kita kasih waktu sekitaran 15 menit,teman-teman ataupun sekitaran 20 menit,Jadi jangan bareng grup jalannya ya,jenis kelamin ini bisa disesuaikan,dengan produk teman-teman di sini karena,saya menjual kerudung teman-temannya,jadi saya pilih yang gender wanita dan,untuk usianya saya akan pilih yang 18,sampai 35 dan di sini dalam waktu 3 hari,terakhir Ya 3 harian teman-teman ya itu,saya mendapatkan 7 compesi dan biayanya,itu habis sekitaran 200.000 lebih,teman-teman ya,Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi,wabarakatuh Halo semuanya Jumpa lagi di,channel saya di video kali ini saya,ingin sharing dan berbagi informasi,masih seputar tiktok teman-teman ya di,video sebelumnya sudah saya bahas,seputar tiktok shop nah saya membahas,seputar kebijakan Ya intinya ngasih tahu,kepada teman-teman agar tidak gabah,kalau misalkan jualan di tiktok saya,sudah bahas dua kebijakan tersebut,silahkan teman-teman baca kembali dan di,video sebelumnya juga sudah saya bahas,seputar fitur terbaru yang ada di tik,tok baik itu aplikasi tiktok shop dan,tik toks dan yang ingin saya sampaikan,hari ini kepada teman-teman itu tentang,fitur terbaru yang ada di tik tok Edge,yaitu retensi penonton dan selesaikan,pembayaran kalau misalkan kita iklan,video live kita ya yang sedang live lah,pokoknya kita iklankan menggunakan Tik,Tok Edge Apakah bisa meningkatkan,penjualan ataupun enggak ataupun bisa,ngebantu teman-teman ya dan hasilnya,saya akan kasih tahu hari ini,teman-teman ya tanpa banyak basa-basi,mungkin kita akan langsung saja mulai,bahas Oke kita masuk dulu ke dan,tampilan dashboard tiktok s nya Nah di,sini saya sudah mengiklan menggunakan,soput case belanja live teman-teman ya,dan di sini dalam waktu 3 hari terakhir,Ya tiga harian teman-teman ya itu saya,mendapatkan 7 dan biayanya itu habis,sekitaran 200.000 lebih teman-teman ya,Dan ini masih tester teman-temannya jadi,saya akan langsung aja kasih tahu nah,untuk caranya itu seperti ini ya ini,untuk hasilnya aja saya akan kasih tahu,hasilnya kepada teman-teman hasilnya,menurut saya udah cukup Lumayan kalau,misalkan kita lihat di bagian grup iklan,teman-teman ya Nah kita akan coba lihat,di bagian grup iklan,sebentar Nah ini dia teman-teman ya,hasilnya itu seperti ini ya Nah ini,adalah hasilnya,nah ini adalah hasilnya teman-teman jadi,total biayanya itu beda-beda ya Tapi,nggak jauh beda sih total biayanya itu,17000 CPC yang mungkin membedakan,teman-teman ya cpm juga membedakan klik,juga membedakan dan CTR juga membedakan,bahkan semua itu hampir beda teman-teman,ya Nah yang menjadi pertanyaannya,Bagaimana caranya jadi di sini saya akan,Pandu buat teman-teman yang belum bisa,ngiklan video alay menggunakan soccess,plus kita akan bahas Bagaimana caranya,menggunakan dua fitur tersebut untuk,iklan dan bisa menghasilkan penjualan,Oke ini versi saya teman-teman ya Nah,untuk caranya itu gampang sebetulnya ya,kalau misalkan teman-teman udah apa,namanya tiktoknya itu udah punya fitur,keranjang ya mungkin bisa langsung klik,di bagian sini ini untuk cara lama,teman-teman ya untuk cara barunya,sekarang udah bisa kita akses bikin,iklan ya menggunakan tiktokshop seperti,ini teman-teman ya Nah kita tinggal klik,aja buat kampanye nanti akan otomatis ke,sini ke bagian software chest dulu itu,emang harus buka stopwatch itu bayar 15,juta dan yang lainnya sekarang sudah,bisa diakses teman-temannya oke di sini,teman-teman itu tinggal klik aja lanjut,ya di sini ini untuk nama kampanye bisa,teman-teman buat ataupun bisa,teman-teman ubah Nah di sini teman-teman,itu pilih yang bagian belanja live,hampir sama seperti video sebelumnya,yang sudah saya bahas tentang belanja,live silahkan teman-teman tonton ya Nah,di sini terus untuk identitasnya kita,pilih akun yang tayang teman-teman Ya,maksudnya itu yang sering live lah Nah,lanjut ke bagian bawah jadi ini bagian,atas ini enggak ada perubahannya sih di,bagian bawah di sini,untuk gender dan lokasi kita akan ubah,dulu lokasinya ya lupa teman-teman nah,kita akan pilih yang Indonesia seperti,ini terus di sini lanjut teman-teman,menjadi bagian gender ataupun di bagian,jenis kelamin jenis kelamin ini bisa,disesuaikan dengan produk teman-teman di,sini karena saya menjual kerudung,teman-temannya jadi saya pilih yang,gender wanita dan untuk