how to add freelancer to edit website on shopify through upwork

How to Start Freelancing as a Beginner Shopify Developer recently i've been kind of talking with,a l

Ed Codes - Shopify Tutorials

Updated on Mar 29,2023

How to Start Freelancing as a Beginner Shopify Developer

The above is a brief introduction to how to add freelancer to edit website on shopify through upwork

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How to Start Freelancing as a Beginner Shopify Developer

recently i've been kind of talking with,a lot of beginner shopify developers,people that want to start freelancing or,they're looking for a job if you're new,to this channel this isn't the type of,video that i usually do but i have about,six or seven years of experience as a,freelancer specifically on shopify,websites so i thought i would help you,out with some easy tasks that you can,use to get started,alright so the first place to find ideas,for services or features you can build,is,this youtube channel i'm not saying this,for some self-promotion you realize this,each one of my videos,are things that clients have asked me to,build,it's not like one-off things that people,have asked for it's it's people it's,things that people have asked several,times that's how i know that it's a,popular enough topic for a video and i,don't do keyword research or anything,like that all of my videos are ideas,that i got from jobs that i actually did,they're also all quite easy because half,of this channel is developers half of,this channel is shopify store owners so,it's like really easy beginner level,features so particularly if your,development skills are at that beginner,level then,you can build all of these features that,are on my youtube literally just just go,and build all of those things,on your development store on dawn theme,and you will already have,like a portfolio and a bunch of,experience in the most common things,that people ask for okay so that's like,the easiest level my channel and,obviously other channels as well any,tutorials good channel is um coding with,yarn a lot of you probably follow that,one basically coding tutorials but not,coding tutorials like introduction to,shopify liquid or something like that,but i would recommend,building specific features okay coding,tutorials for building features on,shopify,the shopify ecosystem has a bit of a,problem,if you haven't noticed yet is the fact,that to do almost anything,beyond what your theme can do beyond,what your theme settings allow you will,need to install an app,okay and that's pretty annoying because,apps cost money apps can slow down your,store if they're like apps on the front,end and you end up with like,i mean if you've got a complex store you,can end up with like 20 apps or more,yeah that's just not very good a lot of,store owners are not very happy with,that so a lot of my videos are actually,things that can replace apps,and,a lot of my work as a freelancer,were things that replace apps a lot of,store owners don't know that they can,hire a developer to build the same thing,as an app and they'll just be unhappily,using an app for months or years,and paying that app monthly which they,don't want to do but if you can offer,them,that same feature but for a one-time,payment then they will gladly accept,okay so,um just browsing the app store can be a,good source of inspiration for services,that you can offer so i'm gonna click on,browse all apps and i'm gonna go maybe,filter by apps that are for store design,let's take a look,what's going on here so easy faq page,you can build a way you can build a,template on shopify stores for people to,do like these collapsible faq,drop downs right with a toggle,a terms and conditions checkbox that's,definitely something that i've been,asked to build so that you know people,have to click the uh check box before,they can add to cart or before they can,proceed to the checkout free shipping,bar anything that's related to like,announcement bars right at the top,that's really easy to build trust badges,trust badges are basically just just a,grid of like icons right,what do they do here okay so they add,these icons at the bottom of the cart,page so you're just editing cart.liquid,adding a little block here and some,theme settings so that people can upload,small images like this,underneath the proceed to checkout,button that's super easy just browse,through the app store and you'll find,plenty of things that you can easily,build right front end things front-end,apps can always be replaced back-end,apps of course that's a lot more,difficult all right moving on so the,next thing is actually one particular,app that i want to talk about it's,called vitals all-in-one marketing and,this is like i don't know what they say,like 40 apps in the one app and they're,just they're all just little features,like this a client can just install one,app instead of like 40 different apps,and they have things like product,reviews um you know upsells and all of,that recently viewed or related products,like the thing that i'm building,actually that looks,almost exactly the same right but,what would store owners rather do pay 30,dollars a month or maybe pay you or me,one time,to build something completely custom for,them so yeah i definitely recommend,checking out vitals app and then seeing,what from here you can build easily,using front-end code onto your theme,onto your development store and then you,have something for your portfolio so,let's let's go through this actually in,a bit more detail and i'll tell you what,exactly i would try building shipping,information okay there's like there's,many ways that you can display extra,information on the product page and it's,just up to your creativity or rather you,know what kind of inspiration you can,find on other sites announcement buyers,i've spoken about that earlier when,talking about apps