how to remove loox reviews from shopify

How To Import Loox Reviews To Your Shopify Drop Servicing Website all right so i recently got a requ

George Vlasyev

Updated on Jan 27,2023

How To Import Loox Reviews To Your Shopify Drop Servicing Website

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove loox reviews from shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove loox reviews from shopify

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How To Import Loox Reviews To Your Shopify Drop Servicing Website

all right so i recently got a request,from one of my subscribers asking me to,explain,how to import reviews using a looks,application onto your shopify website,now obviously,you know once your business starts going,and you get orders and you're going to,reach out to customers and ask them for,reviews but at the beginning when you're,first starting out,and you have absolutely no reviews,reviews are going to help you boost,conversion rates because that's what,something,that's something that customers look for,when they visit a website they haven't,uh visited before and you know they,don't know about right so,in this video i'm going to explain and,show you how to import reviews,via luke's application so let's get,started right away,all right so i'm inside of luke's as you,can see right here and,as you can see uh to do this we got to,click import reviews,we got to scroll down and we got a and,this is what we want we want,import from a spreadsheet so there is uh,three simple steps we need to do here,copy the templates,fill in the data and then download the,csv format and upload it here so,let me show you how to do that first you,click luke's import file template,and it's going to ask you to make a copy,so you click make a copy,you give it a second and then it's going,to create this copy of luke's review,import template all right so once you,copy this then you want to,enter this data here so first things is,a products handle now if you don't know,what the product handle is,you can click import template,instruction and it's going to explain it,what it is,so you can see right here that the,product handle is the last part of the,products,after the last dash right so whatever,your product that you want to get,reviews for you go to that product page,you take that last piece from the last,dash and you put it there i'm not going,to disclose my website so,i'm just going to leave it as you know,we can put,um youtube trial here,uh or youtube tutorial,and then for rating that's up to you you,can put five stars,author you can change it to jessica,t and then email you can delete that you,don't really need an,email for this this is the actual body,of the review so,this is the best illustration,ever created so this is the date that,this illustration was published so you,can put,2021 0 3 and then you can put,a 1 or whatever and then for the photo,url,so this um luke's is going to pull out,you know the photo from somewhere and,the easiest way to do this,is you go into your shopify backend into,the files,and as you can see i have already,uploaded this photo right here so all,you got to do is just click,copy link and then you go back to here,and you just paste it here and that's,pretty much it and then this is you,leave it this as it is at true,and then you can repeat this process,over and over right so you can do as,many reviews as you would like to,for the sake of this tutorial i'm just,going to keep it at one so then what you,want to do is you want to click,file download and you want to do a comma,separated values right so a csv sheet,you click download and then it's going,to be downloaded right here,next you want to go back to your shopify,and you want to click,upload template file here find that csv,and then click open and that's pretty,much it once you upload that file onto,your,luke's reviews it's going to get all,that data and it's going to publish that,review onto your shopify website,be aware that if you make a mistake it's,going to send you an email saying hey,there is a mistake right so you can fix,that,if however everything is fine and you,know it's all good,then it's going to publish that review,onto your website and that way,you can get your first initial reviews,for your shopify website so,uh it's up to you to decide whether this,is ethical or not,my job is to show you how it's done and,then it's up to you to decide whether,you want to do it or not but from my,experience,having reviews on your website um gives,it,a lot of social proof and that in turn,boosts your conversion rate right so,your website looks,uh like it's live like it's legit you,know it uh establishes trust with your,customer and then but you know you want,to do it just,initially and then once you get moving,and you start getting orders then you,want to reach out to your customers with,automated emails or you want to,reach out to them manually and you want,to ask them to say hey how,how how did you like shopping with us,how do you like your illustration or,whatever products you're selling,and this is super important uh because,first off you know this is going to give,credibility to your website yes but it's,you know what's even more important is,going to tell,you how you are performing as a business,right because if,your um product sucks right if,you if you don't have good customer,support or whatever,customers are going to let you know that,and it's super important because then,you can actually go ahead and fix those,things that they don't like,so later on you can improve your,performance which in turn,will improve your business improve your,profitability and so forth right so you,want to aim to have good products good,services so,with that in mind i hope this video was,helpful if it was make sure to give me a,thumbs up if you haven't already be sure,to subscribe,if you do if you have any video,suggestions ideas,let me know down in the comment section,below and on this note i want to thank,you so much for watching this video,till next time

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