usianya saya,akan pilih yang 18 sampai 35 jadi yang,45 saya akan Hapus dulu teman-teman ya,Nah seperti ini ini untuk settingan,iklan saya ya dan buat teman-teman yang,jualan juga bisa menggunakan settingan,saya dulu seperti ini ya Nah kita akan,lanjut ke bagian bawah di bagian,pengagetan minat dan perilaku di sini,saya akan Hapus dulu semuanya ini,direkomendasikan oleh tiktok itu menurut,saya kurang pas ya ataupun kurang cocok,lah bagi saya jadi saya akan Hapus dulu,dan saya akan pilih yang menurut saya,ini tertarget yang pertama saya memilih,dulu kecantikan dan perawatan saya,centang yang bagian ini terus yang,bawahnya saya akan pilih yang pakaian,dan aksesoris seperti ini teman-teman ya,Nah Cukup dua aja selanjutnya kita pilih,yang bagian tambah per
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hai hai temen-temen seller dan,teman-teman tiktok Ardan them,sahabat-sahabat dari Digital marketing,Ya senang sekali hari ini ketemu lagi,bersama saya video cuma dan dihari ini,tetaplah entah Setelah sekian bulan,kayak hampir satu bulan yang penonton,saya enggak sempet buatin konten atau,video update-an dari Itok teman-teman di,kesempatan hari ini teman saya akan,bulatin video lagi ya agar teman-teman,bisa terus ya terus bisa menambah ilmu,dan pengetahuannya di tiktok atau,Digital marketing teman dan this harapan,saya teman-teman bisa terus meningkatkan,konversi penjualan nya di dalam Tik Tok,pastinya Oke di kesempatan hari ini,temen-temen pastinya saya akan,membawakan sebuah materi yang ringan aja,ringan dan simple tapi sangat membantu,temen-temen ya dalam penjualan dan ini,powerful banget sold tanah jangan di,skip skip di video ini teman-teman simak,sampai selesai ya sebelum memulai,videonya teman-teman jangan lupa untuk,like subscribe ya share video ini ya,agar Allah sahabat kita yang di luaran,sana paling tidak bisa mendapatkan video,ini dan bisa berguna juga buat mereka,mau menemukan bisnisnya Digital,marketing pastinya Oke kita langsung,ketemu videonya ya,oke teman-teman saat ini kita sudah,berada di tiktok shop seller center,seperti saya bilang ini adalah fitur,yang menurut saya tidur yang sangat,powerfull membuat teman-teman di live,streaming sama dipromosi di tiktok so ya,temen-temen Nah menurut sekarang berada,di halaman utama lebih tok maka,teman-teman geser kebawah cari di,promosi di sini ada promosi sahabatku ya,Hai promosi Nah teman-teman di sini cari,fitur promosinya Oke setelah teman-teman,game Apa sih perbedaan fitur dari,harga coret overall kilat atau flash sel,sama Byson produk tentunya kalau,misalnya ah di video sebelum-sebelumnya,kan saya sempet bahas ya temen-temen,cara membuat harga coret ya perbedaannya,kalau di harga Core itu kan dibawanya,tidak ada,Kondom tidak ada konten itu kayak tidak,ada eh kayak waktu ya timer tidak ada,buat timer atau melihat di bawah di sini,nih yang dibawa ini tidak ada timer,temen-temen kalau misalnya fitur promosi,dari sih,coba aku perbesar ya Nah disiarkan cuma,harga coret aja di bawah tidak ada timer,tuh perbedaannya kalau misalnya kalau di,flash sel ini flash hal yang kita buat,sendiri ya teman-teman Flash yang kita,buat sendiri apa bedanya dengan,freestyle yang diberikan oleh tiktok Ya,tentu kalau diberikan dari Tik Tok Itu,adalah melalui undangan khusus nah,undangan khusus biasanya ada di sini,teman-teman Kayak misalnya ini ada,program lagi nah ini biasanya ada,kriteria Nia misalnya atau Manteman,sudah mencapai penjualan tertentu maka,dari titik sendiri itu akan mengundang,kita,melakukan flash sel tersebut dan,harganya juga disubsidi oleh tokek,seperti kemarin tuh yang ada 99 kemarin,Nah kemarin 99 juga saya ikut tapi,karena terlalu banyak flash sel dibilang,powerful enggak hias the Powerful juga,ya tapi saya selama ini begitu saya,seringkali saya lakukan,left temen-temen Mungkin beberapa,teman-teman juga sering ada ketemu saya,juga bisa saat saya sedang live,streaming ada ketemu bilang eh kowiejaya,ya yang biasa bikin konten ya saya,bilang iya ya Jadi ada beberapa,teman-teman ketemu saya sales juga lebih,saya bisa saya memulai left itu adalah,bisa dua lainnya lumayan bagus dari live,streaming saya menggunakan selain dari,menggunakan iklan selain itu juga saya,menggunakan kondom dari obral obral,kilat ini teman-teman enam saya