shopify shipstation what fields are imported

ShipStation Support - Order CSV Import importing orders into shipstation from a,csv file is a great


Updated on Mar 28,2023

ShipStation Support - Order CSV Import

The above is a brief introduction to shopify shipstation what fields are imported

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ShipStation Support - Order CSV Import

importing orders into shipstation from a,csv file is a great option for orders,you take over the phone,or if you have a store that doesn't,integrate with shipstation,to import and order csv you must have a,manual store and a correctly formatted,csv file,we'll review both of these in this video,let's get started,each shipstation account has a manual,store set up by default,but you can make as many as you need to,keep your orders organized,to create a manual store and ship,station click the settings icon and then,click selling channels select store,setup,then click connect to store marketplace,button and type ship station into the,search bar,select the ship station tile then give,the store a unique name,if you'd like shipstation to assign,order numbers to your orders,leave this box checked and enter what,you'd like the first order number to be,in the first order number field,if you plan to import your own unique,order numbers you can ignore these,options,click connect and create the store once,you've created your manual,store you will need to set up your csv,file create your spreadsheet so that row,1 contains the column header,and the remaining rows contain the order,information,the column header should contain the,basic order and shipment information you,want to import to ship shipstation,like the customer's name address and the,items that were ordered,all order csv imports must have a column,for order numbers,you may fill in the remaining columns as,needed for your specific use case,if you'd like shipstation to,automatically create order numbers enter,auto as the value in the order number,column,once your spreadsheet is filled out with,all the appropriate information,save it as a csv file,when you're ready to import your csv,file into ship station go to the orders,page,click other actions and select import,orders,click select file and choose your csv,select the manual store you wish to,import these orders into,if this is your first csv import select,create new field mapping,then click upload now you need to make,sure that the information you added in,your csv,file will import into the correct fields,and chip station we call this process,field mapping on the left of the field,mapping pop-up,you'll see a list of available ship,station fields on the right,you'll see a series of drop down menus,corresponding to each of these fields,the column headers you created in your,csv will automatically populate these,drop-down menus for you select the,column header that matches the,corresponding field in ship station,your file may not have the same number,of fields ship station does,but that's okay you only need to map the,information that you want to import into,shipstation,if you plan on importing csv orders,regularly,type in a name in the field mapping name,field and then click start import,shipstation will save the mapping you,just created for future use,once the import is finished your orders,will be visible in the awaiting shipment,portion of your orders page,click reload to view your newly imported,orders and that's it,now you're ready to ship your csv orders,and ship station,learn more at

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