's fairly clean,kept basic um right here is a product,page you can see the color scheme i went,with the,fire kind of a color scheme so orange,black and white um as you can see for,the pictures this time i actually added,a few more pictures and they're high,quality as well i'm selling in both,black and white but the rest of the page,as you can see my description it was,very clean i'm very happy with it i,included gifs or gifs however you,pronounce it,in here as well to make it a little bit,better and cleaner i've got some reviews,right here and i also included some faqs,which if you click on it it just opens,them up for you so and the rest is all,the same trust badges and that's a,footer but that's pretty much my website,of course after making the website i got,the domain i connected the domain and,everything my store was all set i got my,ads for from another website i'm gonna,put my ads right here on the screen,right now so you can see it's it's like,a couple of seconds long 15 16 seconds,um after i got my ads these ads were,specifically made for tick tock so i,couldn't just use them on facebook i,could only use them on tick tock but,that's exactly what i was going for so i,said why not um but of course after that,i went ahead and made an account on tick,tock for ads i am going to show you guys,now the performance and how i did now as,you can see i'm going to show you guys,my tic toc manager first um ads manager,i spent i made two campaigns the first,one this one right here it was optimized,for purchases while the second one the,one that i added later on which says,second try i optimized it for add to,carts now the reason why i added the,second one is because i ran the first,one for a full two days and it didn't,spend a single penny for some reason it,wasn't until i added the second one and,the second one ran and spent about a,dollar before the first one also started,spending money but i wasn't sure what it,was doing maybe it was just gathering,data maybe it's my first time doing it,perhaps that's why i only spent 45 on,the first one and i spent 80 on the,other one so about 125 bucks on ads i,would say that's a pretty good amount,and for spending that much money you,should be able to test out our product,and see if you're gonna get sales for it,or not here are my shopify analytics,and i can change the date to uh the,first of june all the way until the end,of june so today as i'm recording this,video i've had a total of 508 sessions,from uh 125 of ads and out of that,i got zero sales,so here you can see the conversion rate,i got 90 people adding to cart,and i got 46 people reaching checkout,but none of them actually bought my,product,even though i got zero sales i would say,this this test one was pretty good and,the reason why i say it's a pretty good,success is because,before in my previous two or three,stores i did not get as many add to,carts uh not only that but i also didn't,get 500 people to go on my website so i,would say that's a win for me even,though i didn't make any money i lost,money i just need to make a product or i,need to find a product that good to the,point where from checkout they're like,yes i want it like i want this i need,this in my life because i don't think,they needed this humidifier in their,life,um,but anyways guys that's that's pretty,much it for this video um i will be back,soon with another product and after that,i will uh probably be making another,drop shipping video or you guys might,see some other drop shipping videos soon,so,definitely leave a like on this video if,you enjoy or if you found it any helpful,if you got any comments any suggestions,whatever it is leave it in the comments,down below i always read the comments so,i love reading the comments as well so,make sure you do that and with that,being said um your boy is out you will,see me next time until then,peace out

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$4,000+ spent & 0 Sales with TikTok Ads (DO THIS TO FIX RESULTS)

$4,000+ spent & 0 Sales with TikTok Ads (DO THIS TO FIX RESULTS)

we helped take one of our students,shopify stores from spending 4 000 and,getting no sales at all before working,with us to being able to literally hop,on two calls and average 15 sales a day,from their tick tock ads and they,literally changed everything and were,completely mind blown that even after,spending all that money and seeing no,results that there could be just a few,tweaks that are backed by data that have,allowed them to up their actual sales,volume and average 15 sales a day from,their tick tock ads and be profitable,and these are the formulas that allow us,to actually achieve results and we go,through the exact data driven strategies,on how to actually implement this so,that way you can actually see success as,well everything we do is based off data,and the last thing we want to do is put,in our own personal opinion because we,want to remove all emotions and only,focus on the analytics and insights that,tell the truth in fact we've been doing,this exact strategy and been reading and,analyzing analytics across hundreds of,ad accounts over the last seven years,and have generated over a billion,dollars in sales for our clients because,of this and in today's video we're gonna,look at a live example of one of our,students and actually break down how,they were actually spending four,thousand dollars and seeing no results,at all on tick tock and having been,frustrated to being able to actually,start working with us and seeing cells,literally within a few days of actually,trying out these actual strategies and,implementing the process so make sure,you like this video subscribe because it,really does help the algorithm and we do,try to put a lot of effort into these,videos so that way you can find value so,let's get into the actual live call,aaron,chase how are you hey how are you,i'm great i want to thank you man for,the first time i finally got some,traction uh behind my ads and got you to,thank for that so,boom it's all a work in progress,amazing i love it i love it i just,wanted to give you a,quick you know update on what's going on,and wonder what what are next steps,right,so i finally got this conversion ad,running and campaign running and it's,it's it's doing pretty good i mean,from where i came from to where i am now,it's like night and day,oh that's amazing,yeah cool all right so yeah let's take a,look yeah this is exciting,i would uh first step unrelated tick,tock ads,have you downloaded zoom,i do i have of course i do,it's so weird because i feel like it i,think it's pulling into your browser,all right um yeah that'd be good because,the quality like drops it by like four,or five times the amount it's kind of,weird all right so these are complete,payments,yes,all right it's really blurry on my end,um,i can't even see these numbers are you,able to zoom in a little bit,okay yeah that's a little bit better,they're starting to come through oh wow,okay yeah cool great yeah you're,definitely getting sales yeah greatness,awesome yeah huge progress i mean you,were spending a ton and getting nowhere,for a while you have no idea man i was,hearing it from the higher ups that they,were about to pull the plug on me but uh,um,i'm back in the game,but my really my question is is,you know my my cpa is high right because,i'm spending you know i'm spending some,some cash to get get these acquisitions,sure sure,let's backtrack so what changed between,the settings that we were going over and,like now with the new launch so um you,know i ran the add to cart campaign,which i think helped the algorithm,figure out who who my people are right,okay,um good but even that initially wasn't,spending so you had me staircase some of,the spend which worked um and then i,switched over to a this conversion,campaign,um and,spent you know i spent some money for a,budget for each of those ad groups um,but it worked so,that's awesome and and really cool but,we know what point do i start scaling,down or do i say hey screw let's go the,other direction and scale up,okay got it and what about the audiences,were you always targeting female,yeah i mean so i i've played around with,uh female and male but you know the,brand sku is female that's just the,nature of it which is fine um but i,would be willing to test um,males as well you know i have some,creative that sort of tries to speak to,to the male consumer,but in terms of putting money behind it,i just quite haven't done it yet,okay and are all these have the same,creative,no,really yeah i've got listen i got,different i got plenty i got plenty oh,okay interesting let's see here and so,what i noticed for example this ad um,where it's just let's make a sparkling,mint lemonade very simple um,i i had some old creative of similar,that i took and repurposed,so it makes for the perfect addition to,any drink or mocktail enjoy,i mean just simple simple stuff and it,works very simple yeah,so this one's getting a high cost per,click low lower cpm,these face value metrics are very,average if you

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