akan,langsung teman-teman saya langsung akan,membuatkan nah kampanyenya tapi,sebelumnya saya juga akan kasih liat,temen-temen ini promosi saya yang sedang,berjalan saat ini nah ini adalah ada,saya punya empat campaign saat ini yang,sedang berjalan Jadi,pastinya saya enggak kasih lihat,campaign nyapu yang sedang berjalan tapi,aku kan eh sharing kan Gimana cara,membuatnya dengan simple ya dengan,simpel tapi pada saat temen-temen pada,saat live streaming ditiktok shop ya,tentunya akan membantu teman-teman,meningkatkan konversi di dalam tiktoknya,ya kita lanjut ya kita buat disini,ini perbedaannya temen-temen ya Sebelum,saya buat saya akan kasih lihat,temen-temen disini,saya cium dulu ya saya perbesar ya,Nah di sini itu di flash tool disini,temen-temen,kalau teman-teman masuk dari disini kan,nggak kelihatan ya Oke sorry ini kayak,kelihatan deh oke Ini kelihatan ini yang,sebelumya teman-teman nilai 100,3250 ya nan indah harga coret Sebelumnya,kan 295 diskon 95 diskon 35 persen ya,nih epra promosi segera hadir ya,Hai nah begitu teman-teman sudah jalan,promosinya disini tuh ada,menurut saya yang powerful nya ini,adalah waktunya timernya jadi pada saat,kita live misalnya opsi kita lef2 jam ya,pada saat live2 James r 2 jam misalnya,10.11 12 ya temen-temen 10 malam,misalnya oleh sampai 12.00 temen-temen,berarti eh dia punya timernya kan habis,Nah bisa Nah itu teman-teman bisa,melakukan,melakukan pose as nomor teman-teman pada,saat calon customer teman untuk membeli,disaat itu juga itulah yang membuat,powerful ya temen-temen Nah pastikan,
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Hai Hai ketemu lagi bersama saya,widyakusuma temen-temen hari ini kita,akan lanjut pembelajaran video,berikutnya dan hari ini saya akan,membuatkan sebuah pembelajaran buat,temen-temen tentunya ini sangat bagus,banget apalagi temen-temen yang hari ini,sudah mulai jualan di tiktok left ya,teman-teman ya tentunya kalau misalnya,tiktok live ya tentunya kalau misal kita,mau dolan tentu butuh yang namanya,traffik yang bagus Flash yang bagus,seperti apa orang-orang yang nonton dan,bisa melakukan etuka tentunya nah hari,ini temen-temen sering saya akan,memberikan,tutorial Gimana caranya untuk,mendapatkan,traffic yang banyak pada saat kita live,seringkali seringkali kan kalau kita mau,live kok yang nonton cuma beberapa orang,tapi ah tutorial ini teman-teman yang,pastinya ini akan membantu teman-teman,dalam penjualannya Oke sebelum kita ke,materinya jangan lupa teman-teman untuk,like dan subscribe channel kami agar dan,Nyalakan loncengnya dan agar temen-temen,tidak ketinggalan materi yang berikutnya,tentunya ya Oke kita langsung ke materi,Intinya teman-teman namsung kita ke,laptop tentunya Oke ini adalah dashboard,tiktok Ads manager ya teman-teman kita,langsung ke kampen lalu ke KM kita buat,campaign,hai oke,Hai nah ini ada,Hai mode sederhana sama mode custom,temen-temen ya pakainya mana baiknya ya,Kalau saya lebih suka yang custom karena,fiturnya lebih banyak ya Nah ini yang,akan kita pakai dan sop putus ya kalau,temen-temen yang belum punya fitur,software chest ya bisa nonton video di,atas ada linknya nanti saya lampirkan ya,kalau teman-teman mau,buka cara buka supertest juga Sama ya,teman-teman ya,fiturnya bisa buka fitur software Charge,dengan gratis tentunya tidak harus Depok,deposit penilai 20jutaan Oke kita lanjut,Sorry Oke kita klik sopir chest hai lalu,lanjut ya ini mau dikasih nama apa,misalnya,live video,hai hai,hai hai,Hai ini anggarannya tanpa batas ya kalau,misalnya teman-temanmu Mbak jatin,500.000 atau 200.000 ya boleh juga ya,Saya klik Tanpa Batas dulu aja ya,lanjutkan,kek teman-teman dia akan dihadapkan di,sini ah fitur pemilihan jadi ini ada,grup Nama grupnya Mau dirubah boleh mau,di bebas boleh ini hanya buat internal,kita aja Jadi kita mau iklannya adalah,shop,shopping shopping ya kita mau laptop ya,teman teman iklan nya ya tentu pilihnya,disini ada dua pilihan kemarin juga saya,sudah buatkan Gimana cara iklan video ya,dan hari ini kita belajar untuk,levidio shopping key tadi sini dengan,otomatis,akun yang sudah,diintegrasi kemarin dia akan terkonek,dengan otomatis teman-teman pada saat,kita pilih belanja left ya,Hai selanjutnya kita akan atur,pengaturan disini akan kita aktifin,dua-duanya ya,Nah