how to hire a shopify expert

How to hire a Shopify Expert from your Admin Panel what's up everyone edwin here from,resolutions de

Rezolutions Design

Updated on Jan 17,2023

How to hire a Shopify Expert from your Admin Panel

The above is a brief introduction to how to hire a shopify expert

Let's move on to the first section of how to hire a shopify expert

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How to hire a Shopify Expert from your Admin Panel

what's up everyone edwin here from,resolutions design,back at it again it's been a while,actually,uh so for those of you guys that have,been anticipating for the uh for,my latest videos we got something very,nice coming up very soon,so for those who are new please don't,forget to turn on that notification,uh there's something very very good,coming up uh in the next few,weeks or days rather and let's just get,right to it so what are we talking about,today,what we're talking about is how do we,hire a shopify expert,from within your shopify store uh,i'm sure a lot of you guys when you,build your website eventually you guys,eventually get stuck,eventually i said that too many times,and,sometimes you just need help you need a,few tweaks,you need to adjust something or you know,you put stuff together or even follow my,tutorials whatever the case may be and,you feel like hey you know what,life is just too complicated right now i,got a family i got a job i got this i,got that,i really want to launch my store but i'm,not going,fast enough or i don't feel like my,website,looks nice enough in order for me to,compete against the saturated market,that exists,out there so you're probably watching,this video for that and that's the,purpose of this tutorial,the only thing that i ask for is just a,demolish like really just hit it hard,with your keyboard or something,go with your mouse and hit that blue,like button,super hard and the subscribe button and,uh i'll be your guide to always train,you,on anything related to shopify okay so,this is pretty simple,but this is just in case if you don't,know how to do this so go ahead and log,in into your shopify store you're going,to notice that you're in the back end,here,and what you're going to do is that,you're going to,look for your name on the upper right,hand corner so you see right here,here we go i'm going to click on this,and from here,this drag down button we're going to,notice that we have a button that says,hire a shopify expert,so we're going to go ahead and click on,that and next you know we might get,sent to like um how do you call it,a questionnaire rather connect you into,the world of shopify expert this is what,it looks like let me go ahead and zoom,in here real quick,so make sure that all of you guys can,see all of this,okay all right so,basically again the purpose of this is,so that you could hire someone for many,different reasons it doesn't just have,to be,specifically for the web dev but here we,go we have this,uh active or we can create a job,you might have it active so these are,any jobs that are open,closed archived whatever but you could,go ahead and create a job so click on,this one right here,and you could see hire shopify expert,and look at all the different services,let me go ahead and try to explain what,a lot of this stuff means but mind you,shopify is always improving this page so,if you're looking at this at a later,date,and you see something just a bit,different just remember that shopify is,always,updating this interface to make sure,that they give you the best experience,so that you can find the right,person for you okay so whoever that,could help you,right okay so here we go what types of,services from very high end what are we,looking for are you looking for,marketing and sales,a store set up development and,troubleshooting,visual and branding content writing,expert advice,this is my opinion about this thing here,i'll be very honest with you listen,so i feel that the way that this list,here obviously it's not alphabetical,order,shopify felt that marketing and sales,should be the first thing because a lot,of people have trouble with that,right uh but in all honesty based on,a lot of people who come into the,shopify expert marketplace,i don't think that marketing and sales,is the number one primary reason as to,why people come here,i feel that store setup or starting from,the beginning,is one of the most highest requests that,people come into this uh,into the site so we're gonna click on,here i'm not gonna dive into what i,believe,right so let's just go into store setup,to give you an example as to what this,could look like,and from here you notice that you have,different,options to choose from uh the store,builder redesign,are you migrating from another platform,over to shopify,do you need help with product and,collection setup,is there something like a theme,customization that you need perhaps some,custom visual,elements such as buttons banners and,visual effects,store setting back-end configuration so,this has to do with everything on the,back end,um you know i also have videos about how,to set up your shipping,so if you haven't seen that video go,ahead and check it out guys um,payment settings custom urls etc,that's what this is do you need help,with pos integration pos is that,uh you know if you have a brick and,mortar store and you want to charge,people,uh because you have an event or,something like that that's what a pos,system,okay and then set up and design,guidance so i'm guessing right here this,store setup and design guidance,this is more like just you know very,simple maybe a consultation or something,of that sort,but i'll tell you what a lot of people,choose so a lot of people choose this,right here,store build or redesign a lot of people,choose this,so