where do i find cost of goods sold on shopify report

Find Cost of Goods Sold for Your Shopify Store hey everyone lindsay here so i'm going,to be filming

Lindsey Tall

Updated on Mar 12,2023

Find Cost of Goods Sold for Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to where do i find cost of goods sold on shopify report

Let's move on to the first section of where do i find cost of goods sold on shopify report

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where do i find cost of goods sold on shopify report catalogs

Find Cost of Goods Sold for Your Shopify Store

hey everyone lindsay here so i'm going,to be filming a bunch of videos on data,you can find on your shopify backend,especially for taxes but also just to,know for,the health of your business,just know your numbers so the first one,i'm going to do is cost of goods sold,so i'm going to get right into the,computer and show you how to find that,on your shopify store okay now that we,are over on the computer i'm going to,show you how we can find our cost of,goods sold from shopify now first off so,i'm in the products area,and i want to click on one of these and,i want to show where it is going to pull,the information from so see right here,you needed to have entered your cost of,goods in this section right here because,that is what shopify is recording every,time you get a sale let's say i sold one,of these 10 inch hoops,it would record that my cost of good was,245 okay so now that we know that you,know it's not going to magically know,your cost of goods you've had to have,entered it shopify does make it hard,because you can't enter in different,costs of goods let's say you had 10 that,came in that were a dollar and the next,10 you bought were a dollar and 10 cents,it won't let you change it so that there,it will automatically switch now you can,change it and it will record the cost of,good as whatever this section right here,is,at the time of your sale so you can,change it throughout the year but,sometimes you might have to make little,notes,that it might have recorded one wrong,i'll go over that a little more once we,get into the actual document,so to find your cost of goods go over to,the analytics section,and click that,and then you're going to go to reports,and then we are going to go down to,finances this is my favorite spot to go,there are a few other areas where you,can find the cost of goods but this is,the one will be broken down the most so,then you are going to click on finances,summary you'll see over here it has cost,of goods sold you want to pay attention,up here what it says that the period of,time is that is recording so right now,it says month to date,so this is only showing me the current,month i can do,year to date,if you're doing this for taxes and it's,january and you want to get the past,year go to last year so i'm just going,to click here to date for this example,hit apply see now it says year to date,up here so down here we have the cost of,goods sold we have 142 000,so then i like to export this so then,you want to click the cost of goods sold,and again here make sure this is correct,so we are still going to do year to date,for this example it is showing that same,142 000 some odd dollars and then go up,to here to export in the top right,corner,and then it's saying it will be exported,as a csv file now i go through these in,microsoft excel if you do not have,microsoft excel you can use google,sheets so then i hit,export,and now it popped up,so i'm gonna hit open with excel now you,can save it and open it in google sheets,if you do not have excel,okay so now it is open up in excel,and we are going to see this shows the,cost,and we have the cost per item,so i if you see here,in this one order order number 5587,all of these items were sold in it so i,sold a lot of floss which is thread,and some fabric,so it's showing me the cost it is,showing me the product name,if you're if you're in excel and you,ever want to make it so it shows every,all the text in a column you just double,click,up here and it'll make it so it all fits,just a little tip in case you didn't,know that so then we have all the cost,over here see this is where if your cost,of goods occasionally change,and you can't,record the new one,into uh your product pages where i,showed you earlier,so if you kind of make a note in your,inventory when the cost changes and if,something changes before you were able,to change it in your on your shopify,store you can come back here and edit it,if need be,let's say,this one sold and i knew it was a dollar,cost of goods not the 50 cents i could,come in and type in the dollar and it,will change our numbers for us,so now i'm going to show how to get the,total,so let's say you need to make all the,edits you can do that and then we're,going to go down,in this column g,go all the way to the bottom,and see now we're at the very bottom,so now we have gone through all the,product items and if you haven't used,excel before you can get it to add that,all up for you do not sit there with the,calculator trying to add that all up so,hit equals,so you're here go up into like this,little where you can write type in what,you want in the box or formula hit,equals,and then sum,because we are going to add up the whole,or we are going to add up certain,columns,and then we are in column g,now if you pay attention all the way at,the top,in g1 it just says the word cost so we,don't need g1,so we are going to start,with box g2,and then we are going to put a column,which means we are going to go all the,way until the next box that we put so we,are ending on,row,73,566 so we are still in column g so g,73566,and then we can end the parenthesis,so up here it is adding everything,from box g2,to box g 73,566. hit enter,and here we go that is the same 142 000,that we were seeing,back on the shopify,see right there,so this excel sheet is really helpful if,you know you need to change items or,let's say you know you forgot to add,let's say this pattern i know i forgot,to add the cost of goods on the shopify,store i can come in here and add it and,get it all recorded and edit it as it,needs to be,and then if you save this you'll have,documentation of everything if you got,audited i don't know how they would go,through all of this but,you have it if you need it,so in case you don't have access to,excel i want to show you real quick just,how to open something in google sheets,so usually you can get to google sheets,from your,from a gmail account,and then you'll have to hit,start new or new sheet or something like,that and then open,and then you can open something from,here you'll have to upload it into here,first so i could select,a file that i had saved onto my computer,onto,this google sheets and then i can open,it and that same,sum formula can be used in here to get,the total total of a column,and that is everything i can think of to,share about cost of goods sold through,your shopify store i hope it was helpful,i had the biggest pain trying to find,information on cost of goods when i,first started i will be sharing other,information that i feel like is,important to know just for your business,to look at the health of your business,but also for taxes

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