disini temen-temen Jangan lupa,oke kita lanjut di sini biarkan kosong,aja kosong aja gede mau grafik kita,wajib diisi karena kita mau targetnya,Indonesia,Launcher,hai,oke di sini gender ya teman-teman jenis,kelamin mopili Tanpa Batas kalau,misalnya teman-teman jualannya mulesnya,jualannya Sumo protect yang bisa dipakai,ya mau pria mau wanita bisa pakai,Silahkan pilih Tanpa Batas ya kalau,misalnya mau live kosmetik-kosmetik nya,lebih cenderung ke wanita ia bisa wanita,aja biar audiensnya optimasinya lebih,maksimal kalau misalnya saya mau lifenya,jualan pakaian dan pakaiannya bisa juga,ada pria juga ya silahkan teman-teman,ini tanpa batas usianya teman-temanmu,jangka usia berapa yang biasanya kalau,saya ya saya pilih orang-orang yang,punya keuangannya udah Okelah ya Mulai,dari,18 tahun biasanya atau 25 tahun mulainya,yang 18 hilangin ya Nah ini biasanya,daya belinya udah cukup bagus kalau,misalnya mau jangkau mulai dari 18 tahun,silakan bebas Ya otomatis audiensnya Hai,akan lebih banyak yang lupa teman-teman,pilih2 bahasa ya bahasa Inggris dan,Indonesia,dan disini saya ilangin dulu ya Saya,enggak pernah iklan,opsinya segel angin dulu biar saya kasih,contoh ya caranya seperti kemarin sama,teman-teman Tinggal pilih penargetan aja,orang-orang yang mau kita targetin apa,produknya kalau misalnya teman-temanmu,lifenya kosmetik Silahkan temen-temen,pilih ya sesuai produk,teman-teman misalnya di sini ada,asesoris pakaian yang kalau mau jualan,pakaian silahkan disini,kosmetik kecantikan ya,Eh perawatannya apa perawatan kulit,kosmetik,ya perawatan wanita saya enggak klik,semuanya contoh ya teman-teman bisa,pilih sesuai kebutuhan,audiencenya yang,hai lalu tambahkan video eh interaksi,video ya beraksi video apa orang yang,tonton sampai akhir semuanya jadi,tentang in ya ini boleh pilih,Hai sesuai produk teman-teman ya beauty,ya saya pilih beauty dan disini,perilaku,dalam tujuh hari terakhir atau 15 hari,terakhir orang yang mau dijangkau oleh,pilih 7 boleh pilih 15 kalau pilih 7,Kita bisa lihat audiensnya segini ya,39119001,disini 15hari ya kurang lebih sama tapi,lebih banyak 15hari teman-teman ya boleh,tujuh hari aja ya biar enggak biar lebih,spesifik Hai dapat Orangnya tadi sini ya,kita boleh klik dua-duanya dan ini,katagorinya dimensi diisi beauty,Hai nah disini hastag nya usahakan,hastag nya temen-temen harus,eh sesu
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All you need to know about TikTok Shopping Ads
All you need to know about TikTok Shopping Ads
hey everyone welcome to the webinar all,you need to know about Tick Tock,shopping ads my name is Mikhail I'm the,VP of growth at Shaker and I'm the host,of today's webinar the webinar will be,recorded so you can watch it on demand,later,today's agenda firstly what are Tick,Tock shopping ads,secondly let's take a closer look at,video shopping ads,thirdly catalog listing ads,fourthly live shopping ads and finally,let's take a look at how you can use,creative automation to get more out of,your video shopping ads,first thing on the agenda what are Tick,Tock shopping apps,in short Tick Tock shopping ads is an,umbrella term for tick tock's new suite,of Advertising Solutions for Brands who,want to leverage Tick Tock to drive,sales,currently there are three ad formats,under the tick shop Tick Tock shopping,ads umbrella video shopping ads catalog,listing ads and live shopping ads but,you can expect more ad formats to come,in the future,the headline of a recent Tech brunch,article about Tick Tock shopping ads,reads like this,Tick Tock launches new ad Solutions with,smarter targeting and Amplified product,discovery,it continues Tick Tock announced today,which was August 18th that it's,launching a Commerce Suite called,shopping ads to make it easier for,Brands to advertise on the platform the,company is currently testing three,formats of shopping ads which includes,video shopping ads catalog listing ads,and live shopping ads,in the webinar today I will take you,through what we what we know about Tick,Tock shopping ads so far and how you can,get started,the promise of tick tock's shopping ads,is essentially to help advertisers,keeping up with with emerging,keeping up with emerging Trends solving,for signal loss managing large catalogs,and avoiding adverty