tiktok ads to snowflake

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Snowflake to TikTok Ads in Under 5 Minutes

hey everyone this is catherine coming to,you from flywheel and today i'm going to,walk you through how to activate your,customer data from your data warehouse,to tick-tock ads in under five minutes,so the first step is going to be,connecting your data warehouse to,flywheel and you can see here that i,have already connected my snowflake,instance but bigquery would be a really,similar process if that's the warehouse,you're interested in using,so all i had to do was a one-time entry,of my snowflake credentials and i could,then access any table within my entire,snowflake instance and i'll go ahead and,open up this customer's table set up to,show you what i mean,so the key unlock here is going to be,speed to value flywheel just relies on,your existing architecture to start,segmenting customers we don't actually,ingest any of your data so you can see,here that i could connect to any data,set within this data warehouse and any,table within that data set so where,traditional marketing technology might,take you up to six months to implement,flywheel can be driving value for your,business within a week because we are,just segmenting customers within your,existing architecture,so once your data warehouse is set up,you can begin building audiences and,what you see here is a flywheel central,audience hub so the centralization of,audience and talent intelligence allows,your organization to be more strategic,in its customer targeting and,collaboration so you can see here that,my organization has created nine total,audiences with three of those actively,exporting to a destination platform and,if i were interested in learning more,about who,my co-workers are targeting i can,absolutely just jump into any of those,individual audiences and see exactly,what criteria and what destination,platforms they're using but for today,we'll go ahead and create our own new,audience,so we'll start with a template,and one of the key unlocks of flywheel,is this very visual very intuitive,audience builder it allows us to have,really outsized impact relative to other,data tools because we can be easily,utilized by both a non-technical,marketer and a very technical analyst,you really can,give access to any persona in your,commercial organization and know that,they'll be able to drive value with the,tool,so for today let's go ahead and create a,sample audience,of high spenders from california,your first option in building this,audience is to exclude any audiences,that already exist that might have,overlap because you don't want to be,targeting the same customers over and,over again,in this case i don't have any customers,that are really california specific so i,will go ahead and not exclude any of,those,now you have the option to segment your,audience by any criteria in your entire,data warehouse so in this case we know,that we want our state to be california,and we want high spenders so let's say,that our high spender threshold is going,to be greater than or equal to,300,and what you'll notice on this right,hand panel is that my audience is,resizing in real time so i'm getting,live feedback on exactly how many,customers match this criteria and how,much they've been worth to my,organization in revenue driven so this,is going to allow me to be more,purposeful and more strategic in my,targeting so i'm recognizing whether or,not this audience i've envisioned is,really worth my time my energy to run a,campaign for,then below this total revenue amount,you'll also see a treatment and control,split and this amount is completely,variable,only the customers in that treatment,group will actually be sent to the,destination platform and everyone in,control will be held back and what that,enables you to do is then use flywheels,campaign evaluation feature to track,whether the members of that treatment,group actually drove incremental revenue,versus those in the control group who,were held back so in effect you can see,whether or not your,campaign was actually effective,now below this treatment and control,split you also see a breakdowns option,and this just allows you to get more,granular insight into the makeup of your,audience again from any criteria in your,data warehouse so for instance if i want,more insight into the geographic,distribution of my customers i can go,ahead and add city as a criteria and,this is going to show me how my audience,breaks down across cities in california,so once you're satisfied with your,audience you can go ahead and navigate,back to the audiences hub,find your audience,you can see that treatment and control,split is still in place,click export,and then simply start your export to the,tick tock destination you've connected,so once you've started that export it,will keep going as long as this export,is synced and it's going to update live,so as customers begin to meet the,california high spenders criteria,they'll be added or as they no longer,meet it they'll be removed so it really,is that simple to set up a live pipeline,of yo

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LOL: Ben Shapiro REACTS to INSANE Woke TikToks | Volume 5

