what plugins shopify website

Basic Apps & Plugins for Shopify Stores what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify master

Ecom Masterclass

Updated on Mar 15,2023

Basic Apps & Plugins for Shopify Stores

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Basic Apps & Plugins for Shopify Stores

what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify masterclass and today we'll,be looking at basic Shopify apps that'll,help you get your store set up these are,going to have free plans too so it can,be really easy to start with these will,be covering essential categories such as,reviews pop-ups abandoned carts email,marketing as well as getting your store,featured on different social media,channels such as Facebook Pinterest and,Google shopping so we have quite a few,apps here we're going to go over each of,these apps the benefits some of the UI,and the pricing as well as the reviews,for them as well so make sure you stay,to the end of the video here so we can,get your store set up with the basic,Shopify apps you're going to need for,just about every store before I dive,into it I just want to thank our sponsor,profit calc the one click profit,calculator app available on the Shopify,App Store it comes with a 15 day free,trial and there's a link in the,description below to access that and,it's going to allow you to skip your,spreadsheets and get back to Growing,your store in real time I'm gonna show a,quick video now detailing their full,feature set are you a Shopify business,owner who spends hours doing your,accounting have messy spreadsheets kept,you from growing your business discover,profit cap the affordable and easy to,set up Shopify app that crunches your,numbers in just one click it,automatically syncs with all your,accounts and expenses to calculate your,profit displaying everything in an easy,to read dashboard so you understand your,business in real time start for free on,the Shopify app store today let's dive,into our first basic app today this,one's gonna be super easy and it's just,the Facebook channel it's going to allow,you to link your Shopify store to,Facebook really easily it's like for,doing some targeting here and as you can,see it's not a super complicated app,you're basically going to hook it up it,allows you to link everything to,Facebook and Instagram pulls your,different accounts and managers and,Pages it is a free to install app and,can make the process a little easier so,it's very similar with our next app here,and that's going to be the Pinterest app,so you get your products in front of,Shoppers on Pinterest depending on your,Niche Pinterest may be a really good,platform to advertise your product so it,makes it easy to connect your account,and increase your organic reach on,Pinterest by linking all your products,here so they are searchable you can also,create different ads on Pinterest,directly from this app as well although,you probably will get more control by,using the Pinterest ads manager as you,can see 400 million people use Pinterest,so that's a lot of people here it's free,to install and set up it's got good,reviews here at 4.8 stars with over 4,300 5 Star reviews next let's take a,look at shopifying email this is gonna,be shopify's very own email automation,product it allows you to create,different email templates with a drag,and drop editor you can see statistics,on how all your emails are doing in,terms of open rate and click-throughs,you can take different categories here,for automation such as new subscribers,customer win back customer email,automation creating different flows you,also get purchase upsells as well as,links to other automation apps here as,you can see for their flow template here,you can see it's going to start when a,customer subscribes things can check out,the customer to not subscribe at,checkout then it's going to send them a,marketing email so you can create those,more customizable flows there this app,is a great starter app here because it,is free to install for the first 10 000,females a month then you're gonna pay a,dollar for every thousand emails,additionally so it's quite cheap,compared to other plans I don't believe,it has as many features as some of the,more advanced email automation app but,again this is free so when you're,starting out this is a great basic app,to have it has decent reviews at 4.1,stars and over 600 5 Star reviews next,let's take a look at a Google shopping,feed Google shopping is a great,marketing platform especially if your,products are more search intent the ads,are really easy to set up as well as,you're essentially going to set up the,basic description the basic titles,upload all your products you don't have,to create custom ads for each product,whereas you have to do that for Facebook,or any video out here where you can,create video creative these are all,going to be search intent and so using,this app here makes it really easy to,link your products with Google merchant,center it's going to automatically sync,in new products it's going to create,smart shopping and PM Max campaigns if,you're looking to do that you can,produce really high quality feeds in a,short amount of time as there's,typically a lot of detailed Fields you,have to fill out it makes it easy to,filter your apps assign different,genders and age groups to help Google,shopping categorize your product you can,label them with different labels and,promotions for further categorization,you can create performance Max campaigns,directly within the app here in terms of,pricing there's a 21 day free trial it,is paid but it's up to 500 products,that's only 4.99 a month when you get,feeds for Facebook and Microsoft ads as,well it starts to go up in price based,on the number of products you have and,overall this is one of those things that,can take a long time to set up manually,so it's probably just worth it here as,you get real-time syncing with any new,products that are added in terms of,reviews it's sitting at an excellent 4.9,stars there were 4 100 5 Star reviews,next let's take a look at a currency,converter this is going to be really,important if you're selling globally you,can let the customers convert the,currency so they can view product prices,in their own currency rather than seeing,things in more standards such as USD or,Euros there's over 160 currencies with a,push of a button here there's different,themes in terms of how you want to lay,it out if you want to be more tabbed or,a drop down menu here there's a free for,Life Plan with up to five currencies and,three beautiful designs and it's,supposed to work with any theme as well,so overall a super easy to set up app so,now depending on your Shopify store plan,it's not going to be an actual