all in order to,turn tiktok content into full shopping,carts,and the way they do it is through,simplification and automation features,in The Tick Tock ads manager,from tick tock's own shopping ads,announcement they called out that Tick,Tock ads are built different which means,different relative to their current,Solutions but also different to,competing Solutions in the market,the first key point of differentiation,is the simplified media buying,experience,where you can access the three new,advertising formats through one single,buying objective the product sales,objective in your ads manager these are,the three new formats video shopping ads,catalog listing ads and live shopping,ads,secondly there are new automation,features which helps advertisers meet,buyers throughout the shopping Journey,this enables advertisers to meet,audiences who are more like more likely,to convert with smarter more advanced,targeting and fully automated creative,features that are currently in,development,thirdly shopping ads help you unlock,catalog potential by scaling your,product catalog with new formats to,capture emerging Trends and more,placement on Tick Tock beyond the for,you page,and finally achieve greater performance,and optimization opportunities through,new features for tick tock shop,Merchants to maximize performance,as mentioned earlier the promise of tick,tock shopping ads is essentially to help,advertisers keeping up with emerging,Trends solo solving for signal loss,managing large catalogs and avoiding ad,fatigue,and that is what we see through these,four points of differentiation,now let's move over to looking at what,Tick Tock ads look like in practice at,first glance the changes to your ads,manager are quite small when you first,get access to shopping ads what you will,see when you are about to set up your,first new campaign is that the catalog,sales objective is out well product,while the product sales objective is in,and the most noticeable changes will,appear once you select the product sales,objective and start creating your,campaign where you now will have access,to create up to three different ad,formats instead of just one format with,the catalog sales objective,but keep in mind that Tick Tock shopping,ads are not generally available to all,advertisers until the end of 2022 and,when you start getting access to,shopping ads you may not have access to,all three ad formats right away,some advertisers we work with have,access to video shopping ads only some,of them have access to both video,shopping ads and catalog listing ads and,none of them have access to live,shopping ads yet,this is in most cases due to the limited,geographical rollout of shopping ads or,live shopping ads is the slowest one to,roll out,you should reach out to your Tick Tock,account manager if you do not have,access to shopping ads and you can also,reach out to me if you have any,questions,now let's look at the first of the three,shopping ad formats video shopping ads,in the words of tick in the words of,tick tock video shopping ads enable you,to place hyper relevant shoppable videos,across the for you page for people to,check out your products the example ad,you can see here is a single video,shoppi
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cho,cháu ăn nhanh mình là Quốc cược video,hôm nay mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cách,chạy like shopping nghệ về Tik Tok shop,của mình với mục tiêu là mua tại cửa,hàng trước tiên các bạn cần chuẩn bị cho,mình 1 vài thứ sau Thứ nhất là tài khoản,quảng cáo đã mở tính năng sốt rét là App,Store vào kênh vào tài khoản,thứ hai là restore là cái thứ ba là cây,từ từ là nhà sách,ở tại,số tài khoản quảng cáo các bạn vào chiến,dịch,à à,ừ ừ,thì,các bạn bấm tạo mới,cài đặt mục tiêu quảng cáo của mình là,mô tả Cửa hàng các bạn đặt PT II,Vì,vậy các bạn muốn tiếp tục à,à à,Ừ,rồi mình đặt tên là nhóm muộn rồi các,bạn chọn cửa hàng của mình,ở tại loại quảng cáo thì các bạn chọn là,mua sắm online nhé,có phải danh tính danh tính liệt kê của,huyện,trả lời tại vị trí thì các bạn tắt cái,tải video xuống đi,Ừ rồi thế này địa điểm khác bạn chọn,Việt Nam chẳng hạn nhiều mình chọn Việt,Nam là đôi tuổi mình sẽ mời giới tính,mình sẽ chọn là nữ độ tuổi từ 18 đến 44,nhắm