this question here is from julio,basically asking how much to,invest in a store a print-on-demand,store and how much how long to wait to,be,successful right that's the question,we're going to be answering in this,video today and if you guys are,avid watchers of my content you know uh,that i've been talking about a little,bit of a different content strategy here,where instead of making these really,fancy videos with like a bunch of,editing and things like that,i'm gonna be trying to just create as,much content as possible in terms of,trying to give some good advice some,good tips and things like that so that's,why i'm just filming this on my phone so,if you guys want to watch this and and,like change the speed of the video so,you can absorb all the content,hopefully you'll get something out of,this like i said we're going to be,talking about,how long you should be waiting to expect,success on your store uh and then,also how much to invest right how much,do you need uh to invest right and this,question here is from julio like i said,he asked this question uh inside of my,facebook group if you guys want to join,that the link is in the description of,this video so uh this is really a,two-part question right we're gonna,break this down uh i think a lot of,times people that are new to print on,demand they they ask this question and,i'm not saying julio is is someone who's,asking this question uh in this way but,sometimes people that are new they they,almost view print on demand and and uh,and making money online as as sort of,like a magic thing where they can just,sort of like set it up and like do,things just so and it's gonna it's gonna,start generating uh money right this is,not you're not when you open a store,you're not buying an investment property,meaning you're not going to invest a,certain amount and then expect over a,certain amount of time that it's going,to give you,a return right you could theoretically,invest whatever amount and never make a,single sale right,however it is important when you're when,you're thinking about opening a store to,understand some of the costs that are,going to go into actually setting that,up right and for that reason i have some,stuff on the whiteboard here that i,prepared previously right so there's,really there's really three main things,right when it comes to starting a store,a print-on-demand store three main,things that you need to think about uh,in terms of what you're actually going,to spend money on the first is your,store okay so depending on where you're,hosting your store i'm someone who,recommends shopify if you want to learn,about why you can look at some other,videos on my channel but shopify is,where i where i've you know it's the,only place i've ever sold,print-on-demand products it's a place,that clients of mine choose as well it's,the place that i think you're going to,have the most success on right and if,you're going to do that right you're,gonna have to pay for shopify that's,that's 29 a month right you're gonna,have to buy a domain right like a com,okay and you're likely going to need a,branded email right meaning like your,like support your or something,like that right so that's one expense,right that's something that you're gonna,have to invest right i don't really like,the word invest for this because it's,not an investment right you're not,making an investment that's going to,produce a return you're starting a,business right you're opening a store,and three things right off the bat is,this right and shopify is 29 a month,most domains are like 10 bucks a year,and same thing for emails so right there,you're up to about 40 bucks okay the,next thing is going to be marketing,right now if you are starting a,print-on-demand uh business on a,platform like amazon or redbubble or,etsy there's not really a marketing,expense right obviously those platforms,have some native ads but you can list on,there and not have to pay for ads,however again i'm someone right if,you're new to my channel,right i recommend you to go create your,own store on shopify right,and then launch ads and and pay to,promote your products that's how you can,scale much quicker uh than some of those,other platforms right so,how much right for ads and influences,like how much would you need right like,obviously if you're gonna if you're,gonna start and you only got you know 20,bucks that might not go that far right,it might not go that far theoretically,you know you can you can launch an ad,for 20,right and maybe after one day you'll,you'll make some sales and you can just,immediately reinvest but most people,that are that are brand new to ads that,haven't gone through any training around,ads have to invest a little bit i would,recommend here,for for you to have a couple hundred uh,to start with for ads right and that's,in keyword there start right again you,know talking about how this is not uh a,investment that is just going to like,mature and and begin producing a return,it's not like that okay that that,initial investment in your ads is almost,like your test phase right that's why i,recommend people to like actually learn,about this stuff right take a training,uh do as much research as possible and,that way that initial,you know a couple hundred that you're,experimenting with ads is not something,that you're just you know going to going,to waste right so you know just these,two together you know we're up to you,know like 200 250 or something like that,just to kind of play around right and,start out and begin marketing things,right but before you do that you need,designs right and if you're not a,designer right let's say you are a,designer first right you need to design,software right i like photoshop there's,other free ones out there but photoshop,does cost money right so you're gonna,have to work that into uh your budget,right,if you're not a designer i would,recommend you to hire someone because,odds are you're not gonna be able to,create um you know stuff like this right,this is a tumbler right you're not going,to be able to you're going to be able to,do that right maybe you'd be able to,create i don't even have anything right,maybe you'd be able to create like a,simple text-based t-shirt or anything,like that but if that's what you're,looking to do i would suggest checking,out some of my other videos because,that's not a great uh that's not a great,option in my opinion i see a lot of,people struggling with that you'd be,much better off you know choosing better,products and trying to sell things you,know that that are much cooler right you,can see those two things i just showed,you you can also see these canvases here,right there's a lot of really cool stuff,that that's out there um and like i said,check out some of my other videos and if,you're not a designer you're gonna need,to hire someone right you can go to,fiverr you go to upwork there's a bunch,of places where you can hire designers,as