that's super easy,payment logos that's super easy trust,seals and badges as you can see there,are plenty of things that you can do,that just involve showing a grid of,images on the product page,or creating a section that can be used,anywhere pop-ups,stock level so i actually have a,tutorial for showing the stock level on,the product page and by the way i,actually have like a whole playlist,called shopify without apps right and,these are all things that apps do that,you can actually do without apps one of,those things is,contact forms so,you should learn how to edit the contact,form uh because the contact form in,shopify can be used for a lot of things,there are various stores like wholesale,stores for example that need a wholesale,application form there are also forums,for like custom products for stores that,sell custom products and they usually,have to install some kind of app for,that right but you can actually build,them a contact form just by duplicating,shopify's contact form adding some,fields to it and then you have a second,contact form that works natively in,shopify instead of using an app,okay so we've talked about apps now,let's talk about themes themes will have,different kinds of features especially,dawn,like the basic the free themes they,don't have many features and,a lot of people using them actually,they're the most popular themes and yet,they're lacking many features that other,themes have so let's take a look at,broadcast actually this is one of my,favorite themes here's a feature that i,really like the logo list section,dawn doesn't have a logo list section,like this and it's so simple again it,goes back to the idea of a grid of icons,or images,which i talked about before for trust,badges and for payment icons well here's,a logo list section and it's like the,same thing all you need to be able to do,is build a grid with images or icons,right and you can add a logo right and,then you can choose the,logo image the width one of my favorite,features about this theme is actually,this pop-ups block this part of a,section actually that is on every page,and they give you the ability,by adding blocks to actually have,different kinds of pop-ups and many,themes don't have a built-in pop-up at,all,so this can be something that's really,useful i think and again we talked about,the gdpr cookie consent thing well,cookie consent is built into this theme,but it's not built into other themes,which forces people to use apps or you,can offer your service so my,recommendation here with finding,inspiration from themes,is basically this get really familiar,with dawn,and with all the free shopify 2.0 themes,but they're all basically dawn with,different design and then once you know,off the top of your head all the,sections that are available in dawn you,will be looking at other themes and,you'll be like oh that's cool that's a,section that's not available in dawn and,then you'll start thinking okay how can,i build this onto dawn and that will be,another service that you can offer as,well and another thing that you can,build and feature in your portfolio,now there's one particular theme that,people talk about a lot on youtube for,example on instagram influencers always,talk about this theme they bootify,because because it offers good affiliate,payments,um that's the real reason but anyway the,bootify kind of offers like a lot of,features,right so,it's kind of like a mix of the vitals,app but built into a theme which is like,a good idea so they have a collection of,57 boosters all those things we talked,about in vitals app,a lot of these are built into debut so,age check that's a pop-up basically that,doesn't allow you to enter the store um,that's a really good idea for something,to build the agree to terms check box i,talked about before when we're looking,at apps yeah of course there's also card,upsells there's the add to cart button,on collection pages that allows you to,quickly add something to the cart,without going into the actual product,color swatches of course dawn theme does,not have color swatches and that's a,pretty easy thing to set up there's,already tutorials online i believe a,channel called weekly how,has a tutorial on color swatches in dawn,theme so okay i'm not gonna go through,all of these but you get the idea go,through these consider each one of these,and then try to brainstorm maybe,different variations of them and how you,can build that onto dawn theme and onto,various other themes and i'm obviously,repeating myself by now,i just thought of a bonus tip while,editing this video hence the change of,wardrobe and also it's a different day,but i just thought that if you're a,beginner you might have watched through,this video and it still seems quite,intimidating to build a lot of these,features and you're not really sure,where to begin particularly if your,skills in html css or liquid aren't that,good obviously you need to continue,advancing those skills but there's still,a way for you to start freelancing,without being really good at coding and,that is by using page builders my advice,is for you to become an expert in page,builders to specialize in page builders,for this beginning stage of your,freelance career,while you still,improve your coding skills and if you're,not familiar with page builders,they're basically apps that you install,into your shopify store and they give,you a drag and drop interface for,building custom pages without using code,and they're not really intended for web,developers they're more for store owners,for designers and stuff like that or,they initially were but now they've,gotten quite advanced over the years,features keep being added to page,builder apps,and now they actually require some skill,and knowledge to use,not as much as,coding,but more than your average store owner,has so i've actually been hired to do,web development using page builders