LOL: Ben Shapiro REACTS to INSANE Woke TikToks | Volume 5

how many of these videos are there,i i can't take it oh guys you're,depressing me today you can actually,pinpoint the second when his heart rips,in half,and now,all righty folks we are back for another,round of never-ending torture from my,producers they have cold the worst of,tick-tock they're gonna force me to,watch these like it's a clockwork orange,and i'm going to respond to them so,prepare for the suffering,i'm just going to post this every time,people ask me the same questions over,and over again my name is farah i am a,trans woman as well as an intersex woman,my pronouns are she her they them are,your grace,my eyes are tattooed,my nose is a piercing,i identify as a threat a nightmare and a,goddess so please bow down to me i do,not believe in god i don't worship the,devil but yes i am a satanist which,means i am my own god and i worship,myself,thank you have a good day,the last part's true you need to do this,you really must worship yourself but but,i'm the best i have questions just about,you know decision making,i have questions about,what happens when you have a cold but,you have a giant hole that you have put,in the side of your nose with apparently,some sort of heart hole punch,i i just have i have many questions none,of them are honestly i'm not sure i want,to hear the answers i i mostly just want,to,bury my head under a pillow and scream i,think so i saw this video of a cop,forcibly removing a mass subway commuter,for asking him to put on a map at first,i was confused because there are signs,all over the subway stations and subway,cars asking people to wear a mask but,then it occurred to me maybe the nypd,don't know how to read so i skated to my,local mass scan in chinatown to pick up,some mass for them and myself because,unemployment benefits ended and the,government deems the economy more,important than human lives doesn't mean,that we're not still in a pandemic i,went to dunkin donuts to get some pig,bait i thought my look was giving but,not everyone seemed to agree finally i,hopped the turnstile like all new,yorkers do if you're upset that i,committed fair evasion i just want to,let you know i'm just following the,examples of the pigs in this video,previously when i tried to give them,masks as it was mandated on their job as,cases were skyrocketing they refused,them so this time i got creative and,attached mass to a fishing pole with,donuts as bait and finally it was time,for me to go fishing okay they say we,don't have enough of a social welfare,net here in the united states let me,just point out that this human being,spent their entire day doing this and,putting it on tick tock and somehow is,still,gonna have enough to eat for dinner so i,would suggest that we need to change our,incentive structure maybe you should get,a jab all these videos are just filled,with with practical questions like how,do you skateboard in those heels,if i'm a cop nothing says i'm going to,comply with your demands that i wear a,mask quite like you giving me,quote-unquote pig bait what delights,these,are you guys,so i have this thing call it a little,quirk if you will i have hair in my,armpits i have it there for a few,reasons one lazy two,the patriarchy and three,your response to them tells me,everything i need to know about you,don't worry they're not seeking,attention no one none of these people,are seeking attention it's amazing they,just they they demand nothing of you,right this was the argument wasn't this,always the argument the argument was,they're not demanding they just want to,live life the way they want to live life,except they demand your full acceptance,if you look at people and you say um,it's strange that you have decided to,shave the front of your head leave a,ponytail and leave your armpits unshaven,while wearing sleeveless shirts that's,my problem it seems like more it's your,problem don't demand my attention and,then when i give you the attention you,get very offended by the attention it's,the most childish crap ever seriously,it's super childish it's what my it's,what my five-year-old does,insubordinate and churlish act like,children be treated like children,seriously,this is our man i feel bad for this kid,i seriously i feel bad for the kid,and then there will be a kid born into a,family without a proper father mother,that's sad,here's the thing,it's all fun and games until two,generations from now there are no,children and our society is a complete,wreck and waste of itself there are,other societies that have not decided to,carve out the heart from maleness and,femaleness and those societies will,continue to thrive and exist ours simply,will not we'll get to more woke tick,tocks in just one moment first let's,talk about how daily wire was built when,we started daily wire it literally was,like seven of us in a pool house filming,my podcast but then we decided we were,going to grow and the way to grow was we,had to focus in on data we had to focus,in on marketing we needed to make smart,bus

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Tom MacDonald - "The System"

