hey everyone so in this video we're,going to be looking at doing data,science for for e-commerce merchants,it's going to be the first video in a,series of videos,where we're going to see how we extract,data from from an e-commerce store and,use that data to to optimize the store,and create real value,in this video we're going to be looking,at the shopify api so we're going to be,focusing on shopify because it's the,biggest ecommerce platform out there and,we're going to extract data from from,the the api and prepare that data for,analysis,and so if you're someone who's working,for shopify brand this is going to be,really relevant for you if you are a,data scientist someone working with data,or ai interested in in working with,e-commerce merchants this is also going,to be relevant for you,all right let's get started so the first,thing you need to do is you have to set,up a shopify developer account so in,order to do anything on shopify you need,you need a developer account that will,allow you to build applications that,live in the shopify ecosystem and those,applications will allow you to to pull,out data from from the api so go up sign,up for shopify developer by clicking the,link up here in the the top right corner,right so once you have a shopify,developer account you can log in and,then you will be able to set up,development stores those development,stores will allow you to test codes and,test different applications that you're,developing so i have a list here of my,development stores,in in shopify,all right so let's see in if we can,add a store here,add store development store and let's,call it,rapid,testing,right so now shopify is creating our,development store,and we're ready,cool so now we have a development store,called rabbit testing,and what we want to do is we want to add,an app,and we actually want to add an app,called let's go to shopify app store,an app called simple sample data,it's a,really cool app that allows us to,populate our store with products and,orders dummy data essentially,so let's add this application,and that was called,testing,revit testing,myshopify.com,oh,all right so now,we're about to install simple sample,data on rabbit testing,and we're giving this application,permission to edit customers edit,products edit orders so on and that's,fine just,push install application,here we go now the app is installed,now what we want to do is we want to,basically select a theme here and let's,just go with close,and we want to,install we basically want to populate,the store with products,with collections with customers and with,orders which is everything really,and,and,once you've checked off these boxes,you simply say generate data,yes generate dummy data,so now our test or rabbit testing is,going to be populated with sample data,so sample data has been generated,let's push ok,so now we have dummy data in our,development store i need to do one more,thing,let's go and push apps here,the next thing we want to do is we want,to,basically develop a custom app for this,development store so push develop apps,and then allow custom app development,and then again push allow customize,development,so now we can create a custom app for,this test store this little development,store so push create app and let's call,it um,let's call it,map app,just use,word once more once again,create app rabbit app,all right,then we want to configure the scopes,this app so we want to be able to,read customers and write customers we,want to let's just pick read and write,discounts,read write draft orders,let's see here read we don't need,inventory we need,read and write orders,let's just pick price rules as well,read write products,reports,i think that's it for now,you can always,change this,or create a new app,so,just push save,and this is,giving us access to do what we just,selected,let's go to overview,and then we're going to install this,application,on rabbit testing,all right so now we have this app with,the um,with the token we're going to use this,token,um so i'm going to take this token and,i'm going to copy it into a jupiter,notebook,all right so,we have set up a shopify developer,account we've set up a development store,we've created a custom app,and now we just need to install the,shopify python api um given that you're,you're working with python,um i'm working in python and and i,strongly encourage you to do so as well,um,and,there's a link here to the github um,page of the shopify api it's,very well documented so you simply have,to to run this command paper install,upgrade shopify api and then you you'll,get the,the,api installed so basically this command,you can run it from your notebook or you,can run it from,from,the terminal doesn't really matter,but one i'm not going to run it right,now because i already have the api,installed,but once you have that you can import,shopify i've created an additional file,a python file called called kretz with,the token so i'm just going to pull the,token from the credentials file then,we're going to need the name of the test,of the development store we set up that,was rapid testing that's our merchant,and the api session is just going to be,a function of of the merchant the api,version,and the access token,and then we can activate the first line,here activates the,we just remove this,activates the shopify api,and then we can,ex for example call,get all the products,so let's just go to the,development store and see,what we have here so our products in,rabbit testing,that's what was populated by simple,sample data,so we got we got an added as backpack we,got some,sneakers and so on,and when we,query the api,we get,box and just,see what the title is that's the,backpack,what about number two,so we're getting the products out of the,v api,so,and that's the first step to to start,working with this,in the next video we're going to be,extracting custom and order data from,the api,and we're going to use that data to,solve one of the most pressing problems,for ecommerce merchants which is,predicting customer lifetime value so if,you think this is something you want to,learn make sure you subscribe thanks for,watching
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