mục tiêu sẽ thích hành vi Nếu các,bạn cũng có ta ghét bị hơn thì các bạn,có thể chọn nha Rồi làm sách hàng ngày,mình đi làm 100 đâu rồi,đối với Quảng cáo ra hai thì thừa mình,sẽ có những cái phiên like chẳng hẳn Vụ,Tối nay là bạn sẽ không biết phiên like,từ 10 giờ tới 12 giờ,thì bạn nên ích comment trước đó chẳng,hạn dù là mình lên từ lúc 6 giờ tối để,cho lúc 8 giờ tối nó hoạt động thì mình,liền sau đó mình đã khi,cứ thời gian quảng cáo này chẳng hạn ví,dụ bây giờ mình lên là ngày 6 tháng 6 à,ở,hiện tại mình đang là,19:29 Nhưng mà mình muốn đặt cho cái,quảng cáo đấy là bắt đầu từ lúc và 20,giờ à,-,20 giờ ok và kết thúc là 24 giờ ngày 6,tháng 6 luôn,ừ ừ,A,23:59,ok thì có nghĩa là trong khi mình sắp,xong thì cái lúc mà khoảng thời gian từ,20 giờ đến 24 giờ hạnh la 2 á bạn live,thì cái mộ cái quảng cáo này nó sẽ bắt,đầu phân phối cho bạn trong cái khoảng,thời gian này còn trường hợp bạn like,ngoài cái khung giờ này thì nó sẽ không,có phân phối với bạn nha,Rồi sau khi mình xếp ngày giờ xong thì,mình chọn xuống cái giá sầu và tối ưu,hóa rồi giá thầu tối ưu hóa thì các bạn,nên mình khuyên các bạn nên là chọn lựa,thanh toán hoặc lần lượt nhấp vào Kill,like hai cái này khoảng hai cái này thì,tỷ lệ mua hàng nó không được cao lắm,nhưng mà bù lại thì nó sẽ là cái click,và cái người chân người tự trên người sẽ,mất sẽ cao hơn thường thì mình sẽ chọn,nợ giúp cho sản phẩm trong phim Like rồi,chiến lược gia thầu thì mình sẽ chọn chi,phí thấp nhất ý kiến tiếp theo em,Em đổi tên quảng cáo,tại đây thì nó sẽ có 2 cái cách định các,bạn sẽ chấp nhận trường hợp Ví dụ Các,bạn chọn video like luôn á thì các bạn,bấm gửi đi thì có nghĩa nó Sẽ khi cái,like của bạn chạy thì nó sẽ bắt like của,các mạng và nó sẽ phân phối quảng cáo,luôn à còn trường hợp đi giao từ chuẩn,thì bạn sẽ chọn một ra một cái video Nào,trên kênh của các bạn chẳng hạn như mình,chọn một cái video là trên kênh đi Chẳng,hạn video này thêm kênh đấy,sau khi nó chạy Xong cái như này nó sẽ,có một cái nút lời vào xem bụi Lan à Ý,anh nói giống như là một cái khác bị dẫn,khách hàng vào xem la hết á,à à,à còn trường hợp các bạn muốn đẩy trực,tiếp vào nay luôn đó thì các bạn chọn,menu like nhé thế,Ừ rồi mình sau khi chọn xong cái loại,xếp này Mình sẽ bấm gửi đi ra xong,à à,à à,à à,à à,Ừ ok vậy là một quảng cáo là shopping,nhà của mình được tạo thành công nha
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In China, The Future of Shopping Is Already Happening
In China, The Future of Shopping Is Already Happening
this is live stream shopping,one of the hottest trends in china every,night,tens of millions of people watch live,shows hosted by influencers like thea,and by the products they recommend on,e-commerce and social apps like taobao,and do-ing,the sister app of tick-tock,functions,it's not about you know only shopping,it's about the experience it's about,having fun,you got to see 3d you got to see in some,kind of action,it's almost like a theater act the,internet craze has taken over china,by the end of 2020 the country had,almost,400 million live stream shopping users,china's livestream e-commerce market has,also grown dramatically,with an estimated value of 161 billion,dollars in 2020,it's becoming popular outside china as,well,so is live streaming the future of,shopping,live streaming is not a new thing in,china it started in 2015 with the,rollout of 4g,and it was first used for entertainment,and socializing,many live streamers performed for their,followers or chatted to them,making money by receiving virtual,currency and gifts,in the west live streaming is mainly the,domain of avid gamers,in china it's broken into e-commerce,china actually has a very big e-commerce,empire so it uses these,super apps what we call that you have,payment you have search of information,you have recommendation system,and you have huge amount of goods,available on the platform,and as well as a lot of consumers so,with this advantage they,merge these features of live streaming,to make the influencers actually so good,here is a perfect choice nice neutrals,beautiful print nothing overwhelming and,the warmth and comfort of flannel,this is item traditional tv shopping,involves a one-way direction,whereby a host introduces a product,demonstrate certain things and say