Tom MacDonald - "The System"

welcome to the world baby boy i'll paint,you red and white and blue the,indoctrination starts as soon as you,come out the womb pretty quick we'll,make you stupid with curriculums at,school and if the classroom doesn't do,the trick we'll make you watch the news,pick your team right or left take the,red pill or the blue you can vote but,even if you win still everyone will lose,don't forget to buy designer because,gucci makes you cool we prioritize,material belongings over truth get a job,that you can't stand so you can buy some,cans of food go overseas and die for,freedom there's some oil we can use our,democracy exists so that you think that,you can choose but our algorithms make,you do what we want you to do what's the,problem your depressed society has you,confused we got medication for you that,you'll probably abuse go get married to,a lady who also don't have a clue and,pump on a few babies that are just the,same as you come to the system,everyone's a victim doesn't matter if,you're black or white it hates you all,here inside the system violence is a,symptom fighting for what's right but,somehow everyone is wrong welcome to the,system everyone's a victim doesn't,matter if you're black or white it hates,you all,violence is a symptom fighting for,what's right but somehow everyone is,wrong,welcome to the world baby girl i paint,you pink if that's okay we'll encourage,self-destruction through the music that,you play we divided out of men by trying,politics and race and honestly it's,working awesome so for you will do the,same never teaching you to love yourself,inject you full of hate objectify your,sexuality then blame you for the rape,and weaponize the differences that make,our men and women greater than just to,screw with you erase the genders,everyone's the same we'll empower you,with rights to vote and fight for equal,pay then have the men turn into women,and you'll fight for them again but you,thought you hadn't figured out but,everything has changed welcome to the,system please enjoy your stay here's a,bible and a bottle of the cheapest booze,we make find a man who can take care of,you to fill the holes we made buy a,house and settle down fulfill your duty,procreate and make a couple babies who,will also do the same to the system,everyone's a victim doesn't matter if,you're black or white it hates you all,here inside the system violence is a,symptom fighting for what's right but,somehow everyone is wrong welcome to the,system everyone's a victim doesn't,matter if you're black or white it hates,you all parents are the system violence,is a symptom fighting for what's right,but somehow everyone is wrong,welcome to the world everybody imma,paint you black and white imma make you,hate each other so that everyone will,fight imma give you all religion let the,righteous find the light but i will also,give you science to oppose the word of,christ and imma give you borders their,imaginary lines if you cross them go to,war and win when everybody dies and imma,give you money that you'll value more,than life and let the one percent have,everything while you fight to survive,and then i'll give you politics i'll,call it left and right and while you,divide yourselves i will conquer both,the sides can't you see i'm the system,my whole purpose is divide what you,choose will never matter because,everything is mine,welcome to the system everyone's a,victim doesn't matter if you're black or,white it hates you all hearings are the,system violence is a symptom fighting,for what's right but somehow everyone is,wrong welcome to the system everyone's a,victim doesn't matter if you're black or,white it hates you all parents are the,system violence is a symptom fighting,for what's right but somehow everyone is,wrong welcome to the system everyone's a,victim doesn't matter if you're black or,white it hates you all parents are the,system violence is a symptom fighting,for what's right but somehow everyone is,wrong

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Woke SJW Cringe that will Scar your Brain