and,that was an okay job it was kind of,chill as a beginner that would be just,the perfect job but anyway because,you're a web developer or a beginner web,developer,you already know more than enough to be,using page builders you're going to find,them quite easy to master and if you're,offering your services as an expert in,this very specific niche of using page,builders then that's quite a strong,offering that increases your chances of,being hired and it also offers a very,gentle start to your freelance career,yeah the last thing i want to mention is,the comments on my channel right because,i post coding tutorials and not only on,my channel but on other coding tutorial,channels look at this question could i,do something similar to this to create,specific descriptions possibly in a,collapsible tab,determined by which variant is selected,so,she's got basically different product,descriptions for her variants because,they have different sense ingredients,etc and so build that build that and put,that in your portfolio make a tutorial,on it make a blog post make a youtube,video and,people will find you that's a great,segue into the next part of this video,which is where to actually get clients,or how to find your first jobs,this is a big topic so i'm only going to,scratch the surface in this video i'm,not a fan of like cold reach or anything,i'm not going to tell you oh go like,email random people i hate that anyway,look what i would recommend is this once,you know what kind of services you can,offer you want to actually let people,know that you can do that and the way to,do that is to put that information out,there on the internet to share,what you actually made what what you,built obviously like social media is,good for this,um if you're not big on social media the,thing that i recommend is actually,blogging you might have seen my website, for all the tutorials that i do,videos for i also write a text tutorial,for it and so when people are googling,something like how to show the variant,sku number on product pages they will,find this tutorial you don't have to,make a youtube video for it if you,simply write out the tutorial like some,basic instructions and the code,chances are most people are kind of,they'd rather just pay you to do it so,they're going to contact you so like at,the end of your blog post you could have,a contact form saying do you want me to,do this for you well,here contact me you know and this is,actually very effective if you're,thinking that it's hard to be found on,google as a blogger,that's because everybody's having like,travel blogs or something if you're,blogging on specific topics like this,that that's so niche,that you will probably be matching the,exact keywords that people are looking,for how to show variant sku number on,product pages,in dawn theme like,you have a very high chance of being on,page one of google,for that you have a very high chance of,your article being the only article on,the internet that actually covers that,topic okay so don't don't doubt yourself,really like you can start a blog like a,coding blog and actually be very easily,found and a lot of people could be,contacting you,the next thing that i i'm not sure if i,should like recommend but i'll tell you,about my experience and that is fiverr i,actually started freelancing on fiverr,that's where i got my first gigs and,that's where i found my first clients a,lot of people really hate these types of,websites they think that it drives,prices down i disagree i think that it's,really easy to stand out on these kinds,of websites when you offer something,that's actually a quality and,professional service my account is,closed now so i can't show you that,anymore my account was closed by my,fault basically um i had multiple fiverr,accounts which is against their terms of,service so that's my bad so i'm not sure,if i would recommend like building your,entire business around fiverr because,they can just close your account like,that and you got no business anymore but,that was a great place for me to start,because all of those clients that i had,on fiverr they just started reaching out,to me via email and not going through,fiverr anymore so that's where i got my,first clients and that's where i got my,first experience now the other really,unique thing about fiverr is that it's,not like upwork where people look for a,developer it's actually the other way,around here you offer your gigs right,what are your gigs they're the services,you offer and they're like specifically,packaged and priced right so all of,these things that i've been talking,about in this video you can package,these into a specific service give it a,specific price and then resell that many,times and you'll be able to copy and,paste your code on a lot of these jobs,and not actually do the whole code again,so that's what i like about fiverr,that's like kind of the reverse of the,usual like,job marketplace where people are looking,for other people here people actually,browsing for services and you can have a,portfolio of services that you,provide but there may be other websites,like fiverr that actually are based on,services i just haven't heard of them,all right so that's it that's the end of,the video and i realized that it still,leaves a lot of things unanswered and,you might be finding it hard to take,action right now but i'm ready to,elaborate and to answer your questions,in further videos so like i said this,isn't the typical kind of video that i,do but if you want me to do more talking,videos like this more career oriented,videos please let me know in the,comments this is kind of interesting to,me and i'd like to continue that so,leave your questions in the comments let,me know what you'd like me to talk about,good luck with your first freelancing,jobs and i'll see you in the next video

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