call,this number or something,but live stream shopping is live that in,itself is a very very big difference,it causes different psychology and live,stream shopping is a very entertaining,way of actually engaging someone else,when you shop actually this live,streaming video will continue,it will minimize into a corner and you,can like buy the items,and pay all on the same app after that,the live streaming screen,will just enlarge by itself and the,promoter will come back to screen,so it's like very convenient,how about one of china's biggest,e-commerce platforms owned by tech giant,alibaba,added a live streaming function in early,2016.,in the following years other e-commerce,and social platforms like jd and do-ing,also integrated this feature,over 70 billion dollars worth of goods,was sold by a live stream,on taobao in the year through march 2021,latest surveys show that over 60 of live,stream users in china,were watching shopping shows and over 65,of them shopped at least once via live,stream,in 2020 live stream shopping got a huge,boost during the pandemic,when millions of people were in lockdown,and many retailers were pushed,online people you know during the,lockdown,felt like there's a need for more social,interactions,this live platform creates an,interesting,kind of uh environment that gives people,this sense that i'm actually interacting,with you,and then live stream shopping brings in,a lot more variety of things that people,could buy and satisfy,you know the sense the sense of losing,control especially during pandemic,at the heart of this craze are the top,influencers,who have tens of millions of followers,and some products worth millions of,dollars,every night they often use their stock,power,to get bargains from retailers which in,turn boosts their own sales and,influence,so if you think about china's live,streaming you have to know the,king and queen of the influences the,queen of live streaming,via she is actually having the biggest,viewership,and or the biggest sales volume for a,long time,on taobao platform she can sell,everything from,like gucci sunglasses lipsticks,homes and cars one time she offered her,followers to,go on a tesla ride with her and she even,for once saw the rocky launch in her,live streaming room for 40 million yen,the king b lijachi more widely known as,lipstick's brother,he used to be a cosmetic cells,before he turned into live streaming,e-commerce,and he knows a lot about the cosmetics,so he's the one that will actually put,the lipsticks on himself when,he's on the show,top live streamers like via and lijachi,have become celebrities in china and can,earn millions of dollars a year,although not everyone can be as popular,mid-ranking live streamers like tiffany,still earn a good income through sales,commissions,is,engineering,me,a lot of successful live streamers are,generally very good at communication,they're very good at articulating very,simply what the product does what a,product doesn't do in order for them to,sell they need to be trustworthy,and appear trustworthy and they need to,you know show in some ways that they're,authentic right so for vr and,chassis they're able to articulate that,quite a bit through their body language,thr
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TikTok Shop Tutorial In 2022 | How To Sell Via TikTok Livestream And Make Money (Step By Step)
TikTok Shop Tutorial In 2022 | How To Sell Via TikTok Livestream And Make Money (Step By Step)
hey what's going on everyone today i,want to teach you guys how to make a,successful and profitable business using,tiktok live stream shopping now you,might have heard of tick tock live,stream shopping from china if you have,any interest in the chinese market live,stream shopping currently accounts for,around 30 of all e-commerce sales so,maybe you've had your eye on live stream,your comments for a while maybe you have,your own business but not sure how,exactly it works well this video is for,you it's still quite early for the,market but it's a great opportunity to,capture that market share if you're not,familiar with the advantages of,livestream shopping i'm going to run,through that very quickly for you now,number one it is the most entertaining,form of shopping online right now