how to handle backordering on shopify

Turn 14 on Shopify - Backorders what happens when my store sells,something that can't be fulfilled r

Data Here-to-There

Updated on Mar 31,2023

Turn 14 on Shopify - Backorders

The above is a brief introduction to how to handle backordering on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to handle backordering on shopify

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how to handle backordering on shopify catalogs

Turn 14 on Shopify - Backorders

what happens when my store sells,something that can't be fulfilled right,away,well that's called a back order and you,may want these,or you may not want them so today what,we're going to do,is take a closer look at what a back,order is,and how to configure the term 14 app for,shopify,to either allow this or not allow it,in an ideal world there's infinite stock,and,every order that's raised in your store,gets fulfilled,right away and there's no problems but,in the real world,uh there's shortages there's timing,issues,there's other things that can get in the,way of that that perfect scenario,so what we're looking at here is a,scenario where,i had one in stock in my store,and an order was created and sent to,turn 14,except right at that moment there was,now zero in stock,so this is a kind of race condition,you can handle this in other ways by,adjusting the stock levels,the turn 14 app for shopify synchronizes,inventory,quite frequently so once an hour but,there are these cases where,there'll be a mismatch and so,the default behavior for your app is to,reject the order so if there isn't stock,available,then the order will be canceled now,you can override this and enable it in,your store,such that when that order is sent over,it'll become a back order and that means,it will be delivered,as soon as the quantity is available in,the warehouse,so let's go over to the store and i'm,going to open up my,turn 14 app and,right in the orders section there's a,new feature,it's called allow back orders from your,store and,of course this is disabled by default,but you can choose to enable it,when we do that and save if an order,comes in,and there isn't stock for a particular,product,so let's imagine one of these items here,in this order,is actually just not in stock what will,happen is,uh when we request the fulfillment it'll,go to turn 14,and when that stock is noticed,is not being available it'll put the,order into back order,so that handles the the delivery end of,it,now let's say you want to adjust,your products uh such that you can sell,uh even though there's no stock so this,is a slightly different scenario that we,were talking about earlier,i was mentioning earlier was if there's,a race condition,and your store shows there's some in,stock but there actually isn't,but let's say you're confident uh,you can get the order fulfilled maybe,even have local inventory,or you're okay with using the back,orders there's this option here,on the product display called continue,selling when out of stock,so you can turn this on for,the products the brands you can even do,that for every product in the store,and it'll allow shopify uh to sell,or to add or the the shopper will be,able to add those into the cart,uh even though there isn't stock and,if we go into the inventory section this,is where you can do,you know the bulk um options so we'll,just open up the,term 14 distribution api location and so,in here we can select a large group of,them,we can add all their filter criteria and,then do continue selling when out of,stock,right here and so that saves you from,having to click on every,product individually and then over and,over click you know,that option so we can do it in bulk here,so if you have any other questions uh or,if you're curious to know more about how,inventory works and how our,synchronization works uh feel free to,give us a call or drop us an email we'll,be,happy to help you have a good day

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