Woke SJW Cringe that will Scar your Brain

isn't about race no no it's not about,racism,it's about a different race but it's,it's not about race when deconstructing,the culture costs you your job good work,whoopi it's not about race it's about,because oh we have exemptions no you,don't everyone has to wear a mask in the,building i have one for each of you,um ma'am do you mind take a gander at,how the librarian is holding the mask,she brought the barbecue tongs from home,it's the science i am the science,virginia baker because i've emailed,about this,do you mind calling the county,administrator if you step in the lobby,i'll get my supervisor,i actually have an email out to the,county administrator,he has a medical condition does anybody,remember the espn the highlight show,right where they cover all the plays in,less than 60 seconds i got a good one,for you stand by neurodivergent noun,self pronouns neurodivergent noun self,pronouns animal noun self pronouns new,pronouns so gender dysphoria gender,euphoria i describe myself as a gender,what is androsexual genderqueer person,homosexuality bi doesn't really fit them,lesbian doesn't really fit them pan,asexual etc asexual demisexual and,cupiosexual autosexual ace flux,asexuality and allosexuals neural queer,grave sexuality i'm demisexual,is a gender identity now if you think,what we got here is confusing you're not,the only one new sexualities are always,coming out of the woodwork and if you,can't find yours just wait a minute,we'll make one up for you that's similar,to being a girl let's talk about,cupiosexuals and cupia romantics let's,talk about libidoist and non-libidoist,asexual pan gender non-asexual aromantic,and allosexual aromantic microlabels,people with penises or people with,vaginas rather than saying male and,female are men and women now this is one,of my favorites the participants at the,communist socialist party event you may,sit back and say what kind of people are,these these young communist socialists,well this montage sums it up just,perfect,please do not use gendered language to,to address everyone james jackson,sacramento he him brian levrone hi i'm,andy p uh from los angeles lately and,pronouns uh thank you chair nick him his,from twin cities james jackson,sacramento dsa he him hi my name is,london wang you see him is uh chris he,him from cleveland this is daniel ray,from piedmont um he him pronouns my name,is trey i use they based on that small,collection of intellectuals question few,fine viewers who wouldn't love to go to,the conference just be a fly in the wall,watch the infightings the pronouns how,they change and then for this poor lady,here shem her whatever she has to deal,with it be like herding cats hi i'm,nadine a sex educator and i'm eva a sex,researcher i use the pronouns she and,her because i'm a woman because that,would be the normal pronouns for a,female a woman a girl and when i was,your age i used to be a girl gender is,how you feel on the inside about whether,you're a boy or a girl a man or a woman,if you're non-binary feel like neither,or both people can also be fluid feel,more like female more like male these,kids have been fed the talking points,the indoctrination is going well comrade,based on a different day or time it's,really individual absolutely everyone,born with a vulva is a girl true or,false,or identifies,not everybody is sure and that makes,sense but it makes absolutely no sense,do you feel bad with the people that,have gender dysphoria however the facts,don't change no matter how much you want,them to change if you're born with the,vulva birth certificates and normal,humans used to think,that's a female our genitals actually,don't determine our gender so some,people born with vulvas can be boys,gender creative parenting is a better,option for parenting than assigning kids,genders at birth how do i know she'd,have green hair this is just perfect my,friends,hey davey,yes if a person doesn't feel like,they're a boy or a girl what do we call,them they what are your preferred,pronouns uh zazam,she saw the youngsters in the,re-education camp i mean school now here,we go with what happens when they become,teens,or their parents just say hey non-gender,binary flu whatever you want to do bro,make it up as you go however you're born,a boy i prefer you a girl wink wink,let's watch this hi i'm janae i go by,they she and my,this one doesn't strike me as a dominic,call me crazy it's the trend transparent,i'm keegs i use they and on my is that,random person 173. okay i'm kiara i use,they he she pronouns and my eye is um,that random gemini 14 yeah,my name is alexander i am he they and my,at is fat cat 10 10. alexander please,eat some meat,get off the soy you look very sick my,young friend,spelled ph,um i'm milo i go by heezy it,and my username is milo.yeah,milo.yazzier,hello my name is fern i am transgender,my pronouns are she her and i'm also,trump,ayo dan he him,underscore fruity,underscore aids,uh let's see so um i find,women men,trans people non-binary people,

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Ben Shapiro REACTS to MORE Insane Woke TikToks | Volume 4