once they choose this here comes into,the um the other aspect of,you know the page for setting this whole,thing up sorry,all right so what type of solution are,you looking for,do you want a basic store setup with,minimum,theme tweaks or do you want a full,custom setup,which includes theme customizations,visual designs and non-standard features,uh do you want to allow people to buy,products from an existing website or,blog,all right so this right here i you know,at this point of the video,i mentioned to the team at shopify that,this confuses a lot of people,uh we get a lot of inquiries from the,shopify expert marketplace,and you'll be surprised how many people,click on this,without really understanding what,they're clicking,and then they put their their issue they,say look i'm looking for someone to,build me something x y z all that stuff,right,but they don't realize what it is that,they're asking right,right here the real way to interpret,this is it's a full custom setup,what this means is that it's something,built from scratch,something that does not look like a,theme,right even though it says including,theme customizations,be very honest with you including theme,customizations,personally to me is a basic store setup,with theme tweaks that's what it is,because it's a theme,right you're you're setting up a basic,store setup but then you're altering it,with theme tweaks but a full custom,setup,that's when you want everything from,scratch that's when you're just like,look let's go to the drawing board i,want my website to look,nothing like the typical shopify themes,that are out there,uh how many of you guys listening to,this video watching this video,how many of you guys in the comments,express what you think about this,like that those shopify themes that you,see sometimes they all kind of look the,same,if you feel that a lot of those themes,look the same please let me know down in,the comments,what is it about those themes in shopify,that makes you feel that they all look,the same,because at times i do agree with you if,you feel that way and that's why we,definitely favor fully custom setups so,let me know what you think about that or,are you one of those that thinks hey it,doesn't matter if it's a shopify theme,or custom setup as long as it's a good,looking store really doesn't matter to,me,let me know down in the comments on that,as how you feel but anyways,you would select one of these right uh,what store setup tasks,do you need done right and a lot of,people they just look at this and,they're like everything i need,the whole thing right there should be a,button that says i need everything,or a checkbox rather than you clicking,on all of these one by one but,you guys do as you see fit uh do you,really have an online store in shopify,yes i do i have an online store or no,not yet,um do you want to move an existing,retail business online this is more of a,migration question,share some screenshots and then here's,the important part add any details,that'll help the expert understand what,you need,and so once you go ahead and do this i,do have some pointers that i do want to,share with you guys,make sure that you are ready what do i,mean by ready,make sure you have your logo and if you,don't have your logo,say hey i need the whole setup right,you're like,i need the whole thing set up,i don't have a logo right,you know i don't have product images yet,like be very detailed as far as what you,have,and what you're looking for and then,another advice,would be to also provide a website,um reference so you could say something,like the website that i really like,right is,for example right uh and explain why,because they have a very neat and they,have a nice you know,uh way of how their menu looks like and,all that type of stuff,so when you when you add a reference,site,what that does is that it allows the,shopify expert to look at that reference,and to kind of gauge more or less how,much effort is required,in order to give you a proper quote,right,so that's why i say always provide like,a reference website,another pointer is to talk about the,deadline so,the deadline you'd say something,realistic,so that's another big problem that i,noticed a lot of merchants having,uh when submitting a successful,matchmaking,you know uh data like this,right some people say that they want a,full-blown website with customization,in less than three weeks and that's just,honestly impossible you're setting,yourself up for failure on that,okay uh you know for anyone who,would even accept a deadline of three,weeks a full-blown website,um is probably desperate for cash like,and they'll do it for the,for the low low the low low they'll,they'll do something like that,and honestly it's more of a gamble than,anything right,typical websites you have to take into,account that,not only do they need to prepare it for,you but they also need to present it to,you,and there's revisions involved right uh,then there might be web copy so that's,another thing also put if you have a web,copy,guys what is web copy web copy is that,let's say you hired a copywriter,you hired a copywriter to write all of,the verbages for your home page,uh your about us page right a web copy,uh you know all the products that you,have that professionally someone,has created product descriptions for all,of this right,um anything having to do with policies,right so these are all things that in my,opinion if you're going to hire someone,and you don't want to pay too much money,then try to see if you can hire,you know basic freelancers that could,just focus on this,and then you make sure that you have all,of this ready so that by the time you're,trying to talk to a shopify expert,they're like okay you have all of that,ready great the job is going to go so,much