checkout,in that currency so if your Shopify,stores in USD then there is this,currency converter it's just going to,display what the price is going to look,like to the customer then the final,checkout is going to be in the currency,of your Shopify store now this is going,to depend on your Shopify store plan but,just something to note there in terms of,reviews it's sitting at a nice 4.7 stars,with over 6 900 5 Star reviews next,let's take a look at a EU cookie R for,gdpr this point gdpr is quite big in,terms of its privacy compliance and one,really easy way to stay up with that is,just to use a pop-up here that's going,to ask for further acceptance of cookies,it's a one-click cookie bar and banner,so one click install it's supposed to,work with almost any theme on Shopify,overall it's really easy to set up I'm,just going to take a few clicks here and,it's going to allow you to collect that,consent which is extremely important and,something you just want to be doing and,it is a completely free app so it's kind,of no downside to adding it there as it,is something that you're going to want,to do especially if you're selling to EU,in UK customers and just generally as,well so in terms of reviews sitting at a,nice 4.6 stars with over 1700 five-star,reviews next let's take a look at,product reviews you want to be,collecting product reviews for your,products on your store as it's going to,allow for more social proof and,customers can see images of customers,using the products so they can see a,better idea of what it looks like how it,feels and if the images that are used,for marketing promotion actually match,what a customer receives they're also,great because if you're using Google,shopping you can import your reviews to,there to make your advertisements more,clickable this is going to have those,gold stars underneath as well which,means extremely popular review app makes,it really easy to collect reviews,through automation emails it makes it,easy to display it on your Shopify store,in different ways you can add different,photos and video reviews and you can,build trust on social media as well by,displaying these reviews as mentioned,it's going to allow you to import these,reviews to Google shopping so you can,see here how it's going to show up and,it's going to look way nicer with the,review featured below your product they,have a free forever plan with unlimited,product review requests photos and,videos different in email reviews,curated reviews as well as SEO Snippets,and to get to Google shopping you will,have to go to the 15 a month plan though,you also get other features such as q a,coupons and product group there's,reviews sitting at a perfect five stars,here with over 11,000 5 Star reviews next let's take a,look at privy it's going to allow you to,collect emails and phone numbers when,visitors visit your website there's one,of the worst things that could happen,because if a customer clicks on one of,your ads so you're paying for that click,visit your store clicks around on a few,products and just leave that sucks,because you've spent the ad dollars to,acquire that customer to your website,without generating any Revenue off them,so by collecting emails and phone,numbers you get a way to retarget them,with their permission of course in a low,cost of free way you can send them,different reminders about different,products different sales you can,encourage them to come back to the cart,as they might have added something to,their cart but then gotten busy or,decided to wait on their decision you,can offer discount codes all of which,can help bring a customer back to,purchase without having to pay for more,ads so preview is an extremely popular,pop-up tool that lets you create,different pop-ups to collect customer,emails and phone numbers they have,things such as Spin to Win pop-up as,well as different exit intense offers,different discount offers that's what,different cross-sell offers as well if,you're looking to do that with privy so,the way the exit intent is going to work,is that you can trigger it so you can,say after 30 seconds we could say if a,customer's mouse goes off the window on,a desktop you're going to trigger a,pop-up to encourage them to add their,email so you can at least give them a,discount and get them before they leave,also allows you to send newsletters to,that with other different automated,emails as well and over 700 000 stores,here preview here so it's an extremely,popular app it's a free 15-day trial as,well as a free to install plan with up,to 100 email contacts been sitting at a,really good 4.6 stars with over 18 000 5,Star reviews our last basic Shopify up,here let's take a look at free shipping,bar by hexton this app is going to allow,you to place a free shipping bar on top,of your store to encourage customers to,reach that free shipping threshold which,is not only going to increase your,average order value but it will allow,customers to get that free shipping that,almost everyone desires huge Brands such,Amazon have kind of ruined this concept,as everyone expects free shipping now so,it's something you have to offer even if,it's creating a threshold in which free,shipping is triggered so you can see,here at the top of your store it's going,to say for example free shipping for all,orders over 100 and if a customer adds,something to their cart it's going to,update based on the card size so let's,say the product here was 75 dollars it's,gonna say only 25 away from Shipping if,they add something else and it's going,to say congratulations you have free,shipping as they've reached the,threshold overall a conceptually simple,but powerful app here to increase the,amount of sales you do it does have a,completely free plan as well for a fully,customizable Banner you can display it,at the desired position so the top,bottom different device targeting page,targeting as well as Emoji support terms,of reviews is sitting at an excellent,4.9 Stars with over 9 800 5 Star reviews,this concludes the video on basic,Shopify apps to get set up with your,store we looked at different categories,from reviews to shipping bars social,media channel linking currency,converters as well as email marketing if,you enjoyed this video I would love it,so much if you hit that like And,subscribe button below that really helps,the channel out if you have any,questions leave a comment as well before,I go I just want to imagine our,sponsored profit calc one more time the,one-click profit calculator app,available on the Shopify App Store it,comes with a 15 day free trial and,there's a link in the description below,thank you so much for watching and I'll,see you in our next video

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