Ben Shapiro REACTS to MORE Insane Woke TikToks | Volume 4

they're making me do it again my,producers have brought forth the crazies,of tick tock a place that is the home of,apparently an enormous amount of mental,anguish discontent it's just it's good,times all the time to take talk so let,the torture begin this video is brought,to you sadly by expressvpn why are we,still here just to suffer i'm cody,pronouns em air heirs or these enzosers,are really any neo-pronouns that aren't,z-hergers i am a white trans-masculine,fem non-binary temporarily mostly,able-bodied neurodivergent,obsessive-compulsive chronically ill,culturally jewish unitarian universalist,non-monogamous demi-lo romantic gray,demo bisexual survivor of acute and,complex trauma millennial and cat parent,in mental health recovery,does she introduce herself that way at,parties sorry does emi or is is she,should she jurors introduce gyms,this way at parties i'm trying to do the,pronoun thing i'm having a tough time,okay so let's go through this list a,little bit you're temporarily mostly,able-bodied so like you what does that,mean like you stubbed your toe this,morning or what i'll have you know i,stubbed my toe last week and i only,cried for 20 minutes so some of these,things are actual medical like diagnoses,right obsessive compulsive disorder is,an actual medical diagnosis chronically,ill is sad culturally jewish i'm going,to go not smudge my culture is not a,costume non-monogamous,and uh demi low romantic demilo like you,like demi lovato yeah pansexual that's,hilarious,i got nothing cat parent was the thing,that explained it you don't need all the,rest cat parents my girlfriend and i,were talking about hypothetically if we,got married would you take my last name,obviously no we're feminists that's not,what we're trying to do but then i was,like okay so you're gonna keep,your mom your last name which is,actually that's that's actually your,dad's last name so you could take your,mom's last night but that's actually,her dad's last name,and,it go on and on it goes and i realized,there's no such thing,as a female,last name like they just simply don't,exist because,patriarchy okay so let me begin with i,think his girlfriend lives in canada she,goes to another school i don't believe,him that this is a conversation that,happened in real life as he talks about,being a feminist on his flamingo sheets,so i i don't believe him that he has a,girlfriend liar and the reason that the,woman generally took the father's name,is so the child would take the father's,name which was important because you can,establish the maternal lineage of a,child by the fact that the child was in,mom's body but it's harder to establish,the paternal lineage of a child without,the last name being applied to the kid,that's the actual reason why paternal,names became a thing patriarchy what do,you think is the number one contributing,factor to global warming,agriculture,the fashion industry,uh,something else,i'll tell you a secret it's the us,military,the us military is the world's largest,consumer of oil it's the world's biggest,polluter our armed forces create 750 000,tons of toxic waste,every year depleted uranium,jet fuel pesticides lead and other,chemicals too do you think it's a,coincidence that the military emissions,are often overlooked by climate studies,the kyoto protocol,that's why,there are actually very few things we,can do that are as environmentally,catastrophic as war,i think we all can see the irony that we,fight these wars in order to get oil,but if we didn't fight these wars,we wouldn't need the oil,not as much,uh,i will admit to you,that watching this person spastically,dance while uttering noam chomsky,talking points is almost hypnotically,bad it is almost hypnotic i would watch,like a full hour of that would you not,come on come on be honest watching this,person gyrate like vincent d'onofrio,having their body occupied by an alien,while explaining silliness about how we,fight wars for oil which is strange,because we didn't take any of the oil,from iraq i was amused by that i will,admit i i found that wildly entertaining,i'm big fan of that one,uh oh okay here we go here's an abortion,one life doesn't begin at conception,when does it begin it doesn't matter,brandon it's never mattered at no point,ever has it mattered whether it's just a,clump of cells or a fully fledged person,already accepted to harvard university,it has never ever mattered,when life begins the point is that a,person cannot use another person's body,without their permission by forcing,women to share their bodies with fetuses,to keep them alive you are actually,suggesting that fetuses should have more,rights than any other person in the,world and that people with uteruses,should have less rights if you want a,fetus to have the same rights as other,people i hate to break it to you but you,be pro-choice um okay so question how,did the baby get in there,did the baby just randomly attach itself,to you this actually is a fairly,frequent example that's brought

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Ed Sheeran - Afterglow [Official Performance Video]

Ed Sheeran - Afterglow [Official Performance Video]

Stop the clocks it’s amazing,You should see the way the light dances off your hair,A million colours of hazel, golden and red,Saturday morning is fading,The sun’s reflected by the coffee in your hand,My eyes are caught in your gaze all over again,We were love drunk waiting on a miracle,Trying to find ourselves in the winter snow,So alone in love like the world had disappeared,Oh I won’t be silent and I won’t let go,I will hold on tighter ‘til the afterglow,And we’ll burn so bright ‘til the darkness softly clears,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow,The weather outside’s changing,The leaves are buried under six inches of white,The radio is playing, Iron & Wine,This is a new dimension ,This is a level where we’re losing track of time,I’m holding nothing against it, except you and I ,We were love drunk waiting on a miracle,Trying to find ourselves in the winter snow,So alone in love like the world had disappeared,Oh I won’t be silent and I won’t let go,I will hold on tighter ‘til the afterglow,And we’ll burn so bright ‘til the darkness softly clears,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow,Oh I will hold on to the afterglow