quicker,and you're going to be so prepared that,it's going to be a good relationship,you'll just have everything,and why is that important because the,more things you have ready,then you don't the developer never has,to wait on you,or the expert they have everything they,need to do the work,the only thing that you're involved is,approvals revisions,and perhaps testing right and so back to,the deadline here so the deadline,uh you're looking at month let's say,number one in order to do some type of a,setup,or gathering data or creating a brand,or creating a logo like a whole bunch of,preliminary stuff,and then after that towards the end of,that month then perhaps you start seeing,into fruition,the theme setup and how things are kind,of looking like and then all of your,approvals,but then you have to also take into,account testing,so there's apps that have to be,installed there's payment gateways that,have to be set up,shipping settings there's a whole bunch,of policies that have to go,in the back end and ultimately there,needs to be some testing,testing for glitches ensuring that the,order goes through did i get the email,am i collecting those emails from the,pop-ups like it's a lot of stuff,that e-commerce is involved so i would,say that on average,you know you're looking at somewhere,around three months on average,right can people get it done faster i'm,sure they can,i'm sure there's people watching this,video that are probably freelancers,from all part of the world right all,parts of the world that they could do a,website in one month,right like i know you guys are out there,i get it,right you guys are superstars totally,get it right,not saying anything about about you guys,but,sadly we're talking about from all over,the world,like if you compare the average job,not on getting something done quick fast,without any type of strategy or logic,behind it right,but instead something very very nice,something that has you know conversion,rate optimization,something that has strategy in place,wonderful photography all of that good,stuff you have to take all of that,into measure and when you do things,properly,then the three months is an average so,two to three months i would say would be,more or less the expected deadline,but let's pretend that you just have a,rush you're like listen no,i got this deadline that because i have,this marketing,campaign that's going on uh you know,something related to a holiday that's,coming up soon,rush is required so if a rush is,required,expect to pay top dollar for it because,basically what you're saying,is listen i know you have clients and,stuff like that,but i need you to like you know make me,skip the line,i need you to prioritize me over,everyone else who you're working with,and you'll be surprised you know people,will do it you know people be like yeah,sure no problem i'll i'll,i'll rush this job you know i say three,months i'll do it in 1.5 but you got to,pay me,money money in order to get this rush,out there so take into account that if,deadline is a big issue uh plan it out,ahead of time don't wait until the last,minute especially if there's an,important marketing,that's coming out okay and so once you,do that,you'll go ahead and process this in,let's let's see if we could select some,some basic features here so we want to,add pages add products uh,yes i already have an online store no i,don't need this no screenshots i'm gonna,put this yeah right let's continue,uh here we go which of the best,following businesses uh which of the,following best describes your business,uh we sell and ship our own products oh,this is trying to figure out if you're a,drop shipper,or if you're a private supplier we sell,and ship products made by other,companies,uh we drop ship our products meaning,aliexpress and all that stuff,or none of the above right and so i'm,gonna always say,i favor this this is this is the,promising this is the promised land,right here,uh a lot of companies who do this they,succeed five years on,they're just amazing all right which,experts are best fit for you,oh my goodness this is a loaded question,this doesn't even make,sense right because this truthfully this,question is open to interpretation,it's like you know what i mean by open,to interpretation what i mean is that,look let me put it to you very simple,okay,edwin lay off the coffee what i mean is,right,your wallet is different than your,neighbor's wallet,let's just call it that your bank,account is going to have different,numbers than your neighbor's bank,account,so what you consider high someone else,might consider,low and that's why this question is,loaded it's,it's just not right um instead,personally,i feel that there should be some,expectations on ranges,right so by low price what are we,talking about,you know by low price we're looking at,you know if it's for,some type of uh web development like set,up basic theme or whatnot,uh i could see you paying somewhere,between 800 to maybe 1200. you know me,personally i think,i don't think that you should pay too,much,right but unless of course it depends on,who you're working with right,so low price experts would be people,let's say,you know very similar to like fiber,right maybe some overseas,people right um that's what the lowest,price experts would be,so again nothing wrong between you know,something around 500 bucks,800 bucks tops a thousand maybe that,would probably go there mid,price now you're looking now you're in,the thousands right you're in some type,of thousands but very low,thousands is in my opinion mid-price,experts so you start from the low,thousands such as you know,two maybe even three thousand dollars,but it could go as,high as up to maybe five thousand,dollars right,uh but of course the type of experts,that you're