how to get images indexed shopify

Image Sitemap For Shopify - with Screencast all right folks this screencast will,help explain why th

William Belk Apps

Updated on Mar 22,2023

Image Sitemap For Shopify - with Screencast

The above is a brief introduction to how to get images indexed shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to get images indexed shopify

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how to get images indexed shopify catalogs

Image Sitemap For Shopify - with Screencast

all right folks this screencast will,help explain why the image sitemap app,will allow you to do some things that,you haven't been able to do before with,Shopify so the first thing that happens,is we ingest your entire product catalog,and we find every image for every,product then we compile a new and more,comprehensive image sitemap and,immediately submitted to Google on your,behalf,from there we also monitor any changes,to your catalog and submit updates to,Google in real-time for you so for the,first time you'll be able to see deep,data associated with your indexed images,you can see here that we've submitted,over 600 products with over 3,000 images,and about 65% of our images have been,indexed so we can use this percentage as,a baseline for future image SEO,improvements perhaps something simple,like including more descriptive language,and our file names would be a good start,you can also see that we have a healthy,site map with no warnings or errors and,then it took about 30 seconds to process,the last catalog change and resubmit a,fresh image sitemap to Google with all,the latest products txt removals,omissions image updates captions and so,on three other unique things that we,show are the average image Heights of,our indexed images a file similarity,correlation and what we call blackouts,or products that seem to have no indexed,images at all here we see that the,average height of our indexed images is,about 1600 pixels so this can be a,really good indicator that our high,quality images are being indexed or,maybe we see a very low number here like,600 pixels and that might show that,we're using a JavaScript image gallery,that's preventing proper indexing and,next we can see the average correlations,between file names and either product,titles or product handles a high,correlation here is a huge predictor of,successful indexing with Google and you,can see here that we have a very very,low correlation which likely means that,all of our images should be re uploaded,with more descriptive file names that,closely match,the product title and the product handle,and here we can see a list of all the,products for which there seemed to be no,indexed images at all this can be,heavily influenced by the file,similarity correlations that we just,spoke about and furthermore this could,be something simple like maybe we forgot,to upload images or perhaps some of the,images are of a low quality we picked,them from the wrong folder,maybe the images are very hard for,Google to distinguish there could be a,lot of reasons here but this is the,first step in starting to troubleshoot,some of the gaps in our catalog indexing,next let's look at some of the specifics,of how our new comprehensive image,sitemap differs from the one that,Shopify provides first we see the,Shopify image sitemap so if we look at a,single product here we have the a Dario,long sleeve shirt and we can see maybe,about 10-15 lines of XML it specifies a,single image it has a small caption that,could be much much better and we don't,see any of the other images associated,with this product so if we look at our,new image sitemap we can see that all of,the different images are specified for,Google to index and we also have a,comprehensive caption that includes you,know as much of the description skews,wheats sizes everything that we can put,in here that would help Google,understand what this product is and,depending on what type of products you,have this can also include colors and,tags as you can imagine a comprehensive,image sitemap for a store with a,thousand products might compile to,something like thirty thousand lines of,XML code so it really is a monumental,task to keep this document current and,resubmitted to Google in real time on,every catalog change like we do and,that's one of the reasons we're so,excited about this application so this,concludes a very boring screencast about,the image sitemap before a Shopify app,and please reach out to us if you have,any more questions and very soon we'll,be publishing some of our research from,a lot of the data that we're aggregating,from all of our different merchants on,Shopify so we look forward to working,with you and again reach out to us any,time if you have any questions thank you

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