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Snowflake to Facebook Ads in Under 5 Minutes

Snowflake to Facebook Ads in Under 5 Minutes

hey everyone this is catherine from,flywheel and today i'm going to walk you,through how to activate your customer,data from your data warehouse to,facebook ads in under five minutes so,the first step is going to be connecting,your data warehouse to flywheel so if i,scroll over here to data sets you'll see,that i've already connected my snowflake,instance and that was a very,straightforward process and just,required a one-time entry of my,snowflake credentials and i could then,access any table inside my,organization's data warehouse and if you,don't have snowflake and you have,bigquery the process is really similar,so once you've connected to snowflake as,i said you're able to access any table,inside that entire warehouse so if we go,ahead and dig into this users table i've,set up you'll notice that it gave me the,option to select,from this massive range of data sets and,any table within that data set,and what you're seeing here is uh going,to drive real speed to value the reason,is that we're not actually ingesting any,of your customer data or just a layer,that sits on top of your data warehouse,and allows you to segment audiences,within that existing architecture so,where traditional marketing technology,might take you six months to set up we,can be up and running and driving value,for your business within a week so once,you've got your data warehouse set up,you can go ahead and navigate back to,the central audience hub and this is the,second big unlock from flywheel which is,going to be central audience management,so instead of having your marketers and,your sales folks creating audiences and,silos you're able to centralize all of,that to make your organization more,collaborative in its customer targeting,and intelligence building,so here you can see all of the audiences,that my entire organization has created,as well as how many of those are,actively des uh exporting to a,destination platform,but for today we're going to go ahead,and create our own new audience so we'll,start with a basic template,and you'll notice here that the audience,builder is very visual and very,intuitive so that enables us to have,outsized impact for your organization,relative to other data tools because,we're equally accessible for a,non-technical marketer and a very,technical analyst so we can be utilized,to drive value by pretty much any,persona in your entire commercial,organization,so for today let's go ahead and make a,sample audience of churned customers who,live in,the state of new york,once you create this audience your first,option is to exclude any existing,audiences that you think might have a,lot of overlap so you're not targeting,the same customers repeatedly,so in this case i think that new york,high spenders might have a bit of,overlap so i'll go ahead and exclude all,of those customers from this audience,i then have the option of segmenting,this audience across any criteria in my,entire data warehouse so i know that i,want my state to equal new,york and since i want churned customers,let's say that their last purchase date,had to be before,this date,and what you'll notice on this right,hand panel is that my audience is,resizing in real time so you can see,exactly how many customers fall within,these criteria as well as how much,revenue they've driven for my,organization in the past so you're,getting real-time insight into whether,or not that campaign you'd envision for,this audience,is really worth your time and energy to,run,then below you can see you also have a,treatment and control split option and,this is completely variable so flywheel,will only send the customers that fall,within your treatment group to the,destination platform and it will hold,back everyone in the control group you,can then use flywheels campaign,evaluation feature to measure whether or,not that treatment group is actually,driving incremental revenue for your,organization so whether or not your,campaign was actually effective,then below this treatment and control,split you also have the option to get,more insight into your audience through,a breakdown so let's say i want to see,how my audience is distributed,geographically across new york i can,break down by city and i'm going to get,more insight again into that geographic,distribution so it's just enabling me to,be more strategic and more purposeful,and knowledgeable and who i'm actually,targeting,so once you're pretty happy with your,audience you can navigate back to the,audience hub,select that audience,and then export it to your facebook,destination,so i'll go ahead and click start export,i'll wait for that to run,export created then i'll go ahead and,check on,my facebook ads account and when i,refresh my audiences,you'll see that new york churn customers,have been added and that audience is,going to be updated live as new,customers begin to meet that churn to,customers criteria or as they no longer,meet it they'll be removed from the,audience so it really is that simple to,set up a

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Trying TikTok Life Hacks to see if they work