in a,lot of our livestreams we will have,chats about specific subjects that we,know our audience is interested in we,add in tutorials you can learn while,you're shopping we add games in you can,play while you're shopping number two it,is the most discounted way to shop,because of group buying and you have a,lot of people in the room at the same,time the brand or the shop is very much,incentivized to lower the price slightly,to increase the urgency to make that,sale number three is marketing to sales,is a great way to get views on your,products and instead of spending all,your money on making videos you can,spend it directly on live streams where,you can convert to sales instantly,number four is customer loyalty not only,are these people your customers they are,also your followers anything you post on,your channel or any live stream that,goes live they will be notified to come,in and watch and because they know it's,entertaining because they like the,presenters because of the prices you,give during the livestream people are,more inclined to come back to the live,stream and purchase again and again,number five is omni channel marketing,and sales not only is tick tock doing,live from e-commerce all of the other,social media platforms are looking into,it and will start very soon amazon has,just started it in the us tick tock has,started it globally starting in the uk,and isn't easy now they're spreading,southeast asia north america's opening,soon france is opening soon germany is,opening soon it's very much you stream,from one destination to the world it's,omnichannel not only to the world but,through different platforms imagine if,you're streaming through tiktok,instagram facebook and amazon from the,same studio at the same time to multiple,countries think about the amount of,traffic and the amount of sales you can,make so what i want to do in this video,is to create a very comprehensive guide,on how to get started on tiktok live,shopping what strategies are the best to,use to increase your revenue streams,increase your channels and change your,business and grow your revenue so before,i get started i'll introduce myself and,tell you why i know so much about this,my name is william august you can search,me on linkedin my username on youtube is,full infant i am a influencer in china,back in 2015. i started an agency in,2018. we've worked a lot with chinese,version of tiktok doliyan and we know,exactly the trajectory that the western,version of tiktok is going out we are,currently the biggest tsp tick-tock shop,partner in the uk and we work with a lot,of big brands running their live stream,shops and helping them to increase their,revenue and i want the industry to grow,and that's why i want to share all the,information i have with you so remember,give me a follow down below and uh maybe,a comment and also reach out to me on,linkedin if you do need any more help so,this video is going to be split into a,few sections the first section is going,to be how do i register to become a,tick-tock shop the second section is how,do i um start my own live stream now the,third section is how do i work with,influencers to get them to live stream,for me and the fourth section is if you,are an influencer yourself how do i live,stream to help brands make extra sales,and make commission off of them sales,there's going to be a lot of useful,links in the bio so remember if i do,reference anything click that and follow,the instructions so we're going to jump,straight into it how do you make a tick,tock shop first thing you need to know,is your tick tock account is not a shop,you need to register at a separate url,in the bio down below and they're called,seller centers so once you've selected,your region you're going to want to log,in using your business tick to account,if you don't have an account you can,sign up and then use that to log in it,will ask you to verify your ticker,account so just press verify and then,verify your phone number using the,verification code that it will send to,you once that's all done you can press,ok and enter that seller center before i,get into the details on how to do this,manually you can actually use an api,system and link
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