how to add custom text field on shopify product page

How to add custom fields to a custom Shopify product page using Shopify Line Item Property in this v

Ilias Haddad - Shopify Developer

Updated on Jan 13,2023

How to add custom fields to a custom Shopify product page using Shopify Line Item Property

The above is a brief introduction to how to add custom text field on shopify product page

Let's move on to the first section of how to add custom text field on shopify product page

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How to add custom fields to a custom Shopify product page using Shopify Line Item Property

in this video i will be talking about,how you can add custom field,to your shopify products page with the,shopify,live action property so in this tutorial,i will be building a personalized,t-shirt page,that the customer can upload their own,text,and define the text position of it and,also,they can upload their own image so they,can be,printed in the t-shirt so that's it for,right now,and let's get started so in this video i,will be using,the shopify default team the first thing,we need to do is click action,and you can create a duplicated version,of the current,shopify team that you have and edit,the code and after that published so i,am i will be using in this tutorial the,the live,after that i will click under the under,the template folder i will choose edit,new template and,select product and you can name it like,custom,for for instance so each shopify team,has different,structure in this team so we have like,the section which called the product,template is the one that have,the products page so this is,the product template so i will go to the,product,and,i will choose this sample t-shirt,and choose the products.custom,and save it and save it,so i will preview it right now,so we don't so we have like the shopify,default page,so after that i will go to this tool,that will generate the item property,so for example so you can choose,the text it will be short all long so,you can have like a,some radio button you have like a drop,down,menu and check box,so i will select first in each text sort,and search for so i will search for end,forum so as you can see i have it right,now,and i will add,the text field before the sub page,button so we have this,button that submit and we have like a 2d,before it and i will paste it here,so i will make like a space between two,to differentiate it,so if we go to our demo products,as you can see we have it here so we,have your t-shirt text,and when i add it to the cart i have it,here so we have,the field label and the default value,and if i go to checkout,so we have it here in the checkout page,so right now we have the order is,confirmed,so if i go back to the order list,so i have it right there,so we have the text field label,and the value,so we can add more things so i will add,like a drop down menu,so we can call it your text,position,left right so you need to add,comma and the drew to have another value,so we have it like that like this so we,have it left,right and center so i will grab,the code and place it in the same,position as the one before,so if i refresh,so as you can see here we have the text,position,and the text field so i will add another,field so i will,your image for example and copy the code,and i will go back,so i will change the type from text to,file,so i can choose any type of file so for,example i will,i will select this one and if i,add and the text position is right,and we have our image url here in the,cart page,and if we go to checkout,so if i go back to the order,so this is our text field and,text position the image has been,downloaded,so you can upload any any type of file,so for example i will,upload a pdf,as you can see here in the latest order,so we have our pdf so we can download it,from there,so we have yeah so in this demo store i,have two,products so i have example t-shirt and,example event,so the example pen doesn't have the,product that's custom,so if we go here,we can see our text field,so in order to only show it if we have,the products.custom so i will add this,code,so you can you can grab it from the,description,and end f after the last one,so as you can see here we have the,example band,so we don't have the text field and if i,go back,and check the example t-shirt,so we have the text field,so that's it for my first youtube video,if you find this video helpful,don't forget to leave a like for this,video and also if you have,any question or comment about this video,or any,uh shopify dave related thing,just leave it in the comment section and,i will be more and more than happy,to answer it for you as soon as possible,and thank you

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