Trying TikTok Life Hacks to see if they work

hello friends it's me and today we're,going to be trying some tick tock hacks,to see if they actually work since you,can't be trusting everyone on the,internet bendy straw yeah under the,armpit,flatulence was just an armpit blow away,okay,oh it tickles i don't know about this,one i'm ticklish and i had to go to the,black market get some contraband for,this video a bendy straw illegal in some,states i'm pretty sure this will not,work with a paper straw okay we're just,going to insert it into the armpit and,then just,ah did you hear that,this is too powerful i want it to be,louder,i thought it would tickle but it just,feels like warm air,what if i put water will it sound wet my,best kind of farts the wet one,yeah,that's what i'm talking about,nice i wonder if it works with your,knees,it's even better with your knees,oh that was so good that one sounded wet,that's the definition of a flatulence,this is the best hack i have ever tried,ten out of ten great hack will provide,hours of fun you will be the life of the,party with one bendy straw only if your,friends think farts are funny,you never got the spaghetti with the,scissors,oh grandma knows that's how you open the,spaghetti i've been disgracing my,spaghetti with scissors all these years,when i could have just,literally busted him for the family,oh,nice,if this doesn't work i'm gonna feel weak,oh look a bag of spaghetti i'm going to,insult the entire country of italy by,using some scissors no,bad you know when i was shopping for,spaghetti a lot of them come in boxes,and not bags anymore this is the only,brand that i could find in a bag here we,go here goes nothing don't be afraid i,will not beat you with a spaghetti,i feel like i just shattered these we,have to do it harder,hard must i beat the spaghetti,oh we got a little poke some of them are,coming out but,nice yeah it took some beating,the next time you make spaghetti you can,also take out your anger and frustration,on the bag and then you get to load up,on carbs win-win situation,okay rula,on the table you drop something on it,it's gonna fall yeah okay but if you put,an ordinary piece of paper on the ruler,over here just put it like that and you,drop something,no,no i'm not believing this for one second,it makes absolutely no sense why would a,piece of paper stop the ruler from being,a ruler,okay if you take a ruler put some fruit,roll up,obviously the ruler cannot even handle,the weight of a single fruit by the foot,pathetic if i put the fruit by the foot,and let's see say we have some teen is,it going to hold or i think this might,be too heavy but,it doesn't work you know how they're,doing this hack,whoa,whoa,this cat they took a pickle cut the,inside out of it good on like the mushy,part anyway put some candy in it wrapped,around some fruit rolla fruit by the,foot ah rolled it in tahin and then cut,it like some like pickle sushi oh bro my,mouth is watering looking at this either,you're gonna love this or you're gonna,hate it i think it looks interesting i'm,not gonna judge until i actually try it,i do love me some pickles for this hack,i had to buy a lot of ingredients i went,to several stores nobody had gushers,nobody had a whole jumbo pickle do you,know how hard this was to find i'm gonna,be using airheads for the filling,because i am allergic to twizzlers or,whatever sour straws they put in there,we're going to be taking our pickle,that's a thick boy a lot of juice,smells foul so i'm going to be taking,out the middle section of the pickle,yeah they made this look too easy the,store i went to had an entire section,for pickled things pick up artichokes,pickled brussels sprouts pickled green,beans no pickled pickles peter piper,didn't pickle a pickle peter piper,picked a pack of pickled peppers there's,a nicely sized hole in this pickle now,but anyways in that whole section they,did not have jumbo pickles they only,have the baby kosher ones that wasn't,gonna work can't make a pickle sushi out,of a baby pickle does it look like a,tongue,is good i've had airheads in so long,damn,now pickle has tongue so if he puts,googly eyes on him and he will be friend,will you like pickles if you have a,googly eyes on them no,he's sweet he's like a little friend,my hands are covered in pickle juice i,feel filthy okay well this fruit by the,foot is green we will be wrapping our,pickle in it,like a blanket sweet child you can sleep,now i like this fruit by the foot,gushers and fruit roll-up variety pack i,ain't never seen one of these okay i'm,gonna take the string and wrap it up,like it is a present a gift,i need to hang me up,more,more more,take the lid off,okay you know what that's fine that's,fine ignore this oh no it's dripping,i don't want to put too much on it,because i just want like a little bit,then it's going to be too spicy for me,okay the gray to reveal,where's the gusher it didn't even go,through the end let me push it through,there we go i don't think this is going,to make me feel good eating this on an,

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