getting from the mid,has to be different than those from the,low right there has to be some added,value coming here,and then finally high price experts high,price experts,these are people that it's not that,money is not an issue,but they weigh out one problem against,the other,they're like look i'm willing to spend,the money as long as it's done right,i'm not trying to hire one freelancer,that works in his mom's garage,versus another freelancer and then just,hopping around here and there,cutting corners cutting deals getting,discounts,this this type of person right here they,want to hire the,agency they want to hire people like us,they want to hire like the people that,have a very hardcore strategy very very,intense super super animated,very beautiful website something that,converts very high,they understand that this investment is,going to give them the best return on,investment compared to these two,so it's not for everyone but for those,people that do they click on here so,we're just going to click on that for,now,uh what language do you prefer to,communicate in right i think this is,important too because if you're just,looking for,someone in central south america or,spain,then maybe spanish is preferred and then,you'll get connected with somebody right,but if you have multiple preferences you,could do that as well and do you prefer,to work with expert near your store,so if you're that type of person that,you feel that proximity is extremely,important,just remember one thing that just,because they are,close to you such as in the state,doesn't necessarily mean,that you will have meetings with the,person right we are living in the day,and age,where zoom is amazing okay and that's,why,uh you know you shouldn't have a,preference don't narrow it don't mess it,up for you,oh i prefer to work with people near my,store because,people in the same state get me and,those across,state they just don't like that just,doesn't make sense right,um don't don't narrow your search make,sure that you don't have a preference,so that granted there will be people,from overseas but there also be people,from the states,that uh that perhaps are more to your,advantage okay,all right so where are we so then we're,gonna go here to the review,and this is just kind of like a recap,it's saying look your job this your job,that you're going to be,matched with an expert go ahead and send,the job and click here and then you,should be,all set okay once you do that you could,go here and,back into the portal and you'll notice,that uh the jobs that are active you'll,notice that your job is right there,and then you'll see some experts from,which have responded already,and you just click on that oh couldn't,be found because i guess i,waited too long but you click on this,and then you'll start seeing the,messages come in and sometimes they'll,even go to your email,okay all right guys so that's pretty,much it that's how you hire,a shopify expert now by all means this,doesn't mean,that these people from the shopify,experts are the top-notch from all over,the world and they're the best the best,uh by all means you could try to find,people maybe on fiverr maybe on,you know upwork maybe on 99 designs,maybe on,you know all different types of websites,there's so many websites there's top,tall,so many websites but it's up to you,with proper interviewing skills to ask,the right questions in order for you to,hire the right,expert and let me know down in the,comments if you want me to give you tips,on what type of questions you should ask,experts,in order for you to shortlist them in,order for you to hire them properly,right in order to choose the right one,because remember it's your dollar the,moment you give it away,that's an investment and if you hired,incorrectly then now you got to dish out,more money to hire the right one to,you know redo the work and do all that,type of stuff okay,uh also remember uh with this once you,actually want to hire,somebody you do have an option to pay,within the interface of shopify experts,so you'll notice that they have an,invoice section here right,and you can manage the invoices so you,could pay here,and hopefully be protected by shopify if,anything does go wrong,that's if you feel that type of way,right but honestly,i feel that it's really all about the,chemistry so if you're on the fence and,you're just like,oh i want to hire somebody but i don't,trust you,i've been burned before you know things,like that,happened you know i don't want to get,burned again you know,that's a different problem that you need,to evaluate separately,maybe you're just not at the right time,to go ahead and spend money again,but again that's a different topic if,you want to talk about that,let me know in the comments and i'll,create a whole video about that to ease,your mind,and give you some tips as to how to get,over that because that,i can imagine that can be very,frustrating for everybody right,but anyways um i would say that the,normal practice in normal industry,is that you don't pay within the shopify,expert invoices,you pay with their independent sources,right just make sure you read the,contract very slowly make sure that you,understand,all the terms that they're putting you,with and if something just,doesn't feel right then go with your gut,you know because it's your business at,the end of the day,anyways again thank you guys for,watching i know it's been a while but i,owe you guys tons of videos it's coming,in,uh it's gonna be a multi-series i can't,wait for you guys to watch it,and also if there's any new topics that,you guys want to talk about related to,shopify,please let me know down in the comments,as well thank you again for watching,talk to you soon,you

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