cheap as you know ten dollars per,design 20 30 you know maybe up to like,50 or so you don't have to spend,hundreds on a design i know that some,people you know if you're watching this,and you are a designer sometimes i see,comments where people are like hey like,you know really good design work can can,sometimes cost like hundreds and,hundreds of dollars and that's that's,true but we're not doing that we're,creating print on demand designs and for,the most part you can get them for for,50 bucks or cheaper right so,you're really gonna have to think about,well how many how many designs do i do i,want right and if i am hiring a designer,right how many do i need i would,recommend at least four designs to to,launch a store right i know it seems,like that might be a pretty bare-bones,store but you can set things up in a way,that explains that that you're a new,store and you're launching a new product,line for the first time right and four,designs is going to be just fine so,let's say that you do you know hire a,designer and it's sort of like the,middle of the road right you're doing,products like the ones i just showed you,right the tumbler and the phone case or,even like canvases like this,you know odds are going to spend like 25,bucks a design on that right so,now we're up to you know 100 in design a,couple hundred on on marketing right and,then your store right so yeah those,together you know where you know,probably,probably like 500 right obviously that's,not exact math but like that if you were,someone that was going to start a store,print on demand store right 500 is is,probably a a good,uh,initial,budget for you right to to start out uh,you don't need like in terms of store,you don't need a fancy theme you don't,need uh any any expensive or fancy apps,to go on the store right like just buy,the just pay for the shopify store,buy your domain and start figuring out,designs right and then,use that first couple hundred bucks to,to experiment with ads right but the key,point here right the second part of,julio's question is,how long right ascend i don't remember,exactly what it said i got it on the,screen right now but essentially how,long do do you have to wait right and,again,print on demand and and really any sort,of uh thing like this in terms of like,being an online business there is there,is no maturity date meaning you don't,you don't open the store right,i see posts like this a lot where people,are like hey i've been running my store,for you know two months i got no sales i,see people coming onto the store,how long should i,wait right how long should i expect to,make,sales right there's not like like just,because your store like if you let's say,let's just put it this way right let's,say let's say that you build a,good-looking store right let's say that,you build a store it looks great okay,and you have some really great designs,okay and someone comes on that store,there there's they're not there's no way,they're gonna know it's a new store so,there's really no,like you know what i mean like it's not,like like uh people don't don't buy from,a brand new store the story that looks,good or it doesn't right the marketing,strategy that you have is either good,and it's producing sales or it's not you,know i think a lot of people get caught,up in like wondering how long they,should wait right and i think one of the,biggest things for beginners is they,watch so much content on youtube that,that makes this almost seem easy right,where you can build out a store you can,start running ads and it's like a magic,thing and that's what i was talking,about at the beginning that a lot of,these people they think like okay what's,my minimum investment to make,x a month right like i see people post,like i just want to make a thousand,dollars profit a month like how much do,i need to invest and it's not like that,okay the sky is the limit meaning you,can you can scale and go up but there's,not like a minimum there's not like a,minimum amount to just become profitable,right at the end of the day no matter,what your budget is right you can start,with a very small budget right i just,walked you through,a very very small budget right you can,start with that and theoretically you,can,you can you can make sales and never,have to invest again but on the flip,side,maybe you do invest that amount and you,just play around with ads you you,skipped over what i said earlier where i,said like if you are going to experiment,with ads or even just anything shopify,print under demand related uh even if,you're not doing shopify i do recommend,like go find some training go find some,training that's gonna help you not only,understand like how to create good,things right like what niches are you,gonna sell to what products you're going,to choose what are you going to do with,designs how are you going to learn how,to run ads how are you going to target,your your niche right like do that do,that work first before,you you know go spend all this time and,even worse this money on something that,you don't know anything about right,that's the key is knowing that when,you're starting,you're starting a business and you need,to know how to run that business and and,when you're new you're going to struggle,you're going to have this you're going,to make mistakes you're going to not do,things correctly and one of the key,things for me i remember this when i was,new is you have to figure out why you,are doing this you have to figure out,what is the goal here right why do you,even want to have a successful print on,demand store what is it going to do for,you right that's going to keep you,motivated if you're just doing this you,know if you can figure out like hey if i,can if i can create a store that is,profitable it's going to do this for me,right it's going to create this freedom,in my life it's going to allow me to do,this whatever whatever that is that's,your motivation and then,if you're just doing this like as a,hobby right maybe you're on youtube and,you discovered print on demand and,you're like oh that sounds fun like you,like to you like to play around and make,silly designs and throw them on things,and you then you almost like treat it,like it's like a little fun hobby for,you that you do at night you know maybe,you know if you start doing this and it,doesn't really work out then you might,not,actually stick with it right that's why,it's important to,figure out why you're doing this right,and that's going to help you to stay,motivated and like i said at the,beginning if you guys want more content,uh make sure to check out the pod indus,facebook group i go live there every,week to do a weekly training and if you,have questions or anything like that you,can join that group and make a post uh,there but hopefully you guys did enjoy,this if you did drop a like on the video,and i'll see you guys in the next one
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